20 resultados para Henry Lewis Papers.


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f. 29.7.1908 i Viborg, d. 10.11.1930 i Kaunas, Litauen Henry Parland har gått till litteraturhistorien som modernistisk författare och litterärt underbarn. Han debuterade som lyriker vid slutet av 1920-talet men hans författarbana avbröts snart av hans tidiga död. Parland var influerad av moderna strömningar så som den ryska futurismen och dadaismen. Moderna fenomen, t.ex. samtidens film och annan populärkultur, motorfordon och storstadslivet har också en framträdande roll i hans verk. Stilmässigt är iakttagande ”nysaklig” skildring av verkligheten och en fragmenterad skildring av t.ex. personer, typiska för Parland. I produktionen, som till stor del är postumt utgiven, ingår förutom lyrik den förvånansvärt moderna romanen Sönder (1929-1930) samt essäer och kortprosa. Tidigt påverkad av den ryska formalismen som starkt betonade det specifikt litterära i skönlitteraturen, företrädde han också en för sin tid ovanligt modern konstuppfattning. Parlands verk upplevs fortfarande som fräscha och moderna av dagens läsare och har översatts till andra språk långt efter författarens levnadstid.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Iron is one of the most common elements in the earth’s crust and thus its availability and economic viability far exceed that of metals commonly used in catalysis. Also the toxicity of iron is miniscule, compared to the likes of platinum and nickel, making it very desirable as a catalyst. Despite this, prior to the 21st century, the applicability of iron in catalysis was not thoroughly investigated, as it was considered to be inefficient and unselective in desired transformations. In this doctoral thesis, the application of iron catalysis in combination with organosilicon reagents for transformations of carbonyl compounds has been investigated together with insights into iron catalyzed chlorination of silanes and silanols. In the first part of the thesis, the synthetic application of iron(III)-catalyzed chlorination of silanes (Si-H) and the monochlorination of silanes (SiH2) using acetyl chloride as the chlorine source is described. The reactions proceed under ambient conditions, although some compounds need to be protected from excess moisture. In addition, the mechanism and kinetics of the chlorination reaction are briefly adressed. In the second part of this thesis a versatile methodology for transformation of carbonyl compounds into three different compound classes by changing the conditions and amounts of reagents is discussed. One pot reductive benzylation, reductive halogenation and reductive etherification of ketones and aldehydes using silanes as the reducing agent, halide source or cocatalyst, were investigated. Also the reaction kinetics and mechanism of the reductive halogenation of acetophenone are briefly discussed.


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The main objective of this thesis was to study if the quantitative sales forecasting methods will enhance the accuracy of the sales forecast in comparison to qualitative sales forecasting method. A literature review in the field of forecasting was conducted, including general sales forecasting process, forecasting methods and techniques and forecasting accuracy measurement. In the empirical part of the study the accuracy of the forecasts provided by both qualitative and quantitative methods is being studied and compared in the case of short, medium and long term forecasts. The SAS® Forecast Server –tool was used in creating the quantitative forecasts.