18 resultados para emotion vocalization


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Despite the complexity of the Chinese culture consumer product businesses should apply them in building brands for Chinese markets. There are reasons to believe that cultural values and attitudes affect the buying behavior of Chinese consumers. Companies that wish to create brands in China should therefore be aware of the prevailing cultural values and consumer attitudes. This thesis will examine which values and attitudes mostly affect Chinese consumers of health food products. The study will be done by conducting a netnography. Because netnography is actually a collection methods rather than a single method, other auxiliary methods will also be applied. These methods are emotion, language and sentiment analysis (ELS analysis). Emotion analysis will be conducted because cultural values are mostly built on emotional basis. Sentiment analysis will assist in recognizing the key factors that help to locate values and attitudes. Because the netnography will be conducted in Chinese web forums by a non-native researcher, linguistic aspects should also be analyzed in parallel with emotions and sentiment analysis. The study shows that the Chinese consumers of health food products put much importance on functional, analytical and collectivistic attitudes as well as social and psychological values. Of all the twelve cultural values defined, the role of family rose above all. Also perseverance, frugality, guanxi and harmony were highly presented. The attitudes were found by recognizing certain attitude factors. Of all the factors, health foods’ functional benefits and aesthetic content together with consumers’ value consciousness surpassed other factors. Besides these results that can be applied by foreign health food companies willing to enter Chinese consumer markets, also academia can benefit this new approach for conducting ethnographies online.


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The goal of this study was to explore how do customers’ life-related negative emotions affect real estate business. This was divided into two research questions: 1. What life-related negative emotions can be recognised in real estate customer encounters? 2. How do the recognised emotions affect customer encounters and the realtor’s work? 3. How can the realtor take the emotions into account in customer service? The theoretical background consists of two main lines of study: emotions and customer encounters. A wide literary review on emotions research was conducted from a cognitive psychology point of view, focusing on negative emotions. Emotions research was then combined into the field of customer encounters. Qualitative study was chosen as the methodological basis of the study. Empirical material of this study was collected through in-depth interviews with 13 successful Finnish real estate agents. Narrative research was used as a method for the study. Four life-related emotion categories were recognized in real estate customer encounters: sadness, anger, anxiety and shame. These emotions rose from issues varying from death of a close one to divorce and from major changes in life stages to deep emotional attachment to an old home. The study also found that these incidental negative emotions do affect customer encounters and realtors’ work. The emotions affected the decision making of customers and sometimes overshadowed reason. Some emotions made the customer passive and slow to make any decisions, while others made their decision making fast and hasty. Even though the incidental emotions might not have had anything to do with the real estate deal, they could affect the outcome of the customer encounter and the whole real estate deal. Interestingly enough, the study found that not all successful real estate agents knowingly serve customers in an emotional level. The study does, however, suggest that in fact it may be an ethical decision of the customer server to take into account the emotional state of the customer. Attending to the emotional side of customers does not only increase pleasantness of the customer encounter, but may improve and balance customer decision making and prevent hasty decisions possibly leading to improved customer satisfaction. This study also gave practical managerial implications to customer service providers on how negative incidental emotions can be attended to in a customer encounter. This study could be useful not only to real estate agents, but also in other types of customer service, especially with vulnerable populations or other types of home-related business.


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Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia työtyytyväisyyttä organisaatiomuutoksen näkökulmasta ja organisaatiomuutoksen vaikutuksia työtyytyväisyyteen. Tarkasteltavana case-yrityksenä toimii Autolinjat Oy. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on löytää tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat Autolinjojen työntekijöiden työtyytyväisyyteen. Tämän pohjalta tarkoituksena on tehdä yritykselle työtyytyväisyyden kehittämisehdotuksia. Olen lähestynyt työtyytyväisyyttä teoreettisesti työtyytyväisyyden sisältö- ja prosessi-teorioilla, joihin kuuluvat Maslown tarvehierarkia, Herzbergin kaksifaktoriteoria, Lawlerin odotusarvoteoria ja Locken päämääräteoria. Tässä tutkielmassa käytetään laadullista tutkimusta. Valitsin laadullisen näkökulman tutkimukseen sen vuoksi, että täten saadaan paremmin esille työtekijöiden subjektiivista tunnetta suhteessa työhönsä ja sen ominaispiirteisiin. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että organisaatiomuutokseen suhtautuminen on subjektiivista, mikä tarkoittaa sitä, että jokainen yksilö suhtautuu muutokseen eri tavalla. Täten muutos on omiaan ravisuttamaan työn koettuja piirteitä, mikä taas vaikuttaa yksilön turvallisuuden tunteeseen. Joissakin tapauksissa organisaatiomuutos voi olla positiivinen asia, joka ajaa työntekijää kohti parempaa suoritusta, mutta usein organisaatiomuutoksen vaikutukset työtyytyväisyyteen ovat negatiivisia. Muutoksesta selviämiseen auttaa työtyytyväisyyteen vaikuttavien tunteiden selvittäminen, joten vuorovaikutuksen rooli muutostilanteessa on suuri. Kaiken kaikkiaan työtyytyväisyys on moniulotteinen asia, joka näkyy muutostilanteissa monella eri tavalla, johtuen tunnetilan henkilökohtaisuudesta. Muutoksen läpiviemisessä ja siitä selviämisessä on tärkeää tiedostaa lähtökohdat ja se, mihin mennään.