21 resultados para Range (Vehicles).


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Työn tavoitteena on tehdä kirjallisuuskatsaus kestomagneettiavusteisesta synkronireluktanssikoneesta ja tarkastella sen soveltuvuutta sähköauton voimantuottoon. Lisäksi työssä tehdään katsaus tämänhetkisiin sähköautoihin ja niissä esiintyviin koneratkaisuihin ja esitetään esimerkkilaskelma moottorin voimantarpeesta auton eri toiminta-alueilla. Tarkasteluissa selvisi, että kestomagneettiavusteinen synkronireluktanssikone on varteenotettava moottoriratkaisu sähköautoissa. Tämänhetkisissä sähköautoissa pääosin esiintyviin epätahtikoneeseen ja kestomagneettitahtikoneeseen verrattuna kestomagneettiavusteisella synkronireluktanssikoneella on muutamia ominaisuuksia, jotka autokäytössä ovat erityisesti sen vahvuuksia. Epätahtikoneeseen verrattuna kestomagneettiavusteisella synkronireluktanssikoneella on etuina huomattavasti pienempi paino ja synkronisuus ja kestomagneettitahtikoneeseen verrattuna sillä on paremmat kentänheikennysominaisuudet ja näin laajempi nopeusalue käytettävissä.


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Meandering rivers have been perceived to evolve rather similarly around the world independently of the location or size of the river. Despite the many consistent processes and characteristics they have also been noted to show complex and unique sets of fluviomorphological processes in which local factors play important role. These complex interactions of flow and morphology affect notably the development of the river. Comprehensive and fundamental field, flume and theoretically based studies of fluviomorphological processes in meandering rivers have been carried out especially during the latter part of the 20th century. However, as these studies have been carried out with traditional field measurements techniques their spatial and temporal resolution is not competitive to the level achievable today. The hypothesis of this study is that, by exploiting e increased spatial and temporal resolution of the data, achieved by combining conventional field measurements with a range of modern technologies, will provide new insights to the spatial patterns of the flow-sediment interaction in meandering streams, which have perceived to show notable variation in space and time. This thesis shows how the modern technologies can be combined to derive very high spatial and temporal resolution data on fluvio-morphological processes over meander bends. The flow structure over the bends is recorded in situ using acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and the spatial and temporal resolution of the flow data is enhanced using 2D and 3D CFD over various meander bends. The CFD are also exploited to simulate sediment transport. Multi-temporal terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), mobile laser scanning (MLS) and echo sounding data are used to measure the flow-based changes and formations over meander bends and to build the computational models. The spatial patterns of erosion and deposition over meander bends are analysed relative to the measured and modelled flow field and sediment transport. The results are compared with the classic theories of the processes in meander bends. Mainly, the results of this study follow well the existing theories and results of previous studies. However, some new insights regarding to the spatial and temporal patterns of the flow-sediment interaction in a natural sand-bed meander bend are provided. The results of this study show the advantages of the rapid and detailed measurements techniques and the achieved spatial and temporal resolution provided by CFD, unachievable with field measurements. The thesis also discusses the limitations which remain in the measurement and modelling methods and in understanding of fluvial geomorphology of meander bends. Further, the hydro- and morphodynamic models’ sensitivity to user-defined parameters is tested, and the modelling results are assessed against detailed field measurement. The study is implemented in the meandering sub-Arctic Pulmanki River in Finland. The river is unregulated and sand-bed and major morphological changes occur annually on the meander point bars, which are inundated only during the snow-melt-induced spring floods. The outcome of this study applies to sandbed meandering rivers in regions where normally one significant flood event occurs annually, such as Arctic areas with snow-melt induced spring floods, and where the point bars of the meander bends are inundated only during the flood events.


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Successful management of rivers requires an understanding of the fluvial processes that govern them. This, in turn cannot be achieved without a means of quantifying their geomorphology and hydrology and the spatio-temporal interactions between them, that is, their hydromorphology. For a long time, it has been laborious and time-consuming to measure river topography, especially in the submerged part of the channel. The measurement of the flow field has been challenging as well, and hence, such measurements have long been sparse in natural environments. Technological advancements in the field of remote sensing in the recent years have opened up new possibilities for capturing synoptic information on river environments. This thesis presents new developments in fluvial remote sensing of both topography and water flow. A set of close-range remote sensing methods is employed to eventually construct a high-resolution unified empirical hydromorphological model, that is, river channel and floodplain topography and three-dimensional areal flow field. Empirical as well as hydraulic theory-based optical remote sensing methods are tested and evaluated using normal colour aerial photographs and sonar calibration and reference measurements on a rocky-bed sub-Arctic river. The empirical optical bathymetry model is developed further by the introduction of a deep-water radiance parameter estimation algorithm that extends the field of application of the model to shallow streams. The effect of this parameter on the model is also assessed in a study of a sandy-bed sub-Arctic river using close-range high-resolution aerial photography, presenting one of the first examples of fluvial bathymetry modelling from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Further close-range remote sensing methods are added to complete the topography integrating the river bed with the floodplain to create a seamless high-resolution topography. Boat- cart- and backpack-based mobile laser scanning (MLS) are used to measure the topography of the dry part of the channel at a high resolution and accuracy. Multitemporal MLS is evaluated along with UAV-based photogrammetry against terrestrial laser scanning reference data and merged with UAV-based bathymetry to create a two-year series of seamless digital terrain models. These allow the evaluation of the methodology for conducting high-resolution change analysis of the entire channel. The remote sensing based model of hydromorphology is completed by a new methodology for mapping the flow field in 3D. An acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) is deployed on a remote-controlled boat with a survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver, allowing the positioning of the areally sampled 3D flow vectors in 3D space as a point cloud and its interpolation into a 3D matrix allows a quantitative volumetric flow analysis. Multitemporal areal 3D flow field data show the evolution of the flow field during a snow-melt flood event. The combination of the underwater and dry topography with the flow field yields a compete model of river hydromorphology at the reach scale.


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This dissertation describes an approach for developing a real-time simulation for working mobile vehicles based on multibody modeling. The use of multibody modeling allows comprehensive description of the constrained motion of the mechanical systems involved and permits real-time solving of the equations of motion. By carefully selecting the multibody formulation method to be used, it is possible to increase the accuracy of the multibody model while at the same time solving equations of motion in real-time. In this study, a multibody procedure based on semi-recursive and augmented Lagrangian methods for real-time dynamic simulation application is studied in detail. In the semirecursive approach, a velocity transformation matrix is introduced to describe the dependent coordinates into relative (joint) coordinates, which reduces the size of the generalized coordinates. The augmented Lagrangian method is based on usage of global coordinates and, in that method, constraints are accounted using an iterative process. A multibody system can be modelled as either rigid or flexible bodies. When using flexible bodies, the system can be described using a floating frame of reference formulation. In this method, the deformation mode needed can be obtained from the finite element model. As the finite element model typically involves large number of degrees of freedom, reduced number of deformation modes can be obtained by employing model order reduction method such as Guyan reduction, Craig-Bampton method and Krylov subspace as shown in this study The constrained motion of the working mobile vehicles is actuated by the force from the hydraulic actuator. In this study, the hydraulic system is modeled using lumped fluid theory, in which the hydraulic circuit is divided into volumes. In this approach, the pressure wave propagation in the hoses and pipes is neglected. The contact modeling is divided into two stages: contact detection and contact response. Contact detection determines when and where the contact occurs, and contact response provides the force acting at the collision point. The friction between tire and ground is modelled using the LuGre friction model, which describes the frictional force between two surfaces. Typically, the equations of motion are solved in the full matrices format, where the sparsity of the matrices is not considered. Increasing the number of bodies and constraint equations leads to the system matrices becoming large and sparse in structure. To increase the computational efficiency, a technique for solution of sparse matrices is proposed in this dissertation and its implementation demonstrated. To assess the computing efficiency, augmented Lagrangian and semi-recursive methods are implemented employing a sparse matrix technique. From the numerical example, the results show that the proposed approach is applicable and produced appropriate results within the real-time period.


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This thesis researches the current state of small teleoperated devices, the need for them and developing one. Small teleoperated devices give the possibility to perform tasks that are impossible or dangerous for humans. This work concentrates on small devices and cheap components and discloses one way of developing a teleoperated vehicle, but not necessarily the optimal way. Development and the current state of teleoperation were studied by a literature review, in which the data was searched from literature as well as from the Internet. The need for teleoperated devices was mapped through a survey, where 11 professionals from variating fields were interviewed how they could utilize a teleoperated devices and with what kind of features. Also, a prototype was built as a proof of concept of small teleoperated devices. The prototype is controlled by a single-board microcomputer that also streams video to the controlling device. The video can be viewed on a display or with a head mounted display.


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Raskaankaluston ajoneuvojen aerodynaaminen kehitys on kulkenut väärään suuntaan jo vuosisadan verran ja niiden muodon määräävä tekijä on kuljetustilan maksimointi ja toi-minnallisuus. Lähiaikoina on astumassa EU:ssa uusi direktiivi voimaan, joka sallii lisämas-san käyttämisen aerodynaamisiin lisäosiin. Työn tarkoituksena on tutkia mahdollisuuksia parantaa hakeperävaunun aerodynamiikkaa yksinkertaisilla lisäosilla. Työ on rajattu koskemaan perävaununetuosaan, -sivuosaan ja -pohjaan. Lisäksi rajoitteita asettaa Suomenlainsäädäntö ja EU:n direktiivit. Työssä perehdytään ilmanvastusvoiman syntymekanismeihin raskaankaluston ajoneuvojen kannalta ja käydään läpi merkittävimmät vaikuttavat tekijät ilmanvastusvoimiin sekä kuorma-auton perävaunun eri muotojen ja osien vaikutus. Perävaunuun asetettavien il-manohjaimien vaikutukset ja toiminta selvitetään. Avainasemassa hakeperävaunun aerodynamiikan parantamisessa on ilmavirtauksen estä-minen perävaunun alle sekä etupuolelta. Lisäksi virtausten muuttamien perävaunun takana on hyödyllistä. Merkittävimmät hyödyt saadaan niistä ratkaisuista, jotka estävät ilman virtausta perävau-nun alle sekä renkaisiin. Näitä ratkaisuja olivat sivuhelmat ja pohjan sekä renkaiden kote-lointi. Lisäksi ilmavirtauksen estäminen perävaunun edestä tuotti merkittävää hyötyä. Levy perävaunun välissä tai koko välin peittämällä saadaan aikaan huomattavaa vähenemistä ilmanvastuksessa.