77 resultados para Electronics in military engineering.


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Process development will be largely driven by the main equipment suppliers. The reason for this development is their ambition to supply complete plants or process systems instead of single pieces of equipment. The pulp and paper companies' interest lies in product development, as their main goal is to create winning brands and effective brand management. Design engineering companies will find their niche in detail engineering based on approved process solutions. Their development work will focus on increasing the efficiency of engineering work. Process design is a content-producing profession, which requires certain special characteristics: creativity, carefulness, the ability to work as a member of a design team according to time schedules and fluency in oral as well as written presentation. In the future, process engineers will increasingly need knowledge of chemistry as well as information and automation technology. Process engineering tools are developing rapidly. At the moment, these tools are good enough for static sizing and balancing, but dynamic simulation tools are not yet good enough for the complicated chemical reactions of pulp and paper chemistry. Dynamic simulation and virtual mill models are used as tools for training the operators. Computational fluid dynamics will certainlygain ground in process design.


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The purpose of this thesis is to analyse activity-based costing (ABC) and possible modified versions ofit in engineering design context. The design engineers need cost information attheir decision-making level and the cost information should also have a strong future orientation. These demands are high because traditional management accounting has concentrated on the direct actual costs of the products. However, cost accounting has progressed as ABC was introduced late 1980s and adopted widely bycompanies in the 1990s. The ABC has been a success, but it has gained also criticism. In some cases the ambitious ABC systems have become too complex to build,use and update. This study can be called an action-oriented case study with some normative features. In this thesis theoretical concepts are assessed and allowed to unfold gradually through interaction with data from three cases. The theoretical starting points are ABC and theory of engineering design process (chapter2). Concepts and research results from these theoretical approaches are summarized in two hypotheses (chapter 2.3). The hypotheses are analysed with two cases (chapter 3). After the two case analyses, the ABC part is extended to cover alsoother modern cost accounting methods, e.g. process costing and feature costing (chapter 4.1). The ideas from this second theoretical part are operationalized with the third case (chapter 4.2). The knowledge from the theory and three cases is summarized in the created framework (chapter 4.3). With the created frameworkit is possible to analyse ABC and its modifications in the engineering design context. The framework collects the factors that guide the choice of the costing method to be used in engineering design. It also illuminates the contents of various ABC-related costing methods. However, the framework needs to be further tested. On the basis of the three cases it can be said that ABC should be used cautiously when formulating cost information for engineering design. It is suitable when the manufacturing can be considered simple, or when the design engineers are not cost conscious, and in the beginning of the design process when doing adaptive or variant design. If the design engineers need cost information for the embodiment or detailed design, or if manufacturing can be considered complex, or when design engineers are cost conscious, the ABC has to be always evaluated critically.


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Abstract—Concept development and experimentation (CD&E) plays an important role in driving strategic transformation in the military community. Defence architecture frameworks, such as the NATO architecture framework, are considered excellent means to support CD&E. There is not much empirical evidence, however, to indicate how enterprise architectures (EA) are applied in the military community or particularly in military CD&E. Consequently, this paper describes and discusses empirical application of the EA approach in CD&E. The research method in the paper is a case study. Situational method engineering (SiME) is used as a framework to adapt the EA approach to the case project of the paper. The findings of the paper suggest that the EA is applicable to CD&E work, although all aspects of the original concept could not be expressed in the EA model of the case project. The results also show that the SiME method can support in applying the EA framework to the CD&E in the case project.


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Lappeenrannan teknillisen korkeakoulun sähkötekniikan osasto muutti 1.8.2005 sähkötekniikan tutkinnon kaksiportaiseksi ja vastaamaan näin Bologna-prosessia ja Suomen yliopistolainsäädäntöä. Tutkinnonuudistuksen myötä osasto haluaa varmistaa sähkötekniikan tutkintojen laadun ja vertailtavuuden sekä parantaa opiskelijoidensekä henkilökunnan liikkuvuutta. Tutkintojen laatu ja vertailtavuus osoitetaan sähkötekniikan osaston benchmark-projektilla, jossa kerätään tietoja maisteri- ja tohtorintutkintoa tarjoavista eurooppalaisista yliopistoista. Diplomityö käsittää BM-projektin kolmannen vaiheen suunnittelun ja toteutuksen sisältäen teoriaa benchmark-projekteille tyypillisistä toimintatavoista. Hyväksi havaitut menetelmiä, kuten kyselyt ja matriisit, on tässä työssä otettu soveltuvin osin sähkötekniikan osaston BM-projektin työkaluiksi. Diplomityössä analysoidaan työkalujen avulla BM-kumppaneilta kerättyjä tietoja sekä esitetään ratkaisuja, miten sähkötekniikan osastolla voidaan jatkaa parhaiden toimintatapojen löytämistä.


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Software engineering is criticized as not being engineering or 'well-developed' science at all. Software engineers seem not to know exactly how long their projects will last, what they will cost, and will the software work properly after release. Measurements have to be taken in software projects to improve this situation. It is of limited use to only collect metrics afterwards. The values of the relevant metrics have to be predicted, too. The predictions (i.e. estimates) form the basis for proper project management. One of the most painful problems in software projects is effort estimation. It has a clear and central effect on other project attributes like cost and schedule, and to product attributes like size and quality. Effort estimation can be used for several purposes. In this thesis only the effort estimation in software projects for project management purposes is discussed. There is a short introduction to the measurement issues, and some metrics relevantin estimation context are presented. Effort estimation methods are covered quite broadly. The main new contribution in this thesis is the new estimation model that has been created. It takes use of the basic concepts of Function Point Analysis, but avoids the problems and pitfalls found in the method. It is relativelyeasy to use and learn. Effort estimation accuracy has significantly improved after taking this model into use. A major innovation related to the new estimationmodel is the identified need for hierarchical software size measurement. The author of this thesis has developed a three level solution for the estimation model. All currently used size metrics are static in nature, but this new proposed metric is dynamic. It takes use of the increased understanding of the nature of the work as specification and design work proceeds. It thus 'grows up' along with software projects. The effort estimation model development is not possible without gathering and analyzing history data. However, there are many problems with data in software engineering. A major roadblock is the amount and quality of data available. This thesis shows some useful techniques that have been successful in gathering and analyzing the data needed. An estimation process is needed to ensure that methods are used in a proper way, estimates are stored, reported and analyzed properly, and they are used for project management activities. A higher mechanism called measurement framework is also introduced shortly. The purpose of the framework is to define and maintain a measurement or estimationprocess. Without a proper framework, the estimation capability of an organization declines. It requires effort even to maintain an achieved level of estimationaccuracy. Estimation results in several successive releases are analyzed. It isclearly seen that the new estimation model works and the estimation improvementactions have been successful. The calibration of the hierarchical model is a critical activity. An example is shown to shed more light on the calibration and the model itself. There are also remarks about the sensitivity of the model. Finally, an example of usage is shown.


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Today's business environment has become increasingly unexpected and fast changing because of the global competition. This new environment requires the companies to organize their control differently, e.g. by logistic process thinking. Logistic process thinking in software engineering applies the principles of production process to immaterial products. Processes must be optimized, so that every phase adds value to the customer, and the lead times can be cut shorter to meet the new customer requirements. The purpose of this thesis is to examine and optimize the testing processes of software engineering concentrating on module testing, functional testing and their interface. The concept of logistic process thinking is introduced through production process, value added model and process management. Also theory of testing based on literature is presented, concentrating on module testing and functional testing. The testing processes of the Case Company are presented together with the project models in which they are implemented. The real life practices in module testing and functional testing and their interface are examined through interviews. These practices are analyzed against the processes and the testing theory, through which ideas for optimizing the testing process are introduced. The project world of the Case Company is also introduced together with two example testing projects in different life cycle phases. The examples give a view of how much effort of the project is put in different types of testing.


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Työn tavoitteena oli määrittää myyntikonfiguraattorissa käytettävän tuotemallin yleinen rakenne. Ensin selvitettiin tuotemallin luomista ja konseptin suunnittelua kirjallisuuden ja asiantuntijoiden haastattelujen avulla. Asiantuntijoiden haastattelut toteutettiin vapaamuotoisesti kysymyslistaa apuna käyttäen. Tämän lisäksi työssä pohditaan sähköisen liiketoiminnan roolia sekä myyntikonfiguraattorin tulevaisuuden näkymiä. Diplomityössä käsitellään tuotemallia yleisellä tasolla. Toinen näkökulma käsittelee tuotemallia tietoteknisissä sovelluksissa käytettyjen menetelmien pohjalta. Tuotemallin muodostaminen aloitettiin asiakkaalle näkyvästä osasta eli myyntikonfiguraattorin ulkoasusta. Seuraava ongelma oli standardoida tuotetta ja tarjousta kuvaavat dokumentit globaalisti. Tähän ratkaisuun päädyttiin haastattelujen sekä asiantuntijoiden kokoontumisien pohjalta. Loppuosa diplomityöstä käsittelee myyntikonfiguraattorin asemaa kohdeyrityksen sähköisessä liiketoiminnassa sekä esittelee erään näkemyksen myyntikonfiguraattorin yhteenliittymästä asiakashallinta- ja tuotetiedonhallinta järjestelmiin. Diplomityössä saavutettiin asetetut tavoiteet: Myyntikonfigurattori yhtenäistää kohdeyrityksen hinnoittelua globaalisti, nopeuttaa tarjouksentekoprosessia, helpottaa uuden tuotteen lanseerausta ja standardoi tuotemallin globaalisti. Myyntikonfiguraattorin integrointi muihin tietojärjestelmiin tehostaa myynnin toimintoja. Haasteeksi jää loppukäyttäjien kannustaminen tehokkaaseen käyttöön sekä ylläpidon toteuttaminen. Ilman käyttäjiä ja heidän innostustaan voi projekti menettää johdon luottamuksen.


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The large hadron collider constructed at the European organization for nuclear research, CERN, is the world’s largest single measuring instrument ever built, and also currently the most powerful particle accelerator that exists. The large hadron collider includes six different experiment stations, one of which is called the compact muon solenoid, or the CMS. The main purpose of the CMS is to track and study residue particles from proton-proton collisions. The primary detectors utilized in the CMS are resistive plate chambers (RPCs). To obtain data from these detectors, a link system has been designed. The main idea of the link system is to receive data from the detector front-end electronics in parallel form, and to transmit it onwards in serial form, via an optical fiber. The system is mostly ready and in place. However, a problem has occurred with innermost RPC detectors, located in sector labeled RE1/1; transmission lines for parallel data suffer from signal integrity issues over long distances. As a solution to this, a new version of the link system has been devised, a one that fits in smaller space and can be located within the CMS, closer to the detectors. This RE1/1 link system has been so far completed only partially, with just the mechanical design and casing being done. In this thesis, link system electronics for RE1/1 sector has been designed, by modifying the existing link system concept to better meet the requirements of the RE1/1 sector. In addition to completion of the prototype of the RE1/1 link system electronics, some testing for the system has also been done, to ensure functionality of the design.


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Transitional flow past a three-dimensional circular cylinder is a widely studied phenomenon since this problem is of interest with respect to many technical applications. In the present work, the numerical simulation of flow past a circular cylinder, performed by using a commercial CFD code (ANSYS Fluent 12.1) with large eddy simulation (LES) and RANS (κ - ε and Shear-Stress Transport (SST) κ - ω! model) approaches. The turbulent flow for ReD = 1000 & 3900 is simulated to investigate the force coefficient, Strouhal number, flow separation angle, pressure distribution on cylinder and the complex three dimensional vortex shedding of the cylinder wake region. The numerical results extracted from these simulations have good agreement with the experimental data (Zdravkovich, 1997). Moreover, grid refinement and time-step influence have been examined. Numerical calculations of turbulent cross-flow in a staggered tube bundle continues to attract interest due to its importance in the engineering application as well as the fact that this complex flow represents a challenging problem for CFD. In the present work a time dependent simulation using κ – ε, κ - ω! and SST models are performed in two dimensional for a subcritical flow through a staggered tube bundle. The predicted turbulence statistics (mean and r.m.s velocities) have good agreement with the experimental data (S. Balabani, 1996). Turbulent quantities such as turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate are predicted using RANS models and compared with each other. The sensitivity of grid and time-step size have been analyzed. Model constants sensitivity study have been carried out by adopting κ – ε model. It has been observed that model constants are very sensitive to turbulence statistics and turbulent quantities.


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Project management has evolved in recent decades. Project portfolio management, together with multi project management, is an emerging area in the project management field in practice, and correspondingly in academic research and forums. In multi project management, projects cannot be handled isolated from each other, as they often have interdependencies that have to be taken into account. If the interdependencies between projects are evaluated during the selection process, the success rate of the project portfolio is increased. Interdependencies can be human resources, technological, and/or market based. Despite of the fact that interdependency as a phenomenon has roots in the 1960s and is related to famous management theories, it has not been much studied, although in practice most companies use it to great extent. There exists some research on interdependency, but prior publications have not emphasized the phenomenon per se, because a practical orientation practitioner techniques prevails in the literature. This research applies the method triangulation, electronic surveys and multiple case study. The research concentrates on small to large companies in Estonia and Finland, mainly in construction, engineering, ICT, and machinery industries. The literature review reveals that interdependencies are deeply involved in R&D and innovation. Survey analysis shows that companies are aware of interdependency issues in general, but they i have lack of detailed knowledge to use it thoroughly. Empirical evidence also indicates that interdependency techniques influence the success rate and other efficiency aspects to different extents. There are a lot of similarities in interdependency related managerial issues in companies of varying sizes and countries in Northern Europe. Differences found in the study are for instance the fact that smaller companies face more difficulties in implementing and evaluating interdependency procedures. Country differences between Estonia and Finland stem from working solutions to manage interdependencies on a daily basis.historical and cultural reasons, such as the special features of a transition country compared to a mature country. An overview of the dominant problems, best practices, and commonly used techniques associated with interdependency is provided in the study. Empirical findings show that many interdependency techniques are not used in practice. A multiple case study was performed in the study to find out how interdependencies are managed in real life on a daily basis. The results show that interdependencies are mostly managed in an informal manner. A description of managing the interdependencies and implementation procedures is given. Interdependency procedures are hard to implement, especially in smaller companies. Companies have difficulties in implementing interdependency procedures and evaluating them. The study contains detailed results on how companies have implemented working solutions to manage interdependencies on a daily basis


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We live in an age where rationalization and demands of efficiency taint every aspect of our lives both as individuals and as a society. Even warfare cannot escape the increased speed of human interaction. Time is a resource to be managed. It has to be optimized, saved and won in military affairs as well. The purpose of this research paper is to analyze the dogmatic texts of military thought to search for answers what the classics of strategy saw in the interrelations of temporality and warfare and if their thoughts remain meaningful in the contemporary conjunction. Since the way a society functions is reflected in the way it conducts its wars, there naturally are differences between an agrarian, industrial and information society. Theorists of different eras emphasize things specific to their times, but warfare, like any human interaction, is always bounded by temporality. Not only is the pace of warfare dependent on the progress of the society, but time permeates warfare in all its aspects. This research paper focuses on two specific topics that arose from the texts themselves; how should time be managed and manipulated in warfare and how to economize and “win” it from the enemy. A method where lengthy quotations are used to illustrate the main point of the strategists has been chosen for this research paper. While Clausewitz is the most prominent source of quotations, thoughts from ancient India and China are represented as well to prove that the combination of right force in the right place at the right time is still the way of the victorious. Tactics change in the course of time but the principles of strategy remain unaltered and are only adapted to suit new situations. While ancient and pre-modern societies had their focus on finding auspicious moments for battle in the flow of kronos-time based on divinities, portents and auguries, we can trace elements of manipulation of time in warfare from the earliest surviving texts. While time as a fourth dimension of the battlespace emerged only in the modern era, all through the history of military thought it has had a profound meaning. In the past time could be squandered, today it always has to be won. This paper asks the question “why”.


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Kemiantekniikan kandidaatin ja diplomi-insinöörin tutkinto-ohjelmien itsearviointiraportissa käsitellään tutkinto-ohjelmien osaamistavoitteita ja niiden saavuttamista. Raportissa käydään läpi myös käytössä olevat resurssit sekä tutkinto-ohjelmiin liittyviä tunnuslukuja. Itsearviointi on toteutettu kansainvälisen akkreditointijärjestön kriteerien mukaisesti (ASIIN ja EUR-ACE).


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Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) is a teaching and learning approach which is widely adopted. However there are still some problems can be found when CSCL takes place. Studies show that using game-like mechanics can increase motivation, engagement, as well as modelling behaviors of players. Gamification is a rapid growing trend by applying the same mechanics. It refers to use game design elements in non-game contexts. This thesis is about combining gamification concept and computer supported collaborative learning together in software engineering education field. And finally a gamified prototype system is designed.


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The research of condition monitoring of electric motors has been wide for several decades. The research and development at universities and in industry has provided means for the predictive condition monitoring. Many different devices and systems are developed and are widely used in industry, transportation and in civil engineering. In addition, many methods are developed and reported in scientific arenas in order to improve existing methods for the automatic analysis of faults. The methods, however, are not widely used as a part of condition monitoring systems. The main reasons are, firstly, that many methods are presented in scientific papers but their performance in different conditions is not evaluated, secondly, the methods include parameters that are so case specific that the implementation of a systemusing such methods would be far from straightforward. In this thesis, some of these methods are evaluated theoretically and tested with simulations and with a drive in a laboratory. A new automatic analysis method for the bearing fault detection is introduced. In the first part of this work the generation of the bearing fault originating signal is explained and its influence into the stator current is concerned with qualitative and quantitative estimation. The verification of the feasibility of the stator current measurement as a bearing fault indicatoris experimentally tested with the running 15 kW induction motor. The second part of this work concentrates on the bearing fault analysis using the vibration measurement signal. The performance of the micromachined silicon accelerometer chip in conjunction with the envelope spectrum analysis of the cyclic bearing faultis experimentally tested. Furthermore, different methods for the creation of feature extractors for the bearing fault classification are researched and an automatic fault classifier using multivariate statistical discrimination and fuzzy logic is introduced. It is often important that the on-line condition monitoring system is integrated with the industrial communications infrastructure. Two types of a sensor solutions are tested in the thesis: the first one is a sensor withcalculation capacity for example for the production of the envelope spectra; the other one can collect the measurement data in memory and another device can read the data via field bus. The data communications requirements highly depend onthe type of the sensor solution selected. If the data is already analysed in the sensor the data communications are needed only for the results but in the other case, all measurement data need to be transferred. The complexity of the classification method can be great if the data is analysed at the management level computer, but if the analysis is made in sensor itself, the analyses must be simple due to the restricted calculation and memory capacity.


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Useilla toimialoilla kuten infra-alalla verkostoituminen on ollut vieras käsite. Hankintamallit, lainsäädäntö ja alalle ominaiset lyhytkestoiset projektit ovat olleet kumppanuuksien esteenä. Uudet hankintamallit ja toimijoille asetetut roolijakovaatimukset antavat infra-toimialan yrityksille mahdollisuuksia kumpanuuksien rakentamiseen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on löytää syitä ja motiiveja jotka johtavat verkostoitumiseen infra-alalla. Tutkimuksessa esitellään verkostoitumisen näkökulmasta käsin infra-alan keskeisen rakennuttaja-organisaation hankintastrategiaa, sekä siitä muodostettua alan arvoketjua. Verkostoituminen on prosessi, jonka aikana arvioidaan yrityksen kykyä toimia kumppanina. Vertikaalisen verkostoitumisen haasteena on yritysten välille syntyvä yhteinen näkemys toimintatavoista, joilla kahdenvälinen markkinaehtoinen liikesuhde voidaan muuttaa kumppanuudeksi. Tavoitteena on oikean tasapainon löytäminen hyötyjen ja haittojen välillä. Tutkimuksessa esitellään niitä hyötyjä ja haittoja, jotka liittyvät yritystenväliseen vertikaalisen verkostoitumiseen. Tutkimuksessa esitellään myös kaksi valmista verkostoitumistyökalua, jotka on tarkoitettu yritysten käyttöön verkostoitumisprosessin tueksi. Työkalut on valittu siten, että niiden käyttäminen on mahdollista ja hyödyllistä heti verkostoitumisprosessin alku- eli rakennusvaiheessa.