20 resultados para Pedagogical Coordinator
The goal of this research was to make an overall sight to VIX and how it can be used as a stock market indicator. Volatility index, often referred as the fear index, measures how much does it cost for investor to protect his/hers S&P 500 position from fluctuations with options. Over the relatively short history of VIX it has succesfull timing coordinator and it has told about the market state adding its own psychological view of the amount of fear and greed.
The RPC Detector Control System (RCS) is the main subject of this PhD work. The project, involving the Lappeenranta University of Technology, the Warsaw University and INFN of Naples, is aimed to integrate the different subsystems for the RPC detector and its trigger chain in order to develop a common framework to control and monitoring the different parts. In this project, I have been strongly involved during the last three years on the hardware and software development, construction and commissioning as main responsible and coordinator. The CMS Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) system consists of 912 double-gap chambers at its start-up in middle of 2008. A continuous control and monitoring of the detector, the trigger and all the ancillary sub-systems (high voltages, low voltages, environmental, gas, and cooling), is required to achieve the operational stability and reliability of a so large and complex detector and trigger system. Role of the RPC Detector Control System is to monitor the detector conditions and performance, control and monitor all subsystems related to RPC and their electronics and store all the information in a dedicated database, called Condition DB. Therefore the RPC DCS system has to assure the safe and correct operation of the sub-detectors during all CMS life time (more than 10 year), detect abnormal and harmful situations and take protective and automatic actions to minimize consequential damages. The analysis of the requirements and project challenges, the architecture design and its development as well as the calibration and commissioning phases represent themain tasks of the work developed for this PhD thesis. Different technologies, middleware and solutions has been studied and adopted in the design and development of the different components and a big challenging consisted in the integration of these different parts each other and in the general CMS control system and data acquisition framework. Therefore, the RCS installation and commissioning phase as well as its performance and the first results, obtained during the last three years CMS cosmic runs, will be
Tavoitteeni tässä tutkimuksessa oli selvittää, miten kirjallisuustieteellisiä proosa-anayysin käsitteitä opetetaan opetussuunnitelman mukaisissa lukion äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden oppikirjoissa ja miten hyvin kokelaat hallitsivat kertoja-käsitteen tekstitaidon ylioppilaskokeessa keväällä 2007. Samalla pohdin, minkälainen kirjallisuustieteellinen käsitteistö palvelisi tekstianalyysin opetusta koulussa, koska Lukion opetussuunnitelman perusteet 2003 ja äidinkielen ylioppilaskoe edellyttävät äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden opetukselta ja oppilailta käsitteiden käyttöä. Tutkimusaineistonani olivat kaikki kuusi käytössä olevaa lukion äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden oppikirjaa ja 440 kpl kevään 2007 äidinkielen tekstitaidon ylioppilaskokeen vastaustekstiä. Oppikirjoja tarkastelin soveltamalla niiden arviointiin Lev S. Vygotskin ajatuksia arkikäsitteiden ja tieteellisten käsitteiden opettamisesta ja Hans Aeblin esittämiä teoreettisia malleja käsitteiden opettamisesta ja oppimisesta. Tutkimukseni osoittaa, että opetussuunnitelmassa mainittujen proosa-analyysin käsitteiden kertoja, näkökulma, motiivi, aihe ja teema opetus on epätäsmällistä. Oppikirjoissa ei ole otettu huomioon sitä, että käsitteenoppiminen on monivaiheinen prosessi. Myöskään problematiikkaa, joka aiheutuu kyseisten käsitteiden määrittelyn kirjavuudesta ja käytöstä sekä arkikielen käsitteinä että tieteellisinä käsitteinä, ei oppikirjoissa käsitellä. Sama näkyy ylioppilaskoeaineistossa: oppilaat eivät hallitse käsitettä kertoja tieteellisenä käsitteenä. Tietoisuus kirjallisuustieteellisten käsitteiden määrittelyn problematiikasta ja arkikäsitteiden ja tieteellisten käsitteiden ontologisista kategorioista on onnistuneen käsitteenoppimisen edellytys. Kirjallisuustieteelliset käsitteet ovat metakäsitteitä, jotka edellyttävät oppilaiden metakäsitteellisen tietoisuuden ja motivaation hyödyntämistä opetuksessa, jossa olisi sovellettava monipuolisesti eri oppimiskäsitysten parhaita puolia hyödyntäviä lähestymistapoja, erilaisia pedagogisia diskursseja. Koulujen kirjallisuudenopetusta suunniteltaessa ja kirjallisuustieteellisiä käsitteitä opetettaessa on otettava huomioon niin kirjallisuustieteen kuin kasvatustieteen näkökulma. Opetussuunnitelman ja ylioppilaskokeen asettama vaatimus käsitteiden käytöstä on kohtuuton, mikäli ei sovita, miten käsitteet määritellään ja mitä käsitteitä kokelaiden oletetaan ylioppilaskokeessa hallitsevan. Kirjallisuustieteellisten käsitteiden puutteellisen opetuksen oppikirjoissa ja niiden epämääräisen käytön ylioppilaskokeen tehtävänannoissa ja arvioinnissa voi kärjistyneimmillään nähdä oppilaan oikeusturvakysymyksenä
Innovativity and cooperative learning in business life and teaching The study comprises four articles and a summary, which analyse the concepts of innovation and innovativity and the cooperative learning connected to the innovation processes of companies. Th e study comments on what is innovativity. Another point of inspection is how the cooperative learning theory constructed on the basis of educational science lends it self to inspecting business innovations. At the end, we ponder upon how the concepts of innovativity can be used to inspect teachers’ activities. The studied business innovations were chosen on after considering expert statements. The key personnel in the innovation process were interviewed. The concept of innovation is inspected especially with the aid of concept analysis. The pedagogical innovativity study based on the view of education specialists in quantitative and the data was collected with a questionnaire created on the basis of previous research and literature. Different research methods were used in the studies, thus mixed methods were used for the whole of the doctoral thesis. The starting point for the whole, grounded theory, has to be understood here as a research strategy as well as a research method and data analysis method. The results show that innovativity is creativity that demands versatile learning and has positive eff ects on the process or event in practice. The results also show that in successful innovation businesses cooperative learning is something that has been found instead of searched. Cooperative learning can be seen as characteristic for innovation businesses. The five stage division of cooperative learning creates a useful method of analysing learning in innovation businesses. Innovativity connected to cooperative learning seems to make the creation of innovations possible. In addition to this, the results also show that a teacher’s innovativity is connected to reforms and an attitude that embraces them. Versatile learning in the individual and community is a prerequisite for innovativity. It is important that the teacher has a continuous will to renew teaching methods and combine work and teaching methods. The basic requirements are pedagogical vocational profi ciency and resourcefulness in everyday work.
The goal of this research was to make an overall sight to VIX® and how it can be used as a stock market indicator. Volatility index often referred as the fear index, measures how much it costs for investor to protect his/her S&P 500 position from fluctuations with options. Over the relatively short history of VIX it has been a successful timing coordinator and it has given incremental information about the market state adding its own psychological view of the amount of fear and greed. Correctly utilized VIX information gives a considerable advantage in timing market actions. In this paper we test how VIX works as a leading indicator of broad stock market index such as S&P 500 (SPX). The purpose of this paper is to find a working way to interpret VIX. The various tests are made on time series data ranging from the year 1990 to the year 2010. The 10-day simple moving average strategy gave significant profits from the whole time when VIX data is available. Strategy was able to utilize the increases of SPX in example portfolio value and was able to step aside when SPX was declining. At the times when portfolio was aside of S it was on safety fund like on treasury bills getting an annual yield of 3 percent. On the other side just a static number’s of VIX did not work as indicators in a profit making way.