20 resultados para Computer forensic analysis


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This thesis aims to find an effective way of conducting a target audience analysis (TAA) in cyber domain. There are two main focal points that are addressed; the nature of the cyber domain and the method of the TAA. Of the cyber domain the object is to find the opportunities, restrictions and caveats that result from its digital and temporal nature. This is the environment in which the TAA method is examined in this study. As the TAA is an important step of any psychological operation and critical to its success, the method used must cover all the main aspects affecting the choice of a proper target audience. The first part of the research was done by sending an open-ended questionnaire to operators in the field of information warfare both in Finland and abroad. As the results were inconclusive, the research was completed by assessing the applicability of United States Army Joint Publication FM 3-05.301 in the cyber domain via a theory-based content analysis. FM 3- 05.301 was chosen because it presents a complete method of the TAA process. The findings were tested against the results of the questionnaire and new scientific research in the field of psychology. The cyber domain was found to be “fast and vast”, volatile and uncontrollable. Although governed by laws to some extent, the cyber domain is unpredictable by nature and not controllable to reasonable amount. The anonymity and lack of verification often present in the digital channels mean that anyone can have an opinion, and any message sent may change or even be counterproductive to the original purpose. The TAA method of the FM 3-05.301 is applicable in the cyber domain, although some parts of the method are outdated and thus suggested to be updated if used in that environment. The target audience categories of step two of the process were replaced by new groups that exist in the digital environment. The accessibility assessment (step eight) was also redefined, as in the digital media the mere existence of a written text is typically not enough to convey the intended message to the target audience. The scientific studies made in computer sciences and both in psychology and sociology about the behavior of people in social media (and overall in cyber domain) call for a more extensive remake of the TAA process. This falls, however, out of the scope of this work. It is thus suggested that further research should be carried out in search of computer-assisted methods and a more thorough TAA process, utilizing the latest discoveries of human behavior. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on löytää tehokas tapa kohdeyleisöanalyysin tekemiseksi kybertoimintaympäristössä. Työssä keskitytään kahteen ilmiöön: kybertoimintaympäristön luonteeseen ja kohdeyleisöanalyysin metodiin. Kybertoimintaympäristön osalta tavoitteena on löytää sen digitaalisesta ja ajallisesta luonteesta juontuvat mahdollisuudet, rajoitteet ja sudenkuopat. Tämä on se ympäristö jossa kohdeyleisöanalyysiä tarkastellaan tässä työssä. Koska kohdeyleisöanalyysi kuuluu olennaisena osana jokaiseen psykologiseen operaatioon ja on onnistumisen kannalta kriittinen tekijä, käytettävän metodin tulee pitää sisällään kaikki oikean kohdeyleisön valinnan kannalta merkittävät osa-alueet. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa lähetettiin avoin kysely informaatiosodankäynnin ammattilaisille Suomessa ja ulkomailla. Koska kyselyn tulokset eivät olleet riittäviä johtopäätösten tekemiseksi, tutkimusta jatkettiin tarkastelemalla Yhdysvaltojen armeijan kenttäohjesäännön FM 3-05.301 soveltuvuutta kybertoimintaympäristössä käytettäväksi teorialähtöisen sisällönanalyysin avulla. FM 3-05.301 valittiin koska se sisältää kokonaisvaltaisen kohdeyleisöanalyysiprosessin. Havaintoja verrattiin kyselytutkimuksen tuloksiin ja psykologian uusiin tutkimuksiin. Kybertoimintaympäristö on tulosten perusteella nopea ja valtava, jatkuvasti muuttuva ja kontrolloimaton. Vaikkakin lait hallitsevat kybertoimintaympäristöä jossakin määrin, on se silti luonteeltaan ennakoimaton eikä sitä voida luotettavasti hallita. Digitaalisilla kanavilla usein läsnäoleva nimettömyys ja tiedon tarkastamisen mahdottomuus tarkoittavat että kenellä tahansa voi olla mielipide asioista, ja mikä tahansa viesti voi muuttua, jopa alkuperäiseen tarkoitukseen nähden vastakkaiseksi. FM 3-05.301:n metodi toimii kybertoimintaympäristössä, vaikkakin jotkin osa-alueet ovat vanhentuneita ja siksi ne esitetään päivitettäväksi mikäli metodia käytetään kyseisessä ympäristössä. Kohdan kaksi kohdeyleisökategoriat korvattiin uusilla, digitaalisessa ympäristössä esiintyvillä ryhmillä. Lähestyttävyyden arviointi (kohta 8) muotoiltiin myös uudestaan, koska digitaalisessa mediassa pelkkä tekstin läsnäolo ei sellaisenaan tyypillisesti vielä riitä halutun viestin välittämiseen kohdeyleisölle. Tietotekniikan edistyminen ja psykologian sekä sosiologian aloilla tehty tieteellinen tutkimus ihmisten käyttäytymisestä sosiaalisessa mediassa (ja yleensä kybertoimintaympäristössä) mahdollistavat koko kohdeyleisöanalyysiprosessin uudelleenrakentamisen. Tässä työssä sitä kuitenkaan ei voida tehdä. Siksi esitetäänkin että lisätutkimusta tulisi tehdä sekä tietokoneavusteisten prosessien että vielä syvällisempien kohdeyleisöanalyysien osalta, käyttäen hyväksi viimeisimpiä ihmisen käyttäytymiseen liittyviä tutkimustuloksia.


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In this thesis, the suitability of different trackers for finger tracking in high-speed videos was studied. Tracked finger trajectories from the videos were post-processed and analysed using various filtering and smoothing methods. Position derivatives of the trajectories, speed and acceleration were extracted for the purposes of hand motion analysis. Overall, two methods, Kernelized Correlation Filters and Spatio-Temporal Context Learning tracking, performed better than the others in the tests. Both achieved high accuracy for the selected high-speed videos and also allowed real-time processing, being able to process over 500 frames per second. In addition, the results showed that different filtering methods can be applied to produce more appropriate velocity and acceleration curves calculated from the tracking data. Local Regression filtering and Unscented Kalman Smoother gave the best results in the tests. Furthermore, the results show that tracking and filtering methods are suitable for high-speed hand-tracking and trajectory-data post-processing.


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This thesis concentrates on the validation of a generic thermal hydraulic computer code TRACE under the challenges of the VVER-440 reactor type. The code capability to model the VVER-440 geometry and thermal hydraulic phenomena specific to this reactor design has been examined and demonstrated acceptable. The main challenge in VVER-440 thermal hydraulics appeared in the modelling of the horizontal steam generator. The major challenge here is not in the code physics or numerics but in the formulation of a representative nodalization structure. Another VVER-440 specialty, the hot leg loop seals, challenges the system codes functionally in general, but proved readily representable. Computer code models have to be validated against experiments to achieve confidence in code models. When new computer code is to be used for nuclear power plant safety analysis, it must first be validated against a large variety of different experiments. The validation process has to cover both the code itself and the code input. Uncertainties of different nature are identified in the different phases of the validation procedure and can even be quantified. This thesis presents a novel approach to the input model validation and uncertainty evaluation in the different stages of the computer code validation procedure. This thesis also demonstrates that in the safety analysis, there are inevitably significant uncertainties that are not statistically quantifiable; they need to be and can be addressed by other, less simplistic means, ultimately relying on the competence of the analysts and the capability of the community to support the experimental verification of analytical assumptions. This method completes essentially the commonly used uncertainty assessment methods, which are usually conducted using only statistical methods.


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The recent rapid development of biotechnological approaches has enabled the production of large whole genome level biological data sets. In order to handle thesedata sets, reliable and efficient automated tools and methods for data processingand result interpretation are required. Bioinformatics, as the field of studying andprocessing biological data, tries to answer this need by combining methods and approaches across computer science, statistics, mathematics and engineering to studyand process biological data. The need is also increasing for tools that can be used by the biological researchers themselves who may not have a strong statistical or computational background, which requires creating tools and pipelines with intuitive user interfaces, robust analysis workflows and strong emphasis on result reportingand visualization. Within this thesis, several data analysis tools and methods have been developed for analyzing high-throughput biological data sets. These approaches, coveringseveral aspects of high-throughput data analysis, are specifically aimed for gene expression and genotyping data although in principle they are suitable for analyzing other data types as well. Coherent handling of the data across the various data analysis steps is highly important in order to ensure robust and reliable results. Thus,robust data analysis workflows are also described, putting the developed tools andmethods into a wider context. The choice of the correct analysis method may also depend on the properties of the specific data setandthereforeguidelinesforchoosing an optimal method are given. The data analysis tools, methods and workflows developed within this thesis have been applied to several research studies, of which two representative examplesare included in the thesis. The first study focuses on spermatogenesis in murinetestis and the second one examines cell lineage specification in mouse embryonicstem cells.


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Modern automobiles are no longer just mechanical tools. The electronics and computing services they are shipping with are making them not less than a computer. They are massive kinetic devices with sophisticated computing power. Most of the modern vehicles are made with the added connectivity in mind which may be vulnerable to outside attack. Researchers have shown that it is possible to infiltrate into a vehicle’s internal system remotely and control the physical entities such as steering and brakes. It is quite possible to experience such attacks on a moving vehicle and unable to use the controls. These massive connected computers can be life threatening as they are related to everyday lifestyle. First part of this research studied the attack surfaces in the automotive cybersecurity domain. It also illustrated the attack methods and capabilities of the damages. Online survey has been deployed as data collection tool to learn about the consumers’ usage of such vulnerable automotive services. The second part of the research portrayed the consumers’ privacy in automotive world. It has been found that almost hundred percent of modern vehicles has the capabilities to send vehicle diagnostic data as well as user generated data to their manufacturers, and almost thirty five percent automotive companies are collecting them already. Internet privacy has been studies before in many related domain but no privacy scale were matched for automotive consumers. It created the research gap and motivation for this thesis. A study has been performed to use well established consumers privacy scale – IUIPC to match with the automotive consumers’ privacy situation. Hypotheses were developed based on the IUIPC model for internet consumers’ privacy and they were studied by the finding from the data collection methods. Based on the key findings of the research, all the hypotheses were accepted and hence it is found that automotive consumers’ privacy did follow the IUIPC model under certain conditions. It is also found that a majority of automotive consumers use the services and devices that are vulnerable and prone to cyber-attacks. It is also established that there is a market for automotive cybersecurity services and consumers are willing to pay certain fees to avail that.