56 resultados para Hearing monitoring
Työn tarkoituksena oli suunnitella kunnonvalvontajärjestelmä kahdelle lasivillan tuotantolinjalle. Suunnitteluprosessin lisäksi työssä on esitelty erilaisia kunnonvalvontamenetelmiä. Työn alussa on kerrottu erilaisista kunnonvalvontamenetelmistä, joilla voidaan seurata erilaisten laitteiden ja koneiden toimintakuntoa.Erityisesti työssä on tarkasteltu teollisuudessa yleistyviä kunnonvalvonnan värähtelymittauksia. Työssä suunniteltu kunnonvalvontajärjestelmä perustuu viiteen eri menetelmään, jotka ovat värähtelymittaus, lämpötilanmittaus lämpökameralla, lämpötilanmittaus kannettavalla mittarilla, kuuntelu elektronisella stetoskoopilla ja pyörivien osien kunnontarkkailu stroboskoopilla. Kunnonvalvontajärjestelmän suunnittelu on tehty useassa eri vaiheessa. Ensin työssä on kartoitettu tuotannon kannalta tärkeimmät laitteet ja niiden mahdolliset vikaantumistavat. Seuraavaksi on valittu sopivat kunnonvalvontamenetelmät ja tehty mittaussuunnitelma, jossa on esitetty eri laitteille suoritettavat mittaukset ja mittausten aikavälit.Lopuksi työssä on esitelty muutama esimerkkitapaus kunnonvalvontamenetelmien käytöstä sekä kerrottu mahdollisista tulevaisuuden kehitysmahdollisuuksista.
Polymorfian jatkuva seuranta saostuksessa on hyödyllistä suunnittelun ja kidetuotteen ominaisuuksien sekä kiteytystä seuraavan jatkoprosessoinnin kannalta. Tässä diplomityössä on tutkittu L-glutamiinihapon kahden (- ja ß) polymorfimuodon liukoisuuden riippuvuutta pH:sta ja lämpötilasta.Tulokseksi saatiin, että kummankin polymorfin liukoisuus kasvoi sekä pH:ta ettälämpötilaa kasvatettaessa. ¿¿muodon liukoisuus oli korkeampi kuin ß-muodon liukoisuus valituilla pH-arvoilla eri lämpötiloissa. Lisäksi seurattiin puolipanostoimisen saostuksen aikana 1-litraisella laboratoriokiteyttimellä muodostuvan kiteisen polymorfiseoksen koostumusta hyödyntäen in-line Raman-spektroskopiaa. Myös liuoksen pH-muutosta seurattiin sekä liuoksen koostumusta ATR FTIR-spektroskopian (Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer) avulla. Tutkittavina muuttujina olivat mm. sekoitusintensiteetti, sekoitintyyppi, reaktanttien (natriumglutamaatti ja rikkihappo) konsentraatiot sekä syötetyn rikkihapon syöttökohta kiteyttimessä. Työhön sisältyi 36 koetta ja osa kokeista toistettiin tulosten oikeellisuuden tarkistamiseksi. Inline-mittaustulosten verifioimiseksi kidenäytteet analysoitiin myös käyttämällä konfokaali Raman-mikroskooppia. Kidemorfologiaa tutkittiin SEM-kuvien (Scanning Eletronic Microscope) avulla. Työ osoitti, että Raman-spektroskopia on joustava ja luotettava menetelmä saostusprosessin jatkuvaan seurantaan L-glutamiinihapolla. Alhaiset lähtöainepitoisuudet tuottivat pääasiassa ¿¿muotoa, kun taas alhainen sekoitusteho edisti ß-muodon muodostumista. Syöttökohta vaikutti merkittävästi polymorfiaan. Kun rikkihapon syöttökohta oli epäideaalisesti sekoitetulla vyöhykkeellä, nousi ylikylläisyystaso korkeaksi ja päätuote oli tällöin ß-muotoa. 6-lapainen vinolapaturbiini (nousukulma 45o) ja 6-lapainen levyturbiini eivät merkittävästi poikenneet toisistaan muodostuvien polymorfien osalta.
Väitöstutkimuksessa on tarkasteltuinfrapunaspektroskopian ja monimuuttujaisten aineistonkäsittelymenetelmien soveltamista kiteytysprosessin monitoroinnissa ja kidemäisen tuotteen analysoinnissa. Parhaillaan kiteytysprosessitutkimuksessa maailmanlaajuisesti tutkitaan intensiivisesti erilaisten mittausmenetelmien soveltamista kiteytysprosessin ilmiöidenjatkuvaan mittaamiseen niin nestefaasista kuin syntyvistä kiteistäkin. Lisäksi tuotteen karakterisointi on välttämätöntä tuotteen laadun varmistamiseksi. Erityisesti lääkeaineiden valmistuksessa kiinnostusta tämäntyyppiseen tutkimukseen edistää Yhdysvaltain elintarvike- ja lääkeaineviraston (FDA) prosessianalyyttisiintekniikoihin (PAT) liittyvä ohjeistus, jossa määritellään laajasti vaatimukset lääkeaineiden valmistuksessa ja tuotteen karakterisoinnissa tarvittaville mittauksille turvallisten valmistusprosessien takaamiseksi. Jäähdytyskiteytyson erityisesti lääketeollisuudessa paljon käytetty erotusmenetelmä kiinteän raakatuotteen puhdistuksessa. Menetelmässä puhdistettava kiinteä raaka-aine liuotetaan sopivaan liuottimeen suhteellisen korkeassa lämpötilassa. Puhdistettavan aineen liukoisuus käytettävään liuottimeen laskee lämpötilan laskiessa, joten systeemiä jäähdytettäessä liuenneen aineen konsentraatio prosessissa ylittää liukoisuuskonsentraation. Tällaiseen ylikylläiseen systeemiin pyrkii muodostumaan uusia kiteitä tai olemassa olevat kiteet kasvavat. Ylikylläisyys on yksi tärkeimmistä kidetuotteen laatuun vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Jäähdytyskiteytyksessä syntyvän tuotteen ominaisuuksiin voidaan vaikuttaa mm. liuottimen valinnalla, jäähdytyprofiililla ja sekoituksella. Lisäksi kiteytysprosessin käynnistymisvaihe eli ensimmäisten kiteiden muodostumishetki vaikuttaa tuotteen ominaisuuksiin. Kidemäisen tuotteen laatu määritellään kiteiden keskimääräisen koon, koko- ja muotojakaumansekä puhtauden perusteella. Lääketeollisuudessa on usein vaatimuksena, että tuote edustaa tiettyä polymorfimuotoa, mikä tarkoittaa molekyylien kykyä järjestäytyä kidehilassa usealla eri tavalla. Edellä mainitut ominaisuudet vaikuttavat tuotteen jatkokäsiteltävyyteen, kuten mm. suodattuvuuteen, jauhautuvuuteen ja tabletoitavuuteen. Lisäksi polymorfiamuodolla on vaikutusta moniin tuotteen käytettävyysominaisuuksiin, kuten esim. lääkeaineen liukenemisnopeuteen elimistössä. Väitöstyössä on tutkittu sulfatiatsolin jäähdytyskiteytystä käyttäen useita eri liuotinseoksia ja jäähdytysprofiileja sekä tarkasteltu näiden tekijöiden vaikutustatuotteen laatuominaisuuksiin. Infrapunaspektroskopia on laajalti kemian alan tutkimuksissa sovellettava menetelmä. Siinä mitataan tutkittavan näytteenmolekyylien värähtelyjen aiheuttamia spektrimuutoksia IR alueella. Tutkimuksessa prosessinaikaiset mittaukset toteutettiin in-situ reaktoriin sijoitettavalla uppoanturilla käyttäen vaimennettuun kokonaisheijastukseen (ATR) perustuvaa Fourier muunnettua infrapuna (FTIR) spektroskopiaa. Jauhemaiset näytteet mitattiin off-line diffuusioheijastukseen (DRIFT) perustuvalla FTIR spektroskopialla. Monimuuttujamenetelmillä (kemometria) voidaan useita satoja, jopa tuhansia muuttujia käsittävä spektridata jalostaa kvalitatiiviseksi (laadulliseksi) tai kvantitatiiviseksi (määrälliseksi) prosessia kuvaavaksi informaatioksi. Väitöstyössä tarkasteltiin laajasti erilaisten monimuuttujamenetelmien soveltamista mahdollisimman monipuolisen prosessia kuvaavan informaation saamiseksi mitatusta spektriaineistosta. Väitöstyön tuloksena on ehdotettu kalibrointirutiini liuenneen aineen konsentraation ja edelleen ylikylläisyystason mittaamiseksi kiteytysprosessin aikana. Kalibrointirutiinin kehittämiseen kuuluivat aineiston hyvyyden tarkastelumenetelmät, aineiston esikäsittelymenetelmät, varsinainen kalibrointimallinnus sekä mallin validointi. Näin saadaan reaaliaikaista informaatiota kiteytysprosessin ajavasta voimasta, mikä edelleen parantaa kyseisen prosessin tuntemusta ja hallittavuutta. Ylikylläisyystason vaikutuksia syntyvän kidetuotteen laatuun seurattiin usein kiteytyskokein. Työssä on esitetty myös monimuuttujaiseen tilastolliseen prosessinseurantaan perustuva menetelmä, jolla voidaan ennustaa spontaania primääristä ytimenmuodostumishetkeä mitatusta spektriaineistosta sekä mahdollisesti päätellä ydintymisessä syntyvä polymorfimuoto. Ehdotettua menetelmää hyödyntäen voidaan paitsi ennakoida kideytimien muodostumista myös havaita mahdolliset häiriötilanteet kiteytysprosessin alkuhetkillä. Syntyvää polymorfimuotoa ennustamalla voidaan havaita ei-toivotun polymorfin ydintyminen,ja mahdollisesti muuttaa kiteytyksen ohjausta halutun polymorfimuodon saavuttamiseksi. Monimuuttujamenetelmiä sovellettiin myös kiteytyspanosten välisen vaihtelun määrittämiseen mitatusta spektriaineistosta. Tämäntyyppisestä analyysistä saatua informaatiota voidaan hyödyntää kiteytysprosessien suunnittelussa ja optimoinnissa. Väitöstyössä testattiin IR spektroskopian ja erilaisten monimuuttujamenetelmien soveltuvuutta kidetuotteen polymorfikoostumuksen nopeaan määritykseen. Jauhemaisten näytteiden luokittelu eri polymorfeja sisältäviin näytteisiin voitiin tehdä käyttäen tarkoitukseen soveltuvia monimuuttujaisia luokittelumenetelmiä. Tämä tarjoaa nopean menetelmän jauhemaisen näytteen polymorfikoostumuksen karkeaan arviointiin, eli siihen mitä yksittäistä polymorfia kyseinen näyte pääasiassa sisältää. Varsinainen kvantitatiivinen analyysi, eli sen selvittäminen paljonko esim. painoprosentteina näyte sisältää eri polymorfeja, vaatii kaikki polymorfit kattavan fysikaalisen kalibrointisarjan, mikä voi olla puhtaiden polymorfien huonon saatavuuden takia hankalaa.
The research of power-line communications has been concentrated on home automation, broadband indoor communications and broadband data transfer in a low voltage distribution network between home andtransformer station. There has not been carried out much research work that is focused on the high frequency characteristics of industrial low voltage distribution networks. The industrial low voltage distribution network may be utilised as a communication channel to data transfer required by the on-line condition monitoring of electric motors. The advantage of using power-line data transfer is that it does not require the installing of new cables. In the first part of this work, the characteristics of industrial low voltage distribution network components and the pilot distribution network are measured and modelled with respect topower-line communications frequencies up to 30 MHz. The distributed inductances, capacitances and attenuation of MCMK type low voltage power cables are measured in the frequency band 100 kHz - 30 MHz and an attenuation formula for the cables is formed based on the measurements. The input impedances of electric motors (15-250 kW) are measured using several signal couplings and measurement based input impedance model for electric motor with a slotted stator is formed. The model is designed for the frequency band 10 kHz - 30 MHz. Next, the effect of DC (direct current) voltage link inverter on power line data transfer is briefly analysed. Finally, a pilot distribution network is formed and signal attenuation in communication channels in the pilot environment is measured. The results are compared with the simulations that are carried out utilising the developed models and measured parameters for cables and motors. In the second part of this work, a narrowband power-line data transfer system is developed for the data transfer ofon-line condition monitoring of electric motors. It is developed using standardintegrated circuits. The system is tested in the pilot environment and the applicability of the system for the data transfer required by the on-line condition monitoring of electric motors is analysed.
The objective of industrial crystallization is to obtain a crystalline product which has the desired crystal size distribution, mean crystal size, crystal shape, purity, polymorphic and pseudopolymorphic form. Effective control of the product quality requires an understanding of the thermodynamics of the crystallizing system and the effects of operation parameters on the crystalline product properties. Therefore, obtaining reliable in-line information about crystal properties and supersaturation, which is the driving force of crystallization, would be very advantageous. Advanced techniques, such asRaman spectroscopy, attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR FTIR) spectroscopy, and in-line imaging techniques, offer great potential for obtaining reliable information during crystallization, and thus giving a better understanding of the fundamental mechanisms (nucleation and crystal growth) involved. In the present work, the relative stability of anhydrate and dihydrate carbamazepine in mixed solvents containing water and ethanol were investigated. The kinetics of the solvent mediated phase transformation of the anhydrate to hydrate in the mixed solvents was studied using an in-line Raman immersion probe. The effects of the operation parameters in terms of solvent composition, temperature and the use of certain additives on the phase transformation kineticswere explored. Comparison of the off-line measured solute concentration and the solid-phase composition measured by in-line Raman spectroscopy allowedthe identification of the fundamental processes during the phase transformation. The effects of thermodynamic and kinetic factors on the anhydrate/hydrate phase of carbamazepine crystals during cooling crystallization were also investigated. The effect of certain additives on the batch cooling crystallization of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP) wasinvestigated. The crystal growth rate of a certain crystal face was determined from images taken with an in-line video microscope. An in-line image processing method was developed to characterize the size and shape of thecrystals. An ATR FTIR and a laser reflection particle size analyzer were used to study the effects of cooling modes and seeding parameters onthe final crystal size distribution of an organic compound C15. Based on the obtained results, an operation condition was proposed which gives improved product property in terms of increased mean crystal size and narrowersize distribution.
The objective of this project was to gather all the counters which are used on HSPA performance monitoring. The main purpose was to create a compact packet of HSPA performance counters and radio network monitoring which Ericsson's employees can then use in their daily work. The study includes a short introduction to the architecture of the 3G-radio access network. The HSPA technology and HSPA performance are presented including a functional description of performance counters and KPIs, which are used for performance management and monitoring. The theory part of the study also covers an overview of performance management in OSS-RC. The final part of the study covers an overview of the performance management tools, in-troducing how the counters are represented in these interfaces. MOShell and OSS-RC are tools used in this study. Tools were selected because the MOShell is Ericsson's inter-nal management tool and OSS-RC is a tool designed for customers.
Tärkeä tehtävä ympäristön tarkkailussa on arvioida ympäristön nykyinen tila ja ihmisen siihen aiheuttamat muutokset sekä analysoida ja etsiä näiden yhtenäiset suhteet. Ympäristön muuttumista voidaan hallita keräämällä ja analysoimalla tietoa. Tässä diplomityössä on tutkittu vesikasvillisuudessa hai vainuja muutoksia käyttäen etäältä hankittua mittausdataa ja kuvan analysointimenetelmiä. Ympäristön tarkkailuun on käytetty Suomen suurimmasta järvestä Saimaasta vuosina 1996 ja 1999 otettuja ilmakuvia. Ensimmäinen kuva-analyysin vaihe on geometrinen korjaus, jonka tarkoituksena on kohdistaa ja suhteuttaa otetut kuvat samaan koordinaattijärjestelmään. Toinen vaihe on kohdistaa vastaavat paikalliset alueet ja tunnistaa kasvillisuuden muuttuminen. Kasvillisuuden tunnistamiseen on käytetty erilaisia lähestymistapoja sisältäen valvottuja ja valvomattomia tunnistustapoja. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin aitoa, kohinoista mittausdataa, minkä perusteella tehdyt kokeet antoivat hyviä tuloksia tutkimuksen onnistumisesta.
Tarve tälle työlle on noussut sanomapalvelinsoveluksissa (servers) esiintyvistä ongelmista. Sanomapalvelinsovelluksia käytetään lähettämään ja vastaanottamaan sanomia paperiteollisuuden myynnin ja jakelun järjestelmässä maantieteellisesti erillään olevista paperiteollisuuden tehtaista. Sanomapalvelinsovelusten kunnollinen toimivuus on tärkeää koko järjestelmän toimivuuden kannalta, koska nämä palvelimet käsittelevät päivittäin tuhansia sanomia, jotka sisältävät merkityksellistä järjestelmätietoa. Tässä työssä on tutkittu mahdollisia toteutustekniikoita ja näihin tutkimuksiin pohjautuen toteutettu työkalut sanomapalvelinsovellusten testaukseen ja valvontaan. Sovellus-arkkituuritekniikoita tutkittaessa tutkimus rajattiin 3-tasoarkkitehtuuritekniikkaan, erityisesti TUXEDOTM -järjestelmätekniikkaan, koska toteutettavaa sovellusta käytetään hajautetussa sovellusympäristössä. Sovellusasiakkaan (client) toteutusta varten tutkittiin ja vertailtiin XML-tekniikkaa ja Microsoft Visual C++ -tekniikkaa käytettynä Tieto-Enatorin Phobos Interaktiivisen C++ -luokkakirjaston kanssa. XML-tekniikoita sekä Visual C++ ja Phobos-luokkakirjasto –tekniikkaa tutkittiin niiltä osin, mitä tarvittiin sanomamerkkijonojen katseluun. XML-tietokantatekniikoita tutkittiin mahdollisena vaihtoehtona tietokanta ja sovelluspalvelintekniikalle. Työn ensimmäisenä tavoitteena oli toteuttaa työkalu sanomapalvelinsovellusten testaamiseen. Toisena tavoitteena oli toteuttaa työkalu sanomien sisällön oikeellisuuden valvontaan. Kolmantena tavoitteena oli analysoida olemassaolevaa sanomavirheiden valvontasovellusta ja kehittää sitä eteenpäin. Diplomityön tuloksena toteutettiin sovellus sanomapalvelinsovellusten testaamiseen ja valvontaan. Tutkituista asiakassovelustekniikoista valittiin toteutus-tekniikaksi MS Visual C++ käytettynä Phobos Interaktiivisen C++ luokkakirjaston kanssa tekniikan tunnettavuuden vuoksi. 3-taso TUXEDOTM-tekniikka valittiin sovelluksen arkkitehtuuriksi. Lisäksi löydettiin parannuksia olemassa oleviin sanoma-virheiden valvontatoimintoihin. Tutkitut toteutustekniikat ovat yleisiä ja niitä voidaan käyttää, kun toteutetaan samanlaisia sovelluksia samanlaisiin sovellusympäristöihin.
The management and conservation of coastal waters in the Baltic is challenged by a number of complex environmental problems, including eutrophication and habitat degradation. Demands for a more holistic, integrated and adaptive framework of ecosystem-based management emphasize the importance of appropriate information on the status and changes of the aquatic ecosystems. The thesis focuses on the spatiotemporal aspects of environmental monitoring in the extensive and geomorphologically complex coastal region of SW Finland, where the acquisition of spatially and temporally representative monitoring data is inherently challenging. Furthermore, the region is subject to multiple human interests and uses. A holistic geographical approach is emphasized, as it is ultimately the physical conditions that set the frame for any human activity. Characteristics of the coastal environment were examined using water quality data from the database of the Finnish environmental administration and Landsat TM/ETM+ images. A basic feature of the complex aquatic environment in the Archipelago Sea is its high spatial and temporal variability; this foregrounds the importance of geographical information as a basis of environmental assessments. While evidence of a consistent water turbidity pattern was observed, the coastal hydrodynamic realm is also characterized by high spatial and temporal variability. It is therefore also crucial to consider the spatial and temporal representativeness of field monitoring data. Remote sensing may facilitate evaluation of hydrodynamic conditions in the coastal region and the spatial extrapolation of in situ data despite their restrictions. Additionally, remotely sensed images can be used in the mapping of many of those coastal habitats that need to be considered in environmental management. With regard to surface water monitoring, only a small fraction of the currently available data stored in the Hertta-PIVET register can be used effectively in scientific studies and environmental assessments. Long-term consistent data collection from established sampling stations should be emphasized but research-type seasonal assessments producing abundant data should also be encouraged. Thus a more comprehensive coordination of field work efforts is called for. The integration of remote sensing and various field measurement techniques would be especially useful in the complex coastal waters. The integration and development of monitoring system in Finnish coastal areas also requires further scientific assesement of monitoring practices. A holistic approach to the gathering and management of environmental monitoring data could be a cost-effective way of serving a multitude of information needs, and would fit the holistic, ecosystem-based management regimes that are currently being strongly promoted in Europe.
Coastal birds are an integral part of coastal ecosystems, which nowadays are subject to severe environmental pressures. Effective measures for the management and conservation of seabirds and their habitats call for insight into their population processes and the factors affecting their distribution and abundance. Central to national and international management and conservation measures is the availability of accurate data and information on bird populations, as well as on environmental trends and on measures taken to solve environmental problems. In this thesis I address different aspects of the occurrence, abundance, population trends and breeding success of waterbirds breeding on the Finnish coast of the Baltic Sea, and discuss the implications of the results for seabird monitoring, management and conservation. In addition, I assess the position and prospects of coastal bird monitoring data, in the processing and dissemination of biodiversity data and information in accordance with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and other national and international commitments. I show that important factors for seabird habitat selection are island area and elevation, water depth, shore openness, and the composition of island cover habitats. Habitat preferences are species-specific, with certain similarities within species groups. The occurrence of the colonial Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea) is partly affected by different habitat characteristics than its abundance. Using long-term bird monitoring data, I show that eutrophication and winter severity have reduced the populations of several Finnish seabird species. A major demographic factor through which environmental changes influence bird populations is breeding success. Breeding success can function as a more rapid indicator of sublethal environmental impacts than population trends, particularly for long-lived and slowbreeding species, and should therefore be included in coastal bird monitoring schemes. Among my target species, local breeding success can be shown to affect the populations of the Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), the Eider (Somateria mollissima) and the Goosander (Mergus merganser) after a time lag corresponding to their species-specific recruitment age. For some of the target species, the number of individuals in late summer can be used as an easier and more cost-effective indicator of breeding success than brood counts. My results highlight that the interpretation and application of habitat and population studies require solid background knowledge of the ecology of the target species. In addition, the special characteristics of coastal birds, their habitats, and coastal bird monitoring data have to be considered in the assessment of their distribution and population trends. According to the results, the relationships between the occurrence, abundance and population trends of coastal birds and environmental factors can be quantitatively assessed using multivariate modelling and model selection. Spatial data sets widely available in Finland can be utilised in the calculation of several variables that are relevant to the habitat selection of Finnish coastal species. Concerning some habitat characteristics field work is still required, due to a lack of remotely sensed data or the low resolution of readily available data in relation to the fine scale of the habitat patches in the archipelago. While long-term data sets exist for water quality and weather, the lack of data concerning for instance the food resources of birds hampers more detailed studies of environmental effects on bird populations. Intensive studies of coastal bird species in different archipelago areas should be encouraged. The provision and free delivery of high-quality coastal data concerning bird populations and their habitats would greatly increase the capability of ecological modelling, as well as the management and conservation of coastal environments and communities. International initiatives that promote open spatial data infrastructures and sharing are therefore highly regarded. To function effectively, international information networks, such as the biodiversity Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) under the CBD, need to be rooted at regional and local levels. Attention should also be paid to the processing of data for higher levels of the information hierarchy, so that data are synthesized and developed into high-quality knowledge applicable to management and conservation.
The objective of the thesis was to develop a competitors’ financial performance monitoring model for management reporting. The research consisted of the selections of the comparison group and the performance meters as well as the actual creation of the model. A brief analysis of the current situation was also made. The aim of the results was to improve the financial reporting quality in the case organization by adding external business environment observation to the management reports. The comparison group for the case company was selected to include five companies that were all involved in power equipment engineering and project type business. The most limiting factor related to the comparison group selection was the availability of quarterly financial reporting. The most suitable performance meters were defined to be the developments of revenue, order backlog and EBITDA. These meters should be monitored systematically on quarterly basis and reported to the company management in a brief and informative way. The monitoring model was based on spreadsheet construction with key characteristics being usability, flexibility and simplicity. The model acts as a centered storage for financial competitor information as well as a reporting tool. The current market situation is strongly affected by the economic boom in the recent years and future challenges can be clearly seen in declining order backlogs. The case company has succeeded well related to its comparison group during the observation period since its business volume and profitability have developed in the best way.
Marine mammals are exposed to persistent organic pollutants (POPs), which may be biotransformed to metabolites some of which are highly toxic. Both POPs and their metabolites may lead to adverse health effects, which have been studied using various biomarkers. Changes in endocrine homeostasis have been suggested to be sensitive biomarkers for contaminant-related effects. The overall objective of this doctoral thesis was to investigate biotransformation capacity of POPs and their potential endocrine disruptive effects in two contrasting ringed seal populations from the low contaminated Svalbard area and from the highly contaminated Baltic Sea. Biotransformation capacity was studied by determining the relationships between congener-specific patterns and concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and their hydroxyl (OH)- and/or methylsulfonyl (MeSO2)-metabolites, and catalytic activities of hepatic xenobiotic-metabolizing phase I and II enzymes. The results suggest that the biotransformation of PCBs, PBDEs and toxaphenes in ringed seals depends on the congener-specific halogen-substitution pattern. Biotransformation products detected in the seals included OH-PCBs, MeSO2-PCBs and –DDE, pentachlorophenol, 4-OHheptachlorostyrene, and to a minor extent OH-PBDEs. The effects of life history state (moulting and fasting) on contaminant status and potential biomarkers for endocrine disruption, including hormone and vitamin homeostasis, were investigated in the low contaminated ringed seal population from Svalbard. Moulting/fasting status strongly affected thyroid, vitamin A and calcitriol homeostasis, body condition and concentrations of POPs and their OH-metabolites. In contrast, moulting/fasting status was not associated with variations in vitamin E levels. Endocrine disruptive effects on multiple endpoints were investigated in the two contrasting ringed seal populations. The results suggest that thyroid, vitamin A and calcitriol homeostasis may be affected by the exposure of contaminants and/or their metabolites in the Baltic ringed seals. Complex and non-linear relationships were observed between the contaminant levels and the endocrine variables. Positive relationships between circulating free and total thyroid hormone concentration ratios and OH-PCBs suggest that OH-PCBs may mediate the disruption of thyroid hormone transport in plasma. Species differences in thyroid and bone-related effects of contaminants were studied in ringed and grey seals from low contaminated references areas and from the highly contaminated Baltic Sea. The results indicate that these two species living at the same environment approximately at the same trophic level respond in a very different way to contaminant exposure. The results of this thesis suggest that the health status of the Baltic ringed seals has still improved during the last decade. PCB and DDE levels have decreased in these seals and the contaminant-related effects are different today than a decade ago. The health of the Baltic ringed seals is still suggested to be affected by the contaminant exposure. At the present level of the contaminant exposure the Baltic ringed seals seem to be at a zone where their body is able to compensate for the contaminant-mediated endocrine disruption. Based on the results of this thesis, several recommendations that could be applied on monitoring and assessing risk for contaminant effects are provided. Circulating OH-metabolites should be included in monitoring and risk assessment programs due to their high toxic potential. It should be noted that endogenous variables may have complex and highly variable responses to contaminant exposure including non-linear responses. These relationships may be further confounded by life history status. Therefore, it is highly recommended that when using variables related to endocrine homeostasis to investigate/monitor or assess the risk of contaminant effects in seals, the life history status of the animal should be carefully taken into consideration. This applies especially when using thyroid, vitamin A or calcitriolrelated parameters during moulting/fasting period. Extrapolations between species for assessing risk for contaminant effects in phocid seals should be avoided.
Condition monitoring systems for physical assets are constantly becoming more and more common in the industrial sector. At the same time an increasing portion of asset monitoring systems are being remotely supported. As global competitors are actively developing solutions for condition monitoring and condition-based maintenance, which it enables, Wärtsilä too feels the pressure to provide customers with more sophisticated condition-based maintenance solutions. The main aim of this thesis study is to consider Wärtsilä remote condition monitoring solutions and how they relate to similar solutions from other suppliers and end customers’ needs, in the context of offshore assets. A theoretical study is also included in the thesis, where the concepts of condition monitoring, condition-based maintenance, maintenance management and physical asset management are introduced.
Aims:This study was carried out to evaluate the feasibility of two different methods to determine free flap perfusion in cancer patients undergoing major reconstructive surgery. The hypotheses was that low perfusion in the flap is associated with flap complications. Patients and methods: Between August 2002 and June 2008 at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Department of Surgery, and at the PET Centre, Turku, 30 consecutive patients with 32 free flaps were included in this study. The perfusion of the free microvascular flaps was assessed with positron emission tomography (PET) and radioactive water ([15O] H2O) in 40 radiowater injections in 33 PET studies. Furthermore, 24 free flaps were monitored with a continuous tissue oxygen measurement using flexible polarographic catheters for an average of three postoperative days. Results: Of the 17 patients operated on for head and neck (HN) cancer and reconstructed with 18 free flaps, three re-operations were carried out due to poor tissue oxygenation as indicated by ptiO2 monitoring results and three other patients were reoperated on for postoperative hematomas in the operated area. Blood perfusion assessed with PET (BFPET) was above 2.0 mL / min / 100 g in all flaps and a low flap-to-muscle BFPET ratio appeared to correlate with poor survival of the flap. Survival in this group of HN cancer patients was 9.0 months (median, range 2.4-34.2) after a median follow-up of 11.9 months (range 1.0-61.0 months). Seven HN patients of this group are alive without any sign of recurrence and one patient has died of other causes. All of the 13 breast reconstruction patients included in the study are alive and free of disease at a median follow-up time of 27.4 months (range 13.9-35.7 months). Re-explorations were carried out in three patients due data provided by ptiO2 monitoring and one re-exploration was avoided on the basis of adequate blood perfusion assessed with PET. Two patients had donorsite morbidity and 3 patients had partial flap necrosis or fat necrosis. There were no total flap losses. Conclusions: PtiO2 monitoring is a feasible method of free flap monitoring when flap temperature is monitored and maintained close to the core temperature. When other monitoring methods give controversial results or are unavailable, [15O] H2O PET technique is feasible in the evaluation of the perfusion of the newly reconstructed free flaps.
Crystallization is a purification method used to obtain crystalline product of a certain crystal size. It is one of the oldest industrial unit processes and commonly used in modern industry due to its good purification capability from rather impure solutions with reasonably low energy consumption. However, the process is extremely challenging to model and control because it involves inhomogeneous mixing and many simultaneous phenomena such as nucleation, crystal growth and agglomeration. All these phenomena are dependent on supersaturation, i.e. the difference between actual liquid phase concentration and solubility. Homogeneous mass and heat transfer in the crystallizer would greatly simplify modelling and control of crystallization processes, such conditions are, however, not the reality, especially in industrial scale processes. Consequently, the hydrodynamics of crystallizers, i.e. the combination of mixing, feed and product removal flows, and recycling of the suspension, needs to be thoroughly investigated. Understanding of hydrodynamics is important in crystallization, especially inlargerscale equipment where uniform flow conditions are difficult to attain. It is also important to understand different size scales of mixing; micro-, meso- and macromixing. Fast processes, like nucleation and chemical reactions, are typically highly dependent on micro- and mesomixing but macromixing, which equalizes the concentrations of all the species within the entire crystallizer, cannot be disregarded. This study investigates the influence of hydrodynamics on crystallization processes. Modelling of crystallizers with the mixed suspension mixed product removal (MSMPR) theory (ideal mixing), computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and a compartmental multiblock model is compared. The importance of proper verification of CFD and multiblock models is demonstrated. In addition, the influence of different hydrodynamic conditions on reactive crystallization process control is studied. Finally, the effect of extreme local supersaturation is studied using power ultrasound to initiate nucleation. The present work shows that mixing and chemical feeding conditions clearly affect induction time and cluster formation, nucleation, growth kinetics, and agglomeration. Consequently, the properties of crystalline end products, e.g. crystal size and crystal habit, can be influenced by management of mixing and feeding conditions. Impurities may have varying impacts on crystallization processes. As an example, manganese ions were shown to replace magnesium ions in the crystal lattice of magnesium sulphate heptahydrate, increasing the crystal growth rate significantly, whereas sodium ions showed no interaction at all. Modelling of continuous crystallization based on MSMPR theory showed that the model is feasible in a small laboratoryscale crystallizer, whereas in larger pilot- and industrial-scale crystallizers hydrodynamic effects should be taken into account. For that reason, CFD and multiblock modelling are shown to be effective tools for modelling crystallization with inhomogeneous mixing. The present work shows also that selection of the measurement point, or points in the case of multiprobe systems, is crucial when process analytical technology (PAT) is used to control larger scale crystallization. The thesis concludes by describing how control of local supersaturation by highly localized ultrasound was successfully applied to induce nucleation and to control polymorphism in reactive crystallization of L-glutamic acid.