19 resultados para Edi


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Kandidaatintyö käsittelee verkkolaskutusta Suomessa. Työssä selvitetään verkkolaskutuksen nykytila ja kuinka siihen ollaan tultu sekä miten nykyinen tietoyhteiskunta on sen ottanut vastaan. Lisäksi työssä tarkastellaan muita kilpailevia järjestelmiä sekä niiden asemaa eri käyttäjäkuntien osalta. Mielenkiinnon kohteena on myös verkkolaskutuksen tulevaisuuden näkymät; mitä sen eteen on jo tehty ja mitä tulevaisuudessa tullaan todennäköisesti tekemään. Verkkolaskutus on edelleen ajankohtainen, vaikka siitä on puhuttu jo vuosia. Se on parantanut hiljalleen asemaansa ja tähän mennessä se on saavuttanut suurimman suosion suurten yritysten keskuudessa. Kuitenkin kuluttajien maksutottumusten muuttuminen viime vuosina on luonut suuren potentiaalin sähköisten laskujen aseman vahvistumiselle. Myös Suomen valtio ja Euroopan Unioni ovat ottaneet tavoitteeksi parantaa verkkolaskutuksen asemaa. Suurimmat ongelmat verkkolaskutukseen siirtymisessä löytyy ihmisten ja pienien organisaatioiden asenteista. Vanhoilla järjestelmillä on totuttu tiettyihin toimintamalleihin ja käytössä olevat järjestelmät on kehitetty niiden pohjalle. Vaikka uudenlaisessa verkkolaskussa on selkeitä etuja ja säästöjä, ei kuluttajat ja pk-yritykset vaivaudu uudistamaan tapojaan. Valtio on siirtynyt jo kokonaan käyttämään sähköisiä laskutuskeinoja, mutta varsinkin pienemmät kunnat ovat vielä tästä paljon jäljessä. Syyt ovat samanlaisia kuin pienillä ja keskisuurilla yrityksillä. Kuntaliiton teettämän tutkimuksen mukaan 53% Suomen kunnista otti vuonna 2009 lopulla vastaan sähköisiä laskuja ja näistä suurin osa hoiti asian verkkolaskuoperaattorin kautta. Euroopan Unionin SEPA-hanke puolestaan on tuomassa koko Euroopan laajuisen yhteisen sijainnista riippumattoman järjestelmän.


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Objective of this thesis was to develop the exchange of information and reduce the manual work done in the supply chain. In addition, the possibility to introduce electronic information exchange was studied between suppliers and Borealis. The aim was to create an accurate picture of Borealis’ current information flows and create from the basis of it short- and long-term improvement and development proposals. In this study the company's received and send information flows were mapped by interviewing persons who were responsible for the railroad imports and by examining documents that are used in the exchange of information. The data content of the information flows were prioritized and only the most important information contents were used for further development. Literature data was acquired concerning knowledge of electronic data interchange and information management to support the decisions and proposals. Long-term development proposals were compared with each other and the best one of them was recommended for further study. The final target of the proposal is to be able to receive electronic data and create an own database where to the information is stored and where from it is possible to follow up the rail tank cars and where from the needed reports can be retrieved.


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Fast changing environment sets pressure on firms to share large amount of information with their customers and suppliers. The terms information integration and information sharing are essential for facilitating a smooth flow of information throughout the supply chain, and the terms are used interchangeably in research literature. By integrating and sharing information, firms want to improve their logistics performance. Firms share information with their suppliers and customers by using traditional communication methods (telephone, fax, Email, written and face-to-face contacts) and by using advanced or modern communication methods such as electronic data interchange (EDI), enterprise resource planning (ERP), web-based procurement systems, electronic trading systems and web portals. Adopting new ways of using IT is one important resource for staying competitive on the rapidly changing market (Saeed et al. 2005, 387), and an information system that provides people the information they need for performing their work, will support company performance (Boddy et al. 2005, 26). The purpose of this research has been to test and understand the relationship between information integration with key suppliers and/or customers and a firm’s logistics performance, especially when information technology (IT) and information systems (IS) are used for integrating information. Quantitative and qualitative research methods have been used to perform the research. Special attention has been paid to the scope, level and direction of information integration (Van Donk & van der Vaart 2005a). In addition, the four elements of integration (Jahre & Fabbe-Costes 2008) are closely tied to the frame of reference. The elements are integration of flows, integration of processes and activities, integration of information technologies and systems and integration of actors. The study found that information integration has a low positive relationship to operational performance and a medium positive relationship to strategic performance. The potential performance improvements found in this study vary from efficiency, delivery and quality improvements (operational) to profit, profitability or customer satisfaction improvements (strategic). The results indicate that although information integration has an impact on a firm’s logistics performance, all performance improvements have not been achieved. This study also found that the use of IT and IS have a mediocre positive relationship to information integration. Almost all case companies agreed on that the use of IT and IS could facilitate information integration and improve their logistics performance. The case companies felt that an implementation of a web portal or a data bank would benefit them - enhance their performance and increase information integration.


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This master’s thesis studies the case company’s current purchase invoice process and the challenges that are related to it. Like most of other master’s thesis this study consists of both theoretical- and empirical parts. The purpose of this work is to combine theoretical and empirical parts together so that the theoretical part brings value to the empirical case study. The case company’s main business is frequency converters for both low voltage AC & DC drives and medium voltage AC Drives which are used across all industries and applications. The main focus of this study is on the current invoice process modelling. When modelling the existing process with discipline and care, current challenges can be understood better. Empirical study relays heavily on interviews and existing, yet fragmented, data. This, along with own calculations and analysis, creates the foundation for the empirical part of this master’s thesis.