24 resultados para Atomic Units
Kaasukaarihitsauksessa suojakaasuna käytetään yleensä argonin ja hiilidioksidin tai argonin ja heliumin seoksia. Suojakaasu vaikuttaa useisiin hitsausominaisuuksiin, jotka puolestaan vaikuttavat hitsauksen laatuun ja tuottavuuteen. Automaattisella suojakaasun tunnistuksella ja virtausmäärän mittauksella voitaisiin tehdä hitsauksesta paitsi käyttäjän kannalta yksinkertaisempaa, myös laadukkaampaa. Työn tavoite on löytää mahdollisimman edullinen ja kuitenkin mahdollisimman tarkasti kaasuseoksia tunnistava menetelmä, jota voitaisiin hyödyntää MIG/MAG-hitsauskoneeseen sisäänrakennettuna. Selvä etu on, jos menetelmällä voidaan mitata myös kaasun virtausmäärä. Äänennopeus kaasumaisessa väliaineessa on aineen atomi- ja molekyylirakenteesta ja lämpötilasta riippuva ominaisuus, joka voidaan mitata melko edullisesti. Äänennopeuden määritys perustuu ääniaallon kulkuajan mittaamiseen tunnetun pituisella matkalla. Kaasun virtausnopeus on laskettavissa myötä- ja vastavirtaan mitattujen kulkuaikojen erotuksen avulla. Rakennettu mittauslaitteisto koostuu kahdesta ultraäänimuuntimesta, joiden halkaisija on 10 mm ja jotka toimivat sekä lähettimenä että vastaanottimena. Muuntimet ovat 140 mm:n etäisyydellä toisistaan virtauskanavassa, jossa suojakaasu virtaa yhdensuuntaisesti äänen kanssa. Virtauskanava on putki, jossa on käytetty elastisia materiaaleja, jotta ääniaaltojen eteneminen kanavan runkoa pitkin minimoituisi. Kehitetty algoritmi etsii kahden lähetetyn 40 kHz:n taajuisen kanttiaaltopulssin aiheuttaman vasteen perusteella ääniaallon saapumisajanhetken. Useiden mittausten, tulosten lajittelun ja suodatuksen jälkeen tuntemattomalle kaasulle lasketaan lämpötilakompensoitu vertailuluku. Tuntematon kaasu tunnistetaan vertailemalla lukua tunnettujen kaasuseosten mitattuihin vertailulukuihin. Laitteisto tunnistaa seokset, joissa heliumin osuus argonissa on enintään 50 %. Hiilidioksidia sisältävät argonin seokset puolestaan tunnistetaan puhtaaseen hiilidioksidiin asti jopa kahden prosenttiyksikön tarkkuudella. Kaasun tilavuusvirtausmittauksen tarkkuus on noin 1,0 l/min.
In this thesis the dynamics of cold gaseous atoms is studied. Two different atomic species and two different experimental techniques have been used. In the first part of the thesis experiments with Bose-Einstein condensates of Rb-87 are presented. In these experiments the methods of laser cooling and magnetic trapping of atoms were utilized. An atom chip was used as the experimental technique for implementation of magnetic trapping. The atom chip is a small integrated instrument allowing accurate and detailed manipulation of the atoms. The experiments with Rb-87 probed the behaviour of a falling beam of atoms outcoupled from the Bose-Einstein condensate by electromagnetic field induced spin flips. In the experiments a correspondence between the phases of the outcoupling radio frequency field and the falling beam of atoms was found. In the second part of the thesis experiments of spin dynamics in cold atomic hydrogen gas are discussed. The experiments with atomic hydrogen are conducted in a cryostat using a dilution refrigerator as the cooling method. These experiments concentrated on explaining and quantifying modulations in the electron spin resonance spectra of doubly polarized atomic hydrogen. The modifications to the previous experimental setup are described and the observation of electron spin waves is presented. The observed spin wave modes were caused by the identical spin rotation effect. These modes have a strong dependence on the spatial profile of the polarizing magnetic field. We also demonstrated confinement of these modes in regions of strong magnetic field and manipulated their spatial distribution by changing the position of the field maximum.
The objective of the thesis is to study cerium oxide thin films grown by the atomic layer deposition (ALD) for soot removal. Cerium oxide is one of the most important heterogeneous catalysts and can be used in particulate filters and sensors in a diesel exhaust pipe. Its redox/oxidation properties are a key factor in soot oxidation. Thus, the cerium oxide coating can help to keep particulate filters and sensors clean permanently. The literature part of the thesis focuses on the soot removal, introducing the origin and structure of soot, reviewing emissions standards for diesel particulate matter, and presenting methods and catalysts for soot removal. In the experimental part the optimal ALD conditions for cerium oxide were found, the structural properties of cerium oxide thin films were analyzed, and the catalytic activity of the cerium oxide for soot oxidation was investigated. Studying ALD growth conditions of cerium oxide films and determining their critical thickness range are important to maximize the catalytic performance operating at comparatively low temperature. It was found that the cerium oxide film deposited at 300 °C with 2000 ALD cycles had the highest catalytic activity. Although the activity was still moderate and did not decrease the soot oxidation temperature enough for a real-life application. The cerium oxide thin film deposited at 300 °C has a different crystal structure, surface morphology and elemental composition with a higher Ce3+ concentration compared to the films deposited at lower temperatures. The different properties of the cerium oxide thin film deposited at 300 °C increase the catalytic activity most likely due to higher surface area and addition of the oxygen vacancies.
The main objective of this Master’s thesis is to develop a cost allocation model for a leading food industry company in Finland. The goal is to develop an allocation method for fixed overhead expenses produced in a specific production unit and create a plausible tracking system for product costs. The second objective is to construct an allocation model and modify the created model to be suited for other units as well. Costs, activities, drivers and appropriate allocation methods are studied. This thesis is started with literature review of existing theory of ABC, inspecting cost information and then conducting interviews with officials to get a general view of the requirements for the model to be constructed. The familiarization of the company started with becoming acquainted with the existing cost accounting methods. The main proposals for a new allocation model were revealed through interviews, which were utilized in setting targets for developing the new allocation method. As a result of this thesis, an Excel-based model is created based on the theoretical and empiric data. The new system is able to handle overhead costs in more detail improving the cost awareness, transparency in cost allocations and enhancing products’ cost structure. The improved cost awareness is received by selecting the best possible cost drivers for this situation. Also the capacity changes are taken into consideration, such as usage of practical or normal capacity instead of theoretical is suggested to apply. Also some recommendations for further development are made about capacity handling and cost collection.
In this thesis properties and influence of modification techniques of porous silicon were studied by Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). This device permits to visualize the surface topography and to study properties of the samples on atomic scale, which was necessary for recent investigation. Samples of porous silicon were obtained by electrochemical etching. Nickel particles were deposited by two methods: electrochemical deposition and extracting from NiCl2 ethanol solution. Sample growth was conducted in Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University, LETI. Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) and Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) were utilized for detailed information about surface properties of the samples. Measurements showed the difference in morphology correlating with initial growth conditions. Submicron size particles were clearly visible on surfaces of the treated samples. Although their nature was not clarified due to limitations of AFM technique. It is expected that surfaces were covered by nanometer scale Ni particles, which can be verified by implication of RAMAN device.
Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is the technology of choice where very thin and highquality films are required. Its advantage is its ability to deposit dense and pinhole-free coatings in a controllable manner. It has already shown promising results in a range of applications, e.g. diffusion barrier coatings for OLED displays, surface passivation layers for solar panels. Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition (SALD) is a concept that allows a dramatic increase in ALD throughput. During the SALD process, the substrate moves between spatially separated zones filled with the respective precursor gases and reagents in such a manner that the exposure sequence replicates the conventional ALD cycle. The present work describes the development of a high-throughput ALD process. Preliminary process studies were made using an SALD reactor designed especially for this purpose. The basic properties of the ALD process were demonstrated using the wellstudied Al2O3 trimethyl aluminium (TMA)+H2O process. It was shown that the SALD reactor is able to deposit uniform films in true ALD mode. The ALD nature of the process was proven by demonstrating self-limiting behaviour and linear film growth. The process behaviour and properties of synthesized films were in good agreement with previous ALD studies. Issues related to anomalous deposition at low temperatures were addressed as well. The quality of the coatings was demonstrated by applying 20 nm of the Al2O3 on to polymer substrate and measuring its moisture barrier properties. The results of tests confirmed the superior properties of the coatings and their suitability for flexible electronics encapsulation. Successful results led to the development of a pilot scale roll-to-roll coating system. It was demonstrated that the system is able to deposit superior quality films with a water transmission rate of 5x10-6 g/m2day at a web speed of 0.25 m/min. That is equivalent to a production rate of 180 m2/day and can be potentially increased by using wider webs. State-of-art film quality, high production rates and repeatable results make SALD the technology of choice for manufacturing ultra-high barrier coatings for flexible electronics.