34 resultados para FEATURE EXTRACTION
This thesis is about detection of local image features. The research topic belongs to the wider area of object detection, which is a machine vision and pattern recognition problem where an object must be detected (located) in an image. State-of-the-art object detection methods often divide the problem into separate interest point detection and local image description steps, but in this thesis a different technique is used, leading to higher quality image features which enable more precise localization. Instead of using interest point detection the landmark positions are marked manually. Therefore, the quality of the image features is not limited by the interest point detection phase and the learning of image features is simplified. The approach combines both interest point detection and local description into one phase for detection. Computational efficiency of the descriptor is therefore important, leaving out many of the commonly used descriptors as unsuitably heavy. Multiresolution Gabor features has been the main descriptor in this thesis and improving their efficiency is a significant part. Actual image features are formed from descriptors by using a classifierwhich can then recognize similar looking patches in new images. The main classifier is based on Gaussian mixture models. Classifiers are used in one-class classifier configuration where there are only positive training samples without explicit background class. The local image feature detection method has been tested with two freely available face detection databases and a proprietary license plate database. The localization performance was very good in these experiments. Other applications applying the same under-lying techniques are also presented, including object categorization and fault detection.
Työn tavoitteena oli mallintaa uuden tuoteominaisuuden aiheuttamat lisäkustannukset ja suunnitella päätöksenteon työkalu Timberjack Oy:n kuormatraktorivalmistuksen johtoryhmälle. Tarkoituksena oli luoda karkean tason malli, joka sopisi eri tyyppisten tuoteominaisuuksien kustannuksien selvittämiseen. Uuden tuoteominaisuuden vaikutusta yrityksen eri toimintoihin selvitettiin haastatteluin. Haastattelukierroksen tukena käytettiin kysymyslomaketta. Haastattelujen tavoitteena oli selvittää prosessit, toiminnot ja resurssit, jotka ovat välttämättömiä uuden tuoteominaisuuden tuotantoon saattamisessa ja tuotannossa. Malli suunniteltiin haastattelujen ja tietojärjestelmästä hankitun tiedon pohjalta. Mallin rungon muodostivat ne prosessit ja toiminnot, joihin uudella tuoteominaisuudella on vaikutusta. Huomioon otettiin sellaiset resurssit, joita uusi tuoteominaisuus kuluttaa joko välittömästi, tai välillisesti. Tarkasteluun sisällytettiin ainoastaan lisäkustannukset. Uuden tuoteominaisuuden toteuttamisesta riippumattomat, joka tapauksessa toteutuvat yleiskustannukset jätettiin huomioimatta. Malli on yleistys uuden tuoteominaisuuden aiheuttamista lisäkustannuksista, koska tarkoituksena on, että se sopii eri tyyppisten tuoteominaisuuksien aiheuttamien kustannusten selvittämiseen. Lisäksi malli soveltuu muiden pienehköjen tuotemuutosten kustannusten kartoittamiseen.
In this study we used market settlement prices of European call options on stock index futures to extract implied probability distribution function (PDF). The method used produces a PDF of returns of an underlying asset at expiration date from implied volatility smile. With this method, the assumption of lognormal distribution (Black-Scholes model) is tested. The market view of the asset price dynamics can then be used for various purposes (hedging, speculation). We used the so called smoothing approach for implied PDF extraction presented by Shimko (1993). In our analysis we obtained implied volatility smiles from index futures markets (S&P 500 and DAX indices) and standardized them. The method introduced by Breeden and Litzenberger (1978) was then used on PDF extraction. The results show significant deviations from the assumption of lognormal returns for S&P500 options while DAX options mostly fit the lognormal distribution. A deviant subjective view of PDF can be used to form a strategy as discussed in the last section.
The amphiphilic nature of metal extractants causes the formation of micelles and other microscopic aggregates when in contact with water and an organic diluent. These phenomena and their effects on metal extraction were studied using carboxylic acid (Versatic 10) and organophosphorus acid (Cyanex 272) based extractants. Special emphasis was laid on the study of phase behaviour in a pre neutralisation stage when the extractant is transformed to a sodium or ammonium salt form. The pre neutralised extractants were used to extract nickel and to separate cobalt and nickel. Phase diagrams corresponding to the pre neutralisation stage in a metal extraction process were determined. The maximal solubilisation of the components in the system water(NH3)/extractant/isooctane takes place when the molar ratio between the ammonia salt form and the free form of the extractant is 0.5 for the carboxylic acid and 1 for the organophosphorus acid extractant. These values correspond to the complex stoichiometry of NH4A•HA and NIi4A, respectively. When such a solution is contacted with water a microemulsion is formed. If the aqueous phase contains also metal ions (e.g. Ni²+), complexation will take place on the microscopic interface of the micellar aggregates. Experimental evidence showing that the initial stage of nickel extraction with pre neutralised Versatic 10 is a fast pseudohomogeneous reaction was obtained. About 90% of the metal were extracted in the first 15 s after the initial contact. For nickel extraction with pre neutralised Versatic 10 it was found that the highest metal loading and the lowest residual ammonia and water contents in the organic phase are achieved when the feeds are balanced so that the stoichiometry is 2NH4+(org) = Nit2+(aq). In the case of Co/Ni separation using pre neutralised Cyanex 272 the highest separation is achieved when the Co/extractant molar ratio in the feeds is 1 : 4 and at the same time the optimal degree of neutralisation of the Cyanex 272 is about 50%. The adsorption of the extractants on solid surfaces may cause accumulation of solid fine particles at the interface between the aqueous and organic phases in metal extraction processes. Copper extraction processes are known to suffer of this problem. Experiments were carried out using model silica and mica particles. It was found that high copper loading, aromacity of the diluent, modification agents and the presence of aqueous phase decrease the adsorption of the hydroxyoxime on silica surfaces.
Liquid-liquid extraction is a mass transfer process for recovering the desired components from the liquid streams by contacting it to non-soluble liquid solvent. Literature part of this thesis deals with theory of the liquid-liquid extraction and the main steps of the extraction process design. The experimental part of this thesis investigates the extraction of organic acids from aqueous solution. The aim was to find the optimal solvent for recovering the organic acids from aqueous solutions. The other objective was to test the selected solvent in pilot scale with packed column and compare the effectiveness of the structured and the random packing, the effect of dispersed phase selection and the effect of packing material wettability properties. Experiments showed that selected solvent works well with dilute organic acid solutions. The random packing proved to be more efficient than the structured packing due to higher hold-up of the dispersed phase. Dispersing the phase that is present in larger volume proved to more efficient. With the random packing the material that was wetted by the dispersed phase was more efficient due to higher hold-up of the dispersed phase. According the literature, the behavior is usually opposite.
Local features are used in many computer vision tasks including visual object categorization, content-based image retrieval and object recognition to mention a few. Local features are points, blobs or regions in images that are extracted using a local feature detector. To make use of extracted local features the localized interest points are described using a local feature descriptor. A descriptor histogram vector is a compact representation of an image and can be used for searching and matching images in databases. In this thesis the performance of local feature detectors and descriptors is evaluated for object class detection task. Features are extracted from image samples belonging to several object classes. Matching features are then searched using random image pairs of a same class. The goal of this thesis is to find out what are the best detector and descriptor methods for such task in terms of detector repeatability and descriptor matching rate.
In this study, feature selection in classification based problems is highlighted. The role of feature selection methods is to select important features by discarding redundant and irrelevant features in the data set, we investigated this case by using fuzzy entropy measures. We developed fuzzy entropy based feature selection method using Yu's similarity and test this using similarity classifier. As the similarity classifier we used Yu's similarity, we tested our similarity on the real world data set which is dermatological data set. By performing feature selection based on fuzzy entropy measures before classification on our data set the empirical results were very promising, the highest classification accuracy of 98.83% was achieved when testing our similarity measure to the data set. The achieved results were then compared with some other results previously obtained using different similarity classifiers, the obtained results show better accuracy than the one achieved before. The used methods helped to reduce the dimensionality of the used data set, to speed up the computation time of a learning algorithm and therefore have simplified the classification task
Green IT is a term that covers various tasks and concepts that are related to reducing the environmental impact of IT. At enterprise level, Green IT has significant potential to generate sustainable cost savings: the total amount of devices is growing and electricity prices are rising. The lifecycle of a computer can be made more environmentally sustainable using Green IT, e.g. by using energy efficient components and by implementing device power management. The challenge using power management at enterprise level is how to measure and follow-up the impact of power management policies? During the thesis a power management feature was developed to a configuration management system. The feature can be used to automatically power down and power on PCs using a pre-defined schedule and to estimate the total power usage of devices. Measurements indicate that using the feature the device power consumption can be monitored quite precisely and the power consumption can be reduced, which generates electricity cost savings and reduces the environmental impact of IT.
Separation of carboxylic acids from aqueous streams is an important part of their manufacturing process. The aqueous solutions are usually dilute containing less than 10 % acids. Separation by distillation is difficult as the boiling points of acids are only marginally higher than that of water. Because of this distillation is not only difficult but also expensive due to the evaporation of large amounts of water. Carboxylic acids have traditionally been precipitated as calcium salts. The yields of these processes are usually relatively low and the chemical costs high. Especially the decomposition of calcium salts with sulfuric acid produces large amounts of calcium sulfate sludge. Solvent extraction has been studied as an alternative method for recovery of carboxylic acids. Solvent extraction is based on mixing of two immiscible liquids and the transfer of the wanted components form one liquid to another due to equilibrium difference. In the case of carboxylic acids, the acids are transferred from aqueous phase to organic solvent due to physical and chemical interactions. The acids and the extractant form complexes which are soluble in the organic phase. The extraction efficiency is affected by many factors, for instance initial acid concentration, type and concentration of the extractant, pH, temperature and extraction time. In this paper, the effects of initial acid concentration, type of extractant and temperature on extraction efficiency were studied. As carboxylic acids are usually the products of the processes, they are wanted to be recovered. Hence the acids have to be removed from the organic phase after the extraction. The removal of acids from the organic phase also regenerates the extractant which can be then recycled in the process. The regeneration of the extractant was studied by back-extracting i.e. stripping the acids form the organic solution into diluent sodium hydroxide solution. In the solvent regeneration, the regenerability of different extractants and the effect of initial acid concentration and temperature were studied.
Developing software is a difficult and error-prone activity. Furthermore, the complexity of modern computer applications is significant. Hence,an organised approach to software construction is crucial. Stepwise Feature Introduction – created by R.-J. Back – is a development paradigm, in which software is constructed by adding functionality in small increments. The resulting code has an organised, layered structure and can be easily reused. Moreover, the interaction with the users of the software and the correctness concerns are essential elements of the development process, contributing to high quality and functionality of the final product. The paradigm of Stepwise Feature Introduction has been successfully applied in an academic environment, to a number of small-scale developments. The thesis examines the paradigm and its suitability to construction of large and complex software systems by focusing on the development of two software systems of significant complexity. Throughout the thesis we propose a number of improvements and modifications that should be applied to the paradigm when developing or reengineering large and complex software systems. The discussion in the thesis covers various aspects of software development that relate to Stepwise Feature Introduction. More specifically, we evaluate the paradigm based on the common practices of object-oriented programming and design and agile development methodologies. We also outline the strategy to testing systems built with the paradigm of Stepwise Feature Introduction.
The major type of non-cellulosic polysaccharides (hemicelluloses) in softwoods, the partly acetylated galactoglucomannans (GGMs), which comprise about 15% of spruce wood, have attracted growing interest because of their potential to become high-value products with applications in many areas. The main objective of this work was to explore the possibilities to extract galactoglucomannans in native, polymeric form in high yield from spruce wood with pressurised hot-water, and to obtain a deeper understanding of the process chemistry involved. Spruce (Picea abies) chips and ground wood particles were extracted using an accelerated solvent extractor (ASE) in the temperature range 160 – 180°C. Detailed chemical analyses were done on both the water extracts and the wood residues. As much as 80 – 90% of the GGMs in spruce wood, i.e. about 13% based on the original wood, could be extracted from ground spruce wood with pure water at 170 – 180°C with an extraction time of 60 min. GGMs comprised about 75% of the extracted carbohydrates and about 60% of the total dissolved solids. Other substances in the water extracts were xylans, arabinogalactans, pectins, lignin and acetic acid. The yields from chips were only about 60% of that from ground wood. Both the GGMs and other non-cellulosic polysaccharides were extensively hydrolysed at severe extraction conditions when pH dropped to the level of 3.5. Addition of sodium bicarbonate increased the yields of polymeric GGMs at low additions, 2.5 – 5 mM, where the end pH remained around 3.9. However, at higher addition levels the yields decreased, mainly because the acetyl groups in GGMs were split off, leading to a low solubility of GGMs. Extraction with buffered water in the pH range 3.8 – 4.4 gave similar yields as with plain water, but gave a higher yield of polymeric GGMs. Moreover, at these pH levels the hydrolysis of acetyl groups in GGMs was significantly inhibited. It was concluded that hot-water extraction of polymeric GGMs in good yields (up to 8% of wood) demands appropriate control of pH, in a narrow range about 4. These results were supported by a study of hydrolysis of GGM at constant pH in the range of 3.8 – 4.2 where a kinetic model for degradation of GGM was developed. The influence of wood particle size on hot-water extraction was studied with particles in the range of 0.1 – 2 mm. The smallest particles (< 0.1 mm) gave 20 – 40% higher total yield than the coarsest particles (1.25 – 2 mm). The difference was greatest at short extraction times. The results indicated that extraction of GGMs and other polysaccharides is limited mainly by the mass transfer in the fibre wall, and for coarse wood particles also in the wood matrix. Spruce sapwood, heartwood and thermomechnical pulp were also compared, but only small differences in yields and composition of extracts were found. Two methods for isolation and purification of polymeric GGMs, i.e. membrane filtration and precipitation in ethanol-water, were compared. Filtration through a series of membranes with different pore sizes separated GGMs of different molar masses, from polymers to oligomers. Polysaccharides with molar mass higher than 4 kDa were precipitated in ethanol-water. GGMs comprised about 80% of the precipitated polysaccharides. Other polysaccharides were mainly arabinoglucuronoxylans and pectins. The ethanol-precipitated GGMs were by 13C NMR spectroscopy verified to be very similar to GGMs extracted from spruce wood in low yield at a much lower temperature, 90°C. The obtained large body of experimental data could be utilised for further kinetic and economic calculations to optimise technical hot-water extractionof softwoods.
Effective processes to fractionate the main compounds in biomass, such as wood, are a prerequisite for an effective biorefinery. Water is environmentally friendly and widely used in industry, which makes it a potential solvent also for forest biomass. At elevated temperatures over 100 °C, water can readily hydrolyse and dissolve hemicelluloses from biomass. In this work, birch sawdust was extracted using pressurized hot water (PHWE) flow-through systems. The hypothesis of the work was that it is possible to obtain polymeric, water-soluble hemicelluloses from birch sawdust using flow-through PHW extractions at both laboratory and large scale. Different extraction temperatures in the range 140–200 °C were evaluated to see the effect of temperature to the xylan yield. The yields and extracted hemicelluloses were analysed to obtain sugar ratios, the amount of acetyl groups, furfurals and the xylan yields. Higher extraction temperatures increased the xylan yield, but decreased the molar mass of the dissolved xylan. As the extraction temperature increased, more acetic acid was released from the hemicelluloses, thus further decreasing the pH of the extract. There were only trace amounts of furfurals present after the extractions, indicating that the treatment was mild enough not to degrade the sugars further. The sawdust extraction density was increased by packing more sawdust in the laboratory scale extraction vessel. The aim was to obtain extracts with higher concentration than in typical extraction densities. The extraction times and water flow rates were kept constant during these extractions. The higher sawdust packing degree decreased the water use in the extractions and the extracts had higher hemicellulose concentrations than extractions with lower sawdust degrees of packing. The molar masses of the hemicelluloses were similar in higher packing degrees and in the degrees of packing that were used in typical PHWE flow-through extractions. The structure of extracted sawdust was investigated using small angle-(SAXS) and wide angle (WAXS) x-ray scattering. The cell wall topography of birch sawdust and extracted sawdust was compared using x-ray tomography. The results showed that the structure of the cell walls of extracted birch sawdust was preserved but the cell walls were thinner after the extractions. Larger pores were opened inside the fibres and cellulose microfibrils were more tightly packed after the extraction. Acetate buffers were used to control the pH of the extracts during the extractions. The pH control prevented excessive xylan hydrolysis and increased the molar masses of the extracted xylans. The yields of buffered extractions were lower than for plain water extractions at 160–170 °C, but at 180 °C yields were similar to those from plain water and pH buffers. The pH can thus be controlled during extraction with acetate buffer to obtain xylan with higher molar mass than those obtainable using plain water. Birch sawdust was extracted both in the laboratory and pilot scale. The performance of the PHWE flow-through system was evaluated in the laboratory and the pilot scale using vessels with the same shape but different volumes, with the same relative water flow through the sawdust bed, and in the same extraction temperature. Pre-steaming improved the extraction efficiency and the water flow through the sawdust bed. The extracted birch sawdust and the extracted xylan were similar in both laboratory and pilot scale. The PHWE system was successfully scaled up by a factor of 6000 from the laboratory to pilot scale and extractions performed equally well in both scales. The results show that a flow-through system can be further scaled up and used to extract water-soluble xylans from birch sawdust. Extracted xylans can be concentrated, purified, and then used in e.g. films and barriers, or as building blocks for novel material applications.
The growing population on earth along with diminishing fossil deposits and the climate change debate calls out for a better utilization of renewable, bio-based materials. In a biorefinery perspective, the renewable biomass is converted into many different products such as fuels, chemicals, and materials, quite similar to the petroleum refinery industry. Since forests cover about one third of the land surface on earth, ligno-cellulosic biomass is the most abundant renewable resource available. The natural first step in a biorefinery is separation and isolation of the different compounds the biomass is comprised of. The major components in wood are cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, all of which can be made into various end-products. Today, focus normally lies on utilizing only one component, e.g., the cellulose in the Kraft pulping process. It would be highly desirable to utilize all the different compounds, both from an economical and environmental point of view. The separation process should therefore be optimized. Hemicelluloses can partly be extracted with hot-water prior to pulping. Depending in the severity of the extraction, the hemicelluloses are degraded to various degrees. In order to be able to choose from a variety of different end-products, the hemicelluloses should be as intact as possible after the extraction. The main focus of this work has been on preserving the hemicellulose molar mass throughout the extraction at a high yield by actively controlling the extraction pH at the high temperatures used. Since it has not been possible to measure pH during an extraction due to the high temperatures, the extraction pH has remained a “black box”. Therefore, a high-temperature in-line pH measuring system was developed, validated, and tested for hot-water wood extractions. One crucial step in the measurements is calibration, therefore extensive efforts was put on developing a reliable calibration procedure. Initial extractions with wood showed that the actual extraction pH was ~0.35 pH units higher than previously believed. The measuring system was also equipped with a controller connected to a pump. With this addition it was possible to control the extraction to any desired pH set point. When the pH dropped below the set point, the controller started pumping in alkali and by that the desired set point was maintained very accurately. Analyses of the extracted hemicelluloses showed that less hemicelluloses were extracted at higher pH but with a higher molar-mass. Monomer formation could, at a certain pH level, be completely inhibited. Increasing the temperature, but maintaining a specific pH set point, would speed up the extraction without degrading the molar-mass of the hemicelluloses and thereby intensifying the extraction. The diffusion of the dissolved hemicelluloses from the wood particle is a major part of the extraction process. Therefore, a particle size study ranging from 0.5 mm wood particles to industrial size wood chips was conducted to investigate the internal mass transfer of the hemicelluloses. Unsurprisingly, it showed that hemicelluloses were extracted faster from smaller wood particles than larger although it did not seem to have a substantial effect on the average molar mass of the extracted hemicelluloses. However, smaller particle sizes require more energy to manufacture and thus increases the economic cost. Since bark comprises 10 – 15 % of a tree, it is important to also consider it in a biorefinery concept. Spruce inner and outer bark was hot-water extracted separately to investigate the possibility to isolate the bark hemicelluloses. It was showed that the bark hemicelluloses comprised mostly of pectic material and differed considerably from the wood hemicelluloses. The bark hemicelluloses, or pectins, could be extracted at lower temperatures than the wood hemicelluloses. A chemical characterization, done separately on inner and outer bark, showed that inner bark contained over 10 % stilbene glucosides that could be extracted already at 100 °C with aqueous acetone.
Personalized medicine will revolutionize our capabilities to combat disease. Working toward this goal, a fundamental task is the deciphering of geneticvariants that are predictive of complex diseases. Modern studies, in the formof genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have afforded researchers with the opportunity to reveal new genotype-phenotype relationships through the extensive scanning of genetic variants. These studies typically contain over half a million genetic features for thousands of individuals. Examining this with methods other than univariate statistics is a challenging task requiring advanced algorithms that are scalable to the genome-wide level. In the future, next-generation sequencing studies (NGS) will contain an even larger number of common and rare variants. Machine learning-based feature selection algorithms have been shown to have the ability to effectively create predictive models for various genotype-phenotype relationships. This work explores the problem of selecting genetic variant subsets that are the most predictive of complex disease phenotypes through various feature selection methodologies, including filter, wrapper and embedded algorithms. The examined machine learning algorithms were demonstrated to not only be effective at predicting the disease phenotypes, but also doing so efficiently through the use of computational shortcuts. While much of the work was able to be run on high-end desktops, some work was further extended so that it could be implemented on parallel computers helping to assure that they will also scale to the NGS data sets. Further, these studies analyzed the relationships between various feature selection methods and demonstrated the need for careful testing when selecting an algorithm. It was shown that there is no universally optimal algorithm for variant selection in GWAS, but rather methodologies need to be selected based on the desired outcome, such as the number of features to be included in the prediction model. It was also demonstrated that without proper model validation, for example using nested cross-validation, the models can result in overly-optimistic prediction accuracies and decreased generalization ability. It is through the implementation and application of machine learning methods that one can extract predictive genotype–phenotype relationships and biological insights from genetic data sets.