24 resultados para Alemania RD


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Benzodiazepines (BZD) and benzodiazepine related drugs (RD) are the most commonly used psychotropics among the aged. The use of other psychotropics taken concomitantly with BZD/ RD or their cognitive effects with BZD/RD have not been studied frequently. The aim of this academic thesis was to describe and analyse relationships between the use of BZD/RD alone or concomitantly with antipsychotics, antidepressants, opioids, antiepileptics, opioids and anticholinergics in the aged and their health. Especially, the relationships between long-term use of BZD/RD and cognitive decline were studied. Additionally, the effect of melatonin on BZD/RD withdrawal and the cognitive effects of BZD/RD withdrawal were studied. This study used multiple data sets: the first study (I) was based on clinical data containing aged patients (≥65 years; N=164) admitted to Pori City Hospital due to acute disease. The second data set (Studies II and III) was based on population-based data from the Lieto Study, a clinico-epidemiological longitudinal study carried out among the aged (≥65 years) in the municipality of Lieto. Follow-up data was formed by combining the cohort data collected in 1990-1991 (N=1283) and in 1998-1999 (N=1596) from those who participated in both cohorts (N=617). The third data set (Studies IV and V) was based on the Satauni Study’s data. This study was performed in the City of Pori in 2009-2010. In the RCT part of the Satauni Study, ninety-two long-term users of BZD/RD were withdrawn from their drugs using melatonin against placebo. The change of their cognitive abilities was measured during and after BZD/ RD withdrawal. BZD/RD use was related to worse cognitive and functional abilities, and their use may predict worse cognitive outcomes compared with BZD/RD non-users. Hypnotic use of BZD/RD could be withdrawn with psychosocial support in motivated participants, but melatonin did not improve the withdrawal results compared to those with placebo. Cognitive abilities in psychomotor tests did not show, or showed only modest, improvements for up to six months after BZD/RD withdrawal. This suggests that the cognitive effects of BZD/RD may be longlasting or permanent.


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The decreasing fossil fuel resources combined with an increasing world energy demand has raised an interest in renewable energy sources. The alternatives can be solar, wind and geothermal energies, but only biomass can be a substitute for the carbon–based feedstock, which is suitable for the production of transportation fuels and chemicals. However, a high oxygen content of the biomass creates challenges for the future chemical industry, forcing the development of new processes which allow a complete or selective oxygen removal without any significant carbon loss. Therefore, understanding and optimization of biomass deoxygenation processes are crucial for the future bio–based chemical industry. In this work, deoxygenation of fatty acids and their derivatives was studied over Pd/C and TiO2 supported noble metal catalysts (Pt, Pt–Re, Re and Ru) to obtain future fuel components. The 5 % Pd/C catalyst was investigated in semibatch and fixed bed reactors at 300 °C and 1.7–2 MPa of inert and hydrogen–containing atmospheres. Based on extensive kinetic studies, plausible reaction mechanisms and pathways were proposed. The influence of the unsaturation in the deoxygenation of model compounds and industrial feedstock – tall oil fatty acids – over a Pd/C catalyst was demonstrated. The optimization of the reaction conditions suppressed the formation of by–products, hence high yields and selectivities towards linear hydrocarbons and catalyst stability were achieved. Experiments in a fixed bed reactor filled with a 2 % Pd/C catalyst were performed with stearic acid as a model compound at different hydrogen–containing gas atmospheres to understand the catalyst stability under various conditions. Moreover, prolonged experiments were carried out with concentrated model compounds to reveal the catalyst deactivation. New materials were proposed for the selective deoxygenation process at lower temperatures (~200 °C) with a tunable selectivity to hydrodeoxygenation by using 4 % Pt/TiO2 or decarboxylation/decarbonylation over 4 % Ru/TiO2 catalysts. A new method for selective hydrogenation of fatty acids to fatty alcohols was demonstrated with a 4 % Re/TiO2 catalyst. A reaction pathway and mechanism for TiO2 supported metal catalysts was proposed and an optimization of the process conditions led to an increase in the formation of the desired products.


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Syftet med den här pro gradu avhandlingen är att bidra med kunskap om hur storyline som undervisningsmetod kan användas i nybörjarundervisning. Klassläraren i undersökningen använder storyline som en av sina undervisningsmetoder i åk 1–3. Utgående från det övergripande syftet har följande huvudsakliga forskningsfråga utformats: ‐ Hur används storylinemetoden i nybörjarundervisning? Forskningen är kvalitativ och fenomenologi är forskningsansatsen som ligger till grund för avhandlingen. Till forskningsmetod valdes fallstudie. För att få en helhetsbild av storylineanvändningen har en intervju och en granskning av två av respondentens storylinesekvensplaner använts som datainsamlingsmetoder. Genom intervjun strävades efter att ta reda på bakgrund och motiv till lärarens storylineanvändning, planering av sekvenserna, karakteristiska drag för storylineanvändningen, ämnen integrerade i sekvenserna och sekvensernas innehåll. Respondenten använder storyline eftersom hon anser att elevernas motivation ökar då allt som görs kan kopplas till en berättelse. Elevernas fantasi och kreativitet utvecklas också genom att de är med och skapar berättelsens innehåll. Elevernas egen aktivitet motiverar också respondentens storylineanvändning. En storylinesekvens är vanligtvis fem till sex veckor lång, den tiden är optimal eftersom klassen behöver tid för fördjupa sig i sekvensen ordentligt. Under en storylinesekvens arbetar klassen i medeltal fem lektioner per vecka. För att förtydliga storylinesekvensens miljö görs en fris (en bakgrundsbild) längs hela bakre väggen i klassen. Frisen fylls på längs med storylinearbetet. En storyline består av många olika delar. Syftet med inledningen är att väcka elevernas intresse och uppehålla motivationen. Varje storylinesekvens har också karaktärer som eleverna tillverkar. Karaktärerna är viktiga eftersom de bildar en röd tråd genom berättelsen. I en storylinesekvens händer det mycket. Oftast är det så att eleverna skickas ut med sin karaktär på något uppdrag. Storylinesekvenser avslutas alltid på ett speciellt sätt. En ordentlig avslutning är viktig för att eleverna ska känna att sekvensen är slut och kan lämna berättelsen och karaktärerna bakom sig.


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Invokaatio: I.N.J.C.