22 resultados para HP-polymeeri


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Tässä kandidaatintyössä tutkittiin viiden kaupallisen puu-muovikomposiittituotteen säänkestävyyttä kolmen eri materiaaliominaisuuden avulla. Tuotteet olivat Suomessa markkinoilla olevia terassirakentamisen tuotteita ja niiltä mitattiin Charpy -iskulujuutta, veden absorptiokykyä ja värinmuutosta. Tuloksia verrattiin sekä keskenään, että muualla maailmassa tutkittujen kaupallisten tuotteiden kanssa. Tulosten perusteella havaittiin, että Suomen markkinoilla olevien tuotteiden säänkestävyys on erinomainen.


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Fiber-reinforced composites (FRCs) are a new group of non-metallic biomaterials showing a growing popularity in many dental and medical applications. As an oral implant material, FRC is biocompatible in bone tissue environment. Soft tissue integration to FRC polymer material is unclear. This series of in vitro studies aimed at evaluating unidirectional E-glass FRC polymer in terms of mechanical, chemical, and biological properties in an attempt to develop a new non-metallic oral implant abutment alternative. Two different types of substrates were investigated: (a) Plain polymer (BisGMA 50%–TEGDMA 50%) and (b) Unidirectional FRC. The mechanical behavior of high fiber-density FRCs was assessed using a three-point bending test. Surface characterization was performed using scanning electron and spinning disk confocal microscopes. The surface wettability/energy was determined using sessile drop method. The blood response, including blood-clotting ability and platelet morphology was evaluated. Human gingival fibroblast cell responses - adhesion kinetics, adhesion strength, and proliferation activity - were studied in cell culture environment using routine test conditions. A novel tissue culture method was developed and used to evaluate porcine gingival tissue graft attachment and growth on the experimental composite implants. The analysis of the mechanical properties showed that there is a direct proportionality in the relationship between E-glass fiber volume fraction and toughness, modulus of elasticity, and load bearing capacity; however, flexural strength did not show significant improvement when high fiber-density FRC is used. FRCs showed moderate hydrophilic properties owing to the presence of exposed glass fibers on the polymer surface. Blood-clotting time was shorter on FRC substrates than on plain polymer. The FRC substrates also showed higher platelet activation state than plain polymer substrates. Fibroblast cell adhesion strength and proliferation rate were highly pronounced on FRCs. A tissue culture study revealed that gingival epithelium and connective tissue established an immediate close contact with both plain polymer and FRC implants. However, FRC seemed to guide epithelial migration outwards from the tissue/implant interface. Due to the anisotropic and hydrophilic nature of FRC, it can be concluded that this material enhances biological events related with soft tissue integration on oral implant surface.


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Människor utnyttjar ofta kemi mångsidigt i sitt vardagliga liv utan att närmare tänka på detaljerna. Nuförtiden kan man framställa en ökande mängd av produkter ur förnybara råmaterial och en av de mest mångsidiga nybara råmaterialet i Norden är barrträd. Den lyriska lägerelden eller spiselden och möbler av ved samt papper är en väsentlig del av vardagen. Också livsmedel och läkemedel kan innehålla föreningar ur ved. Ved som råmaterial består av tre huvudkomponenten: cellulosa, som är uppbyggd av druvsockermolekyler är en långkedjad, oförgrenad polymer; lignin, som sammanhåller fibrerna i vedmaterialet som lim samt hemicellulosor, som ofta är uppbyggda av olika sockerarter och är en förgrenad polymer. Följaktligen består vedmaterialet av 70 % socker. I detta arbete har vi koncentrerat på i hemicellulosa och dess extraktion ur gran, samt bestämning av hemicellulosans egenskaper. Den slutliga målsättningen i forskningen var att skapa nya produkter ur gran. Forskning i extraktionens hemligheter eller hur hemicellulosa kan effektivt extraheras i den önskade formen kräver nya typers experimentellasanläggningar och experiment samt matematisk modellering. Den långkedjade hemicellulosan är lämplig för att användas t.ex. i skyddshinnor eller i livsmedel. Medel- och småmolekylär hemicellulosa kan användas som utgångsämne för framställning av bränslen, smörjmedel, sockersyror och alkoholer, av vilka xylitol är mest känd för alla pga hälsobefrämjande effekter. Det är utomordentligt viktigt ur miljöns och energiekonomins synvinkel att sträva efter effektivering av utnyttjandet av den värdefullaste och största naturtillgången, skogen i vårt land, med alla möjliga sätt. Resultaten av denna forskning utnyttjar avsevärt den växande, nya, på skogen baserande biobaseradeindustrin, som framställer nya spetsprodukter samt skapar nya arbetsplatser. ----------------------------------------------------- Ihmiset hyödyntävät usein huomaamattaan kemiaa monipuolisesti jokapäiväisessä elämässä. Nykyään kasvava määrä tuotteista kyetään valmistamaan uusiutuvista raaka-aineista ja yksi monipuolisimmista uusiutuvista luonnonvaroistamme pohjolassa ovat havupuut. Tunnelmallinen nuotio tai takkatuli ja puiset huonekalut sekä paperi ovat olennainen osa arkea. Myös elintarvikkeet ja lääkkeet voivat sisältää puusta peräisin olevia yhdisteitä. Puu materiaalina koostuu rakenteeltaan pääosin kolmesta osasta; selluloosasta, joka on rypälesokerista koostuva pitkäketjuinen haaroittumaton polymeeri, ligniinistä, joka toimii puun koossa pitävänä liima-aineena ja hemiselluloosasta, joka on useista eri sokereista rakentunut haaroittunut polymeeri. Näin ollen puusta 70 % on sokeria. Tässä työssä olemme keskittyneet hemiselluloosaan ja sen uuttamiseen kuusesta, sekä ominaisuuksien kartoittamiseen. Tutkimusaiheen lopullinen tavoite on luoda uusia tuotteita kuusesta. Uuton salojen tutkiminen eli miten hemiselluloosa saadaan tehokkaasti uutettua halutunlaisena vaatii uudenlaisia koelaitteistoja ja kokeita, sekä matemaattista mallintamista. Suurikokoinen hemiselluloosa on sopivaa käytettäväksi esimerkiksi suojakalvoissa tai elintarvikkeissa. Keskikokoista ja pienimolekyylistä hemiselluloosaa voidaan käyttää lähtöaineena valmistettaessa polttoaineita, voiteluaineita, sokerihappoja ja sokerialkoholeja, joista xylitoli on terveysvaikutustensa vuoksi kaikille tuttu. Niin ympäristömme kuin myös energiataloutemme kannalta on ensiarvoisen tärkeää pyrkiä kaikin keinoin tehostamaan maallemme arvokkaan, sekä luonnonvaroistamme yhden suurimman, metsän, vastuullista hyödyntämistä. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset hyödyntävät merkittävästi maahamme nousevaa uutta metsään pohjautuvaa biojalostusteollisuutta, joka valmistaa uusia huipputuotteita sekä luo työpaikkoja.


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Konjugoituneiden polymeerien sähkönjohtavuutta voidaan parantaa useita kertaluokkia varauksensiirtoreaktiona tapahtuvan seostuksen avulla. P-tyypin seostuksessa polymeeri hapettuu osittain ja saa positiivisen varauksen. N tyypin seostuksessa polymeeri taas pelkistyy osittain ja saa negatiivisen varauksen. Monia konjugoituneita polymeerejä on käytetty aukkoja kuljettavana p-tyypin materiaalina, mutta yhtä paljoa ei ole tutkittu elektroneja kuljettavia n-tyypin johdepolymeerejä. Kasvava kiinnostus orgaaniseen elektroniikkaan tekee kuitenkin uusien n-tyypin polymeerimateriaalien kehittämisen tarpeelliseksi. Tutkielmassa käsitellään n-tyypin johdepolymeerejä, niiden valmistusta ja ominaisuuksia sekä niiden hyödyntämistä orgaanisen elektroniikan sovelluksissa. Korkealaatuisten ohutkalvojen hallittu kasvatus on yksi tärkeimmistä edellytyksistä n tyypin johdepolymeerien hyödyntämiselle orgaanisessa elektroniikassa. Tutkielman kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin menetelmiä, joilla kahdesta tarkastellusta n tyypin johdepolymeeristä, poly(etyleenioksidi)lla funktionalisoidusta poly(bentsimidatso-bentsofenantroliini)sta (BBL–PEO) ja poly(atsoantrakinoni)sta, voitaisiin toistettavasti valmistaa korkealaatuisia ohutkalvoja. Valmistettujen ohutkalvojen laatua ja ominaisuuksia tutkittiin spektroskooppisin, mikroskooppisin ja sähkökemiallisin menetelmin. Lisäksi tutkittiin materiaalien valosähköisiä ominaisuuksia ja niiden soveltuvuutta aurinkoenergiaa hyödyntäviin sovelluksiin. Molemmista tutkituista johdepolymeereistä onnistuttiin valmistamaan ohutkalvoja, kun niille löydettiin sopivat liuottimet ja esikäsittelymenetelmät. Laadukkaimmat polymeeriohutkalvot valmistettiin spin–spray-pinnoitusmenetelmällä sekä dynaamisella spin coating -menetelmällä, joissa polymeeriliuosta sumutettiin (spin¬–spray) tai pipetoitiin (spin coating) pyörivän substraattilevyn pintaan. Näillä pinnoitus-menetelmillä pystyttiin hyvin hallitsemaan polymeeriohutkalvojen kasvatusta. BBL–PEO-ohutkalvot olivat tutkimusten perusteella selvästi laadukkaampia kuin poly(atsoantrakinoni)kalvot. BBL–PEO-kalvot olivat huomattavasti tasaisempia ja niiden valon absorbointikyky oli merkittävästi parempi. BBL–PEO näyttäisikin soveltuvan erinomaisesti korkealaatuisten ohutkalvojen valmistukseen. Valosähköisiä ominaisuuksia tutkittaessa havaittiin, että kohdistamalla valoa sähkökemiallisesti pelkistettyyn BBL–PEO-ohutkalvoon pystytään tuottamaan pieniä määriä sähkövirtaa. Vaikka tuotettujen virtojen suuruudet olivat hyvin pieniä, tulokset olivat lupaavia, kun huomioidaan valaisuun käytettyjen ledien pienet tehot. BBL–PEO-ohutkalvoja tulisi kuitenkin tutkia ja kehittää huomattavasti lisää, jotta niitä tulevaisuudessa voitaisiin hyödyntää orgaanisissa valosähköisissä sovelluksissa.


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Torrefaction is moderate thermal treatment (~200-300 °C) of biomass in an inert atmosphere. The torrefied fuel offers advantages to traditional biomass, such as higher heating value, reduced hydrophilic nature, increased its resistance to biological decay, and improved grindability. These factors could, for instance, lead to better handling and storage of biomass and increased use of biomass in pulverized combustors. In this work, we look at several aspects of changes in the biomass during torrefaction. We investigate the fate of carboxylic groups during torrefaction and its dependency to equilibrium moisture content. The changes in the wood components including carbohydrates, lignin, extractable materials and ashforming matters are also studied. And at last, the effect of K on torrefaction is investigated and then modeled. In biomass, carboxylic sites are partially responsible for its hydrophilic characteristic. These sites are degraded to varying extents during torrefaction. In this work, methylene blue sorption and potentiometric titration were applied to measure the concentration of carboxylic groups in torrefied spruce wood. The results from both methods were applicable and the values agreed well. A decrease in the equilibrium moisture content at different humidity was also measured for the torrefied wood samples, which is in good agreement with the decrease in carboxylic group contents. Thus, both methods offer a means of directly measuring the decomposition of carboxylic groups in biomass during torrefaction as a valuable parameter in evaluating the extent of torrefaction. This provides new information to the chemical changes occurring during torrefaction. The effect of torrefaction temperature on the chemistry of birch wood was investigated. The samples were from a pilot plant at Energy research Center of the Netherlands (ECN). And in that way they were representative of industrially produced samples. Sugar analysis was applied to analyze the hemicellulose and cellulose content during torrefaction. The results show a significant degradation of hemicellulose already at 240 °C, while cellulose degradation becomes significant above 270 °C torrefaction. Several methods including Klason lignin method, solid state NMR and Py-GC-MS analyses were applied to measure the changes in lignin during torrefaction. The changes in the ratio of phenyl, guaiacyl and syringyl units show that lignin degrades already at 240 °C to a small extent. To investigate the changes in the extractives from acetone extraction during torrefaction, gravimetric method, HP-SEC and GC-FID followed by GC-MS analysis were performed. The content of acetone-extractable material increases already at 240 °C torrefaction through the degradation of carbohydrate and lignin. The molecular weight of the acetone-extractable material decreases with increasing the torrefaction temperature. The formation of some valuable materials like syringaresinol or vanillin is also observed which is important from biorefinery perspective. To investigate the change in the chemical association of ash-forming elements in birch wood during torrefaction, chemical fractionation was performed on the original and torrefied birch samples. These results give a first understanding of the changes in the association of ashforming elements during torrefaction. The most significant changes can be seen in the distribution of calcium, magnesium and manganese, with some change in water solubility seen in potassium. These changes may in part be due to the destruction of carboxylic groups. In addition to some changes in water and acid solubility of phosphorous, a clear decrease in the concentration of both chlorine and sulfur was observed. This would be a significant additional benefit for the combustion of torrefied biomass. Another objective of this work is studying the impact of organically bound K, Na, Ca and Mn on mass loss of biomass during torrefaction. These elements were of interest because they have been shown to be catalytically active in solid fuels during pyrolysis and/or gasification. The biomasses were first acid washed to remove the ash-forming matters and then organic sites were doped with K, Na, Ca or Mn. The results show that K and Na bound to organic sites can significantly increase the mass loss during torrefaction. It is also seen that Mn bound to organic sites increases the mass loss and Ca addition does not influence the mass loss rate on torrefaction. This increase in mass loss during torrefaction with alkali addition is unlike what has been found in the case of pyrolysis where alkali addition resulted in a reduced mass loss. These results are important for the future operation of torrefaction plants, which will likely be designed to handle various biomasses with significantly different contents of K. The results imply that shorter retention times are possible for high K-containing biomasses. The mass loss of spruce wood with different content of K was modeled using a two-step reaction model based on four kinetic rate constants. The results show that it is possible to model the mass loss of spruce wood doped with different levels of K using the same activation energies but different pre-exponential factors for the rate constants. Three of the pre-exponential factors increased linearly with increasing K content, while one of the preexponential factors decreased with increasing K content. Therefore, a new torrefaction model was formulated using the hemicellulose and cellulose content and K content. The new torrefaction model was validated against the mass loss during the torrefaction of aspen, miscanthus, straw and bark. There is good agreement between the model and the experimental data for the other biomasses, except bark. For bark, the mass loss of acetone extractable material is also needed to be taken into account. The new model can describe the kinetics of mass loss during torrefaction of different types of biomass. This is important for considering fuel flexibility in torrefaction plants.


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Electrochromism, the phenomenon of reversible color change induced by a small electric charge, forms the basis for operation of several devices including mirrors, displays and smart windows. Although, the history of electrochromism dates back to the 19th century, only the last quarter of the 20th century has its considerable scientific and technological impact. The commercial applications of electrochromics (ECs) are rather limited, besides top selling EC anti-glare mirrors by Gentex Corporation and airplane windows by Boeing, which made a huge commercial success and exposed the potential of EC materials for future glass industry. It is evident from their patents that viologens (salts of 4,4ʹ-bipyridilium) were the major active EC component for most of these marketed devices, signifying the motivation of this thesis focusing on EC viologens. Among the family of electrochromes, viologens have been utilized in electrochromic devices (ECDs) for a while, due to its intensely colored radical cation formation induced by applying a small cathodic potential. Viologens can be synthesized as oligomer or in the polymeric form or as functionality to conjugated polymers. In this thesis, polyviologens (PVs) were synthesized starting from cyanopyridinium (CNP) based monomer precursors. Reductive coupling of cross-connected cyano groups yields viologen and polyviologen under successive electropolymerization using for example the cyclic voltammetry (CV) technique. For further development, a polyviologen-graphene composite system was fabricated, focusing at the stability of the PV electrochrome without sacrificing its excellent EC properties. High electrical conductivity, high surface area offered by graphene sheets together with its non-covalent interactions and synergism with PV significantly improved the electrochrome durability in the composite matrix. The work thereby continued in developing a CNP functionalized thiophene derivative and its copolymer for possible utilization of viologen in the copolymer blend. Furthermore, the viologen functionalized thiophene derivative was synthesized and electropolymerized in order to explore enhancement in the EC contrast and overall EC performance. The findings suggest that such electroactive viologen/polyviologen systems and their nanostructured composite films as well as viologen functionalized conjugated polymers, can be potentially applied as an active EC material in future ECDs aiming at durable device performances.