22 resultados para Veterinary instruments and apparatus
A musically stimulating nvironment is of great significance when considering the opportunities for development and learning that are offered to children in day nurseries. Moreover, the quality of musical activities also has great significance for the musical development of growing children. Young children are always striving to create meaning and understanding; they influence and are influenced by the context in which they are situated. The purpose of this study is to investigate the planned music activities in the musical learning environment of seven toddler’s groups in day nurseries, based on four different aspects: the texts of children’s songs, the melodies of children’s songs, the basic elements of music and the use of instrumentation. The data has been gathered by video observation of the planned music activities. The age of the children studied ranged from 11 months to 3 years and 11 months, and on average there were 13 children in each group. The study involved a total of just over 90 children and nine educators. The methodological approaches are hermeneutic as well as videographic, and they are applied to the analysis as required. The approaches are well suited to an understanding of the planned music activities where the individual’s communications and actions are studied. The results of the study show that educators impart a cultural heritage to the children in the form of old traditional songs, but they also act as intermediaries for newer children's songs. They focus on actively on the text content of the children’s songs in their interaction with the children, but do not address the meaning of the text. Furthermore, while the educators use music sessions for the children to develop, among other things, an understanding of language and social skills, they do not use the sessions to develop the children’s musical skills. The educators could, to a much greater extent than they now do, direct the children's attention to the basic elements of music, and conduct meta-cognitive dialogues with the children. They use a large repertoire of children's songs, which are, however, often too demanding for the children’s voices to cope with. In addition, the educators do not plan, in any significant way, activities for the toddlers in order to help them develop the accuracy of their vocal tones. With regard to the use of instruments, the educators focus, in their interaction with the children, is placed on both the usage of the instruments and knowledge about the instruments. Regarding the use of instruments the study shows that the children’s musical expression takes place in an environment that includes both melody and rhythm instruments. It is clear that children are actively interested in the constructed instrument environment, because for long periods of time they independently play and experiment with instruments.
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan hevoskauppaa ja sen erityispiirteitä suhtees-sa irtaimen kauppaa säätelevään lainsäädäntöön. Tavoitteena on tuoda esiin hevosesta johtuvia erityispiirteitä ja pohtia sovellettavan lainsäädän-nön soveltuvuutta hevosen kauppaan. Tarkastelu kohdentuu erityisesti hevoselle ominaisiin laatuvirheen muotoihin, kuten sairauksiin ja fyysisiin vikoihin. Lisäksi tarkastellaan, miten esiin nostettuihin erityispiirteisiin on varauduttu hevoskauppaan tarkoitetuissa kauppasopimusmalleissa. Hevoskauppaan pätee sama lainsäädäntö kuin minkä tahansa muun ir-taimen tavaran kauppaan. Virheeseen varautuminen yksityiskohtaisesti sopimalla korostuu hevoskaupassa, koska täydellistä ja virheetöntä hevosta ei ole olemassakaan. Myyjän näkökulmasta onnistuneessa kauppaprosessissa neuvotellaan virheen mahdollisuus niin pieneksi kuin se on mahdollista. Tähän instrumentit antavat lainsäädäntö ja erityisesti sopimusoikeudelliset keinot. Ostajan näkökulmasta onnistuneessa kaupassa hän on kyennyt asiantuntijoihin tukeutuen tunnistamaan ennalta hevosen viat ja muut epämieluisat ominaisuudet. Nämä tiedostaen ostaja määrittää, mitä virheitä on valmis hyväksymään. Hevoskaupassa riidan välittömät ja välilliset kustannukset suhteessa maksettuun kauppahintaan voivat nousta korkeiksi. Hevoskaupassa usein ainoa kirjallinen dokumentti on omistajanvaihdosilmoitus, eikä kauppasopimuksen laatiminen kirjallisena ole itsestäänselvyys. Yksinomaan hevoskauppaan liittyvien juridisten kysymysten tekeminen näkyväksi on tärkeää. Irtaimen kauppaa säätelevä lainsäädäntö ei kuitenkaan tunnista riittävällä tarkkuudella hevosen erityispiirteitä persoonaesineenä, vaan väliin tarvi-taan vakiosopimusten kaltaisia apuvälineitä kaupan osapuolten tueksi.
One of the main developments in the global economy during the past decades has been the growth of emerging economies. Projections for their long-term growth, changes in the investment climate, corporate transparency and demography point to an increasing role for these emerging economies in the global economy. Today, emerging economies are usually considered as financial markets offering opportunities for high returns, good risk diversification and improved return-to-risk ratios. However, researchers have noted that these advantages may be in decline because of the increasing market integration. Nevertheless, it is likely that certain financial markets and specific sectors will remain partially segmented and somewhat insulated from the global economy for the year to come. This doctoral dissertation investigates several stock markets in Emerging Eastern Europe (EEE), including the ones in Russia, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Slovenia. The objective is to analyze the returns and financial risks in these emerging markets from international investor’s point of view. This study also examines the segmentation/integration of these financial markets and the possibilities to diversify and hedge financial risk. The dissertation is divided into two parts. The first includes a review of the theoretical background for the articles and a review of the literature on EEE stock markets. It includes an overview of the methodology and research design applied in the analysis and a summary of articles from the second part of this dissertation and their main findings. The second part consists of four research publications. This work contributes to studies on emerging stock markets in four ways. First, it adds to the body of research on the pricing of risk, providing new empirical evidence about partial stock market segmentation in EEE. The results suggest that the aggregate emerging market risk is a relevant driver for stock market returns and that this market risk can be used to price financial instruments and forecast their performance. Second, it contributes to the empirical research on the integration of stock markets, asset prices and exchange rates by identifying the relationships between these markets through volatility and asset pricing. The results show that certain sectors of stock markets in EEE are not as integrated as others. For example, the Polish consumer goods sector, the Hungarian telecommunications sector, and the Czech financial sector are somewhat isolated from their counterparts elsewhere in Europe. Nevertheless, an analysis of the impact of EU accession in 2004 on stock markets suggests that most of the EEE markets are becoming increasingly integrated with the global markets. Third, this thesis complements the scientific literature in the field of shock and volatility spillovers by examining the mechanism of spillover distribution among the EU and EEE countries. The results illustrate that spillovers in emerging markets are mostly from a foreign exchange to the stock markets. Moreover, the results show that the effects of external shocks on stock markets have increased after the enlargement of the EU in 2004. Finally, this study is unique because it analyzes the effects of foreign macroeconomic news on geographically closely related countries. The results suggest that the effects of macroeconomic announcements on volatility are significant and have effect that varies across markets and their sectors. Moreover, the results show that the foreign macroeconomic news releases, somewhat surprisingly, have a greater effect on the EEE markets than the local macroeconomic news. This dissertation has a number of implications for the industry and for practitioners. It analyses financial risk associated with investing in Emerging Eastern Europe. Investors may use this information to construct and optimize investment portfolios. Moreover, this dissertation provides insights for investors and portfolio managers considering asset allocation to protect value or obtain higher returns. The results have also implications for asset pricing and portfolio selection in light of macroeconomic news releases.
This thesis examines innovation development needs of firms in a remote rural region. The perspective of the study is in strategic innovation management and three dimensions of innovation development: innovation environment, value delivery and innovation capability. The framework is studied with a theoretical and methodological approach in the context of the development of a regional innovation system and the defining of innovation development needs. The thesis is based on existing innovation management literature, expanding it by examining the features of the three dimensions. The empirical data of the study comprise 50 purposefully selected firms within the region of Pielinen Karelia located in Eastern Finland. Most of the firms (70%) included in the study represent manufacturing firms, and over 90% are small and medium-sized enterprises. The research data consist of two questionnaires and an interview, which were done during 2011 in the connection of a regional development project. The point of view of the research is in regional development and harnessing the innovation capability of the firms within the region. The principal research approach applies soft systems methodology. The study explores the means to foster the innovativeness of firms from the viewpoints of innovation environment, innovation capability and value delivery. In closer detail, the study examines relations between the innovation capability factors, differences in innovation development needs within the value delivery system, between sectors and between firm size categories. The thesis offers three major contributions. First, the study extends earlier research on strategic innovation management by connecting the frameworks of innovation capability, innovation environment and value delivery process to the defining of innovation development needs at the regional level. The results deepen knowledge especially concerning practice-based innovation, peripheral regions and smaller firms. Second, the empirical work, based on a case study, confirms the existence of a structural connection integrating five factors of innovation capability. Statistical evidence is provided especially for the positive impacts of the improvement of absorption capability, marketing capability and networking capability, which are the main weaknesses of firms according to the study. Third, the research provides a methodological contribution by applying the innovation matrix in the defining of the innovation development needs of firms. The study demonstrates how the matrix improves possibility to target policy instruments and innovation services more efficiently through indicating significant differences between the innovation support needs regarding various time horizons and phases of innovation process.
Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää kanavistojen ja kattilan eristyksien mallintamista 3D-laitossuunitteluohjelmassa sekä siitä saatavia materiaalilistoja. Kanavistojen eristeitä kuvastavaa geometriaa muokattiin vastaamaan eristyksen todellista tilanvarausta. Kattilan eristyksen mallintaminen on aikaisemmin jouduttu tekemään manuaalisesti, työssä kehitettiin työkalu, jonka avulla eristysten materiaalitiedot ja oikeat tilanvaraukset saadaan lisättyä 3D-malliin. Kaikkia eristyksen mallintamista ei kuitenkaan pystytä mielekkäästi toteuttamaan automaattisesti työkalujen avulla, näitä kohteita ovat tukikehikkorakenteet kuten kattilan vinttikehikko. Lisäksi täytyi selvittää, mitä tietoja eristyksien materiaalimäärälistoille vaaditaan, ja kuinka nämä tiedot saataisiin listoihin mukaan. Jotta kaikki eristettävät kohteet saadaan tuotettaviin materiaalilistoihin, on ohjelmaan lisättävä käytettäväksi uusia komponentteja. Näitä ovat uudet kanavistojen osat sekä muun muassa venturit ja huoltoluukut kanavistoille. Kattilaan asennettavat laitteet kuten näkölasit ja polttimet vaativat tukirakenteen, joka samalla toimii kotelona putkistojen taivutuksille. Näitä kohteita on aikaisemmin tuotu vanhoista projekteista tai ne on tehty suunnittelijan toimesta uusiksi. Työssä esitettiin uusi tapa mallintaa kattilan pinnat, jolloin niihin voidaan liittää koteloita erillisestä komponenttikirjastosta. Kanavistojen eristyksien materiaalimäärälistojen tuottaminen suoraan ohjelmasta auto-matisoitiin. Kattilan ja siihen liittyvien eristyskehysrakenteiden listojen tuotanto kuitenkin vaatii yhteisten toimintamallien kehittämistä. Tämän työn uudet menetelmät mahdollistavat yhä uusien työkalujen kehittämisen, esimerkiksi automaattisen eristysten teknisten piirustusten kuvatuotannon tulevaisuudessa.
Electrical keyboard instruments and computer-aided music-making generally base on the piano keyboard that was developed for a tuning system no longer used. Alternative keyboard layout offers at least easier playing, faster adopting, new ways to play and better ergonomics. This thesis explores the development of keyboard instruments and tunings, and different keyboard layouts. This work is preliminary research for an electrical keyboard instrument to be implemented later on.
Suomi on sitoutunut pyrkimään ravinnetalouden mallimaaksi. Tämä diplomityö on osa Suomi kes-tävän ravinnetalouden mallimaaksi -hanketta. Diplomityön tarkoituksena on kartoittaa ravin-teidenkäytön tehokkuuteen liittyvät ongelmakohdat suomalaisessa ruokaketjussa ja selvittää oh-jauskeinot, joilla näihin pullonkauloihin voitaisiin puuttua. Ravinnehäviöt aiheuttavat suuria ympä-ristöhaittoja ja käytettävät primääriravinteet pohjaavat uusiutumattomiin luonnonvaroihin. Ravinnehäviöitä syntyy ruokaketjun jokaisessa osassa, ja ravinnetehokkuutta voidaan parhaiten edistää pyrkimällä kokonaisvaltaisiin ratkaisuihin. Tutkimus suoritettiin haastattelemalla 20:tä ruokaketjun asiantuntijaa. Haastatteluaineistoa tarkasteltiin laadullisen analyysin menetelmin. Haastatteluiden perusteella ruokaketjun suurimmat ongelmakohdat ovat alkutuotannossa, panos-teollisuudessa ja kulutuksessa. Sekä hallinnollisilla, taloudellisilla että informatiivisilla ohjauskei-noilla on kaikilla tärkeä rooli ravinnetehokkuuden edistämisessä.