28 resultados para RNA, Guide
kuv., 8 x 15 cm
kuv., 12 x 22 cm
Male germ cell differentiation, spermatogenesis is an exceptional developmental process that produces a massive amount of genetically unique spermatozoa. The complexity of this process along with the technical limitations in the germline research has left many aspects of spermatogenesis poorly understood. Post-meiotic haploid round spermatids possess the most complex transcriptomes of the whole body. Correspondingly, efficient and accurate control mechanisms are necessary to deal with the huge diversity of transcribed RNAs in these cells. The high transcriptional activity in round spermatids is accompanied by the presence of an uncommonly large cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein granule, called the chromatoid body (CB) that is conjectured to participate in the RNA post-transcriptional regulation. However, very little is known about the possible mechanisms of the CB function. The development of a procedure to isolate CBs from mouse testes was this study’s objective. Anti-MVH immunoprecipitation of cross-linked CBs from a fractionated testicular cell lysate was optimized to yield considerable quantities of pure and intact CBs from mice testes. This protocol produced reliable and reproducible data from the subsequent analysis of CB’s protein and RNA components. We found that the majority of the CB’s proteome consists of RNA-binding proteins that associate functionally with different pathways. We also demonstrated notable localization patterns of one of the CB transient components, SAM68 and showed that its ablation does not change the general composition or structure of the CB. CB-associated RNA analysis revealed a strong accumulation of PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs), mRNAs and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the CB. When the CB transcriptome and proteome analysis results were combined, the most pronounced molecular functions in the CB were related to piRNA pathway, RNA post-transcriptional processing and CB structural scaffolding. In addition, we demonstrated that the CB is a target for the main RNA flux from the nucleus throughout all steps of round spermatid development. Moreover, we provided preliminary evidence that those isolated CBs slice target RNAs in vitro in an ATPdependent manner. Altogether, these results make a strong suggestion that the CB functions involve RNA-related and RNA-mediated mechanisms. All the existing data supports the hypothesis that the CB coordinates the highly complex haploid transcriptome during the preparation of the male gametes for fertilization. Thereby, this study provides a fundamental basis for the future functional analyses of ribonucleoprotein granules and offers also important insights into the mechanisms governing male fertility.
A new Dam Safety Act (494/2009) came into force on 1st October 2009 and a Government Decree on Dam Safety (319/2010) on 5th May 2010. This Dam Safety Guide replaces the Dam Safety Code of Practice (Publication of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 7/1997), removed from circulation on 1st October 2009. The Dam Safety Guide is not binding on the dam owner; the purpose is to complement and elucidate the relevant law and and decree through examples and descriptions. The Guide takes up questions concerning dam design, for instance hydrological dimensioning and technical safety requirements, dam construction and use, the dam break hazard analysis and the dam owner’s emergency action plan, maintenance, use, monitoring as well as the annual and periodic inspections. Dams are classified according to the hazard they pose into class 1, 2 or 3 dams. The classification is not needed, if, according to the dam safety authority, the dam poses no danger. The owner of a classified dam must prepare a monitoring programme, to be approved by decision of the dam safety authority. To establish the hazard caused by a dam, the owner of a class 1 dam must prepare an analysis of the dam hazard to humans and property as well as to the environment. The dam safety authority may also require a dam break hazard analysis for a dam other than class 1 dam if deemed necessary for classification. The owner of a class 1 dam must prepare a plan of measures in case of emergency or operational failure. The plan shall present the dam owner’s state of preparedness to act on their own initiative in the situations described above. In each case, the rescue authorities make a separate assessment for the need to prepare a plan as set out in the Rescue Act. The dam owner must provide the information specified in the Dam Safety Decree to be entered into the dam safety information system. The dam safety authority and the owner of the dam must keep up-to-date printouts in their own dam safety files from the information system for each dam as well as other important documents connected with dam safety to ensure that these are readily available in case of disturbance.
Merten aluesuunnittelu on keskeinen osa komission sinisen kasvun strategiaa ja EU:n yhdennettyä meripolitiikkaa. Euroopan parla-mentti on hiljattain hyväksynyt merten aluesuunnittelua koskevan direktiivin, jonka tarkoituksena on auttaa EU-maita koordinoimaan paremmin merellä toteutettavia toimia ja varmistaa, että toimet ovat tehokkaita ja ekologisesti kestäviä. Rannikko- ja merialueilla samasta tilasta ja resursseista kilpailevat monenlaiset toimet: kalastusalueet, vesiviljelylaitokset ja merten suojelualueet, meri-infrastruktuurit kuten kaapelit, putket ja laivaväylät sekä öljy- ja kaasulaitokset ja tuulivoimalat. Uusi direktiivi auttaa välttämään näinkin erilaisten käyttötarkoitusten välisiä potentiaalisia ristiriitoja ja luomaan vakaan toimintaympäristön, joka houkuttelee sijoittajia ja edistää näin kestävää kasvua. Suunnittelulla myös vähennetään nykyistä ylisääntelyä ja hallinnollisia kiemuroita. Moni toimet edellyttävät lupaa tai lisenssiä jotta ne saisivat toimia merialueilla ja viranomaiset vaativat usein että hakija suorittaa ympä-ristövahinkoarvioinnin (YVA), joka viranomaiset arvioivat ennen lupaa myönnetään. Oppaan tarkoitus on helpottaa hakijan YVA läpivienti tai hankinta tarjoamalla yleiskatsausta menetelmistä meriympäristön tutkimiseen ja niiden sopivuutta eri tarkoituksiin.
Syftet med denna guide är att sprida ut information om genomförande av röjning på stränder och om de effekter som röjningen medför. Guiden är avsedd för ansvarspersoner i olika slags vattendragsprojekt och projekt för rensning av utfallsdiken samt för medborgare som planerar strandröjning.