47 resultados para Functional Systems Theory
Today's business environment has become increasingly unexpected and fast changing because of the global competition. This new environment requires the companies to organize their control differently, e.g. by logistic process thinking. Logistic process thinking in software engineering applies the principles of production process to immaterial products. Processes must be optimized, so that every phase adds value to the customer, and the lead times can be cut shorter to meet the new customer requirements. The purpose of this thesis is to examine and optimize the testing processes of software engineering concentrating on module testing, functional testing and their interface. The concept of logistic process thinking is introduced through production process, value added model and process management. Also theory of testing based on literature is presented, concentrating on module testing and functional testing. The testing processes of the Case Company are presented together with the project models in which they are implemented. The real life practices in module testing and functional testing and their interface are examined through interviews. These practices are analyzed against the processes and the testing theory, through which ideas for optimizing the testing process are introduced. The project world of the Case Company is also introduced together with two example testing projects in different life cycle phases. The examples give a view of how much effort of the project is put in different types of testing.
Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) on moderni digitaalinen matkapuhelinjärjestelmän standardi, joka on suunniteltu täyttämään erityisesti viranomaisten vaativat tarpeet turvallisuuden ja luotettavuuden suhteen. Ohjelmiston testaus on tärkeä osa sen laadun takaamiseksi. Testaus on jaettu useisiin vaiheisiin ja se kattaa koko ohjelmiston elinkaaren: ohjelmiston kehittelystä alkaen asiakkaalle lähetettyyn valmiiseen tuotteeseen saakka. Toiminnallisuustestauksen suorittaa joko ohjelmiston suunnittelijat tai erillinen testausryhmä käyttäen Nokia TETRA-järjestelmän testauslaboratoriota. Testauksen tarkoituksena on varmistaa, että ohjelmisto, sen aliohjelmat ja ominaisuudet täyttävät niille annetut toiminnalliset ja laadulliset vaatimukset. Tämä diplomityö antaa yleiskuvan toiminnallisuustestausprosessista Nokia TETRA järjestelmän laboratoriossa. Se tarjoaa esimerkkitestitapauksen avulla kokonaiskuvan siitä, kuinka toiminnallisuustestausprosessi suoritetaan alusta loppuun.
Diplomityön ensisijaisena tavoitteena on kuvata Loviisan ydinvoimalaitoksen hankeprosessi ja kartoittaa siihen liittyvät kehitystarpeet. Erityistä huomiota kiinnitetään arviointi-, suunnittelu- ja hyväksymisvaiheisiin sekä budjetointiin. Työssä käsitellään myös hankkeiden taloudellisten perusteluiden määrittelyä ja hankevaihtoehtojen vertailua sekä esitellään laitoksen budjetointikäytännöt ja etsitään menetelmiä laitoksen kustannusseurannan tehostamiseksi. Oman osuutensa työssä muodostaa uuden Maximo-tietojärjestelmän raportointitarpeiden ideointi. Samassa on esitelty myös uusi projektien hallintajärjestelmä Primavera. Tietojärjestelmäuudistuksen aikataulun myöhästymisen vuoksi järjestelmien kehittely ja ominaisuuksien määrittely on toteutettu suppeasti. Teoriaosuudessa käsitellään ydinvoimalaitoksen käyttöiän hallintaa, jonka tarkoituksena on pohjustaa empiirisessä osuudessa käsiteltävää hankeprosessia ja sen kehitystarpeita. Työn ensisijaisena lähdemateriaalina toimivat hankeprosessiin osallistuvien henkilöiden haastattelut. Työssä esitellään erilaisia päätöksentekoa tukevia ja kannattavuuden arviointiin käytettäviä työkaluja ja menetelmiä. Työssä on myös ideoitu alustavasti hankeprosessin tunnusluvut ja raportointitarpeet, jotka tulisi vaivatta saada poimittua Maximo-järjestelmästä. Työssä kuvattiin prosessikaaviona voimalaitoksen hankeprosessi ja tunnistettiin sen pahimmat pullonkaulat, joiden poistamiseksi esitettiin myös muutamia toimintaehdotuksia. Väärinymmärrysten vähentämiseksi selvennettiin laitoksella toteutettavien töiden käsitteistöä. Työssä esitettyjen kehitystoimenpiteiden avulla saadaan kustannusseurantaa tehostettua sekä investointien budjetointiin lisää ryhtiä. Työ päättyy työn tulosten esittelyyn ja johtopäätöksiin.
Työn tavoitteena oli suorittaa tekninen sekä toiminnallinen toteutettavuustarkastelu asiakasdataan kohdistuvien muutosten suhteen erään suuren metsäteollisuusyrityksen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmäprojektissa. Ensin selvitettiin toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käsite, toteutettavuustarkastelun rooli IT -projektissa sekä toteutettavuustarkastelun suorittamisen vaiheet. Teoriaosuus koottiin pääasiassa kirjallisuuden ja internetlähteiden avulla.Empiirisessä osuudessa toteutettiin ja dokumentoitiin toteutettavuustarkastelu vaihe vaiheelta. Kohdetta lähestyttiin ylhäältä -alas menetelmällä. Pääpaino oli asiakaskoodien, järjestelmiin tarvittavien muutosten sekä työnkulun muuttamisen toteutettavuuden tarkastelussa. Empiirisen osuuden informaation kerääminen suoritettiin asiantuntijoiden haastattelujen avulla. Kerättyä tietoa sovellettiin teoriaosuuden sekä projektidokumenttien menetelmien mukaisesti. Lopputulokseksi saatiin täysivaltainen toteutettavuustarkastelu, joka pitää sisällään kohteen taustaselvitykset, nykyisen ja tulevan tilanteen kuvaukset, poikkeavuusanalyysit sekä jatkotoimenpide-ehdotukset. Tutkimuksessa päädyttiin siihen, että projekti on toteutettavissa tutkitulta alueelta.
Tekniikan ja elektroniikan kehityksen myötä on voitu kehittää erilaisia kuntoilujärjestelmiä. Niiden tarkoituksena on motivoida liikkumaan, parantaa suorituksia sekä helpottaa harjoitustietojen keräystä ja analysointia. Langattomuus tuo etuja järjestelmän liikkuvuuteen ja komponenttien päivitettävyyteen. Langattomien henkilökohtaisten päätelaitteiden käyttö kuntoilujärjestelmän osana tarjoaa mahdollisuuden hyödyntää harjoitustietoja laajemmin. Langattoman kuntoilujärjestelmän luominen ei kuitenkaan ole ongelmatonta. Tässä diplomityössä keskitytään tutkimaan voidaanko tämän hetken langattomilla tietoverkoilla ja niitä käyttävillä päätelaitteilla toteuttaa sujuvasti toimiva langaton kuntoilujärjestelmä. Työssä perehdytään ensin olemassa oleviin kuntoilujärjestelmiin. Niiden ongelmia ratkomaan käytettiin langattomia tietoverkkoja. Tutkittaviksi tietoverkoiksi valitiin käytetyimmät radioverkot, joita myöhemmin hyödynnetään kuntoiluyhteisötutkimuksessa. Teoriaosaa tukemaan toteutetaan langaton kuntoilujärjestelmä. Työn tuloksena on selvitys langattoman kuntoilujärjestelmän toteuttamisen mahdollisuudesta tämän päivän tekniikoilla. Lisäksi tuloksena on langaton Bluetooth-verkkoa hyödyntävä kuntoiluohjelmisto.
The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of Group Support Systems (GSS) to overall efficiency of innovation process. Overall efficiency was found to be a sum of meeting efficiency, product effectiveness, and learning efficiency. These components were studied in various working situations common in early stages of innovation process. In the empirical part of this study, the suitability of GSS at the forest company was assessed. The basics for this study were idea generation meetings held at LUT and results from the surveys done after the sessions. This data combined with the interviews and theoretical background was used to analyze suitability of this technology to organizational culture at the company. The results of this study are divided to theory and case level. On theory level GSS was found to be a potentially valuable tool for innovation managers, especially at the first stages of the process. On case level, GSS was found to be a suitable tool at Stora Enso for further utilization. A five step implementation proposal was built to illustrate what would be the next stages of GSS implementation, if technology was chosen for further implementation.
Diplomityön tarkoituksena oli kuidutusrumpulaitteiston käytön- ja kannatuksen kehittä-minen. Työ rajattiin laajuutensa vuoksi koskemaan tuotesarjan viittä pienintä kokoa. Työn alkuosassa käsitellään kuidutuksen teoriaa ja siihen soveltuvia laitteistoja. Käytön suunnittelun kannalta olennaista käynnistystehon tarvetta on tarkasteltu lähtökohdaisesti fysiikan avulla. Perustietoja teorialle on haettu aiemmista tutkimuksista sekä kirjallisuu-desta. Tarkastelun tuloksena teoriaa on kehitty ja se on saatu vastaamaan todellisuutta aiempaa paremmin. Kannatuksen ja käytön toteuttamisvaihtoja etsittäessä on käytetty systemaattisen koneen-suunnittelun keinoja. Saatuja ideoita on arvioitu teknillis-taloudellisin perustein ja näistä on valittu parhaat vaihtoehdot jatkokehitykseen. Jatkokehitysvaiheessa ratkaisuvaihto-ehtoja on tarkasteltu komponenttitasolla ja näistä on tehty yksityiskohtaiset kustannus-laskelmat. Työn tuloksena on esitetty kannatuksen ja käytön toteutusvaihtoehto, jonka avulla voidaan saavuttaa merkittäviä kustannussäästöjä. Korkea, 30 prosentin kustannussäästö-tavoite saavutettiin.
Energy consumption and energy efficiency have become an issue. Energy consumption is rising all over the world and because of that, and the climate change, energy is becoming more and more expensive. Buildings are major consumers of energy, and inside the buildings the major consumers are heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems. They usually run at constant speed without efficient control. In most cases HVAC equipment is also oversized. Traditionally heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems have been sized to meet conditions that rarely occur. The theory part in this thesis represents the basics of life cycle costs and calculations for the whole life cycle of a system. It also represents HVAC systems, equipment, systems controls and ways to save energy in these systems. The empirical part of this thesis represents life cycle cost calculations for HVAC systems. With these calculations it is possible to compute costs for the whole life cycle for the wanted variables. Life cycle costs make it possible to compare which variable causes most of the costs from the whole life point of view. Life cycle costs were studied through two real life cases which were focused on two different kinds of HVAC systems. In both of these cases the renovations were already made, so that the comparison between the old and the new, now existing system would be easier. The study indicates that energy can be saved in HVAC systems by using variable speed drive as a control method.
Scientific studies regarding specifically references do not seem to exist. However, the utilization of references is an important practice for many companies involved in industrial marketing. The purpose of the study is to increase the understanding about the utilization of references in international industrial marketing in order to contribute to the development of a theory of reference behavior. Specifically, the modes of reference usage in industry, the factors affecting a supplier's reference behavior, and the question how references are actually utilized, are explored in the study. Due to the explorative nature of the study, a research design was followed where theory and empirical studies alternated. An Exploratory Framework was developed to guide a pilot case study that resulted in Framework 1. Results of the pilot study guided an expanded literature review that was used to develop first a Structural Framework and a Process Framework which were combined in Framework 2. Then, the second empirical phase of the case study was conducted in the same (pilot) case company. In this phase, Decision Systems Analysis (DSA) was used as the analysis method. The DSA procedure consists of three interviewing waves: initial interviews, reinterviews, and validating interviews. Four reference decision processes were identified, described and analyzed in the form of flowchart descriptions. The flowchart descriptions were used to explore new constructs and to develop new propositions to develop Framework 2 further. The quality of the study was ascertained by many actions in both empirical parts of the study. The construct validity of the study was ascertained by using multiple sources of evidence and by asking the key informant to review the pilot case report. The DSA method itself includes procedures assuring validity. Because of the choice to conduct a single case study, external validity was not even pursued. High reliability was pursued through detailed documentation and thorough reporting of evidence. It was concluded that the core of the concept of reference is a customer relationship regardless of the concrete forms a reference might take in its utilization. Depending on various contingencies, references might have various tasks inside the four roles of increasing 1) efficiency of sales and sales management, 2) efficiency of the business, 3) effectiveness of marketing activities, and 4) effectiveness in establishing, maintaining and enhancing customer relationships. Thus, references have not only external but internal tasks as well. A supplier's reference behavior might be affected by many hierarchical conditions. Additionally, the empirical study showed that the supplier can utilize its references as a continuous, all pervasive decision making process through various practices. The process includes both individual and unstructured decision making subprocesses. The proposed concept of reference can be used to guide a reference policy recommendable for companies for which the utilization of references is important. The significance of the study is threefold: proposing the concept of reference, developing a framework of a supplier's reference behavior and its short term process of utilizing references, and conceptual structuring of an unstructured and in industrial marketing important phenomenon to four roles.
The design methods and languages targeted to modern System-on-Chip designs are facing tremendous pressure of the ever-increasing complexity, power, and speed requirements. To estimate any of these three metrics, there is a trade-off between accuracy and abstraction level of detail in which a system under design is analyzed. The more detailed the description, the more accurate the simulation will be, but, on the other hand, the more time consuming it will be. Moreover, a designer wants to make decisions as early as possible in the design flow to avoid costly design backtracking. To answer the challenges posed upon System-on-chip designs, this thesis introduces a formal, power aware framework, its development methods, and methods to constraint and analyze power consumption of the system under design. This thesis discusses on power analysis of synchronous and asynchronous systems not forgetting the communication aspects of these systems. The presented framework is built upon the Timed Action System formalism, which offer an environment to analyze and constraint the functional and temporal behavior of the system at high abstraction level. Furthermore, due to the complexity of System-on-Chip designs, the possibility to abstract unnecessary implementation details at higher abstraction levels is an essential part of the introduced design framework. With the encapsulation and abstraction techniques incorporated with the procedure based communication allows a designer to use the presented power aware framework in modeling these large scale systems. The introduced techniques also enable one to subdivide the development of communication and computation into own tasks. This property is taken into account in the power analysis part as well. Furthermore, the presented framework is developed in a way that it can be used throughout the design project. In other words, a designer is able to model and analyze systems from an abstract specification down to an implementable specification.
The thesis discusses the regulation of foodstuffs and medicines, and particularly the regulation of functional foods. Legal systems investigated are the EU and China. Both are members of the WTO and Codex Alimentarius, which binds European and Chinese rules together. The study uses three Chinese berries as case examples of how product development faces regulation in practice. The berries have traditional uses as herbal medicines. Europe and China have similar nutrition problems to be resolved, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. The three berries might be suitable raw materials for functional foods. Consumer products with health-enhancing functions, such as lowering blood pressure, might legally be classifi ed either as foodstuffs or medicines. The classifi cation will depend on functions and presentation of the product. In our opinion, food and medicine regulation should come closer together so the classifi cation issue would no longer be an issue. Safety of both foodstuffs and medicines is strictly regulated. With medicines, safety is a more relative concept, where benefi ts of the product are compared to side-effects in thorough scientifi c tests and trials. Foods, on the other hand, are not allowed to have side-effects. Hygiene rules and rules on the use of chemicals apply. In China, food safety is currently at focus as China has had several severe food scandals. Newly developed foods are called novel foods, and are specifi cally regulated. The current European novel food regulation from 1997 treats traditional third country products as novel. The Chinese regulation of 2007 also defi nes novel foods as something unfamiliar to a Chinese consumer. The concepts of novel food thus serve a protectionist purpose. As regards marketing, foods are allowed to bear health claims, whereas medicines bear medicinal claims. The separation is legally strict: foods are not to be presented as having medicinal functions. European nutrition and health claim regulation exists since 2006. China also has its regulation on health foods, listing the permitted claims and how to substantiate them. Health claims are allowed only on health foods. The European rules on medicines include separate categories for herbal medicines, traditional herbal medicines, and homeopathic medicines, where there are differing requirements for scientifi c substantiation. The scientifi c and political grounds for the separate categories provoke criticism. At surface, the Chinese legal system seems similar to the European one. To facilitate trade, China has enacted modern laws. Laws are needed as the country moves from planned economy to market economy: ‘rule of law’ needs to replace ‘rule of man’. Instead of being citizens, Chinese people long were subordinates to the Emperor. Confucius himself advised to avoid confl ict. Still, Chinese people do not and cannot always trust the legal system, as laws are enforced in an inconsistent manner, and courts are weak. In China, there have been problems with confl icting national and local laws. In Europe, the competence of the EU vs. the competence of the Member States is still not resolved, even though the European Commission often states that free trade requires harmonisation. Food and medicine regulation is created by international organisations, food and medicine control agencies, standards agencies, companies and their organisations. Regulation can be divided in ‘hard law’ and ‘soft law’. One might claim that hard law is in crisis, as soft law is gaining importance. If law is out of fashion, regulation certainly isn’t. In the future, ‘law’ might mean a process where rules and incentives are created by states, NGOs, companies, consumers, and other stakeholders. ‘Law’ might thus refer to a constant negotiation between public and private actors. Legal principles such as transparency, equal treatment, and the right to be heard would still be important.
In this Thesis I discuss the exact dynamics of simple non-Markovian systems. I focus on fundamental questions at the core of non-Markovian theory and investigate the dynamics of quantum correlations under non-Markovian decoherence. In the first context I present the connection between two different non-Markovian approaches, and compare two distinct definitions of non-Markovianity. The general aim is to characterize in exemplary cases which part of the environment is responsible for the feedback of information typical of non- Markovian dynamics. I also show how such a feedback of information is not always described by certain types of master equations commonly used to tackle non-Markovian dynamics. In the second context I characterize the dynamics of two qubits in a common non-Markovian reservoir, and introduce a new dynamical effect in a wellknown model, i.e., two qubits under depolarizing channels. In the first model the exact solution of the dynamics is found, and the entanglement behavior is extensively studied. The non-Markovianity of the reservoir and reservoirmediated-interaction between the qubits cause non-trivial dynamical features. The dynamical interplay between different types of correlations is also investigated. In the second model the study of quantum and classical correlations demonstrates the existence of a new effect: the sudden transition between classical and quantum decoherence. This phenomenon involves the complete preservation of the initial quantum correlations for long intervals of time of the order of the relaxation time of the system.
Modifiering av metallytor med starkt adsorberade kirala organiska molekyler är eventuellt den mest relevanta teknik man vet i dag för att skapa kirala ytor. Den kan utnyttjas i katalytisk produktion av enantiomeriskt rena kirala föreningar som behövs t.ex. som läkemedel och aromkemikalier. Trots många fördelar av asymmetrisk heterogen katalys jämfört med andra sätt för att få kirala föreningar, har den ändå inte blivit ett allmänt verktyg för storskaliga tillämpningar. Detta beror t.ex. på brist på djupare kunskaper i katalytiska reaktionsmekanismer och ursprunget för asymmetrisk induktion. I denna studie användes molekylmodelleringstekniker för att studera asymmetriska, heterogena katalytiska system, speciellt hydrering av prokirala karbonylföreningar till motsvarande kirala alkoholer på cinchona-alkaloidmodifierade Pt-katalysatorer. 1-Fenyl-1,2-propandion (PPD) och några andra föreningar, som innehåller en prokiral C=O-grupp, användes som reaktanter. Konformationer av reaktanter och cinchona-alkaloider (som kallas modifierare) samt vätebundna 1:1-komplex mellan dem studerades i gas- och lösningsfas med metoder som baserar sig på vågfunktionsteori och täthetsfunktionalteori (DFT). För beräkningen av protonaffiniteter användes också högst noggranna kombinationsmetoder såsom G2(MP2). Den relativa populationen av modifierarnas konformationer varierade som funktion av modifieraren, dess protonering och lösningsmedlet. Flera reaktant–modifierareinteraktionsgeometrier beaktades. Slutsatserna på riktning av stereoselektivitet baserade sig på den relativa termodynamiska stabiliteten av de diastereomeriska reaktant–modifierare-komplexen samt energierna hos π- och π*-orbitalerna i den reaktiva karbonylgruppen. Adsorption och reaktioner på Pt(111)-ytan betraktades med DFT. Regioselektivitet i hydreringen av PPD och 2,3-hexandion kunde förklaras med molekyl–yta-interaktioner. Storleken och formen av klustret använt för att beskriva Pt-ytan inverkade inte bara på adsorptionsenergierna utan också på de relativa stabiliteterna av olika adsorptionsstrukturer av en molekyl. Populationerna av modifierarnas konformationer i gas- och lösningsfas korrelerade inte med populationerna på Pt-ytan eller med enantioselektiviteten i hydreringen av PPD på Pt–cinchona-katalysatorer. Vissa modifierares konformationer och reaktant–modifierare-interaktionsgeometrier var stabila bara på metallytan. Teoretiskt beräknade potentialenergiprofiler för hydrering av kirala α-hydroxiketoner på Pt implicerade preferens för parvis additionsmekanism för väte och selektiviteter i harmoni med experimenten. De uppnådda resultaten ökar uppfattningen om kirala heterogena katalytiska system och kunde därför utnyttjas i utvecklingen av nya, mera aktiva och selektiva kirala katalysatorer.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää Imatran kaupungin teknisen toimen nykyinen tietojärjestelmäarkkitehtuuri, sekä selvittää, kuinka hyvin käytettävät tietojärjestelmät tukevat teknisen toimen tuottamaa omakotirakentajan palveluprosessia. Työn teoriaosassa syvennyttiin palvelujen hallintaan, tietojärjestelmiin ja paikkatietojärjestelmiin. Työn empiirisessä osassa tutkittiin, kuinka toimiva käytössä oleva järjestelmäkokonaisuus on. Tutkimus osoitti, että käytössä olevat tietojärjestelmät ja ohjelmistot ovat tehokkaita ja tarkoituksenmukaisia. Teknologian kehittämisen lisäksi tulee kiinnittää huomiota työskentelytapojen kehittämiseen ja yhtenäistämiseen esimerkiksi sähköisen prosessin seurantalomakkeen, tietokantojen päivittämisen, sekä paperisten aineistojen digitoimisen avulla. Tietojärjestelmäarkkitehtuurin tulee olla yksinkertainen ja päällekkäisiä toimintoja kannattaa välttää. Paikkatietojärjestelmien muuttaminen selainpohjaisiksi tehostaa eri tietolähteiden hyödyntämistä. Henkilöstön riittävä tietojärjestelmäkoulutus on tärkeää.
In this thesis, general approach is devised to model electrolyte sorption from aqueous solutions on solid materials. Electrolyte sorption is often considered as unwanted phenomenon in ion exchange and its potential as an independent separation method has not been fully explored. The solid sorbents studied here are porous and non-porous organic or inorganic materials with or without specific functional groups attached on the solid matrix. Accordingly, the sorption mechanisms include physical adsorption, chemisorption on the functional groups and partition restricted by electrostatic or steric factors. The model is tested in four Cases Studies dealing with chelating adsorption of transition metal mixtures, physical adsorption of metal and metalloid complexes from chloride solutions, size exclusion of electrolytes in nano-porous materials and electrolyte exclusion of electrolyte/non-electrolyte mixtures. The model parameters are estimated using experimental data from equilibrium and batch kinetic measurements, and they are used to simulate actual single-column fixed-bed separations. Phase equilibrium between the solution and solid phases is described using thermodynamic Gibbs-Donnan model and various adsorption models depending on the properties of the sorbent. The 3-dimensional thermodynamic approach is used for volume sorption in gel-type ion exchangers and in nano-porous adsorbents, and satisfactory correlation is obtained provided that both mixing and exclusion effects are adequately taken into account. 2-Dimensional surface adsorption models are successfully applied to physical adsorption of complex species and to chelating adsorption of transition metal salts. In the latter case, comparison is also made with complex formation models. Results of the mass transport studies show that uptake rates even in a competitive high-affinity system can be described by constant diffusion coefficients, when the adsorbent structure and the phase equilibrium conditions are adequately included in the model. Furthermore, a simplified solution based on the linear driving force approximation and the shrinking-core model is developed for very non-linear adsorption systems. In each Case Study, the actual separation is carried out batch-wise in fixed-beds and the experimental data are simulated/correlated using the parameters derived from equilibrium and kinetic data. Good agreement between the calculated and experimental break-through curves is usually obtained indicating that the proposed approach is useful in systems, which at first sight are very different. For example, the important improvement in copper separation from concentrated zinc sulfate solution at elevated temperatures can be correctly predicted by the model. In some cases, however, re-adjustment of model parameters is needed due to e.g. high solution viscosity.