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Translationaalinen lääketutkimus ja -kehitys.


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Rajoitetoimet, erityisesti sitominen, nuorisopsykiatrisessa hoitotyössä Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kuvata ja syventää tietoa rajoitetoimien, erityisesti sitomisen, käytöstä nuorisopsykiatrisessa vastentahtoisessa osastohoidossa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kuvata hoitajien, lääkäreiden ja potilaiden asenteita eri rajoittamiskeinoja kohtaan nuorisopsykiatrisessa osastohoidossa, kerätä tietoa yhden vuoden aikana tapahtuneiden sitomisten määrästä ja luonteesta sekä kuvata potilaiden kokemuksia sitomisesta nuorisopsykiatrisen osastohoidon aikana. Tutkimus tuottaa arvokasta tietoa korkeatasoisten sitomiskäytäntöjen kehittämiseen nuorisopsykiatrisessa osastohoidossa, sekä sitomisten määrää vähentämällä että sitomistapoja kehittämällä. Tavoitteena on parantaa sidottujen potilaiden kliinistä hoitoa. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin suomalaisilla, pääkaupunkiseudulle sijoittuvilla, nuorisopsykiatrisilla osastoilla neljässä vaiheessa lokakuun 2009 ja huhtikuun 2012 välisenä aikana. Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiirin (HUS) nuorisopsykiatrian erikoisalan seitsemän suljetun osaston hoitohenkilökunta sekä lääkärit suhtautuivat myönteisesti rajoittamistoimenpiteisiin. Nuorisopsykiatriset potilaat suhtautuivat rajoittamistoimenpiteisiin kriittisemmin kuin henkilökunta. Nuoret suhtautuivat myönteisimmin tarvittaessa annettavaan lääkitykseen, ajoittaiseen tarkkailuun ja kulun rajoittamiseen. Vähiten hyväksytty menetelmä oli verkkosänky. Nuoret arvioivat sitomisen kolmen vähiten hyväksytyn menetelmän joukkoon. Sitomisen esiintyvyys ja pitkien sitomisten määrä olivat korkeita tutkimukseen valituissa yksiköissä. Useimmat sidotut nuoret tiesivät syyn sitomiseensa, suhtautuivat siihen ambivalentisti nähden siinä sekä hyötyä että haittaa, pitäen sitä kuitenkin rangaistuksena. Huolimatta tästä, suurin osa haastatelluista nuorista koki, että joissain tilanteissa sitomista tarvitaan nuorisopsykiatrisessa osastohoidossa. Nuorilla oli monia ehdotuksia, kuinka parantaa sitomista käytännön osastohoidossa. Tämä väitöskirja tuottaa uutta tietoa eri rajoittamistoimenpiteiden ja sitomisen toteuttamisesta nuorisopsykiatrisessa osastohoidossa. Käytännön hoitotyön parantamiseksi nuorisopsykiatrisilla osastoilla tarvitaan laaja-alaista ja syvälle luotaavaa koulutusta, jotta rajoittamis-toimenpiteiden määrää voidaan vähentää. Myös kriisitilanteiden hallintaan tarvitaan uusia keinoja. Tietoa, kuvausta toimenpiteistä ja tilanteiden käsittelyä jälkikäteen tulee tarjota ala-ikäiselle potilaalle hänen kehitystasonsa huomioiden. Sitomisten määrää tulee vähentää ja niiden kestoa lyhentää. Nuorten tulee olla aktiivisesti mukana kehittämässä aggression hallintamenetelmiä suomalaisessa nuorisopsykiatrisessa osastohoidossa.


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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory disorder of the central nervous system. MS is the most common disabling central nervous system (CNS) disease of young adults in the Western world. In Finland, the prevalence of MS ranges between 1/1000 and 2/1000 in different areas. Fabry disease (FD) is a rare hereditary metabolic disease due to mutation in a single gene coding α-galactosidase A (alpha-gal A) enzyme. It leads to multi-organ pathology, including cerebrovascular disease. Currently there are 44 patients with diagnosed FD in Finland. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is commonly used in the diagnostics and follow-up of these diseases. The disease activity can be demonstrated by occurrence of new or Gadolinium (Gd)-enhancing lesions in routine studies. Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) are advanced MR sequences which can reveal pathologies in brain regions which appear normal on conventional MR images in several CNS diseases. The main focus in this study was to reveal whether whole brain apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) analysis can be used to demonstrate MS disease activity. MS patients were investigated before and after delivery and before and after initiation of diseasemodifying treatment (DMT). In FD, DTI was used to reveal possible microstructural alterations at early timepoints when excessive signs of cerebrovascular disease are not yet visible in conventional MR sequences. Our clinical and MRI findings at 1.5T indicated that post-partum activation of the disease is an early and common phenomenon amongst mothers with MS. MRI seems to be a more sensitive method for assessing MS disease activity than the recording of relapses. However, whole brain ADC histogram analysis is of limited value in the follow-up of inflammatory conditions in a pregnancy-related setting because the pregnancy-related physiological effects on ADC overwhelm the alterations in ADC associated with MS pathology in brain tissue areas which appear normal on conventional MRI sequences. DTI reveals signs of microstructural damage in brain white matter of FD patients before excessive white matter lesion load can be observed on conventional MR scans. DTI could offer a valuable tool for monitoring the possible effects of enzyme replacement therapy in FD.


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As traditional advertising is losing its value in corporations’ marketing, new and growing social media marketing channels are increasing their importance. The growing interest in the media and the lack of research on the subject create a clear need for this study. The objectives are to increase understanding about product placement in personal blogs and examine the benefits as well as the downsides created by this marketing channel and present the requirements for success. The study also takes a stand on what kind of things a successful product placement strategy in personal blogs includes and what points should be considered when creating a strategy. The study’s empirical part consists of seven thematic interviews with case companies’ representatives and one agent. The study’s personal blogs were delimited to consist only lifestyle and fashion blogs. The results show that product placement on personal lifestyle and fashion blogs is a strongly growing marketing channel and it is best suited to reach young women. It is also a very good channel to change and improve brand image. Via personal blogs it is possible to reach a large number of consumers with a very cost-efficient manner. Thus utilizing the channel is suitable for all companies regardless of the size of the marketing budget. Of course, companies have to consider the suitability of their product to the themes of blogs. Executing a successful campaign in this media requires good relationship management skills and understanding of this particular media as the final content is not in advertiser’s hands. As a marketing channel, personal blogs differ highly from traditional marketing channels because of their constantly changing nature and multidirectional quality where several parties are in interaction.


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Hydrogen stratification and atmosphere mixing is a very important phenomenon in nuclear reactor containments when severe accidents are studied and simulated. Hydrogen generation, distribution and accumulation in certain parts of containment may pose a great risk to pressure increase induced by hydrogen combustion, and thus, challenge the integrity of NPP containment. The accurate prediction of hydrogen distribution is important with respect to the safety design of a NPP. Modelling methods typically used for containment analyses include both lumped parameter and field codes. The lumped parameter method is universally used in the containment codes, because its versatility, flexibility and simplicity. The lumped parameter method allows fast, full-scale simulations, where different containment geometries with relevant engineering safety features can be modelled. Lumped parameter gas stratification and mixing modelling methods are presented and discussed in this master’s thesis. Experimental research is widely used in containment analyses. The HM-2 experiment related to hydrogen stratification and mixing conducted at the THAI facility in Germany is calculated with the APROS lump parameter containment package and the APROS 6-equation thermal hydraulic model. The main purpose was to study, whether the convection term included in the momentum conservation equation of the 6-equation modelling gives some remarkable advantages compared to the simplified lumped parameter approach. Finally, a simple containment test case (high steam release to a narrow steam generator room inside a large dry containment) was calculated with both APROS models. In this case, the aim was to determine the extreme containment conditions, where the effect of convection term was supposed to be possibly high. Calculation results showed that both the APROS containment and the 6-equation model could model the hydrogen stratification in the THAI test well, if the vertical nodalisation was dense enough. However, in more complicated cases, the numerical diffusion may distort the results. Calculation of light gas stratification could be probably improved by applying the second order discretisation scheme for the modelling of gas flows. If the gas flows are relatively high, the convection term of the momentum equation is necessary to model the pressure differences between the adjacent nodes reasonably.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Customer knowledge management (CKM) practices enable organizations to create customer competence with systematic use of customer information that is integrated throughout the organization. Nonetheless, organizations are not able to fully exploit the vast amount of data available. Previous research on use of customer information is limited especially in a multichannel environment. The aim of this study was to identify the main obstacles for utilizing customer information efficiently across multiple sales channels. The study was conducted as a single case study in order to gain deeper understanding of the research problem. The empirical findings indicate that lack of CKM practices and a common goal are major challenges obstructing effective utilization of customer information. Furthermore, decentralized organizational structure and insufficient analytical skills create obstacles for information sharing and capabilities to process information and create new knowledge. The implications of the study suggest that in order to create customer competence organizations should shift their focus from technology to the organizational factors affecting use of information and implement CKM practices throughout the organization.


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Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that affects most commonly young women in their childbearing age. Previous studies have shown that MS relapse rate usually reduces during pregnancy and increases again after delivery. Patients with MS and their treating physicians are interested to know more about the risks the disease can cause to pregnancy and how pregnancy affects the disease. The reasons for increased relapse rate after delivery are not entirely clear, but loss of pregnancy related immune tolerance and changes in the hormonal status at the time of delivery seem to be of relevance. Aims and methods: The aims of this study were to follow the natural course of MS during and after pregnancy, evaluate pregnancy related risks among MS patients, follow the inflammatory response of MS patients during and after pregnancy and clarify the risk of relevant co-morbidities known to affect other autoimmune diseases after pregnancy and compare these results to healthy controls. This study was a part of a prospective nation-wide follow-up study of 60 Finnish MS patients. All eligible MS patients were enrolled in the study during the years 2003-2005. A prospective followup continued from early pregnancy until six months postpartum. MS relapses, EDSS scores and obstetric details were recorded. Blood samples were obtained from the patients at early, middle, and late pregnancy, after delivery and one month, three months and six months postpartum. Results: MS patients were no more likely to experience pregnancy or delivery complications than the Finnish mothers in general. The need of instrumental assistance, however, was higher among mothers with MS. Disease activity followed the course seen in previous studies. The majority of mothers (90.2%) breastfed their babies. Contrary to previous results, breastfeeding did not protect MS patients from disease worsening after delivery in present study. Mothers with active pre-pregnancy disease chose to breastfeed less frequently and started medication instead. MS patients presented with higher prevalence of elevated thyroid autoantibodies postpartum than healthy controls, but the rate of thyroid hormonal dysfunction was similar as that of healthy controls. The mode of delivery nor the higher rate of tissue damage assessed with C-reactive protein concentration were not predictive of postpartum relapses. The prevalence of gestational diabetes was slightly higher among mothers with MS compared to Finnish mothers in general, but postpartum depression was observed in similar rates. MS patients presented with significantly lower serum concentrations of vitamin D during pregnancy and postpartum than healthy controls. Conclusions: Childbearing can be regarded as safe for mothers with MS as it is for healthy mothers in general. Breastfeeding can be recommended, but it should be done only after careful evaluation of the individual risk for postpartum disease activation. Considering MS patients tend to develop thyroid antibody positivity after delivery more often than healthy controls and that certain treatments can predispose MS patients to thyroid hormonal dysfunction, we recommend MS mothers to be screened for thyroid abnormalities during pregnancy and after delivery. Increased risk for gestational diabetes should be kept in mind when following MS mothers and glucose tolerance test in early pregnancy should be considered. Adequate vitamin D supplementation is essential for MS mothers also during pregnancy and postpartum period.


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An appropriate supplier selection and its profound effects on increasing the competitive advantage of companies has been widely discussed in supply chain management (SCM) literature. By raising environmental awareness among companies and industries they attach more importance to sustainable and green activities in selection procedures of raw material providers. The current thesis benefits from data envelopment analysis (DEA) technique to evaluate the relative efficiency of suppliers in the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission for green supplier selection. We incorporate the pollution of suppliers as an undesirable output into DEA. However, to do so, two conventional DEA model problems arise: the lack of the discrimination power among decision making units (DMUs) and flexibility of the inputs and outputs weights. To overcome these limitations, we use multiple criteria DEA (MCDEA) as one alternative. By applying MCDEA the number of suppliers which are identified as efficient will be decreased and will lead to a better ranking and selection of the suppliers. Besides, in order to compare the performance of the suppliers with an ideal supplier, a “virtual” best practice supplier is introduced. The presence of the ideal virtual supplier will also increase the discrimination power of the model for a better ranking of the suppliers. Therefore, a new MCDEA model is proposed to simultaneously handle undesirable outputs and virtual DMU. The developed model is applied for green supplier selection problem. A numerical example illustrates the applicability of the proposed model.


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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system CNS), where inflammation and neurodegeneration lead to irreversible neuronal damage. In MS, a dysfunctional immune system causes auto‐reactive lymphocytes to migrate into CNS where they initiate an inflammatory cascade leading to focal demyelination, axonal degeneration and neuronal loss. One of the hallmarks of neuronal injury and neuroinflammation is the activation of microglia. Activated microglia are found not only in the focal inflammatory lesions, but also diffusely in the normal‐appearing white matter (NAWM), especially in progressive MS. The purine base, adenosine is a ubiquitous neuromodulator in the CNS and also participates in the regulation of inflammation. The effect of adenosine mediated via adenosine A2A receptors has been linked to microglial activation, whereas modulating A2A receptors may exert neuroprotective effects. In the majority of patients, MS presents with a relapsing disease course, later advancing to a progressive phase characterised by a worsening, irreversible disability. Disease modifying treatments can reduce the severity and progression in relapsing MS, but no efficient treatment exists for progressive MS. The aim of this research was to investigate the prevalence of adenosine A2A receptors and activated microglia in progressive MS by using in vivo positron emission tomography (PET) imaging and [11C]TMSX and [11C](R)‐PK11195 radioligands. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was performed to evaluate structural brain damage. Non‐invasive input function methods were also developed for the analyses of [11C]TMSX PET data. Finally, histopathological correlates of [11C](R)‐PK11195 radioligand binding related to chronic MS lesions were investigated in post‐mortem samples of progressive MS brain using autoradiography and immunohistochemistry. [11C]TMSX binding to A2A receptors was increased in NAWM of secondary progressive MS (SPMS) patients when compared to healthy controls, and this correlated to more severe atrophy in MRI and white matter disintegration (reduced fractional anisotropy, FA) in DTI. The non‐invasive input function methods appeared as feasible options for brain [11C]TMSX images obviating arterial blood sampling. [11C](R)‐PK11195 uptake was increased in the NAWM of SPMS patients when compared to patients with relapsing MS and healthy controls. Higher [11C](R)‐PK11195 binding in NAWM and total perilesional area of T1 hypointense lesions was associated with more severe clinical disability, increased brain atrophy, higher lesion load and reduced FA in NAWM in the MS patients. In autoradiography, increased perilesional [11C](R)‐PK11195 uptake was associated with increased microglial activation identified using immunohistochemistry. In conclusion, brain [11C]TMSX PET imaging holds promise in the evaluation of diffuse neuroinflammation in progressive MS. Being a marker of microglial activation, [11C](R)‐ PK11195 PET imaging could possibly be used as a surrogate biomarker in the evaluation of the neuroinflammatory burden and clinical disease severity in progressive MS.


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Coronary artery disease is an atherosclerotic disease, which leads to narrowing of coronary arteries, deteriorated myocardial blood flow and myocardial ischaemia. In acute myocardial infarction, a prolonged period of myocardial ischaemia leads to myocardial necrosis. Necrotic myocardium is replaced with scar tissue. Myocardial infarction results in various changes in cardiac structure and function over time that results in “adverse remodelling”. This remodelling may result in a progressive worsening of cardiac function and development of chronic heart failure. In this thesis, we developed and validated three different large animal models of coronary artery disease, myocardial ischaemia and infarction for translational studies. In the first study the coronary artery disease model had both induced diabetes and hypercholesterolemia. In the second study myocardial ischaemia and infarction were caused by a surgical method and in the third study by catheterisation. For model characterisation, we used non-invasive positron emission tomography (PET) methods for measurement of myocardial perfusion, oxidative metabolism and glucose utilisation. Additionally, cardiac function was measured by echocardiography and computed tomography. To study the metabolic changes that occur during atherosclerosis, a hypercholesterolemic and diabetic model was used with [18F] fluorodeoxyglucose ([18F]FDG) PET-imaging technology. Coronary occlusion models were used to evaluate metabolic and structural changes in the heart and the cardioprotective effects of levosimendan during post-infarction cardiac remodelling. Large animal models were used in testing of novel radiopharmaceuticals for myocardial perfusion imaging. In the coronary artery disease model, we observed atherosclerotic lesions that were associated with focally increased [18F]FDG uptake. In heart failure models, chronic myocardial infarction led to the worsening of systolic function, cardiac remodelling and decreased efficiency of cardiac pumping function. Levosimendan therapy reduced post-infarction myocardial infarct size and improved cardiac function. The novel 68Ga-labeled radiopharmaceuticals tested in this study were not successful for the determination of myocardial blood flow. In conclusion, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia lead to the development of early phase atherosclerotic lesions. Coronary artery occlusion produced considerable myocardial ischaemia and later infarction following myocardial remodelling. The experimental models evaluated in these studies will enable further studies concerning disease mechanisms, new radiopharmaceuticals and interventions in coronary artery disease and heart failure.


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The main objective of this study was to find out the bases for innovation model formulation in an existing organization based on cases. Innovation processes can be analyzed based on their needs and based on their emphasis on the business model development or R&D. The research was conducted in energy sector within one company by utilizing its projects as cases for the study. It is typical for the field of business that development is slow, although the case company has put emphasis on its innovation efforts. Analysis was done by identifying the cases’ needs and comparing them. The results were that because of the variances in the needs of the cases, the applicability of innovation process models varies. It was discovered that by dividing the process into two phases, a uniform model could be composed. This model would fulfill the needs of the cases and potential future projects as well.