45 resultados para prose - character - student - 1860-1890s
[S.l.] 1860
The purpose of this study was to analyse the nursing student-patient relationship and factors associated with this relationship from the point of view of both students and patients, and to identify factors that predict the type of relationship. The ultimate goal is to improve supervised clinical practicum with a view to supporting students in their reciprocal collaborative relationships with patients, increase their preparedness to meet patients’ health needs, and thus to enhance the quality of patient care. The study was divided into two phases. In the first phase (1999-2005), a literature review concerning the student-patient relationship was conducted (n=104 articles) and semi-structured interviews carried out with nursing students (n=30) and internal medicine patients (n=30). Data analysis was by means of qualitative content analysis and Student-Patient Relationship Scales, which were specially developed for this research. In the second phase (2005-2007), the data were collected by SPR scales among nursing students (n=290) and internal medicine patients (n=242). The data were analysed statistically by SPSS 12.0 software. The results revealed three types of student-patient relationship: a mechanistic relationship focusing on the student’s learning needs; an authoritative relationship focusing on what the student assumes is in the patient’s best interest; and a facilitative relationship focusing on the common good of both student and patient. Students viewed their relationship with patients more often as facilitative and authoritative than mechanistic, while in patients’ assessments the authoritative relationship occurred most frequently and the facilitative relationship least frequently. Furthermore, students’ and patients’ views on their relationships differed significantly. A number of background factors, contextual factors and consequences of the relationship were found to be associated with the type of relationship. In the student data, factors that predicted the type of relationship were age, current year of study and support received in the relationship with patient. The higher the student’s age, the more likely the relationship with the patient was facilitative. Fourth year studies and the support of a person other than a supervisor were significantly associated with an authoritative relationship. Among patients, several factors were found to predict the type of nursing student-patient relationships. Significant factors associated with a facilitative relationship were university-level education, several previous hospitalizations, admission to hospital for a medical problem, experience of caring for an ill family member and patient’s positive perception of atmosphere during collaboration and of student’s personal and professional growth. In patients, positive perceptions of student’s personal and professional attributes and patient’s improved health and a greater commitment to self-care, on the other hand, were significantly associated with an authoritative relationship, whereas positive perceptions of one’s own attributes as a patient were significantly associated with a mechanistic relationship. It is recommended that further research on the student-patient relationship and related factors should focus on questions of content, methodology and education.
This Master's thesis addresses the design and implementation of the optical character recognition (OCR) system for a mobile device working on the Symbian operating system. The developed OCR system, named OCRCapriccio, emphasizes the modularity, effective extensibility and reuse. The system consists of two parts which are the graphical user interface and the OCR engine that was implemented as a plug-in. In fact, the plug-in includes two implementations of the OCR engine for enabling two types of recognition: the bitmap comparison based recognition and statistical recognition. The implementation results have shown that the approach based on bitmap comparison is more suitable for the Symbian environment because of its nature. Although the current implementation of bitmap comparison is lacking in accuracy, further development should be done in its direction. The biggest challenges of this work were related to developing an OCR scheme that would be suitable for Symbian OS Smartphones that have limited computational power and restricted resources.
Aiheen laajempi artikkeli on julkaistu konferenssi-CD:llä.
Invocatio: J.N.D.
Dedicatio: David Lund, Hermannus Witte, Jonas Lostierna [ruots. runo], Otto Fridericus Stålhammar, Andreas Ljungman.
Curriculum innovation in teacher education : exploring conceptions among Tanzanian teacher educators
The focus of the study is to understand curriculum innovation from the perspective of Tanzanian teacher educators. It is argued that the deterioration of quality of education in schools is partly to be attributed to the way in which teachers are educated. Curriculum innovation is considered as an essential strategy for bringing about improvement in teacher education. Therefore, in 2000 a new curriculum was introduced; however, right from the inception the curriculum was criticised by teacher educators. The overall aim of the study is to investigate teacher educators’ conceptions of curriculum innovation. In the theoretical framework the main focus is on discussion about different curriculum approaches for teacher education and innovation. In order to achieve the aim of the study, a phenomenographic approach is employed. This approach is used in order to identify similarities and variation in educators’ conceptions of curriculum innovation. The empirical basis of the study consists of interviews with thirty teacher educators working in eight teachers’ colleges situated in various parts of Tanzania. The findings, in brief, reveal variation in teacher educators’ conceptions of the dominant domains of innovation. Two broad conceptions of teaching with six aspects are identified. Conceptions of educational studies are presented in four broad categories of description with four aspects. Similarly, in methodology subjects two conceptions are described with four aspects. On the integration of subject matter studies and subject methods, two broad conceptions are presented with six aspects. Conceptions of textbook prescription policy are characterised in two broad categories of description with four aspects. With the use of modules two broad conceptions are identified with six aspects. In addition, the study identifies four broad conceptions of future curriculum approaches with eight aspects. Looking across the categories of description, the results indicate that educators cope with innovation individually. Three character types of teacher educators are presented: loyal, creative and critical. Furthermore, four types of phenomena suggesting critical areas about teacher educators’ conceptions of innovation are described: educators’ prior educational background, technical factors, student teachers’ factors and shifting from teaching to learning. On the whole, educators express a number of frame factors in the process of change towards the aim of curriculum innovation. This indicates that the new curriculum (2000) is not implemented as intended by curriculum developers. Constraints to the implementation are presented and discussed in detail. From these findings, two models of educators’ stance towards curriculum innovation are presented and can be used as a framework for planning successful curriculum innovations and analysing practice in teachers’ colleges.
The theme of this thesis is the learning process that occurs when teachers become professional voice users. The aim is to explore what it (really) means to become a professional voice user in a teaching profession; thereby developing an understanding of how future education in this field can be arranged so as to both effectively prevent vocal problems and to develop oral didactical competence among teachers. The ambition is to describe, interpret, and understand the learning process through a combination of emic and ethic research perspectives. The theoretical frame of reference reflects the cross disciplinary character of the thesis. Voice problems are common among both student teachers and inservice teachers and adversely affect professional competence, identity and quality of life. Additionally, vocal problems are proven to have a negative impact on pupils´ learning. The individual elements of learning are explored in the light of experiential learning theory and transformative learning theory. The social elements of learning are explored in relation to the theory of situated learning. In addition, theories of teacher professionalisation in terms of competence and identity are outlined. The empirical study has a longitudinal and multi method character. It is anchored in a phenomenological hermeneutical tradition, more specifically in narrative inquiry. The point of departure is the learning experiences of ten student teachers, who attended a ten week long course on voice production as part of their teacher training at Åbo Akademi University, in the autumn of 2002 and the spring of 2003. Four interviews in the form of conversations were conducted with each participant. These were crystallised with a process diary, a Swedish Voice Handicap Index, a voice observation, and a video observation. A fifth interview was conducted with each participant five years post teacher training, in the spring of 2008. Participant observation was also conducted throughout the course. The research materials have been analysed and interpreted narratively using a phenomenological hermeneutical method. The results are presented descriptively as individual narratives, which are reflected in logopedic research materials. Learning is here understood as emergent awareness. This is followed by a meta narrative concerning learning as experiences in the four dimensions body, thought, feeling, and relation. Finally, interpretation is expressed with respect to the theory of relational education. Learning is here understood as a movement in the field between the actual and the possible voice. It is also viewed as fundamentally rooted in inter-human relationships, in moments of presence and coexistence. As a tentative answer to the call for an existential space for learning in order to be a professional voice user, I suggest the concept of a learning refuge as a locus for a learning process built on trust, mutuality and openness.
Lectio praecursoria 12.12.2009. Suomen historian väitöskirja "Epämääräisestä elämästä kruunun haltuun : irtolaisuuden ja huono-osaisuuden kontrolli Itä-Suomessa 1860-1885. Joensuun yliopisto.
Arja Rosenholmin väitöskirja "Gendering awakening : femininity and the Russian woman question of the 1860s" tarkastettiin Tampereen yliopiston humanistisessa tiedekunnassa 20.10.1999.
Itseoppineiden kirjoittajien tutkimus on 1900-luvun lopulta, Suomessa erityisesti 2000-luvun alusta, luonut uutta näkökulmaa tavallisten, julkisen elämän ulkopuolella toimivien ihmisten arjen, ajatusmaailman ja kirjoittamisen tapojen tutkimukseen. Systemaattinen arkistoaineistojen kartoitus ja keruut ovat osoittaneet, että jo ennen kansakoululaitoksen vakiintumista myös suomalaisella maaseudulla ihmiset saattoivat hankkia itselleen kirjoitustaidon ja käyttää sitä aktiivisesti. Kustavilaisen laivuri Simon Janssonin (1812–1887) ja Wilhelmina Janssonin o.s. Widbomin (1810–1892) koulutielle lähetetyille pojilleen lähettämät kirjeet 1860- ja 1870- luvuilta ovat säilyneet A. W. Jahnssonin arkistossa SKS:n kirjallisuusarkistossa. Kirjeet ovat suomen- ja ruotsinkielisiä. Kirjeiden kautta on selvitetty, minkälaisia mahdollisuuksia säätyyhteiskunnan murtuminen avasi säätyläistön ulkopuolella oleville ihmisille ja minkälaisia taloudellisia ja sosiaalisia resursseja käyttäen koulua käymättömät vanhemmat onnistuivat siirtämään poikansa yliopistokoulutuksen kautta säätyläistöön. Kirjeitä on tarkasteltu egodokumentteina, historian lähteinä, joissa ihmiset kertovat itse omasta elämästään ja ajatuksistaan. Hollantilaisen historioitsija Jacques Presserin luoma ja mm. Rudolf Dekkerin kehittämä egodokumentti-termi käsittää kirjeiden lisäksi omaelämäkerrat, muistelmat ja päiväkirjat. Näkökulma yhdistää historiantutkimukseen mm. kirjallisuustieteen käsitteitä. Yksityisluontoisten tekstien kautta voidaan tutkia sitä, minkälaisia mahdollisuuksia sosiaalinen tila tiettynä aikana tarjoaa. Ne tarjoavat tavan tutkia ihmisten arkea, sosiaalisia suhteita ja paikallisyhteisöä, tavoitteita ja keinoja niiden saavuttamiseen sekä ajatusmaailmaa. Yhden perheen kirjeenvaihdon kautta on tarkasteltu niitä mahdollisuuksia ja rajoituksia, joita kirjeenvaihdon käyttämisellä tutkimuksen materiaalina on egodokumenttien kentässä. Kirjeitä on tutkittu osana kirjeenvaihdon kulttuuria. Siihen kuuluvat itse kirjeiden sisällön lisäksi luku- ja kirjoitustaito, kirjekulttuurin oppiminen ja sen konventiot sekä kirjoittamisen materiaaliset edellytykset. Britt Liljewallin tutkimuksia soveltaen Janssonin perheen kirjeenvaihtoa on tarkasteltu sen rituaalisen, informatiivisen, sosiaalisen ja normeja välittävän funktion kautta. Kirjeenvaihdossa esille tulevien aihepiirien joukosta on nostettu esiin viisi keskeisintä: arki ja siihen liittyvä perheen sisäinen huolenpito; koulutus ja siihen liittyvät toiveet ja pettymykset; uskonto: sosiaaliset suhteet ja verkostot sekä viimeisenä terveys, sairaus ja kuolema. Kirjeiden kautta on tutkittu yhteistöllistä tiedonvälitystä ja sitä, ketkä henkilöt ja minkälaiset aiheen ovat kirjeiden uutisoinnissa keskeisiä.
Prerequisites and effects of proactive and preventive psycho-social student welfare activities in Finnish preschool and elementary school were of interest in the present thesis. So far, Finnish student welfare work has mainly focused on interventions and individuals, and the voluminous possibilities to enhance well-being of all students as a part of everyday school work have not been fully exploited. Consequently, in this thesis three goals were set: (1) To present concrete examples of proactive and preventive psycho-social student welfare activities in Finnish basic education; (2) To investigate measurable positive effects of proactive and preventive activities; and (3) To investigate implementation of proactive and preventive activities in ecological contexts. Two prominent phenomena in preschool and elementary school years—transition to formal schooling and school bullying—were chosen as examples of critical situations that are appropriate targets for proactive and preventive psycho-social student welfare activities. Until lately, the procedures concerning both school transitions and school bullying have been rather problem-focused and reactive in nature. Theoretically, we lean on the bioecological model of development by Bronfenbrenner and Morris with concentric micro-, meso-, exo- and macrosystems. Data were drawn from two large-scale research projects, the longitudinal First Steps Study: Interactive Learning in the Child–Parent– Teacher Triangle, and the Evaluation Study of the National Antibullying Program KiVa. In Study I, we found that the academic skills of children from preschool–elementary school pairs that implemented several supportive activities during the preschool year developed more quickly from preschool to Grade 1 compared with the skills of children from pairs that used fewer practices. In Study II, we focused on possible effects of proactive and preventive actions on teachers and found that participation in the KiVa antibullying program influenced teachers‘ self-evaluated competence to tackle bullying. In Studies III and IV, we investigated factors that affect implementation rate of these proactive and preventive actions. In Study III, we found that principal‘s commitment and support for antibullying work has a clear-cut positive effect on implementation adherence of student lessons of the KiVa antibullying program. The more teachers experience support for and commitment to anti-bullying work from their principal, the more they report having covered KiVa student lessons and topics. In Study IV, we wanted to find out why some schools implement several useful and inexpensive transition practices, whereas other schools use only a few of them. We were interested in broadening the scope and looking at local-level (exosystem) qualities, and, in fact, the local-level activities and guidelines, along with teacherreported importance of the transition practices, were the only factors significantly associated with the implementation rate of transition practices between elementary schools and partner preschools. Teacher- and school-level factors available in this study turned out to be mostly not significant. To summarize, the results confirm that school-based promotion and prevention activities may have beneficial effects not only on students but also on teachers. Second, various top-down processes, such as engagement at the level of elementary school principals or local administration may enhance implementation of these beneficial activities. The main message is that when aiming to support the lives of children the primary focus should be on adults. In future, promotion of psychosocial well-being and the intrinsic value of inter- and intrapersonal skills need to be strengthened in the Finnish educational systems. Future research efforts in student welfare and school psychology, as well as focused training for psychologists in educational contexts, should be encouraged in the departments of psychology and education in Finnish universities. Moreover, a specific research centre for school health and well-being should be established.
The demand for global student talent: Capitalizing on the value of university-industry collaboration
The university sector in Europe has invested money and effort into the internationalization of higher education. The benefits of internationalizing higher education are fuelled by changing global values, choices and practices. However, arguments that serve the internationalization of higher education tend to stress either local organizational or individual interests; seldom do they emphasize the societal benefits. This dissertation investigates how collaboration between university and industry facilitates a shift in thinking about attracting and retaining global student talent, in terms of co-creating solutions to benefit the development of our knowledge society. The macro-structures of the higher education sector have the tendency to overemphasize quantitative goals to improve performance verifiability. Recruitment of international student talent is thereby turned into a mere supply issue. A mind shift is needed to rethink the efficacy of the higher education sector with regard to retaining foreign student talent as a means of contributing to society’s stock of knowledge and through that to economic growth. This thesis argues that academic as well as industrial understanding of the value of university-industry collaboration might then move beyond the current narrow expectations and perceptions of the university’s contribution to society’s innovation systems. This mind shift is needed to encourage and generate creative opportunities for university-industry partnerships to develop sustainable solutions for successful recruitment of foreign student talent, and thereby to maximize the wealth-creating potential of global student talent recruitment. This thesis demonstrates through the use of interpretive and participatory methods, how it is possible to reveal new and important insights into university-industry partnering for enhancing attraction and retention of global student talent. It accomplishes this by expressly pointing out the central role of human collaborative experiencing and learning. The narratives presented take the reader into a Finnish and Dutch universityindustry partnering environment to reflect on the relationship between the local universities of technology and their operational surroundings, a relationship that is set in a context of local and global entanglements and challenges.