20 resultados para reservation wage


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A web service is a software system that provides a machine-processable interface to the other machines over the network using different Internet protocols. They are being increasingly used in the industry in order to automate different tasks and offer services to a wider audience. The REST architectural style aims at producing scalable and extensible web services using technologies that play well with the existing tools and infrastructure of the web. It provides a uniform set of operation that can be used to invoke a CRUD interface (create, retrieve, update and delete) of a web service. The stateless behavior of the service interface requires that every request to a resource is independent of the previous ones facilitating scalability. Automated systems, e.g., hotel reservation systems, provide advanced scenarios for stateful services that require a certain sequence of requests that must be followed in order to fulfill the service goals. Designing and developing such services for advanced scenarios with REST constraints require rigorous approaches that are capable of creating web services that can be trusted for their behavior. Systems that can be trusted for their behavior can be termed as dependable systems. This thesis presents an integrated design, analysis and validation approach that facilitates the service developer to create dependable and stateful REST web services. The main contribution of this thesis is that we provide a novel model-driven methodology to design behavioral REST web service interfaces and their compositions. The behavioral interfaces provide information on what methods can be invoked on a service and the pre- and post-conditions of these methods. The methodology uses Unified Modeling Language (UML), as the modeling language, which has a wide user base and has mature tools that are continuously evolving. We have used UML class diagram and UML state machine diagram with additional design constraints to provide resource and behavioral models, respectively, for designing REST web service interfaces. These service design models serve as a specification document and the information presented in them have manifold applications. The service design models also contain information about the time and domain requirements of the service that can help in requirement traceability which is an important part of our approach. Requirement traceability helps in capturing faults in the design models and other elements of software development environment by tracing back and forth the unfulfilled requirements of the service. The information about service actors is also included in the design models which is required for authenticating the service requests by authorized actors since not all types of users have access to all the resources. In addition, following our design approach, the service developer can ensure that the designed web service interfaces will be REST compliant. The second contribution of this thesis is consistency analysis of the behavioral REST interfaces. To overcome the inconsistency problem and design errors in our service models, we have used semantic technologies. The REST interfaces are represented in web ontology language, OWL2, that can be part of the semantic web. These interfaces are used with OWL 2 reasoners to check unsatisfiable concepts which result in implementations that fail. This work is fully automated thanks to the implemented translation tool and the existing OWL 2 reasoners. The third contribution of this thesis is the verification and validation of REST web services. We have used model checking techniques with UPPAAL model checker for this purpose. The timed automata of UML based service design models are generated with our transformation tool that are verified for their basic characteristics like deadlock freedom, liveness, reachability and safety. The implementation of a web service is tested using a black-box testing approach. Test cases are generated from the UPPAAL timed automata and using the online testing tool, UPPAAL TRON, the service implementation is validated at runtime against its specifications. Requirement traceability is also addressed in our validation approach with which we can see what service goals are met and trace back the unfulfilled service goals to detect the faults in the design models. A final contribution of the thesis is an implementation of behavioral REST interfaces and service monitors from the service design models. The partial code generation tool creates code skeletons of REST web services with method pre and post-conditions. The preconditions of methods constrain the user to invoke the stateful REST service under the right conditions and the post condition constraint the service developer to implement the right functionality. The details of the methods can be manually inserted by the developer as required. We do not target complete automation because we focus only on the interface aspects of the web service. The applicability of the approach is demonstrated with a pedagogical example of a hotel room booking service and a relatively complex worked example of holiday booking service taken from the industrial context. The former example presents a simple explanation of the approach and the later worked example shows how stateful and timed web services offering complex scenarios and involving other web services can be constructed using our approach.


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This thesis examines the impact of structural characteristics of wage bargaining and unemployment insurance system of trade and labour unions and governmental institutions on national competitiveness. In addition, the effect currency union has on these factors is evaluated. The analysis is conducted on 17 EU- and ETA-countries through panel data regression. The results indicate that able governmental institutions enhance national competitiveness significantly and without exceptions. The competitive benefits of wage bargaining peak when wages are negotiated decentralized, above all when the country is a member of the Eurozone. This can be explained with the reduced capability of Eurozone governments to conduct efficient income policies in coordinated wage bargaining structure, since it lacks the means to exploit monetary policies which are exercised by a politically independent central bank.


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Tutkimus käsittelee talkootyön verotusta, joka liittyy lähinnä aatteellisten yhdistysten toimintaan. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on muodostaa selkeä kokonaiskuva talkootyön verokohtelusta sekä osoittaa oikeustapauksiin perehtymällä mahdollisia riskitekijöitä yhdistysten kannalta kielteisiin veroseuraamuksiin. Tutkimusmenetelmä on lainopillinen eli voimassa olevaa oikeutta tutkiva. Työn teoreettisen viitekehyksen muodostavat siten lainsäädäntö, oikeuskirjallisuus sekä Verohallinnon ohjeistus, jolla on ennakkopäätösten ohella suuri käytännön merkitys verotuksessa. Yhdistystoiminnan perusta on vapaaehtoistyövoima. Välitön, vastikkeeton työ suoraan yhdistyksen hyväksi on verotuksellisesti ongelmaton. Talkootyösuoritteet eli välillinen työ yhdistyksen nimissä kolmannen osapuolen lukuun muodostavat merkittävän osuuden yhdistysten varainhankinnasta. Talkootyötulo voi olla verotonta ainoastaan, mikäli korvauksen saaja täyttää tuloverolaissa mainitut yleishyödyllisyyskriteerit. Lisäksi verottomuuden edellytyksenä on se, ettei suoritusta pidetä yhdistyksen elinkeinotulona tai työn tekijän henkilökohtaisena palkkana. Saatu tulo on käytettävä yhdistyksen tarkoituksen mukaiseen yleishyödylliseen toimintaan, eikä hyöty saa kanavoitua työn tekijöiden hyväksi. Oikeustapausten perusteella talkootyön verollisuutta arvioitaessa merkitystä on annettu työn kestolle, toimeksiantajan johdon ja valvonnan olemassaololle, työn läheiselle liittymiselle varsinaiseen yleishyödylliseen toimintaan, kilpailuolosuhteille sekä tulojen määrälle suhteessa muihin tuloihin. Ratkaisujen valossa verotuskäytäntö vaikuttaa osittain ristiriitaiselta. Lisäksi on muistettava, että kyseessä on aina yksittäistapauksen kokonaisarviointi. Riskialttiilta vaikuttavassa tapauksessa verovelvollisen on suositeltavaa hakea ennakkokannanotto, sillä usean vuoden ajalta kumuloituvat veroseuraamukset johtavat helposti syvään talousahdinkoon, pahimmillaan jopa toiminnan lakkaamiseen.


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Tämän kandidaatintyön tavoitteena oli tutkia sähköautoissa käytettäviä akkuteknologioita ja verrata niiden ominaisuuksia keskenään sekä sähköautojen asettamien akkuvaatimusten kanssa. Akkuteknologiakartoituksen ja ominaisuusvertailun avulla tutkimuksessa oli tarkoitus selvittää sähköautojen akkujen kehitystä menneestä nykyhetkeen ja luoda katsaus akkuteknologian tulevaisuuteen. Tutkimuksessa painotettiin akkujen suorituskykynäkökulmaa, mutta tutkimuksessa otettiin kantaa myös eri akkuteknologioiden turvallisuuteen, ympäristötekijöihin ja hintaan. Työ toteutettiin kirjallisuustutkimuksena ja lähteinä käytettiin alan kirjallisuutta, IEEE artikkeleita, tutkimusraportteja ja verkkodokumentteja. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin akku- ja sähköautovalmistajilta saatavaa tietoa, johon suhtauduttiin varauksin. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että erilaisia litiumioniakkuteknologioita käytetään tällä hetkellä eniten sekä täyssähköautoissa että pistokehybrideissä. Huomattiin, että akkujen suorituskyvyn kehittyminen on nopeutunut viime vuosina. Erityisesti akkujen energianvarastointikykyyn vaikuttavat ominaisenergiatasot ovat kasvaneet selkeästi. Nykyisen kehittyneen litiumioniakkuteknologian todettiin täyttävän jo osittain lähivuosien suorituskykytavoitteet. Tutkimuksessa tultiin siihen tulokseen, että litiumrikkiakkuteknologia voi korvata litiumioniakkuteknologian ainakin täyssähköautoissa parempien ominaisenergiatasojen ja halvempien valmistuskustannuksien takia. Myös litiumilma-akkuteknologialla havaittiin olevan mahdollisuuksia haastaa muut litiumakkuteknologiat seuraavalla vuosikymmenellä. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä todetaan, että sähköautot voivat kaupallistua laajemmin lähivuosina akkujen suorituskykyominaisuuksien kehittyessä jatkuvasti. Suorituskykyominaisuuksien parantuminen tulee todennäköisesti johtamaan siihen, että täyssähköautot yleistyvät enemmän ja pistokehybridit tulevat jäämään sähköautojen välivaiheeksi. Uusien akkuteknologioiden käyttöönotto kaupallisiin sähköautoihin voi viedä kuitenkin odotettua kauemmin, sillä akut tarvitsevat huolellista testausta ja käyttöönotto edellyttää, että kaikki ominaisuudet ovat vaaditulla tasolla.


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Health Innovation Village at GE is one of the new communities targeted for startup and growth-oriented companies. It has been established at the premises of a multinational conglomerate that will promote networking and growth of startup companies. The concept combines features from traditional business incubators, accelerators, and coworking spaces. This research compares Health Innovation Village to these concepts regarding its goals, target clients, source of income, organization, facilities, management, and success factors. In addition, a new incubator classification model is introduced. On the other hand, Health Innovation Village is examined from its tenants’ perspective and improvements are suggested. The work was implemented as a qualitative case study by interviewing GE staff with connections to Health Innovation Village as well as startup entrepreneurs and employees’ working there. The most evident features of Health Innovation Village correspond to those of business incubators although it is atypical as a non-profit corporate business incubator. Strong network orientation and connections to venture capitalists are common characteristics of these new types of accelerators. The design of the premises conforms to the principles of coworking spaces, but the services provided to the startup companies are considerably more versatile than the services offered by coworking spaces. The advantages of Health Innovation Village are that there are first-class premises and exceptionally good networking possibilities that other types of incubators or accelerators are not able to offer. A conglomerate can also provide multifaceted special knowledge for young firms. In addition, both GE and the startups gained considerable publicity through their cooperation, indeed a characteristic that benefits both parties. Most of the expectations of the entrepreneurs were exceeded. However, communication and the scope of cooperation remain challenges. Micro companies spend their time developing and marketing their products and acquiring financing. Therefore, communication should be as clear as possible and accessible everywhere. The startups would prefer to cooperate significantly more, but few have the time available to assume the responsibility of leadership. The entrepreneurs also expected to have more possibilities for cooperation with GE. Wider collaboration might be accomplished by curation in the same way as it is used in the well-functioning coworking spaces where curators take care of practicalities and promote cooperation. Communication issues could be alleviated if the community had its own Intranet pages where all information could be concentrated. In particular, a common calendar and a room reservation system could be useful. In addition, it could be beneficial to have a section of the Intranet open for both the GE staff and the startups so that those willing to share their knowledge and those having project offers could use it for advertising.