21 resultados para critical approaches


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The objective of the thesis is to structure and model the factors that contribute to and can be used in evaluating project success. The purpose of this thesis is to enhance the understanding of three research topics. The goal setting process, success evaluation and decision-making process are studied in the context of a project, business unitand its business environment. To achieve the objective three research questionsare posed. These are 1) how to set measurable project goals, 2) how to evaluateproject success and 3) how to affect project success with managerial decisions.The main theoretical contribution comes from deriving a synthesis of these research topics which have mostly been discussed apart from each other in prior research. The research strategy of the study has features from at least the constructive, nomothetical, and decision-oriented research approaches. This strategy guides the theoretical and empirical part of the study. Relevant concepts and a framework are composed on the basis of the prior research contributions within the problem area. A literature review is used to derive constructs of factors withinthe framework. They are related to project goal setting, success evaluation, and decision making. On the basis of this, the case study method is applied to complement the framework. The empirical data includes one product development program, three construction projects, as well as one organization development, hardware/software, and marketing project in their contexts. In two of the case studiesthe analytic hierarchy process is used to formulate a hierarchical model that returns a numerical evaluation of the degree of project success. It has its origin in the solution idea which in turn has its foundation in the notion of projectsuccess. The achieved results are condensed in the form of a process model thatintegrates project goal setting, success evaluation and decision making. The process of project goal setting is analysed as a part of an open system that includes a project, the business unit and its competitive environment. Four main constructs of factors are suggested. First, the project characteristics and requirements are clarified. The second and the third construct comprise the components of client/market segment attractiveness and sources of competitive advantage. Together they determine the competitive position of a business unit. Fourth, the relevant goals and the situation of a business unit are clarified to stress their contribution to the project goals. Empirical evidence is gained on the exploitation of increased knowledge and on the reaction to changes in the business environment during a project to ensure project success. The relevance of a successful project to a company or a business unit tends to increase the higher the reference level of project goals is set. However, normal performance or sometimes performance below this normal level is intentionally accepted. Success measures make project success quantifiable. There are result-oriented, process-oriented and resource-oriented success measures. The study also links result measurements to enablers that portray the key processes. The success measures can be classified into success domains determining the areas on which success is assessed. Empiricalevidence is gained on six success domains: strategy, project implementation, product, stakeholder relationships, learning situation and company functions. However, some project goals, like safety, can be assessed using success measures that belong to two success domains. For example a safety index is used for assessing occupational safety during a project, which is related to project implementation. Product safety requirements, in turn, are connected to the product characteristics and thus to the product-related success domain. Strategic success measures can be used to weave the project phases together. Empirical evidence on their static nature is gained. In order-oriented projects the project phases are oftencontractually divided into different suppliers or contractors. A project from the supplier's perspective can represent only a part of the ¿whole project¿ viewed from the client's perspective. Therefore static success measures are mostly used within the contractually agreed project scope and duration. Proof is also acquired on the dynamic use of operational success measures. They help to focus on the key issues during each project phase. Furthermore, it is shown that the original success domains and success measures, their weights and target values can change dynamically. New success measures can replace the old ones to correspond better with the emphasis of the particular project phase. This adjustment concentrates on the key decision milestones. As a conclusion, the study suggests a combination of static and dynamic success measures. Their linkage to an incentive system can make the project management proactive, enable fast feedback and enhancethe motivation of the personnel. It is argued that the sequence of effective decisions is closely linked to the dynamic control of project success. According to the used definition, effective decisions aim at adequate decision quality and decision implementation. The findings support that project managers construct and use a chain of key decision milestones to evaluate and affect success during aproject. These milestones can be seen as a part of the business processes. Different managers prioritise the key decision milestones to a varying degree. Divergent managerial perspectives, power, responsibilities and involvement during a project offer some explanation for this. Finally, the study introduces the use ofHard Gate and Soft Gate decision milestones. The managers may use the former milestones to provide decision support on result measurements and ad hoc critical conditions. In the latter milestones they may make intermediate success evaluation also on the basis of other types of success measures, like process and resource measures.


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This thesis investigates the strategy implementation process of enterprices; a process whichhas lacked the academic attentioon compared with a rich strategy formation research trdition. Strategy implementation is viewed as a process ensuring tha the strtegies of an organisation are realised fully and quickly, yet with constant consideration of changing circumstances. The aim of this sudy is to provide a framework for identifying, analysing and removing the strategy implementation bottleneck af an organization and thus for intesifying its strategy process.The study is opened by specifying the concept, tasks and key actors of strategy implementation process; especially arguments for the critical implementation role of the top management are provided. In order to facilitate the analysis nad synthetisation of the core findings of scattered doctrine, six characteristic approaches to strategy implementation phenomenon are identified and compared. The Bottleneck Framework is introduced as an instrument for arranging potential strategy realisation problems, prioritising an organisation's implementation obstacles and focusing the improvement measures accordingly. The SUCCESS Framework is introduced as a mnemonic of the seven critical factors to be taken into account when promoting sttrategy implementation. Both frameworks are empirically tested by applying them to real strategy implementation intesification process in an international, industrial, group-structured case enterprise.


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In this thesis different parameters influencing critical flux in protein ultrafiltration and membrane foul-ing were studied. Short reviews of proteins, cross-flow ultrafiltration, flux decline and criticalflux and the basic theory of Partial Least Square analysis (PLS) are given at the beginning. The experiments were mainly performed using dilute solutions of globular proteins, commercial polymeric membranes and laboratory scale apparatuses. Fouling was studied by flux, streaming potential and FTIR-ATR measurements. Critical flux was evaluated by different kinds of stepwise procedures and by both con-stant pressure and constant flux methods. The critical flux was affected by transmembrane pressure, flow velocity, protein concentration, mem-brane hydrophobicity and protein and membrane charges. Generally, the lowest critical fluxes were obtained at the isoelectric points of the protein and the highest in the presence of electrostatic repulsion between the membrane surface and the protein molecules. In the laminar flow regime the critical flux increased with flow velocity, but not any more above this region. An increase in concentration de-creased the critical flux. Hydrophobic membranes showed fouling in all charge conditionsand, furthermore, especially at the beginning of the experiment even at very low transmembrane pressures. Fouling of these membranes was thought to be due to protein adsorption by hydrophobic interactions. The hydrophilic membranes used suffered more from reversible fouling and concentration polarisation than from irreversible foul-ing. They became fouled at higher transmembrane pressures becauseof pore blocking. In this thesis some new aspects on critical flux are presented that are important for ultrafiltration and fractionation of proteins.


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Nykyaikaisessa liiketoimintaympäristössä yritysten kriittisiksi resursseiksi ovat muodostuneet liiketoimintaa tukevat tietojärjestelmät. Mahdollisuus hyödyntää näitä resursseja riippuu ko. liiketoiminnalle kriittisten järjestelmien luotettavuudesta ja hyödynnettävien sovellusten saatavuudesta. Eräs tilanne jossa järjestelmien kyky tukea todellisia liiketoimintaprosesseja vaarantuu on katastrofi. Vaikutukseltaan katastrofi voi olla paikallinen tai kattaa laajojakin alueita. Eri tyyppisiin katastrofeihin on varauduttava niiden edellyttämin tavoin. Eräs kriittisten tietojärjestelmien arkkitehtuuriin vaikuttanut trendi 90-luvulla on ollut client/server lähestymistapa. Client/server paradigman mukaan sovellus jaetaan tasoihin siten että esitys-, sovellus- ja tietokantakerrokset voidaan erottaa fyysisesti toisistaan näiden silti muodostaessa loogisesti yhtenäisen kokonaisuuden. Liiketoiminnan näkökulmasta 90- luvun mullistavia IT-uutuuksia olivat toiminnanohjausjärjestelmät, joiden avulla oli mahdollista hallita koko tuotantoketjua ja muita prosessikokonaisuuksia lähes reaaliajassa. Monikerroksisten toiminnanohjausjärjestelmien luotettavuus on osoittautunut haastavavaksi sillä kaikkien kerrosten suojaaminen kaikilta mahdollisilta katastrofeilta täydellisesti on nykyisellä teknologialla mahdotonta. Kompromissien tekemiseksi on oltava selvillä kunkin menetetyn prosessin aiheuttamista taloudellisista ja liiketoiminnallisista vaikutuksista. Tämän vuoksi juuri toiminnanohjausjärjestelmät ovat mielenkiintoisia, vaikuttavathan ne liiketoimintaprosesseihin läpi koko yrityksen prosessiketjun. Monikerroksisten client/server arkkitehtuuriin pohjautuvien toiminnanohjausjärjestelmien suojaamisessa katastrofeilta onkin sovellettava useita tekniikoita ja teknologioita, ja yhdistettävä kokonaisuus prosessikehykseen. Näin voidaan luoda suunnitelmallinen osa IT strategiaa, joka ottaa kantaa liiketoiminnan jatkuvuuteen katastrofitilanteessa ja mahdollistaa nopean ja täydellisen palautumisen kaikissa olosuhteissa.


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Työn pääasiallisena tavoitteena on selvittää ydinosaamista, jota tarvitaan kansainvälisen metsäteollisuusyrityksen loppukäyttäjävetoisessa liiketoiminnassa. Lisäksi tavoitteena on laatia kompetenssimalli, jota voidaan käyttää mm. rekrytoinnissa, koulutuksen ja työnkierron suunnittelussa. Tarkoituksena on tarkastella sekä tällä hetkellä että tulevaisuudessa tarvittavia ydinosaamisia. Työ keskittyy myyntihenkilöiden kompetenssien kuvaamiseen. Kirjallisuuden ja asiantuntijoiden haastattelujen avulla on selvitetty. kompetensseihin liittyviä asioita ja käsitteitä, kuten organisaation oppiminen, innovaatiot sekä asiakaslähtöisyys. Tämän jälkeen on kartoitettu case-yrityksen kartonkiyksikön myyntihenkilökunnan kompetensseja. Kompetenssikartoitus on tehty teemahaastattelujen avulla sekä lisäksi on käytetty työn aikana laadittua kompetenssimatriisia. Saatuja tuloksia on verrattu yhden asiakkaan näkemyksiin. Tulosten mukaan kolme tärkeintä tämän hetken kompetenssia ovat: holistinen näkemys asioista, suhteiden rakentaminen ja kielitaito. Tulevaisuuden tärkeimpiä kompetensseja puolestaan ovat: asiakaslähtöisyys, sähköinen kaupankäynti ja suhteiden rakentaminen. Lopuksi on käsitelty yleisiä metsäteollisuuden tulevaisuuden haasteita sekä annettu joitain kehitysideoita kompetenssien kehittämistä varten.


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Diplomityössä on käsitelty uudenlaisia menetelmiä riippumattomien komponenttien analyysiin(ICA): Menetelmät perustuvat colligaatioon ja cross-momenttiin. Colligaatio menetelmä perustuu painojen colligaatioon. Menetelmässä on käytetty kahden tyyppisiä todennäköisyysjakaumia yhden sijasta joka perustuu yleiseen itsenäisyyden kriteeriin. Työssä on käytetty colligaatio lähestymistapaa kahdella asymptoottisella esityksellä. Gram-Charlie ja Edgeworth laajennuksia käytetty arvioimaan todennäköisyyksiä näissä menetelmissä. Työssä on myös käytetty cross-momentti menetelmää joka perustuu neljännen asteen cross-momenttiin. Menetelmä on hyvin samankaltainen FastICA algoritmin kanssa. Molempia menetelmiä on tarkasteltu lineaarisella kahden itsenäisen muuttajan sekoituksella. Lähtö signaalit ja sekoitetut matriisit ovattuntemattomia signaali lähteiden määrää lukuunottamatta. Työssä on vertailtu colligaatio menetelmään ja sen modifikaatioita FastICA:an ja JADE:en. Työssä on myös tehty vertailu analyysi suorituskyvyn ja keskusprosessori ajan suhteen cross-momenttiin perustuvien menetelmien, FastICA:n ja JADE:n useiden sekoitettujen parien kanssa.