26 resultados para Brief literature review


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Fiber damages comprise fiber deformations, characterized as fiber curl, kink, dislocations and strength losses as well as some yet unidentified factors. This recently discovered phenomenon is especially evident in mill scale kraftpulps. Laboratory produced pulps tend to have less damages and superior strength properties compared to those produced in pulp mills. Generally fiber damages pose a problem in the production of reinforcement pulp because they tend to decrease the ability of fibers to transmit load. Previous studies on fiber damage have shown that most of the fiber damages occur during brown stock processing starting from cooking and discharging. This literature review gives an overall picture on fiber damages occurring during softwood kraft pulp production with an emphasis on the oxygen delignification stage. In addition the oxygen delignification stage itself is described in more detailed extent in order to understand the mechanisms behind the delignification and fiber damaging effect. The literature available on this subject is unfortunately quite contradictory and implicates a lotof different terms. Only a few studies have been published which help to understand the nature of fiber damages. For that reason the knowledge presented in this work is not only based on previous studies but also on research scientist and mill staff interviews.


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Abstract: Qualitative literature review as a method and a social scientific research approach


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Case-based reasoning (CBR) is a recent approach to problem solving and learning that has got a lot of attention over the last years. In this work, the CBR methodology is used to reduce the time and amount of resources spent on carry out experiments to determine the viscosity of the new slurry. The aim of this work is: to develop a CBR system to support the decision making process about the type of slurries behavior, to collect a sufficient volume of qualitative data for case base, and to calculate the viscosity of the Newtonian slurries. Firstly in this paper, the literature review about the types of fluid flow, Newtonian and non-Newtonian slurries is presented. Some physical properties of the suspensions are also considered. The second part of the literature review provides an overview of the case-based reasoning field. Different models and stages of CBR cycles, benefits and disadvantages of this methodology are considered subsequently. Brief review of the CBS tools is also given in this work. Finally, some results of work and opportunities for system modernization are presented. To develop a decision support system for slurry viscosity determination, software application MS Office Excel was used. Designed system consists of three parts: workspace, the case base, and section for calculating the viscosity of Newtonian slurries. First and second sections are supposed to work with Newtonian and Bingham fluids. In the last section, apparent viscosity can be calculated for Newtonian slurries.


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Although securities lending is an important function of the financial markets, it has not received that much academic attention. This study examines the evolution of European securities lending and risk management with an emphasis on the development of collateral management, the function responsible for reducing credit risk. The effects of the recent financial instabilities are also considered. The evolution of the Finnish securities lending market is examined in more detail through a case-study. This study can be classified as a constructive qualitative case study. The initial practical knowledge comes from the author's own experience and additional insight and theoretical background is acquired through a literature review. The case study is based on research, semi-structured interviews and a brief analysis of numerical data. The main observation of this study was that securities lending is now recognized as more of an investment management discipline than an operational support function. The recent financial instabilities have resulted in an increased focus on risk and transparency. In securities lending this is directly reflected in collateral management guidelines and procedures. Collateral management has become increasingly technologically developed and automated. Collateral optimization initiatives have been started to make the process more efficient, liquid, and cost effective. Although securities lending is generally an OTC-market with no standard market place, centralized exchange-like models have been introduced. Finnish securities lending has now shifted towards the more common global OTC model. Although the Finnish securities lending industry has developed, and the main laws governing it (tax legislation) have changed, there is still need for development. There are still not many Finnish participants involved and due to legal issues most securities loans are collateralized with cash and not securities (e.g. government bonds).


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Tässä diplomityössä on tarkasteltu Porvoon öljynjalostamon vetyverkkoa ja pohdittu keinoja, joilla vedyn käyttöä jalostamolla voitaisiin tehostaan sekä polttokaasuverkkoon menevän vedyn määrä pienentää. Tarkastelun lähtökohtana toimii vetytaseen pohjalta laadittu vetypinch-analyysi. Kirjallisuusosassa on esitelty jalostamon vetyverkkoon kuuluvat yksiköt sekä käsitelty lyhyesti niiden toimintaa. Lisäksi on käsitelty vetypinch-analyysin periaate, sekä kuinka todelliset prosessirajoitteet voidaan huomioida sitä toteutettaessa. Kirjallisuusosan lopussa on esitetty miten vetyverkon vaiheittainen optimointi etenee. Työn soveltavassa osassa laadittiin vetyverkon virtauskaavio, jolla saatiin luotua kattava käsitys jalostamon vedynjakelusta. Virtauskaaviosta tehtiin yksinkertaistettu versio, jonka perusteella laadittiin vetytase. Vetytaseen pohjalta suoritettiin vetypinch-analyysi, jonka mukaan jalostamolla tuotettiin tasehetkellä ylimäärin vetyä. Vedyn käytön tehostamiseksi jalostamolla tulee rikkivedyn talteenottoyksikkö 2:n polttokaasuvirta pyrkiä minimoimaan tai hyödyntämään. Lisäksi virtausmittareiden mitoituspisteiden molekyylimassat tulisi muuttaa vastaamaan paremmin nykyistä ajotilannetta, sekä seurata niitä jatkossa säännöllisesti. Myös vetypitoisuutta mittaavien online-analysaattoreiden kalibroinnista tulee huolehtia, ja ottaa riittävästi kenttänäytteitä vetyverkosta. On huomattava, että öljynjalostamon vedyn tuotannon minimointi ei ole aina automaattisesti taloudellisin ratkaisu. Joissain tapauksissa vedyn osapaineen nostaminen vetyä kuluttavan yksikön reaktorissa voi lisätä yksikön tuottavuutta niin paljon, että se kompensoi lisääntyneestä vedyn tuotannosta aiheutuvat kustannukset.


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In the new age of information technology, big data has grown to be the prominent phenomena. As information technology evolves, organizations have begun to adopt big data and apply it as a tool throughout their decision-making processes. Research on big data has grown in the past years however mainly from a technical stance and there is a void in business related cases. This thesis fills the gap in the research by addressing big data challenges and failure cases. The Technology-Organization-Environment framework was applied to carry out a literature review on trends in Business Intelligence and Knowledge management information system failures. A review of extant literature was carried out using a collection of leading information system journals. Academic papers and articles on big data, Business Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, and Knowledge Management systems were studied from both failure and success aspects in order to build a model for big data failure. I continue and delineate the contribution of the Information System failure literature as it is the principal dynamics behind technology-organization-environment framework. The gathered literature was then categorised and a failure model was developed from the identified critical failure points. The failure constructs were further categorized, defined, and tabulated into a contextual diagram. The developed model and table were designed to act as comprehensive starting point and as general guidance for academics, CIOs or other system stakeholders to facilitate decision-making in big data adoption process by measuring the effect of technological, organizational, and environmental variables with perceived benefits, dissatisfaction and discontinued use.


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In the new age of information technology, big data has grown to be the prominent phenomena. As information technology evolves, organizations have begun to adopt big data and apply it as a tool throughout their decision-making processes. Research on big data has grown in the past years however mainly from a technical stance and there is a void in business related cases. This thesis fills the gap in the research by addressing big data challenges and failure cases. The Technology-Organization-Environment framework was applied to carry out a literature review on trends in Business Intelligence and Knowledge management information system failures. A review of extant literature was carried out using a collection of leading information system journals. Academic papers and articles on big data, Business Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, and Knowledge Management systems were studied from both failure and success aspects in order to build a model for big data failure. I continue and delineate the contribution of the Information System failure literature as it is the principal dynamics behind technology-organization-environment framework. The gathered literature was then categorised and a failure model was developed from the identified critical failure points. The failure constructs were further categorized, defined, and tabulated into a contextual diagram. The developed model and table were designed to act as comprehensive starting point and as general guidance for academics, CIOs or other system stakeholders to facilitate decision-making in big data adoption process by measuring the effect of technological, organizational, and environmental variables with perceived benefits, dissatisfaction and discontinued use.