23 resultados para Cattle brands
The objective of this thesis is to understand how to create and develop a successful place brand and how to manage it systematically. The thesis thoroughly explains the phenomenon of place brands and place branding and presents different sub-categories of place branding. The theoretical part of the thesis provides a wide overview on the prevailing literature of place branding, place brand development and place brand management, which form the basis of the thesis’ theoretical framework. The theoretical evidence is gathered from a case living area. The living area is developed by one construction company, which has a significant role in the construction industry in Finland. The empirical evidence is gathered through semi-structured in-depth interviews by interviewing the new living area’s carefully selected stakeholder groups. Afterwards the empirical data is analyzed and reflected to the theoretical findings. After examining the case living area, the thesis will present a new living area branding process model based on prevailing theories and empirical findings.
Despite the complexity of the Chinese culture consumer product businesses should apply them in building brands for Chinese markets. There are reasons to believe that cultural values and attitudes affect the buying behavior of Chinese consumers. Companies that wish to create brands in China should therefore be aware of the prevailing cultural values and consumer attitudes. This thesis will examine which values and attitudes mostly affect Chinese consumers of health food products. The study will be done by conducting a netnography. Because netnography is actually a collection methods rather than a single method, other auxiliary methods will also be applied. These methods are emotion, language and sentiment analysis (ELS analysis). Emotion analysis will be conducted because cultural values are mostly built on emotional basis. Sentiment analysis will assist in recognizing the key factors that help to locate values and attitudes. Because the netnography will be conducted in Chinese web forums by a non-native researcher, linguistic aspects should also be analyzed in parallel with emotions and sentiment analysis. The study shows that the Chinese consumers of health food products put much importance on functional, analytical and collectivistic attitudes as well as social and psychological values. Of all the twelve cultural values defined, the role of family rose above all. Also perseverance, frugality, guanxi and harmony were highly presented. The attitudes were found by recognizing certain attitude factors. Of all the factors, health foods’ functional benefits and aesthetic content together with consumers’ value consciousness surpassed other factors. Besides these results that can be applied by foreign health food companies willing to enter Chinese consumer markets, also academia can benefit this new approach for conducting ethnographies online.
International brand alliances: creating value for brands : cooperation between two Finnish companies
Tämä tutkielma käsittelee paikkamarkkinointia ja paikkabrändäystä. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan paikallisen ja turistin tapoja muodostaa kaupunkibrändi; mistä palasista brändi muodostuu kirjallisuuden ja haastateltavien mukaan, koetaanko eri palaset vaihtelevissa määrin tärkeiksi riippuen siitä, tarkastellaanko paikkaa paikallisena vai turistina, ja löytyykö jotain yhteisiä retorisia nimittäjiä sille, miten kotikaupungista puhutaan verrattuna lomakaupunkiin. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin yli kolmeakymmentä henkilöä heidän kotikaupungeistaan ja kaupungeista, joihin he olivat matkustaneet lomalle. Haastateltavat olivat suurinpiirtein samanikäisiä, mutta eri kaupungeista ja matkustaneet eri paikkoihin. Haastateltavia pyydettiin ensin kuvailemaan vapaasti kotikaupunkiaan ja sen jälkeen kaupungista kysyttiin kirjallisuuteen perustuen kysymyksiä. Sama menetelmä toistettiin lomakohteen suhteen. Tutkimuksesta selvisi, että paikkabrändi muodostetaan samoista komponenteista, mutta joidenkin komponenttien merkitys on tärkeämpi kotikaupungissa, kun taas toiset komponentit ovat tärkeitä lomakohteen suhteen. Ihmiset ja kulttuuri yleisesti koettiin tärkeinä komponentteina molemmista paikkabrändeistä puhuttaessa, kun taas kotikaupungin brändinmuodostukseen kuului vahvemmin lait ja muut käytännölliset menettelytavat kuten liikenteen toimivuus. Lomakohteen brändinmuodostuksessa vapaudella tehdä mitä haluaa oli suuri merkitys ja vapautta nähtiin eri muodoissa. Retoriikka kotikaupungista puhuttaessa oli selvästi negatiivista, kun taas lomakohteesta puhuttiin yleisesti ottaen positiiviseen sävyyn. Suhde kotikaupunkiin oli ambivalentti, sillä huonojakin puolia mainittaessa niitä puolusteltiin, tai kotikaupungista mainittiin loppujen lopuksi jotain hyvää. Tutkimusten tuloksiin perustuen toimenpidesuosituksina ehdotetaan olemassaolevan autenttisen kulttuurin ylläpitämäistä, korostamista ja kaupungin orgaanista kehittämistä suuntaan, jossa se on hyvä paikka niin elämiseen kuin lomailuun. Identiteetti, imago ja ihmiset kietoutuvat tiiviisti yhteen, minkä vuoksi kaupunkisuunnittelun- ja kehittämisen tehtävänä on pitää huolta, että kaupunki on onnistunut molempien ryhmien suhteen, ja molemmat ryhmät levittävät kaupungista positiivista sanomaa.
The purpose of the study is to define the characteristics of strong personal brands on social media in Finland. Personal branding as a phenomenon is no longer limited to celebrities and political leaders. The digital revolution and the change in online behavior have created the need for a deeper investigation of the characteristics of strong personal brands on social media. The work of different academics on personal branding are examined to gain a comprehensive understanding on this research topic that has gone through a revolution during the last decade. Early impression management theory is refined to include elements from more modern literature related to personal branding, brand identity management and social media to create a theoretical framework that simplifies the process of personal brand building on social media. The framework consisting of three phases clarifies the process of modern personal branding. The results of the study are presented in line with three research themes derived from the theoretical framework: the background of the brand, the brand identity management and the social media behavior and activities. Mixed methods are used in the research as means to broaden perception on the subject. The quantitative part of the study defines general characteristics concerning the most follower personal brands in Finland in three social media channels – Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The other part of the research was conducted by single case study including two Finnish personal brands cases to provide a deeper understanding of personal branding practices of strong social media personal brands. The results of the study show that the most used social media channels differ in terms of the personal brand characteristics and personal branding activities. Due to the characteristics of the channels also the post activities of the personal brands differ quite significantly. It can be also inferred that there is a difference between brands with an existing offline awareness and the brands with no awareness before joining the social media. In order to reduce the gap between the ideal brand image and the current image, the brand should have a clear vision as well as a good understanding of the target group and the value it creates for its target audience. The brand identity needs to be managed by communicating with the target audience authentically in the right channels, with relevant content. The dedication, the target group’s behavior and the ability to create valuable and relevant content determines the right tactics for social media personal branding.