21 resultados para Android app


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Battery consumption in mobile applications development is a very important aspect and has to be considered by all the developers in their applications. This study will present an analysis of different relevant concepts and parameters that may have impact on energy consumption of Windows Phone applications. This operating system was chosen because there is limited research even though there are related studies for Android an iOS operating systems. Furthermore, another reason is the increasing number of Windows Phone users. The objective of this research is to categorise the energy consumption parameters (e.g. use of one thread or several thread for the same output). The result for each group of experiment will be analyzed and a rule will be derived. The set of derived rules will serve as a guide for developers who intend to develop energy efficient Windows Phone applications. For each experiment, one application is created for each concept and the results are presented in two ways: a table and a chart. The table presents the duration of the experiment, the battery consumed by the experiment, the expected battery lifetime and the energy consumption, while the charts display the energy distribution based on the main threads: UI thread, application thread and network thread.


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With the new age of Internet of Things (IoT), object of everyday such as mobile smart devices start to be equipped with cheap sensors and low energy wireless communication capability. Nowadays mobile smart devices (phones, tablets) have become an ubiquitous device with everyone having access to at least one device. There is an opportunity to build innovative applications and services by exploiting these devices’ untapped rechargeable energy, sensing and processing capabilities. In this thesis, we propose, develop, implement and evaluate LoadIoT a peer-to-peer load balancing scheme that can distribute tasks among plethora of mobile smart devices in the IoT world. We develop and demonstrate an android-based proof of concept load-balancing application. We also present a model of the system which is used to validate the efficiency of the load balancing approach under varying application scenarios. Load balancing concepts can be apply to IoT scenario linked to smart devices. It is able to reduce the traffic send to the Cloud and the energy consumption of the devices. The data acquired from the experimental outcomes enable us to determine the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of a load balanced P2P smart phone-based applications.


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The power is still today an issue in wearable computing applications. The aim of the present paper is to raise awareness of the power consumption of wearable computing devices in specific scenarios to be able in the future to design energy efficient wireless sensors for context recognition in wearable computing applications. The approach is based on a hardware study. The objective of this paper is to analyze and compare the total power consumption of three representative wearable computing devices in realistic scenarios such as Display, Speaker, Camera and microphone, Transfer by Wi-Fi, Monitoring outdoor physical activity and Pedometer. A scenario based energy model is also developed. The Samsung Galaxy Nexus I9250 smartphone, the Vuzix M100 Smart Glasses and the SimValley Smartwatch AW-420.RX are the three devices representative of their form factors. The power consumption is measured using PowerTutor, an android energy profiler application with logging option and using unknown parameters so it is adjusted with the USB meter. The result shows that the screen size is the main parameter influencing the power consumption. The power consumption for an identical scenario varies depending on the wearable devices meaning that others components, parameters or processes might impact on the power consumption and further study is needed to explain these variations. This paper also shows that different inputs (touchscreen is more efficient than buttons controls) and outputs (speaker sensor is more efficient than display sensor) impact the energy consumption in different way. This paper gives recommendations to reduce the energy consumption in healthcare wearable computing application using the energy model.


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Työn tavoitteena on poistaa tulostettujen lentoratataulukoiden ja laskukoneen tarve pitkän matkan ammunnassa, sekä myös parantaa osumapisteen arvioinnin tarkkuutta ja nopeutta. Tavoite saavutetaan mobiililaitteelle kehitettävällä ulkoballistiikkasovelluk-sella, joka mallintaa luotien lentoratoja Arthur J. Pejsan kaavojen avulla. Työ tutkii sovelluksen käytön etuja sekä verifioi tulokset käytännön testein ja vertaamalla kilpaileviin hyväksihavaittuihin sovelluksiin.


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The purpose of this research was to study the marketing of mobile applications. The main objective was to find out what are the most efficient ways of marketing to increase the sales for a mobile application within a highly competitive marketplace. The marketplaces, app stores, are studied from the perspective of size, ease of entry, competition and customers and their purchasing process. The study also includes research on what are some of the main marketing methods used in mobile app marketing in general. The study consists of two parts, theoretical and empirical research. Theoretical research was done by studying past scientific research on the chosen subjects. As the subject is very new, the research was also extended to other publications from the field of mobile technology. The empirical part was done through interviews and empirical experiments with a case-company, which were used to answer the main objective of this study. These experiments showed that the chosen methods of mobile app marketing, app store optimization, localization and selected social media marketing activities, created the most sales when used together. Positive results were seen also when the activities were conducted by themselves, but together they were able to push the case company to their all time best results. However the key to succeeding and hitting high positions in the app store rankings would most likely require creating a solid marketing strategy, trying out other marketing activities alongside the ones used here, without forgetting to stay on top of mobile technology trends.


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Tämä lopputyö esittelee Diter Oy:n toimeksiannosta läpiviedyn projektin, jonka tarkoituksena oli luoda langaton etäluettava ja -ohjattava kiihtyvyyden mittaukseen perustuva iskuvoimanmittausjärjestelmän prototyyppi. Projektin tarkoitus ei ollut luoda viimeisteltyä mittausjärjestelmää, vaan selvittää onko tällaista järjestelmää ylipäätään mahdollista toteuttaa järkevästi. Mittajärjestelmän idean taustalla oli vahvasti Internet-of-Things (IoT) -konsepti, minkä seurauksena hallinta ja seuraaminen toteutettiin esitettyjen vaatimusten mukaan Android-pohjaiselle mobiililaitteelle. Langaton tiedonsiirto toteutettiin Bluetoothyhteydellä, jonka välityksellä mobiililaitteelle toteutetun sovelluksen avulla pystytään ohjaamaan Bluetooth-moduulin kytkettyä mikrokontrolleria. Mikrokontrolleri lukee AD-muuntimeen kytkettyä analogista kiihtyvyysanturia, jota käytetään tallentamaan kappaleeseen kohdistuvien voimien aiheuttama kiihtyvyys. Toimeksiantoon kuului koko laitteisto- ja ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurin suunnittelu ja toteutus alusta alkaen. Järjestelmän lisäksi projektiin kuului verifiointitestausten suunnitellu ja toteutus, jotka ovat myös kuvattuna tässä työssä. Tärkeänä osana verifiointia olivat kiihtyvyysanturin kalibroinnin tarkastaminen sekä kalibrointimenetelmän toteutus. Verifiointitestauksissa käytettiin servo-ohjattua sähkömoottoria luomaan ympyräliike, josta voitiin vertaamalla kierrostaajuutta ja kiihtyvyysarvoja toisiinsa todentaa kiihtyvyysanturin kalibrointi. Lisäksi rakennettiin Newtonin kehtoon perustuva testipenkki, jonka avulla pyrittiin selvittämään järjestelmän mahdollista iskuvoimanmittauskykyä. Vaikka suoritettujen testausten tulokset olivat aluksi lupaavia, eivät ne lopulta olleet yksiselitteiset. Tämän seurauksena työ ei pystynyt sille kohdennettujen resurssien puittessa ottamaan kantaa annettuun tutkimuskysymykseen. Tulokset kuitenkin osoittivat, mitä on otettava huomioon jatkosuunnittelussa ja verifiointitestausten kehittämisessä.