63 resultados para Variable demand
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää raaka-aineena käytettävän paloa hidastavan laminaattipaperin markkinapotentiaali sekä kysyntä Euroopassa. Näiden kehitystä arvioitiin analysoimalla kysyntään vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tutkimusmetodologiassa yhdistyivät useat lähestymistavat, pääasiassa käytettiin kuvailevaa ja ennustavaa tutkimusotetta. Tutkimus perustui sekä primaari että sekundaaritietoon. Primaaritietoa hankittiin tuotteen käyttäjiltä, myyntiedustajilta sekä haastattelemalla tuottajayrityksen henkilökuntaa. Sekundaaritietoa kerättiin myös, mutta tutkimuksen tavoitteisiin liittyviä lähteitä ei ollut runsaasti saatavilla. Tästä syystä primaaritiedolla oli tutkimuksessa hieman tärkeämpi rooli kuin sekundaaritiedolla, mikä on yleistä teollisessa markkinatutkimuksessa. Tuotteen tulevaisuuden näkymät vaikuttavat melko hyviltä. Teoreettinen markkinapotentiaali on suuri verrattuna nykyiseen myyntimäärään, myyntimäärän kasvattaminen vaatii kuitenkin tiettyjä toimenpiteitä. Tulevaisuudessa huomiota tulisi kiinnittää tuotekuvaan, hinnoitteluun ja laadun kokonaisvaltaiseen maksimointiin. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin suuntauksia kysynnän kasvusta tulevien parin vuoden aikana. Myös teoreettinen markkinapotentiaali voisi kasvaa, koska paloa hidastavien laminaattien kysyntä vaikuttaa kasvavan Euroopassa erityisesti rakennusalalla.
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli sanomalehtipaperin kysyntään ja tarjontaan vaikuttavien tekijöiden identifiointi ja analysointi. Nämä tekijät käytiin yhteisesti läpi skenaarioiden avulla. Aluksi kuvattiin teollisuuden ala ja esiteltiin tärkeimmät alaa kuvaavat mittarit. Analyysi tehtiin Porterin kilpailuteorian tekijöiden pohjalta. Työssä listattiin yksittäiset tekijät, jotka vaikuttavat sanomalehtipaperin kysyntään ja tarjontaan. Näistä tekijöistä valittiin tärkeimmät ja niiden pohjalta rakennettiin skenaarioita. Skenaariot kuvaavat erilaisia mahdollisia tulevaisuuksia.Kysyntä kuten myös tarjonta on jakautunut epätasaisesti maailmassa. Alueelliset erot ovat hyvinkin merkittäviä. Tästä johtuu laajamittainen kaupankäynti eri alueiden välillä. Käynnissä oleva paperiteollisuuden konsolidoitumisprosessi auttaa vähentämään sanomalehtipaperin hinnan ja tarjonnan heilahtelua. Tämä puolestaan johtuu alan keskittymisestä ja järkevästä kapasiteetin hallinnasta.Diplomityö korostaa sanomalehtipaperin tuottajien vastuuta tarjonnan lisäämisessä. E-median uhkaa tai mahdollisuutta on myös spekuloitu ja kysynnän alueellisen kysynnän kehitystä on analysoitu. Diplomityö antaa ehdotuksia erilaisiksi tulevaisuuden kehitysvaihtoehdoiksi. Sanomalehtipaperin kysyntä tulee kasvamaan maailmanlaajuisesti, tuotanto tulee siirtymään lähemmäksi markkinoita, kaupankäynti Aasiaan tulee kasvamaan ja yrityksen tulevat keskittymään viisaaseen kapasiteetin hallintaan.
Työn tavoitteena oli luoda malli, jonka avulla voitaisiin ennustaa kartonkituotteiden hinnan ja kysynnän kehitystä. Työssä kerättiin aluksi tietoa kartonkimarkkinoista haastattelujen ja tilastotietojen avulla. Näiden perusteella luotiin malli, joka kuvaa kartonkimarkkinoiden ja -teollisuuden rakennetta. Erityisesti kiinnitettiin huomiota asiakkaiden tilauskäyttäytymiseen, tuotannonohjaukseen sekä hinnan muodostumiseen. Työssä käytettiin ennustemenetelmänä systeemidynamiikkaa. Oleellista oli löytää systeemissä esiintyvät tärkeimmät takaisinkytkennät ja systeemin avainmuuttujat. Kun kaikille mallin muuttujille oli määritetty yhtälöt ja vakioille annettu arvot, voitiin mallia simuloida, ja saada ennusteet halutuille muuttujille. Työssä esitettiin ennusteet kartonkimarkkinoiden tärkeimmille parametreille kahden vuoden päähän. Työssä tarkasteltiin myös, miten muutokset mallin käyttäytymistä säätelevissä muuttujissa vaikuttavat tuloksiin. Jotta pystyttäisiin paremmin selvittämään koko kartonkiteollisuuden dynamiikka, lisätutkimusta tarvittaisiin vielä eri kartonkilajien substituutiomahdollisuuksista ja hintojen riippuvuuksista. Mielenkiintoista olisi myös tietää, miten tuotannon käyttöasteiden muutokset ja hinnan vaihtelut vaikuttavat liiketoiminnan kannattavuuteen valmistajien näkökulmasta.
The main objective of the study is to form a framework that provides tools to recognise and classify items whose demand is not smooth but varies highly on size and/or frequency. The framework will then be combined with two other classification methods in order to form a three-dimensional classification model. Forecasting and inventory control of these abnormal demand items is difficult. Therefore another object of this study is to find out which statistical forecasting method is most suitable for forecasting of abnormal demand items. The accuracy of different methods is measured by comparing the forecast to the actual demand. Moreover, the study also aims at finding proper alternatives to the inventory control of abnormal demand items. The study is quantitative and the methodology is a case study. The research methods consist of theory, numerical data, current state analysis and testing of the framework in case company. The results of the study show that the framework makes it possible to recognise and classify the abnormal demand items. It is also noticed that the inventory performance of abnormal demand items differs significantly from the performance of smoothly demanded items. This makes the recognition of abnormal demand items very important.
The main target of the study was to find ideas for maintenance and development of supplier relations in irregular business environment. The other aim was to find out the suppliers’ opinions concerning the case company and the relationship between the companies. The study was conducted by using both qualitative and quantitative research methods. A mail survey was used to find out supplier opinions and an interview to find out suppliers’ ideas for relationship maintenance and development. It was found out that the use of relational elements is essential in the relationship maintenance in an irregular environment. In development of supplier relations the company should make better use of its suppliers’ potential, assure better flow of information and utilize the possibilities of Supplier Relationship Management.
In a very volatile industry of high technology it is of utmost importance to accurately forecast customers’ demand. However, statistical forecasting of sales, especially in heavily competitive electronics product business, has always been a challenging task due to very high variation in demand and very short product life cycles of products. The purpose of this thesis is to validate if statistical methods can be applied to forecasting sales of short life cycle electronics products and provide a feasible framework for implementing statistical forecasting in the environment of the case company. Two different approaches have been developed for forecasting on short and medium term and long term horizons. Both models are based on decomposition models, but differ in interpretation of the model residuals. For long term horizons residuals are assumed to represent white noise, whereas for short and medium term forecasting horizon residuals are modeled using statistical forecasting methods. Implementation of both approaches is performed in Matlab. Modeling results have shown that different markets exhibit different demand patterns and therefore different analytical approaches are appropriate for modeling demand in these markets. Moreover, the outcomes of modeling imply that statistical forecasting can not be handled separately from judgmental forecasting, but should be perceived only as a basis for judgmental forecasting activities. Based on modeling results recommendations for further deployment of statistical methods in sales forecasting of the case company are developed.
This thesis presents briefly the basic operation and use of centrifugal pumps and parallel pumping applications. The characteristics of parallel pumping applications are compared to circuitry, in order to search analogy between these technical fields. The purpose of studying circuitry is to find out if common software tools for solving circuit performance could be used to observe parallel pumping applications. The empirical part of the thesis introduces a simulation environment for parallel pumping systems, which is based on circuit components of Matlab Simulink —software. The created simulation environment ensures the observation of variable speed controlled parallel pumping systems in case of different controlling methods. The introduced simulation environment was evaluated by building a simulation model for actual parallel pumping system at Lappeenranta University of Technology. The simulated performance of the parallel pumps was compared to measured values of the actual system. The gathered information shows, that if the initial data of the system and pump perfonnance is adequate, the circuitry based simulation environment can be exploited to observe parallel pumping systems. The introduced simulation environment can represent the actual operation of parallel pumps in reasonably accuracy. There by the circuitry based simulation can be used as a researching tool to develop new controlling ways for parallel pumps.
This study considered the current situation of biofuels markets in Finland. The fact that industry consumes more than half of the total primary energy, widely applied combined heat and power production and a high share of solid biomass fuels in the total energy consumption are specific to the Finnish energy system. Wood is the most important source of bioenergy in Finland, representing 21% of the total energy consumption in 2006. Almost 80% of the wood-based energy is recovered from industrial by-products and residues. Finland has commitment itself to maintaining its greenhouse gas emissions at the 1990 level, at the highest, during the period 2008–2012. The energy and climate policy carried out in recent years has been based on the National Energy and Climate introduced in 2005. The Finnish energy policy aims to achieve the target, and a variety of measures are taken to promote the use of renewable energy sources and especially wood fuels. In 2007, the government started to prepare a new long-term (up to the year 2050) climate and energy strategy that will meet EU’s new targets for the reduction of green house gas emissions and the promotion of renewable energy sources. The new strategy will be introduced during 2008. The international biofuels trade has a substantial importance for the utilisation of bioenergy in Finland. In 2006, the total international trading of solid and liquid biofuels was approximately 64 PJ of which import was 61 PJ. Most of the import is indirect and takes place within the forest industry’s raw wood imports. In 2006, as much as 24% of wood energy was based on foreignorigin wood. Wood pellets and tall oil form the majority of export streams of biofuels. The indirect import of wood fuels increased almost 10% in 2004–2006, while the direct trade of solid and liquid biofuels has been almost constant.
The work aims to analyze the possibilities of utilizing old crane driving AC induction motors in modern pulse-width-modulated variable frequency drives. Bearing currents and voltage stresses are the two main problems associated with modern IGBT inverters, and they may cause premature failure of an old induction motor. The origins of these two problems are studied. An analysis of the mechanism of bearing failure is proposed. Certain types of bearing currents are considered in detail. The most effective and economical means are chosen for bearing currents mitigation. Transient phenomena of cables and mechanism of over voltages occurring at motor terminals are studied in the work. The weakest places of the stator winding insulation system are shown and recommendations are given considering the mitigation of voltage stresses. Only the most appropriate and cost effective preventative methods are chosen for old motor drives. Rewinding of old motors is also considered.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on selvittää pienpuun käytön vaikutuksia Pellos 1 ja Pellos 2 -havuvaneritehtaiden kannattavuuteen. Työssä tutkitaan myös sitä, miten suuria määriä pienpuuta Pellos 1:llä on mahdollista hyödyntää, ja millaisilla keinoilla sekä investoinneilla pienpuun sorvausta voidaan tehostaa. Tutkimuksessa esitettävät laskelmat perustuvat Pekka Hyttisen vuonna 2000 valmistuneen diplomityön koeajojen tuloksiin. Pienpuulla tarkoitetaan tässä yhteydessä latvaläpimitaltaan 170–220 millimetriä paksua tukkia. Kannattavuuslaskelmien tuloksena esitetään Pellos 1:n ja Pellos 2:n tuotantokapasiteetin, hyötysuhteen, muuttuvien kustannusten ja myyntikatteen muuttuminen puun latvaläpimittaluokan funktiona. Lisäksi vertaillaan Pellos 1:n ja Pellos 2:n tunnuslukujen välisiä suhteita ja selvitetään, kummalla tehtaalla pienpuun käyttö vanerin valmistuksen raaka-aineena on järkevämpää. Diplomityön toinen tutkimusosa koskee Pellos 1:llä käsiteltävän pienpuun maksimimäärää sekä tehtaan katkaisu- ja sorviosaston toimintaa. Pellos 1:n suurimpaan mahdolliseen pienpuun käsittelymäärään vaikuttaa teknisten ja tuotannollisten rajoitusten lisäksi myös tukkijakauman rakenne sekä pienpuun käytön lisäämisestä aiheutuva puuraaka-aineen lisätarve. Pienpuun käyttö nostaa katkaisu- ja sorviosastolla käsiteltävää puun kappalemäärää, minkä seurauksena koneiden prosessointinopeus joutuu koetukselle. Tutkimuksen lopussa käsitellään modernisointikohteita, joilla sorvauksen saantoa pystyttäisiin parantamaan ja sorvien toimintaa nopeuttamaan.
Data transmission between an electric motor and a frequency converter is required in variablespeed electric drives because of sensors installed at the motor. Sensor information can be used for various useful applications to improve the system reliability and its properties. Traditionally, the communication medium is implemented by an additional cabling. However, the costs of the traditional method may be an obstacle to the wider application of data transmission between a motor and a frequency converter. In any case, a power cable is always installed between a motor and a frequency converter for power supply, and hence it may be applied as a communication medium for sensor level data. This thesis considers power line communication (PLC) in inverter-fed motor power cables. The motor cable is studied as a communication channel in the frequency band of 100 kHz−30 MHz. The communication channel and noise characteristics are described. All the individual components included in a variable-speed electric drive are presented in detail. A channel model is developed, and it is verified by measurements. A theoretical channel information capacity analysis is carried out to estimate the opportunities of a communication medium. Suitable communication and forward error correction (FEC) methods are suggested. A general method to implement a broadband and Ethernet-based communication medium between a motor and a frequency converter is proposed. A coupling interface is also developed that allows to install the communication device safely to a three-phase inverter-fed motor power cable. Practical tests are carried out, and the results are analyzed. Possible applications for the proposed method are presented. A speed feedback motor control application is verified in detail by simulations and laboratory tests because of restrictions for the delay in the feedback loop caused by PLC. Other possible applications are discussed at a more general level.
The aim of this master´s thesis is to study which processes increase the auxiliary power consumption in carbon capture and storage processes and if it is possible to reduce the auxiliary power consumption with variable speed drives. Also the cost of carbon capture and storage is studied. Data about auxiliary power consumption in carbon capture is gathered from various studies and estimates made by various research centres. Based on these studies a view is presented how the power auxiliary power consumption is divided between different processes in carbon capture processes. In a literary study, the operation of three basic carbon capture systems is described. Also different methods to transport carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide storage options are described in this section. At the end of the thesis processes that consume most of the auxiliary power are defined and possibilities to reduce the auxiliary power consumption are evaluated. Cost of carbon capture, transport and storage are also evaluated at this point and in the case that the carbon capture and storage systems are fully deployed. According to the results, it can be estimated what are the processes are where variable speed drives can be used and what kind of cost and power consumption reduction could be achieved. Results also show how large a project carbon capture and storage is if it is fully deployed.
The main purpose of this thesis is to measure and evaluate how accurately the current energy saving calculation in ABB’s new variable speed drive ACS850 works. The main topic of this thesis is energy-efficiency parameters. At the beginning of this thesis centrifugal pump, squirrel cage motor and variable speed drive, including some equations related to them, are being introduced. Also methods of throttling control and variable speed drive control of centrifugal pumps are being introduced. These subjects are introduced because the energy saving calculation in ACS850 is related to the centrifugal pumps usually driven by squirrel cage motors. The theory also includes short section about specific energy of pumping. Before measurements the current energy saving calculation of ACS850 is being introduced and analyzed. The measurements part includes introduction of measuring equipment, measurement results, summary and analysis of the measurements. At the end of this thesis a proposal for an improvement to the current energy saving calculation is being introduced and few proposals are made for new energy-efficiency parameters, which could be added to variable speed drives. At the end are also thoughts
An oscillating overvoltage has become a common phenomenon at the motor terminal in inverter-fed variable-speed drives. The problem has emerged since modern insulated gate bipolar transistors have become the standard choice as the power switch component in lowvoltage frequency converter drives. Theovervoltage phenomenon is a consequence of the pulse shape of inverter output voltage and impedance mismatches between the inverter, motor cable, and motor. The overvoltages are harmful to the electric motor, and may cause, for instance, insulation failure in the motor. Several methods have been developed to mitigate the problem. However, most of them are based on filtering with lossy passive components, the drawbacks of which are typically their cost and size. In this doctoral dissertation, application of a new active du/dt filtering method based on a low-loss LC circuit and active control to eliminate the motor overvoltages is discussed. The main benefits of the method are the controllability of the output voltage du/dt within certain limits, considerably smaller inductances in the filter circuit resulting in a smaller physical component size, and excellent filtering performance when compared with typical traditional du/dt filtering solutions. Moreover, no additional components are required, since the active control of the filter circuit takes place in the process of the upper-level PWM modulation using the same power switches as the inverter output stage. Further, the active du/dt method will benefit from the development of semiconductor power switch modules, as new technologies and materials emerge, because the method requires additional switching in the output stage of the inverter and generation of narrow voltage pulses. Since additional switching is required in the output stage, additional losses are generated in the inverter as a result of the application of the method. Considerations on the application of the active du/dt filtering method in electric drives are presented together with experimental data in order to verify the potential of the method.