32 resultados para Network of urban streets


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The accumulation of aqueous pollutants is becoming a global problem. The search for suitable methods and/or combinations of water treatment processes is a task that can slow down and stop the process of water pollution. In this work, the method of wet oxidation was considered as an appropriate technique for the elimination of the impurities present in paper mill process waters. It has been shown that, when combined with traditional wastewater treatment processes, wet oxidation offers many advantages. The combination of coagulation and wet oxidation offers a new opportunity for the improvement of the quality of wastewater designated for discharge or recycling. First of all, the utilization of coagulated sludge via wet oxidation provides a conditioning process for the sludge, i.e. dewatering, which is rather difficult to carry out with untreated waste. Secondly, Fe2(SO4)3, which is employed earlier as a coagulant, transforms the conventional wet oxidation process into a catalytic one. The use of coagulation as the post-treatment for wet oxidation can offer the possibility of the brown hue that usually accompanies the partial oxidation to be reduced. As a result, the supernatant is less colored and also contains a rather low amount of Fe ions to beconsidered for recycling inside mills. The thickened part that consists of metal ions is then recycled back to the wet oxidation system. It was also observed that wet oxidation is favorable for the degradation of pitch substances (LWEs) and lignin that are present in the process waters of paper mills. Rather low operating temperatures are needed for wet oxidation in order to destruct LWEs. The oxidation in the alkaline media provides not only the faster elimination of pitch and lignin but also significantly improves the biodegradable characteristics of wastewater that contains lignin and pitch substances. During the course of the kinetic studies, a model, which can predict the enhancements of the biodegradability of wastewater, was elaborated. The model includes lumped concentrations suchas the chemical oxygen demand and biochemical oxygen demand and reflects a generalized reaction network of oxidative transformations. Later developments incorporated a new lump, the immediately available biochemical oxygen demand, which increased the fidelity of the predictions made by the model. Since changes in biodegradability occur simultaneously with the destruction of LWEs, an attempt was made to combine these two facts for modeling purposes.


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Tässä diplomityössä käsitellään pumppujen maailmanlaajuista varaosa-jakelua. Työn pääpaino on varaosien moniportaisen jakeluverkon toimitusketjun logistiikassa. Asiakaspalvelussa varaosien nopea saatavuus on ratkaisevassa asemassa, jotta asiakkaiden tehtaiden käynnissäpito voidaan turvata. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää Ahlström Pumpuille uusi globaali toimintamalli varaosien jakeluun. Tämä uusi varaosien jakelumalli on kehitetty pääasiassa sopimusasiakkaille, jotka ovat halukkaita ulkoistamaan varaosatoimintonsa. Mallia sovelletaan käytäntöön varaosien jakelussa ensiksi Suomessa ja Ruotsissa. Myöhemmin on tarkoitus kopioida mallia myös muualle. Malli on pyritty rakentamaan siten, että siihen voidaan helposti liittää muita Ahlström Pumppujen tarjoamia palveluita. Työssä koottu materiaali perustuu pääasiassa haastatteluihin, palavereihin, erilaisiin sisäisiin raportteihin, kirjallisuuteen ja itsenäiseen selvitystyöhön. Työssä on myös tutustuttu kolmen eri yrityksen after-sales- ja varaosatoimintaan.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia, millaista arvoa digitaalinen painatusmenetelmä tuo yrityksen arvoverkostoon. Teoriaosassa tavoite oli rakentaa digitaalipainatuksen arvoverkostoa tutkien kirjallisuutta liittyen arvoketju- ja arvoverkostoajatteluun. Myös aiemmat tutkimukset ja kirjallisuus liittyen digitaalipainatukseen rakensivat osaltaan teoreettisen viitekehyksen muodostumista. Aiemmat tutkimukset digitaalisen painomenetelmän mahdollisuuksista ovat hyvin tekniikkapainotteisia, siksi tämä tutkimus liittyy enemmän kaupallisiin mahdollisuuksiin. Empiirinen osio tutkimuksesta tehtiin kvalitatiivisena case -tutkimuksena, johon sisältyi yksi alayksikkö. Eli tutkittiin yhtä casea, jossa oli kaksi osapuolta. Tutkielma liittyy kiinteästi Stora Enson ja Valion väliseen digipainatus-projektiin, joka käynnistettiin helmikuussa 2001. Tutkielman teemahaastatteluihin valittiin henkilöt tästä projektiryhmästä. Projektiryhmän mielipiteitä ja havaintoja hyödyntäen pyrittiin löytämään tukea ja eroavaisuuksia teoriaosan muodostamaan viitekehykseen ja informaatioon. Empiirinen osuus tuki teoriaosassa esittämiä väittämiä hyvin, mutta myös muutamia uusia havaintoja esiintyi. Tutkimusongelmaan löydettiin monia vastauksia: digitaalipainatus luo arvoa yrityksen jakeluketjuun vähentämällä varastoja ja nopeuttamalla toimituksia. Jäätelöpakkausten markkinointi on aivan uuden haasteen edessä, koska mahdollisuudet kasvavat digitaalipainatuksen myötä huomattavasti. Kartongin valmistajalle arvo tulee parempien tuotteiden kautta, joista saa myös paremman tuoton. Digitaalipainatuksen arvoverkostossa tulee tapahtumaan muutoksia jatkossa, eri osapuolten roolit saattavat muuttua radikaalisti. Kuka hoitaa painatusta ja miten?


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Simulation has traditionally been used for analyzing the behavior of complex real world problems. Even though only some features of the problems are considered, simulation time tends to become quite high even for common simulation problems. Parallel and distributed simulation is a viable technique for accelerating the simulations. The success of parallel simulation depends heavily on the combination of the simulation application, algorithm and message population in the simulation is sufficient, no additional delay is caused by this environment. In this thesis a conservative, parallel simulation algorithm is applied to the simulation of a cellular network application in a distributed workstation environment. This thesis presents a distributed simulation environment, Diworse, which is based on the use of networked workstations. The distributed environment is considered especially hard for conservative simulation algorithms due to the high cost of communication. In this thesis, however, the distributed environment is shown to be a viable alternative if the amount of communication is kept reasonable. Novel ideas of multiple message simulation and channel reduction enable efficient use of this environment for the simulation of a cellular network application. The distribution of the simulation is based on a modification of the well known Chandy-Misra deadlock avoidance algorithm with null messages. The basic Chandy Misra algorithm is modified by using the null message cancellation and multiple message simulation techniques. The modifications reduce the amount of null messages and the time required for their execution, thus reducing the simulation time required. The null message cancellation technique reduces the processing time of null messages as the arriving null message cancels other non processed null messages. The multiple message simulation forms groups of messages as it simulates several messages before it releases the new created messages. If the message population in the simulation is suffiecient, no additional delay is caused by this operation A new technique for considering the simulation application is also presented. The performance is improved by establishing a neighborhood for the simulation elements. The neighborhood concept is based on a channel reduction technique, where the properties of the application exclusively determine which connections are necessary when a certain accuracy for simulation results is required. Distributed simulation is also analyzed in order to find out the effect of the different elements in the implemented simulation environment. This analysis is performed by using critical path analysis. Critical path analysis allows determination of a lower bound for the simulation time. In this thesis critical times are computed for sequential and parallel traces. The analysis based on sequential traces reveals the parallel properties of the application whereas the analysis based on parallel traces reveals the properties of the environment and the distribution.


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During the past few years, a considerable number of research articles have been published relating to the structure and function of the major photosynthetic protein complexes, photosystem (PS) I, PSII, cytochrome (Cyt) b6f, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase. Sequencing of the Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) genome together with several high-quality proteomics studies has, however, revealed that the thylakoid membrane network of plant chloroplasts still contains a number of functionally unknown proteins. These proteins may have a role as auxiliary proteins guiding the assembly, maintenance, and turnover of the thylakoid protein complexes, or they may be as yet unknown subunits of the photosynthetic complexes. Novel subunits are most likely to be found in the NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (NDH) complex, the structure and function of which have remained obscure in the absence of detailed crystallographic data, thus making this thylakoid protein complex a particularly interesting target of investigation. In this thesis, several novel thylakoid-associated proteins were identified by proteomics-based methods. The major goal of characterization of the stroma thylakoid associated polysome-nascent chain complexes was to determine the proteins that guide the dynamic life cycle of PSII. In addition, a large protein complex of ≥ 1,000 kDa, residing in the stroma thylakoid, was characterized in greater depth and it was found to be a supercomplex composed of the PSI and NDH complexes. A set of newly identified proteins from Arabidopsis thylakoids was subjected to detailed characterization using the reverse genetics approach and extensive biochemical and biophysical analysis. The role of the novel proteins, either as auxiliary proteins or subunits of the photosynthetic protein complexes, was revealed. Two novel thylakoid lumen proteins, TLP18.3 and AtCYP38, function as auxiliary proteins assisting specific steps of the assembly/repair of PSII. The role of the 10-kDa thylakoid lumen protein PsbR is related to the optimization of oxygen evolution of PSII by assisting the assembly of the PsbP protein. Two integral thylakoid membrane proteins, NDH45 and NDH48, are novel subunits of the chloroplast NDH complex. Finally, the thylakoid lumen immunophilin AtCYP20-2 is suggested to interact with the NDH complex, instead of PSII as was hypothesized earlier.


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This dissertation "Identification of turning points in the research on titanium dioxide production and application" aims at detecting in scientific literatures emerging trends and sudden changes in titanium dioxide production and application. These key changes are then studied to determine its transient patterns and its effect on the research on titanium dioxide production and application The source of information is from bibliographic data which discussed titanium dioxide production and application. These bibliographic data where obtained from ISI Web of Knowledge and then formed into a network of clusters by applying software called Citespace.


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Cell division (mitosis) is a fundamental process in the life cycle of a cell. Equal distribution of chromosomes between the daughter cells is essential for the viability and well-being of an organism: loss of fidelity of cell division is a contributing factor in human cancer and also gives rise to miscarriages and genetic birth defects. For maintaining the proper chromosome number, a cell must carefully monitor cell division in order to detect and correct mistakes before they are translated into chromosomal imbalance. For this purpose an evolutionarily conserved mechanism termed the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) has evolved. The SAC comprises a complex network of proteins that relay and amplify mitosis-regulating signals created by assemblages called kinetochores (KTs). Importantly, minor defects in SAC signaling can cause loss or gain of individual chromosomes (aneuploidy) which promotes tumorigenesis while complete failure of SAC results in cell death. The latter event has raised interest in discovery of low molecular weight (LMW) compounds targeting the SAC that could be developed into new anti-cancer therapeutics. In this study, we performed a cell-based, phenotypic high-throughput screen (HTS) to identify novel LMW compounds that inhibit SAC function and result in loss of cancer cell viability. Altogether, we screened 65 000 compounds and identified eight that forced the cells prematurely out of mitosis. The flavonoids fisetin and eupatorin, as well as the synthetic compounds termed SACi2 and SACi4, were characterized in more detail utilizing versatile cell-based and biochemical assays. To identify the molecular targets of these SAC-suppressing compounds, we investigated the conditions in which SAC activity became abrogated. Eupatorin, SACi2 and SACi4 preferentially abolished the tensionsensitive arm of the SAC, whereas fisetin lowered also the SAC activity evoked by lack of attachments between microtubules (MTs) and KTs. Consistent with the abrogation of SAC in response to low tension, our data indicate that all four compounds inhibited the activity of Aurora B kinase. This essential mitotic protein is required for correction of erratic MT-KT attachments, normal SAC signaling and execution of cytokinesis. Furthermore, eupatorin, SACi2 and SACi4 also inhibited Aurora A kinase that controls the centrosome maturation and separation and formation of the mitotic spindle apparatus. In line with the established profound mitotic roles of Aurora kinases, these small compounds perturbed SAC function, caused spindle abnormalities, such as multi- and monopolarity and fragmentation of centrosomes, and resulted in polyploidy due to defects in cytokinesis. Moreover, the compounds dramatically reduced viability of cancer cells. Taken together, using a cell-based HTS we were able to identify new LMW compounds targeting the SAC. We demonstrated for the first time a novel function for flavonoids as cellular inhibitors of Aurora kinases. Collectively, our data support the concept that loss of mitotic fidelity due to a non-functional SAC can reduce the viability of cancer cells, a phenomenon that may possess therapeutic value and fuel development of new anti-cancer drugs.


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The modern business development of China began during 1978 and during the last decades Chinese have created one of the most dynamic and strongest economies in the world. China is now second largest trading power calculated in dollars. The special characteristic of this economic development is that it is not copy of any existing economy, instead the developments have been strongly influenced by the Chinese cultural characteristics. One cultural characteristic, guanxi, which is a “network of services and counter- services” is argued to be major component of successful business in China where these changes of services happen between people but also between companies. Obtaining introductions and the guanxi when doing business in China will give attentive audience and security for companies business. Despite the evidenced importance of guanxi, China´s business environment is rapidly changing towards Western economies, which might then reduce the importance of guanxi. Therefore the current impact of guanxi is a important topic to study. The main purpose of this study is to explore the impact of guanxi for Western big and small sized multinational companies´ business processes when doing business in China. This study looks What is the impact of guanxi in contemporary Chinese business environment for foreign companies doing business in China. Sub-questions in this research focus on what is the impact of guanxi on corporate reputation, management and negotiations. Findings present a mixed view where the importance of guanxi is not anymore critical, especially among younger people in the cities, however guanxi was clearly important outside the cities and when dealing with government officials. Efficient use of guanxi can be extremely profitable especially during early stages of business operations and guanxi plays role when bargaining prices and ensuring product quality from the factories. Therefore guanxi should be considered as essential element for successful business in China.


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This thesis examines partnerships in sustainable urban development projects. Achievement of urban development requires the involvement of several parties. The cooperation of the actors of sustainable urban development is achieved by forming partnerships. The purpose of this study is to find solutions and best practices for the management of partnerships in sustainable residential development projects by examining partnerships and their success factors in sustainable urban development. The impact of the roles, responsibilities and interactions of actors taking part in the processes of creating sustainable urban development in outcomes of these development projects and thus on the overall success of accomplishing sustainable development raises the question of how to manage these collaborations. In order to be able to find the best ways of organizing sustainable urban development projects, it is crucial to have the knowledge of how the interactions between all the parties involved in the development can be managed successfully to give the best outcomes. The main research question of this study is: What are the characteristics of successful partnerships in sustainable urban development projects? In order to answer this question, the success factors in partnerships between actors of sustainable urban development are analyzed. In addition, challenges related to these partnerships are examined to get a more comprehensive view of the features of these collaborative ventures and the obstacles that have to be overcome to ensure the successfulness of cooperation. The research approach is multiple case study comprising four cases. The empirical data has been gathered through theme interviews from four different sustainable residential district projects in Sweden and Finland. A comparative analysis of the cases is performed, based on which seven success factors of partnerships in sustainable urban development supported by the prevailing theories are formulated. In addition, challenges faced by projects regarding the partnerships are discussed.


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The human skeleton is composed of bone and cartilage. The differentiation of bone and cartilage cells from their bone marrow progenitors is regulated by an intrinsic network of intracellular and extracellular signaling molecules. In addition, cells coordinate their differentiation and function through reciprocal cell‐to‐cell interactions. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, single‐stranded RNA molecules that inhibit protein translation by binding to messenger RNAs (mRNAs). Recent evidence demonstrates the involvement of miRNAs in multiple biological processes. However, their role in skeletal development and bone remodeling is still poorly understood. The aim of this thesis was to elucidate miRNA‐mediated gene regulation in bone and cartilage cells, namely in osteoblasts, osteoclasts, chondrocytes and bone marrow adipocytes. Comparison of miRNA expression during osteogenic and chondrogenic differentiation of bone marrow‐derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) revealed several miRNAs with substantial difference between bone and cartilage cells. These miRNAs were predicted to target genes essentially involved in MSC differentiation. Three miRNAs, miR‐96, miR‐124 and miR‐199a, showed marked upregulation upon osteogenic, chondrogenic or adipogenic differentiation. Based on functional studies, these miRNAs regulate gene expression in MSCs and may thereby play a role in the commitment and/or differentiation of MSCs. Characterization of miRNA expression during osteoclastogenesis of mouse bone marrow cells revealed a unique expression pattern for several miRNAs. Potential targets of the differentially expressed miRNAs included many molecules essentially involved in osteoclast differentiation. These results provide novel insights into the expression and function of miRNAs during the differentiation of bone and cartilage cells. This information may be useful for the development of novel stem cell‐based treatments for skeletal defects and diseases.


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People make up one of the most important resources for a corporation and therefore it has to continuously seek an ever more diverse and international workforce. Inpatriation is another way of utilizing foreign expertise in a corporation. An inpatriate refers to a person that is on an international assignment at the headquarters of a corporation, where they have been sent either from a subsidiary abroad or from a third country outside the corporation. Strengthening the social network of the inpatriate and their family contributes to the adjustment process and furthermore the success of the work assignment. As social networking sites are currently the fastest developing personal networking tools in the world, it is interesting to see how they can help in inpatriate adjustment. The objective of this thesis is to explore the potential of social networking sites (SNS) in inpatriate adjustment. The main objective can be divided into three sub objectives: 1. What is SNS used for during the inpatriate assignment? 2. What are the inpatriates’ motivations to use SNS? 3. Could the three facets of adjustment (work, interaction and general) be gained through SNS? This qualitative study utilizes the theme interview data collection method and the thematic analysis approach for analysing the interview data. From the interviews with five Indian inpatriates in Finland the most mentioned uses of SNS were related to participating (sharing opinions, recommendations and discussing things and connecting to friends, family and colleagues) and consuming (collecting information for work and free time), the least mentioned use of SNS was producing (posting videos, photos and updates). An interesting finding was that the five interviewees did not use SNS for purely entertainment motives at all during their assignment. This thesis found that all three facets of adjustment could potentially be gained through SNS.


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Cranial bone reconstructions are necessary for correcting large skull bone defects due to trauma, tumors, infections and craniotomies. Traditional synthetic implant materials include solid or mesh titanium, various plastics and ceramics. Recently, biostable glass-fiber reinforced composites (FRC), which are based on bifunctional methacrylate resin, were introduced as novel implant solution. FRCs were originally developed and clinically used in dental applications. As a result of further in vitro and in vivo testing, these composites were also approved for clinical use in cranial surgery. To date, reconstructions of large bone defects were performed in 35 patients. This thesis is dedicated to the development of a novel FRC-based implant for cranial reconstructions. The proposed multi-component implant consists of three main parts: (i) porous FRC structure; (ii) bioactive glass granules embedded between FRC layers and (iii) a silver-polysaccharide nanocomposite coating. The porosity of the FRC structure should allow bone ingrowth. Bioactive glass as an osteopromotive material is expected to stimulate the formation of new bone. The polysaccharide coating is expected to prevent bacterial colonization of the implant. The FRC implants developed in this study are based on the porous network of randomly-oriented E-glass fibers bound together by non-resorbable photopolymerizable methacrylate resin. These structures had a total porosity of 10–70 volume %, of which > 70% were open pores. The pore sizes > 100 μm were in the biologically-relevant range (50-400 μm), which is essential for vascularization and bone ingrowth. Bone ingrowth into these structures was simulated by imbedding of porous FRC specimens in gypsum. Results of push-out tests indicated the increase in the shear strength and fracture toughness of the interface with the increase in the total porosity of FRC specimens. The osteopromotive effect of bioactive glass is based on its dissolution in the physiological environment. Here, calcium and phosphate ions, released from the glass, precipitated on the glass surface and its proximity (the FRC) and formed bone-like apatite. The biomineralization of the FRC structure, due to the bioactive glass reactions, was studied in Simulated Body Fluid (SBF) in static and dynamic conditions. An antimicrobial, non-cytotoxic polysaccharide coating, containing silver nanoparticles, was obtained through strong electrostatic interactions with the surface of FRC. In in vitro conditions the lactose-modified chitosan (chitlac) coating showed no signs of degradation within seven days of exposure to lysozyme or one day to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The antimicrobial efficacy of the coating was tested against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The contact-active coating had an excellent short time antimicrobial effect. The coating neither affected the initial adhesion of microorganisms to the implant surface nor the biofilm formation after 24 h and 72 h of incubation. Silver ions released to the aqueous environment led to a reduction of bacterial growth in the culture medium.


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Tämä tutkimus osallistuu tuottaja-osuuskuntiin liittyviin kestävän kehityksen keskusteluihin ja tarjoaa esimerkin pohjoismaisesta ruoantuotannon toimialasta. Tämä tutkimus seuraa kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen suuntaviivoja ja Fairclough’n kriittinen diskurssianalyysi tarjoaa metodin yritystekstien analyysille. Kieli ymmärretään poststrukturalistisesta näkökulmasta, joka luo kielellisiä identiteettejä ja rakentaa vastuullisuuskeskustelua. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kuvata diskurssit, jotka rakentavat vastuullisuuskeskustelua kontekstissaan. Lisäksi tavoitteena on kuvata ja ymmärtää kuinka nämä diskurssit rakentavat rooleja ja identiteettejä ympärilleen sekä kuinka yritystekstit institutionalisoituvat ja vaikuttavat kontekstiinsa. Analyysi määrittää kolme vastuullisuusdiskurssia, jotka kuvaavat yrityskansalaisuutta, liiketoimintalähtöisyyttä ja integriteettiä. Diskurssien tavoitteiden, roolien, ja identiteettien ymmärrys ja vaikutus ympäristöön auttaa laajentamaan tietämystä kestävän kehityksen moniulotteisesta luonteesta. Lisäksi tutkimus muodostaa itsessään äänen osuuskuntatutkimukselle ja kestävän kehityksen ymmärryksen laajentamiselle.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Panel at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014