35 resultados para Tension transformation zone
Tele- ja dataviestinnän yhdistyminen digitaaliseen sisältöön luo uusia palveluideoita sekä mobiili- että internetverkkoihin. Nämä palvelut kehitetään usein erikseen, jolloin saman sisällön käyttäminen eri pääsymenetelmin ei ole mahdollista. Sisältömuunnos on mahdollista sisällön ja muotoilun eriyttämisellä, joka puolestaan vaatii informaatioyksiköiden merkkauksen sisältöä kuvaavilla lisätiedoilla. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan Extensible Markup Languagen (XML) käyttöä yhdistyneiden palvelujen sisältömuunnoksessa. Nykyisiä ja tulevia palveluita ja verkkoja tarkastellaan sekä sisällön että liiketoiminnan kannalta. Lisäksi esitellään lyhyesti omia ajatuksia ja käsityksiä yhdistyneistä palveluista ja informaation täsmällisyydestä. Työn käytännön osuudessa kuvataan itse suunniteltu palvelualusta sekä esitellään sen avulla rakennettuja sovelluksia
The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of the structure and the deformation history of a NW-SE trending regional, crustal-scale shear structure in the Åland archipelago, SW Finland, called the Sottunga-Jurmo shear zone (SJSZ). Approaches involving e.g. structural geology, geochronology, geochemistry and metamorphic petrology were utilised in order to reconstruct the overall deformation history of the study area. The study therefore describes several features of the shear zone including structures, kinematics and lithologies within the study area, the ages of the different deformation phases (ductile to brittle) within the shear zone, as well as some geothermobarometric results. The results indicate that the SJSZ outlines a major crustal discontinuity between the extensively migmatized rocks NE of the shear zone and the unmigmatised, amphibolite facies rocks SW of the zone. The main SJSZ shows overall dextral lateral kinematics with a SW-side up vertical component and deformation partitioning into pure shear and simple shear dominated deformation styles that was intensified toward later stages of the deformation history. The deformation partitioning resulted in complex folding and refolding against the SW margin of the SJSZ, including conical and sheath folds, and in a formation of several minor strike-slip shear zones both parallel and conjugate to the main SJSZ in order to accommodate the regional transpressive stresses. Different deformation phases within the study area were dated by SIMS (zircon U-Pb), ID-TIMS (titanite U-Pb) and 40Ar/39Ar (pseudotachylyte wholerock) methods. The first deformation phase within the ca. 1.88 Ga rocks of the study area is dated at ca. 1.85 Ga, and the shear zone was reactivated twice within the ductile regime (at ca. 1.83 Ga and 1.79 Ga), during which the strain was successively increasingly partitioned into the main SJSZ and the minor shear zones. The age determinations suggest that the orogenic processes within the study area did not occur in a temporal continuum; instead, the metamorphic zircon rims and titanites show distinct, 10-20 Ma long breaks in deformation between phases of active deformation. The results of this study further imply slow cooling of the rocks through 600-700ºC so that at 1.79 Ga, 2 the temperature was still at least 600ºC. The highest recorded metamorphic pressures are 6.4-7.1 kbar. At the late stages or soon after the last ductile phase (ca. 1.79 Ga), relatively high-T mylonites and ultramylonites were formed, witnessing extreme deformation partitioning and high strain rates. After the rocks reached lower amphibolite facies to amphibolite-greenschist facies transitional conditions (ca. 500-550ºC), they cooled rapidly, probably due to crustal uplift and exhumation. The shear zone was reactivated at least once within the semi-brittle to brittle regime between ca. 1.79 Ga and 1.58 Ga, as evidenced by cataclasites and pseudotachylytes. In summary, the results of this study suggest that the Sottunga-Jurmo shear zone (and the South Finland shear zone) defines a major crustal discontinuity, and played a central role in accommodating the regional stresses during and after the Svecofennian orogeny.
Tutkielman aiheena on Marguerite Durasin romaani L’Amant (suom. Rakastaja). Tarkastelen romaanin valkoihoisen nuoren tytön ”rodullisen” identiteetin rakentumista käyttäen heijastuskuvana Toista, tytön ”erirotuista” kiinalaista rakastajaa. Osittain omaelämäkerrallisen romaanin tapahtumat sijoittuvat Ranskan entiseen siirtomaahan, Indokiinaan. Kolonialismin aikainen rotusorto ja valkoisen ”rodun” mytologisen vallan rakentuminen ja konkretisoituminen ovat siis sekä tutkimukseni konteksti että tutkimuskohde. Tarkastelen missä määrin tytön rodullinen identiteetti pitää yllä – tai toisaalta rikkoo – ”rotujen” hierarkkista ajattelua. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys on jälkikoloniaalinen (postkoloniaalinen) tutkimus, joka on monitieteellinen itsekriittinen tutkimusmetodi. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kyseenalaistaa länsimaissa vallitsevia kategorioita. Päälähteinä käytetään mm. Dyerin (1997), Memmin (1994), Todorovin (1989), Girodin (2004), Hallin (1992, 1996), Derridan (1967, 1972, 1992), Shevoryn (2000), Dufourmentellen (2003) ja De Beauvoirin (1947) teoksia. Tutkimuksen keskeinen käsite on välitila, johon teoksen nuori tyttö voidaan tutkimustulosteni mukaan sijoittaa. Tyttö häilyy eräänlaisessa välitilassa valkoisen ja keltaisen ”rodun” välillä: hän tuntee kuuluvansa tavallaan molempiin ”rotuihin”, sillä hän on syntynyt Indokiinassa, puhuu paikallista kieltä ja suhtautuu paikallisiin tasavertaisemmin kuin valkoihoinen eliitti, mutta kuuluu kuitenkin syntyperältään valkoiseen ”rotuun”. Valkoisuutta ei usein määritellä ”roduksi”, vaikka muiden kuin valkoihoisten kohdalla ”rotu” määritellään joko negatiivisten tai positiivisten typologioiden mukaisesti. Tästä syystä valkoiset nähdään helposti ihmisyyden normina neutraaliksi väitetyssä valkoisten diskriminoivassa diskurssissa. L’Amant’ssa valkoisuus on näkemykseni mukaan kuitenkin näkyvää ja valkoisuuden valtaa kyseenalaistavaa. Valkoisen tytön perhe on valkoisten kolonialistien arvoasteikon alimmalla portaalla, sillä perhe on köyhä ja valkoisten valta rakentui suurelta osin siirtomaaisäntien taloudellispoliittiseen ylivaltaan. Koska tytön perheellä ei ole tarpeeksi varaa elitistiseen herruuteen, eliitti paheksuu tytön perhettä avoimesti erityisesti ”rotujen” välisen kielletyn suhteen tullessa julki, jolloin tyttö eristetään valkoisesta yhteisöstä. Kiinalainen puolestaan on miljardöörin perijä ja tämä suo hänelle hieman korkeamman aseman ”rotujen” hierarkiassa, vaikka hänen vaurautensa toisaalta uhkaakin valkoista valtaa. Myös romaanin monella tapaa konventioita rikkova seksuaalisuus on osa kielletyn suhteen välistä valtapeliä. Kirjailija strukturoi uudelleen patriarkaalisen sukupuolen rakentumisen feminisoimalla kiinalaisen miehen, sillä muussa tapauksessa hänen maskuliinisuutensa saattaisi saada ylivallan tytöstä, joka on sukupuolisesti Toinen.
The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of the structure and the deformation history of a NW-SE trending regional, crustal-scale shear structure in the Åland archipelago, SW Finland, called the Sottunga-Jurmo shear zone (SJSZ). Approaches involving e.g. structural geology, geochronology, geochemistry and metamorphic petrology were utilised in order to reconstruct the overall deformation history of the study area. The study therefore describes several features of the shear zone including structures, kinematics and lithologies within the study area, the ages of the different deformation phases (ductile to brittle) within the shear zone, as well as some geothermobarometric results. The results indicate that the SJSZ outlines a major crustal discontinuity between the extensively migmatized rocks NE of the shear zone and the unmigmatised, amphibolite facies rocks SW of the zone. The main SJSZ shows overall dextral lateral kinematics with a SW-side up vertical component and deformation partitioning into pure shear and simple shear dominated deformation styles that was intensified toward later stages of the deformation history. The deformation partitioning resulted in complex folding and refolding against the SW margin of the SJSZ, including conical and sheath folds, and in a formation of several minor strike-slip shear zones both parallel and conjugate to the main SJSZ in order to accommodate the regional transpressive stresses. Different deformation phases within the study area were dated by SIMS (zircon U-Pb), ID-TIMS (titanite U-Pb) and 40Ar/39Ar (pseudotachylyte wholerock) methods. The first deformation phase within the ca. 1.88 Ga rocks of the study area is dated at ca. 1.85 Ga, and the shear zone was reactivated twice within the ductile regime (at ca. 1.83 Ga and 1.79 Ga), during which the strain was successively increasingly partitioned into the main SJSZ and the minor shear zones. The age determinations suggest that the orogenic processes within the study area did not occur in a temporal continuum; instead, the metamorphic zircon rims and titanites show distinct, 10-20 Ma long breaks in deformation between phases of active deformation. The results of this study further imply slow cooling of the rocks through 600-700ºC so that at 1.79 Ga, 2 the temperature was still at least 600ºC. The highest recorded metamorphic pressures are 6.4-7.1 kbar. At the late stages or soon after the last ductile phase (ca. 1.79 Ga), relatively high-T mylonites and ultramylonites were formed, witnessing extreme deformation partitioning and high strain rates. After the rocks reached lower amphibolite facies to amphibolite-greenschist facies transitional conditions (ca. 500-550ºC), they cooled rapidly, probably due to crustal uplift and exhumation. The shear zone was reactivated at least once within the semi-brittle to brittle regime between ca. 1.79 Ga and 1.58 Ga, as evidenced by cataclasites and pseudotachylytes. In summary, the results of this study suggest that the Sottunga-Jurmo shear zone (and the South Finland shear zone) defines a major crustal discontinuity, and played a central role in accommodating the regional stresses during and after the Svecofennian orogeny.
The use of domain-specific languages (DSLs) has been proposed as an approach to cost-e ectively develop families of software systems in a restricted application domain. Domain-specific languages in combination with the accumulated knowledge and experience of previous implementations, can in turn be used to generate new applications with unique sets of requirements. For this reason, DSLs are considered to be an important approach for software reuse. However, the toolset supporting a particular domain-specific language is also domain-specific and is per definition not reusable. Therefore, creating and maintaining a DSL requires additional resources that could be even larger than the savings associated with using them. As a solution, di erent tool frameworks have been proposed to simplify and reduce the cost of developments of DSLs. Developers of tool support for DSLs need to instantiate, customize or configure the framework for a particular DSL. There are di erent approaches for this. An approach is to use an application programming interface (API) and to extend the basic framework using an imperative programming language. An example of a tools which is based on this approach is Eclipse GEF. Another approach is to configure the framework using declarative languages that are independent of the underlying framework implementation. We believe this second approach can bring important benefits as this brings focus to specifying what should the tool be like instead of writing a program specifying how the tool achieves this functionality. In this thesis we explore this second approach. We use graph transformation as the basic approach to customize a domain-specific modeling (DSM) tool framework. The contributions of this thesis includes a comparison of di erent approaches for defining, representing and interchanging software modeling languages and models and a tool architecture for an open domain-specific modeling framework that e ciently integrates several model transformation components and visual editors. We also present several specific algorithms and tool components for DSM framework. These include an approach for graph query based on region operators and the star operator and an approach for reconciling models and diagrams after executing model transformation programs. We exemplify our approach with two case studies MICAS and EFCO. In these studies we show how our experimental modeling tool framework has been used to define tool environments for domain-specific languages.
This study was conducted in order to learn how companies’ revenue models will be transformed due to the digitalisation of its products and processes. Because there is still only a limited number of researches focusing solely on revenue models, and particularly on the revenue model change caused by the changes at the business environment, the topic was initially approached through the business model concept, which organises the different value creating operations and resources at a company in order to create profitable revenue streams. This was used as the base for constructing the theoretical framework for this study, used to collect and analyse the information. The empirical section is based on a qualitative study approach and multiple-case analysis of companies operating in learning materials publishing industry. Their operations are compared with companies operating in other industries, which have undergone comparable transformation, in order to recognise either similarities or contrasts between the cases. The sources of evidence are a literature review to find the essential dimensions researched earlier, and interviews 29 of managers and executives at 17 organisations representing six industries. Based onto the earlier literature and the empirical findings of this study, the change of the revenue model is linked with the change of the other dimen-sions of the business model. When one dimension will be altered, as well the other should be adjusted accordingly. At the case companies the transformation is observed as the utilisation of several revenue models simultaneously and the revenue creation processes becoming more complex.
Competition for customers in business-to-business markets is rough, and in order to survive a seller has to be able to deliver more value to its customers than its competitors. This thesis is done for the sales department of an energy technology company operating in business-to-business markets. The company is a relatively small in its field, and it aims to expand internationally and differ itself from its competitors by providing better service for its customers and selling solutions. This study aims to design the transformation from a product seller into a solution seller by defining what is a solution and how solutions are sold, and creating an action plan for sales. Data for the study is collected in ten theme interviews, and analyzed with thematic and content analysis. The action plan is constructed based both on the data and theory. According to the findings of the study, solution is defined as a specially designed unique combination of elements – such as products, services, knowledge, experience and thinking – that work with and complement each other, and bring value to a particular customer. Solution sales requires capabilities to anticipate; build relationships with customers; identify needs and define requirements; cocreate solutions by customizing and integrating elements; and provide postdeployment support. Vision for the change is to sell solution through sensing customers’ needs and responding to them, and the steps of the action plan are to (1) cascade customer-focus, (2) involve other departments in solution sales, (3) develop customer relationship management, and (4) involve the whole organization in solution business.
This study investigated the surface hardening of steels via experimental tests using a multi-kilowatt fiber laser as the laser source. The influence of laser power and laser power density on the hardening effect was investigated. The microhardness analysis of various laser hardened steels was done. A thermodynamic model was developed to evaluate the thermal process of the surface treatment of a wide thin steel plate with a Gaussian laser beam. The effect of laser linear oscillation hardening (LLOS) of steel was examined. An as-rolled ferritic-pearlitic steel and a tempered martensitic steel with 0.37 wt% C content were hardened under various laser power levels and laser power densities. The optimum power density that produced the maximum hardness was found to be dependent on the laser power. The effect of laser power density on the produced hardness was revealed. The surface hardness, hardened depth and required laser power density were compared between the samples. Fiber laser was briefly compared with high power diode laser in hardening medium-carbon steel. Microhardness (HV0.01) test was done on seven different laser hardened steels, including rolled steel, quenched and tempered steel, soft annealed alloyed steel and conventionally through-hardened steel consisting of different carbon and alloy contents. The surface hardness and hardened depth were compared among the samples. The effect of grain size on surface hardness of ferritic-pearlitic steel and pearlitic-cementite steel was evaluated. In-grain indentation was done to measure the hardness of pearlitic and cementite structures. The macrohardness of the base material was found to be related to the microhardness of the softer phase structure. The measured microhardness values were compared with the conventional macrohardness (HV5) results. A thermodynamic model was developed to calculate the temperature cycle, Ac1 and Ac3 boundaries, homogenization time and cooling rate. The equations were numerically solved with an error of less than 10-8. The temperature distributions for various thicknesses were compared under different laser traverse speed. The lag of the was verified by experiments done on six different steels. The calculated thermal cycle and hardened depth were compared with measured data. Correction coefficients were applied to the model for AISI 4340 steel. AISI 4340 steel was hardened by laser linear oscillation hardening (LLOS). Equations were derived to calculate the overlapped width of adjacent tracks and the number of overlapped scans in the center of the scanned track. The effect of oscillation frequency on the hardened depth was investigated by microscopic evaluation and hardness measurement. The homogeneity of hardness and hardened depth with different processing parameters were investigated. The hardness profiles were compared with the results obtained with conventional single-track hardening. LLOS was proved to be well suitable for surface hardening in a relatively large rectangular area with considerable depth of hardening. Compared with conventional single-track scanning, LLOS produced notably smaller hardened depths while at 40 and 100 Hz LLOS resulted in higher hardness within a depth of about 0.6 mm.