35 resultados para server-side
Virtualisoinnin ideana on kuvata tietotekniikkaan liittyvät laiteresurssit ryhminä. Kun jonkin tehtävän suoritukseen tarvitaan resursseja, ne kerätään erikseen jokaisesta ryhmästä. Virtualisoinnin yksi osa-alue on palvelimen tai palvelinten virtualisointi, jossa pyritään hyödyntämään palvelinlaitteisto mahdollisimman tehokkaasti. Tehokkuus saavutetaan käyttämällä erillisiä instansseja, joita kutsutaan virtuaalikoneiksi. Tässä diplomityössä esitellään ja verrataan erilaisia palvelinten virtualisointimalleja ja tekniikoita, joita voidaan käyttää IA-32 arkkitehtuurin kanssa. Eroa virtualisoinnin ja eri partitiointitekniikoiden välillä tarkastellaan erikseen. Lisäksi muutoksia, joita palvelinten virtualisointi aiheuttaa infrastruktuuriin, ympäristöön ja laitteistoon käsitellään yleisellä tasolla. Teorian oikeellisuutta todistettiin suorittamalla useita testejä käyttäen kahta eri virtualisointiohjelmistoa. Testien perusteella palvelinten virtualisointi vähentää suorituskykyä ja luo ympäristön, jonka hallitseminen on vaikeampaa verrattuna perinteiseen ympäristöön. Myös tietoturvaa on katsottava uudesta näkökulmasta, sillä fyysistä eristystä ei virtuaalikoneille voida toteuttaa. Jotta virtualisoinnista saataisiin mahdollisimman suuri hyöty tuotantoympäristössä, vaaditaan tarkkaa harkintaa ja suunnitelmallisuutta. Parhaat käyttökohteet ovat erilaiset testiympäristöt, joissa vaatimukset suorituskyvyn ja turvallisuuden suhteen eivät ole niin tarkat.
Background: The long-term side-effects of cancer treatments are of growing importance, since the number of pediatric cancer survivors has considerably increased. Renal side-effects should be noted early to prevent further deterioration. Renal dysfunction may also develop long after cancer treatment. Easy and reliable methods for assessing renal function are needed. Aims: The aims were to find the mechanisms behind methotrexate-induced renal damage by studying renal tubular cells (LLC-PK1cells), and to evaluate the usefulness of laboratory tests in assessing glomerular function in pediatric cancer patients by comparing an isotope clearance method with alternative methods. The aim was also to study the long-term effects of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) and high-dose methotrexate (HD-MTX) treatment in renal function. Results: Methotrexate induced time-dependent renal tubular cell swelling and cell death. In patients treated with HD-MTX a significant decrease in GFR was noted after a follow-up time of one to ten years. One year after BMTthe GFR was reduced, especially in patients treated with total body irradiation (TBI). GFR recovered slightly but remained stable thereafter. In glomerular function assessment the serum cystatin C (cysC) concentration showed a significant association with GFR measured by the isotope method. Conclusions: Methotrexate induced acute damage in renal tubular cells. In assessing GFR the isotope method still remains the method of choice, but the assay of cystatin C was the most reliable of other alternatives. Long-term follow-up of renal function is needed in BMT patients and patients treated with HD-MTX.
Kuormitustestaus on osa web-sovellusten kehitystä ja käyttöönottoa. Sillä varmistetaan sovellusten toimivuus ennalta määrätyn kuorman alla. Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS) on palvelintuote nykyaikaisten web-sovellusten luontiin ja ylläpitoon. Työssä vertaillaan kahta eri uormitustestaustyökalua: SilkPerformer 2008 ja Visual Studio Team System 2008 Test Edition ja valitaan MOSS – web-sovelluksille paremmin sopiva työkalu. Työssä vertaillaan työkaluja niiden ominaisuuksien perusteella sekä suorittamalla kuormitustestausta testausta varten luodulle MOSS – web-sovellukselle. Vaikuttavien tekijöiden perusteella työkaluja arvioidaan ja tämän perusteella saadaan tulos vertailulle. Työn tuloksena Visual Studio Team System 2008 Test Edition sopii paremmin MOSS – web-sovelluksen kuormitustestausvälineeksi. Vertailussa kuitenkin havaittiin, että työkalut ovat melko tasavertaisia, ja käytännön tilanteesta riippuu, kumpi sopii paremmin. Tämä työ auttaa valinnan teossa.
IT outsourcing refers to the way companies focus on their core competencies and buy the supporting functions from other companies specialized in that area. Service is the total outcome of numerous of activities by employees and other resources to provide solutions to customers' problems. Outsourcing and service business have their unique characteristics. Service Level Agreements quantify the minimum acceptable service to the user. The service quality has to be objectively quantified so that its achievement or non-achievement of it can be monitored. Usually offshoring refers to the transferring of tasks to low-cost nations. Offshoring presents a lot of challenges that require special attention and they need to be assessed thoroughly. IT Infrastructure management refers to installation and basic usability assistance of operating systems, network and server tools and utilities. ITIL defines the industry best practices for organizing IT processes. This thesis did an analysis of server operations service and the customers’ perception of the quality of daily operations. The agreed workflows and processes should be followed better. Service providers’ processes are thoroughly defined but both the customer and the service provider might disobey them. Service provider should review the workflows regarding customer functions. Customer facing functions require persistent skill development, as they communicate the quality to the customer. Service provider needs to provide better organized communication and knowledge exchange methods between the specialists in different geographical locations.
Tourism is one of the biggest industry branches with billions of tourists traveling every year around the world. Therefore, solutions providing tourist information have to be up to date with both changes in the industry and the world’s technological progress. The aim of this thesis is to present a design and a prototype of a tourist mobile service which is individual-oriented, cost-free for the end user, and secure. On the information providers’ side, the solution is implemented as a Webbased database. The end users access the information through a Bluetooth application on their mobile devices. The Bluetooth-based solution allows to avoid any costs for the end users, that is tourists. The study shows that, even with small data transfers, the tourists could save significantly when compared to possible roaming charges for data transfer. Also, the proposed mobile service is not intrusive, as it is provided through an application installed by tourists voluntarily on their mobile devices. Through design and implementation this work shows that it is possible to build a system which can be used to provide information services to tourists through mobile phones. The work achieved a successful ongoing synchronization between the client and the server databases. Implementation and usage were limited to smart phones only, as they provide better technological support for the solution having features like maps, GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Databases. Moreover, the design of this system shows how Bluetooth technology can be used effectively as a means of communication while minimizing its shortcomings and risks, such as security, by bypassing Bluetooth server service discovery protocol (SDP) and connecting directly to the device. Apart from showing the design and implementation of the end-user costfree mobile information service, the results of this work also highlight the possible business opportunities to the provider of the service.
Tässä työssä tutkitaan tietovaraston latausprosessin kehittämisen nopeuttamista Mic-rosoft SQL Server 2008 -ympäristössä. Työn teoriaosuudet on tarkoitettu tukemaan sekä työn tutkimus- että käytännönosia. Aiheeseen liittyviä tutkimuksia käytiin läpi parhaiden latausprosessin kehittämiseen kuluvaa aikaa vähentävien tapojen selvittä-miseksi. Nykytutkimus keskittyy valmistajasta riippumattomien mallien kehittämiseen ja valmistajakohtaisen latausprosessin luomiseen näiden mallien pohjalta. Yleinen konsensus parhaan mallin suhteen kuitenkin puuttuu. Aiheeseen liittyvien tutkimusten pohjalta esitetään arkkitehtuuri, joka saattaisi tule-vaisuudessa vähentää latausprosessin kehittämiseen kuluvaa aikaa huomattavasti. Tästä arkkitehtuurista luotiin yksinkertaistettu versio sekä siihen pohjautuva sovellus nopeuttamaan latausprosessin kehittämistä Microsoftin ETL-työkalulla.
Human trafficking is not a new phenomenon. It has existed in various forms for ages around the world. Some researchers have even compared it to slavery, calling it the modern form of slavery in the 21st century. This study is particularly interested in the role of work-related human trafficking in Finnish business. In order for something to be called work-related human trafficking, the concepts of forced labour and human trafficking have to overlap. From the economic point of view, human trafficking is governed by the laws of supply and demand. In many countries the global pressure on cutting costs has created two trends: the increased supply of migrant workers and the deregulation of labour markets. These competitive pressures can have an adverse impact on the conditions of employment and, in the worst cases, can lead to forced labour and trafficking. In fact, trafficking has become one of the most profitable illicit industries worldwide, generating tremendous profits due to its low costs and huge profits. Therefore, it is important to investigate the phenomenon from the business point of view. This study is a qualitative research conducted by using theme interviews as a research approach. Altogether 13 interviews have been conducted and some secondary data has been used in order to find out what the role of human trafficking is in Finnish business. The special sectors investigated are the Finnish construction and service sectors. The theory framework used in this study follows the stakeholder approach. The relevant stakeholder groups for this study are: ‘institutions and authorities’, ‘law enforcement’, ‘management’ and ‘employees – potential victims’ of trafficking. With the help of these stakeholder groups, a holistic picture of the phenomenon is formed. It can be concluded that the role of human trafficking is complicated but it does exist in Finnish business. It appears in low-cost business sectors where the demand for cheap labour is high. Thus, often the victims are foreigners who do not know the culture or the Finnish conditions of employment. Especially smaller Finnish companies are at risk of getting involved in human trafficking or related exploitation cases since monitoring is much more scarce in these firms than in larger companies. The risk of human trafficking and exploitation is also higher at the bottom of the complicated subcontracting chains or when using foreign recruitment agencies. Thus, the study believes that active and intensive collaboration between the company’s different stakeholder groups is needed in order to prevent work-related human trafficking from flourishing in Finland.
Pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää asiakasomistajien psykologisen omistajuuden tila Etelä-Karjalan Eekoon Osuuskaupassa. Tavoitteena on selvittää miten psykologista sidettä voi vahvistaa ja mitä keinoja on syytä välttää sitoutettaessa asiakasomistajia. Tutkielma on toteutettu laadullisin menetelmin. Tutkielmassa käsitellään psykologista omistajuutta ja identifioitumista sen lähikäsitteiden sitoutumisen ja sisäistämisen avulla. Tutkielman tuloksista ilmenee, että jäsenten psykologinen side Osuuskauppaa kohtaan on melko heikko ja jäsenet eivät tunne olevansa omistajia Osuuskaupassa. Jäsenten psykologinen side vahvistuu Eekoossa parhaiten niin, että jäsenet kokevat voivansa konkreettisesti vaikuttaa Osuuskaupan toimintaan.
Julkaisumaa Intia 356 IN IND
Superconductor – normal metal point contacts were investigated, using different combinations of Cu, brass, Nb and NbTi. The resulting spectra contained side peaks. The currents at which these side peaks appeared, depended on the radii of the contacts. For contacts with Nb this dependence was quadratic, while for contacts with NbTi it was linear. Based on this, we argue that the side peaks in the case of the Nb contacts are due to the critical current density being exceeded. In contrast, side peaks of the NbTi contacts are caused by the self-magnetic field exceeding the lower critical field of NbTi. The NbTi contacts did not show the expected contribution from the vanishing Maxwell resistance of the superconductor, a question which remained open.
Acid mine drainage (AMD) presents a serious problem for the environment for the massive formation of acidic leachates containing heavy metals. The present work deals with the AMD treatment using neutralizing limestone side-products. The conventional methods for prevention, mitigating and control of AMD formation are described. The experimental testing of Nordkalk Oy calcite-containing side-stones for acid neutralizing and removal of nickel from solutions presents the research objective. The batch experiments in acid neutralizing with subsequent metal content analysis were carried out. The results showed the dependence of pH on the dose of neutralizing material and the exposure time. The nickel removal, unlike iron, within the pH range from 1.2 to 6.0 appeared to be inadequate. The further research on nickel co-precipitation with iron and aluminium may appear to be necessary together with testing of alkalinity strengthening materials.
Tässä työssä selvitettiin Microsoft BizTalk Server -tuotteen sopivuutta moniasiakasjärjestelmänä toimivan sovellusintegraatioympäristön toteuttamiseen. Työssä ei otettu kantaa ympäristössä suoritettaviin integraatioihin, niihin liittyviin asiakkuuksiin tai integraatioympäristöön liittyviin järjestelmiin ja sovelluksiin. Selvityksessä ilmeni, että Microsoft BizTalk Server -tuotetta on mahdollista käyttää moniasiakasjärjestelmänä, sillä lisenssiehdot eivät rajoita tuotteen käyttömahdollisuuksia. Moniasiakasjärjestelmän haasteet liittyvät tietoturvaan ja sovellustietojen näkyvyyteen. Toisaalta haasteena on moniasiakasjärjestelmän kannattavuus liiketoiminnan näkökulmasta.