65 resultados para Active Vision


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Problems of the designing active magnet bearingcontrol are developed. The estimation controller are designed and applied to a rigid rotor. The mathematical model of the active magnet bearing controller is developed. This mathematical model is realized on a DSP. The results of this realization are analyzed. The conclusions about the digital signal processing are made.


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The need for high performance, high precision, and energy saving in rotating machinery demands an alternative solution to traditional bearings. Because of the contactless operation principle, the rotating machines employing active magnetic bearings (AMBs) provide many advantages over the traditional ones. The advantages such as contamination-free operation, low maintenance costs, high rotational speeds, low parasitic losses, programmable stiffness and damping, and vibration insulation come at expense of high cost, and complex technical solution. All these properties make the use of AMBs appropriate primarily for specific and highly demanding applications. High performance and high precision control requires model-based control methods and accurate models of the flexible rotor. In turn, complex models lead to high-order controllers and feature considerable computational burden. Fortunately, in the last few years the advancements in signal processing devices provide new perspective on the real-time control of AMBs. The design and the real-time digital implementation of the high-order LQ controllers, which focus on fast execution times, are the subjects of this work. In particular, the control design and implementation in the field programmable gate array (FPGA) circuits are investigated. The optimal design is guided by the physical constraints of the system for selecting the optimal weighting matrices. The plant model is complemented by augmenting appropriate disturbance models. The compensation of the force-field nonlinearities is proposed for decreasing the uncertainty of the actuator. A disturbance-observer-based unbalance compensation for canceling the magnetic force vibrations or vibrations in the measured positions is presented. The theoretical studies are verified by the practical experiments utilizing a custom-built laboratory test rig. The test rig uses a prototyping control platform developed in the scope of this work. To sum up, the work makes a step in the direction of an embedded single-chip FPGA-based controller of AMBs.


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Tutkimus kuvaa tarinallisuuden kautta organisaation sisäistä muutosta organisaation toimiessa muuttuvassa toimintaympäristössä. Teoriaosan keskeisinä käsitteinä ovat sosiaalinen identiteetti organisaatiossa sekä muutosjohtaminen. Tutkimus selvittää, miten jatkuva organisatorinen ja toimintaympäristöllinen muutos vaikuttivat organisaation muutoskykyyn ja sen jäseniin, minkälaista muutosjohtamista organisaatio muutostilanteessa tarvitsee ja millaisia vaikutuksia muutoksilla oli organisaation sisällä esiintyviin sosiaalisiin identiteetteihin. Organisaatiomuutos ilmeni organisaation työntekijöissä erilaisina reaktioina: osa menetti uskonsa organisaatioon, toiset turhautuivat ja kaipasivat vahvistusta toiminnalleen ja kolmansilla työn sujuminen nousi keskiöön. Muutospaineiden keskellä organisaatiossa tarvitaan uskottavaa muutosviestintää ja johtavaa identiteettiä, johon kaikki organisaation jäsenet voivat samaistua. Tämän sosiaalisen identiteetin synnyn mahdollistaa organisaation johdon aktiivinen muutosprosessin johtaminen. Myös keskijohdon rooli johdon muutosviestin vahvistamisessa on tärkeä muutosprosessin onnistumiselle ja sisäistämiselle. Muutoksen johtamisessa on oleellista ottaa ihmisten johtaminen osaksi päivittäistä toimintaa. Organisaation jäsenten tunnepohjaisen sitouttamisen kautta saavutetaan mahdollisuus toteuttaa onnistunut muutosprosessi. Keskijohdon tehtävänä on viestiä ylimmän johdon visio työntekijätasolle uskottavasti, jotta muutokseen sitoudutaan. Muutosprosessin onnistumista tulee seurata ja tukea organisaation johdon taholta.


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Mottling is one of the key defects in offset-printing. Mottling can be defined as unwanted unevenness of print. In this work, diameter of a mottle spot is defined between 0.5-10.0 mm. There are several types of mottling, but the reason behind the problem is still not fully understood. Several commercial machine vision products for the evaluation of print unevenness have been presented. Two of these methods used in these products have been implemented in this thesis. The one is the cluster method and the other is the band-pass method. The properties of human vision system have been taken into account in the implementation of these two methods. An index produced by the cluster method is a weighted sum of the number of found spots, and an index produced by band-pass method is a weighted sum of coefficients of variations of gray-levels for each spatial band. Both methods produce larger indices for visually poor samples, so they can discern good samples from the poor ones. The difference between the indices for good and poor samples is slightly larger produced by the cluster method. 11 However, without the samples evaluated by human experts, the goodness of these results is still questionable. This comparison will be left to the next phase of the project.


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Adolescence is an important time for acquiring high peak bone mass. Physical activity is known to be beneficial to bone development. The effect of estrogen-progestin contraceptives (EPC) is still controversial. Altogether 142 (52 gymnasts, 46 runners, and 42 controls) adolescent women participated in this study, which is based on two 7-year (n =142), one 6-year (n =140) and one 4-year (n =122) follow-ups. Information on physical activity, menstrual history, sexual maturation, nutrition, living habits and health status was obtained through questionnaires and interviews. The bone mineral density (BMD) and content (BMC) of lumbar spine (LS) and femoral neck (FN) were measured by dual- energy X-ray absoptiometry. Calcaneal sonographic measurements were also made. The physical activity of the athletes participating in this study decreased after 3-year follow-up. High-impact exercise was beneficial to bones. LS and FN BMC was higher in gymnasts than in controls during the follow-up. Reduction in physical activity had negative effects on bone mass. LS and FN BMC increased less in the group having reduced their physical activity more than 50%, compared with those continuing at the previous level (1.69 g, p=0.021; 0.14 g, p=0.015, respectively). The amount of physical activity was the only significant parameter accounting for the calcaneal sonography measurements at 6-year follow-up (11.3%) and reduced activity level was associated with lower sonographic values. Long-term low-dose EPC use seemed to prevent normal bone mass acquisition. There was a significant trend towards a smaller increase in LS and FN BMC among long-term EPC users. In conclusion, this study confirms that high-impact exercise is beneficial to bones and that the benefits are partly maintained even after a clear reduction in training level at least for 4 years. Continued exercise is needed to retain all acquired benefits. The bone mass gained and maintained can possibly be maximized in adolescence by implementing high-impact exercise for youngsters. The peak bone mass of the young women participating in the study may be reached before the age of 20. Use of low-dose EPCs seems to suppress normal bone mass acquisition.


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The aim of the study is to obtain a mathematical description for an alternative variant of controlling a hydraulic circuit with an electrical drive. The electrical and hydraulic systems are described by basic mathematical equations. The flexibilities of the load and boom is modeled with assumed mode method. The model is achieved and proven with simulations. The controller is constructed and proven to decrease oscillations and improve the dynamic response of the system.


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The aim of this work was to make an active front end from IGBTs for a multilevel inverter. The work was done for Mosart II, a long term still ongoing Vacon Oyj project. The purpose of the AFE is to balance the DC-voltage and to put the returning power back to the grid instead of the breaking chopper and the capacitor. With a diode rectifier the bridge only allows power to pass in one direction and the switching times are not controllable. That means the rectifier always takes the highest phase and the phases are always conducting the same 120◦. With an AFE it is possible to actively change the rectifiers switching pattern. A diode bridge also generates much greater losses than an IGBT bridge. With these arguments it is rational to start researching the possibility of an AFE in a multilevel inverter.


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In this thesis a total of 86 compounds containing the hetero atoms oxygen and nitrogen were studied under electron ionization mass spectrometry (EIMS). These compounds are biologically active and were synthesized by various research groups. The main attention of this study was paid on the fragmentations related to different tautomeric forms of 2- phenacylpyridines, 2-phenacylquinolines, 8-aryl-3,4-dioxo-2H,8H-6,7-dihydroimidazo- [2,1-c][1,2,4]triazines and aryl- and benzyl-substituted 2,3-dihydroimidazo[1,2-a]pyrimidine-5,7-(1H,6H)-diones. Also regio/stereospecific effects on fragmentations of pyrrolo- and isoindoloquinazolinones and naphthoxazine, naphthpyrrolo-oxazinone and naphthoxazino-benzoxazine derivatives were screened. Results were compared with NMR data, when available. The first part of thesis consists of theory and literature review of different types of tautomerism and fragmentation mechanisms in EIMS. The effects of tautomerism in biological systems are also briefly reviewed. In the second part of the thesis the own results of the author, based on six publications,are discussed. For 2-phenacylpyridines and 2-phenacylquinolines the correlation of different Hammett substituent constants to the relative abundances (RA) or total ion currents (% TIC) of selected ions were investigated. Although it was not possible to assign most of the ions formed unambiguously to the different tautomers, the linear fits of their RAs and % TICs can be related to changing contributions of different tautomeric forms. For dioxoimidazotriazines and imidazopyrimidinediones the effects of substituents were rather weak. The fragmentations were also found useful for obtaining structural information. Some stereoisomeric pairs of pyrrolo- and isoindoloquinazolines and regiomeric pairs of naphtoxazine derivatives showed clear differences in thir mass spectra. Some mechanisms are suggested for their fragmentations.


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Low quality mine drainage from tailings facilities persists as one of the most significant global environmental concerns related to sulphide mining. Due to the large variation in geological and environmental conditions at mine sites, universal approaches to the management of mine drainage are not always applicable. Instead, site-specific knowledge of the geochemical behaviour of waste materials is required for the design and closure of the facilities. In this thesis, tailings-derived water contamination and factors causing the pollution were investigated in two coeval active sulphide mine sites in Finland: the Hitura Ni mine and the Luikonlahti Cu-Zn-Co-Ni mine and talc processing plant. A hydrogeochemical study was performed to characterise the tailingsderived water pollution at Hitura. Geochemical changes in the Hitura tailings were evaluated with a detailed mineralogical and geochemical investigation (solid-phase speciation, acid mine drainage potential, pore water chemistry) and using a spatial assessment to identify the mechanisms of water contamination. A similar spatial investigation, applying selective extractions, was carried out in the Luikonlahti tailings area for comparative purposes (Hitura low-sulphide tailings vs. Luikonlahti sulphide-rich tailings). At both sites, hydrogeochemistry of tailings seepage waters was further characterised to examine the net results of the processes observed within the impoundments and to identify constraints for water treatment. At Luikonlahti, annual and seasonal variation in effluent quality was evaluated based on a four-year monitoring period. Observations pertinent to future assessment and mine drainage prevention from existing and future tailings facilities were presented based on the results. A combination of hydrogeochemical approaches provided a means to delineate the tailings-derived neutral mine drainage at Hitura. Tailings effluents with elevated Ni, SO4 2- and Fe content had dispersed to the surrounding aquifer through a levelled-out esker and underneath the seepage collection ditches. In future mines, this could be avoided with additional basal liners in tailings impoundments where the permeability of the underlying Quaternary deposits is inadequate, and with sufficiently deep ditches. Based on the studies, extensive sulphide oxidation with subsequent metal release may already initiate during active tailings disposal. The intensity and onset of oxidation depended on e.g. the Fe sulphide content of the tailings, water saturation level, and time of exposure of fresh sulphide grains. Continuous disposal decreased sulphide weathering in the surface of low-sulphide tailings, but oxidation initiated if they were left uncovered after disposal ceased. In the sulphide-rich tailings, delayed burial of the unsaturated tailings had resulted in thick oxidized layers, despite the continuous operation. Sulphide weathering and contaminant release occurred also in the border zones. Based on the results, the prevention of sulphide oxidation should already be considered in the planning of tailings disposal, taking into account the border zones. Moreover, even lowsulphide tailings should be covered without delay after active disposal ceases. The quality of tailings effluents showed wide variation within a single impoundment and between the two different types of tailings facilities assessed. The affecting factors included source materials, the intensity of weathering of tailings and embankment materials along the seepage flow path, inputs from the process waters, the water retention time in tailings, and climatic seasonality. In addition, modifications to the tailings impoundment may markedly change the effluent quality. The wide variation in the tailings effluent quality poses challenges for treatment design. The final decision on water management requires quantification of the spatial and seasonal fluctuation at the site, taking into account changes resulting from the eventual closure of the impoundment. Overall, comprehensive hydrogeochemical mapping was deemed essential in the identification of critical contaminants and their sources at mine sites. Mineralogical analysis, selective extractions, and pore water analysis were a good combination of methods for studying the weathering of tailings and in evaluating metal mobility from the facilities. Selective extractions with visual observations and pH measurements of tailings solids were, nevertheless, adequate in describing the spatial distribution of sulphide oxidation in tailings impoundments. Seepage water chemistry provided additional data on geochemical processes in tailings and was necessary for defining constraints for water treatment.


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This thesis presents the calibration and comparison of two systems, a machine vision system that uses 3 channel RGB images and a line scanning spectral system. Calibration. is the process of checking and adjusting the accuracy of a measuring instrument by comparing it with standards. For the RGB system self-calibrating methods for finding various parameters of the imaging device were developed. Color calibration was done and the colors produced by the system were compared to the known colors values of the target. Software drivers for the Sony Robot were also developed and a mechanical part to connect a camera to the robot was also designed. For the line scanning spectral system, methods for the calibrating the alignment of the system and the measurement of the dimensions of the line scanned by the system were developed. Color calibration of the spectral system is also presented.


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Sensor-based robot control allows manipulation in dynamic environments with uncertainties. Vision is a versatile low-cost sensory modality, but low sample rate, high sensor delay and uncertain measurements limit its usability, especially in strongly dynamic environments. Force is a complementary sensory modality allowing accurate measurements of local object shape when a tooltip is in contact with the object. In multimodal sensor fusion, several sensors measuring different modalities are combined to give a more accurate estimate of the environment. As force and vision are fundamentally different sensory modalities not sharing a common representation, combining the information from these sensors is not straightforward. In this thesis, methods for fusing proprioception, force and vision together are proposed. Making assumptions of object shape and modeling the uncertainties of the sensors, the measurements can be fused together in an extended Kalman filter. The fusion of force and visual measurements makes it possible to estimate the pose of a moving target with an end-effector mounted moving camera at high rate and accuracy. The proposed approach takes the latency of the vision system into account explicitly, to provide high sample rate estimates. The estimates also allow a smooth transition from vision-based motion control to force control. The velocity of the end-effector can be controlled by estimating the distance to the target by vision and determining the velocity profile giving rapid approach and minimal force overshoot. Experiments with a 5-degree-of-freedom parallel hydraulic manipulator and a 6-degree-of-freedom serial manipulator show that integration of several sensor modalities can increase the accuracy of the measurements significantly.


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An oscillating overvoltage has become a common phenomenon at the motor terminal in inverter-fed variable-speed drives. The problem has emerged since modern insulated gate bipolar transistors have become the standard choice as the power switch component in lowvoltage frequency converter drives. Theovervoltage phenomenon is a consequence of the pulse shape of inverter output voltage and impedance mismatches between the inverter, motor cable, and motor. The overvoltages are harmful to the electric motor, and may cause, for instance, insulation failure in the motor. Several methods have been developed to mitigate the problem. However, most of them are based on filtering with lossy passive components, the drawbacks of which are typically their cost and size. In this doctoral dissertation, application of a new active du/dt filtering method based on a low-loss LC circuit and active control to eliminate the motor overvoltages is discussed. The main benefits of the method are the controllability of the output voltage du/dt within certain limits, considerably smaller inductances in the filter circuit resulting in a smaller physical component size, and excellent filtering performance when compared with typical traditional du/dt filtering solutions. Moreover, no additional components are required, since the active control of the filter circuit takes place in the process of the upper-level PWM modulation using the same power switches as the inverter output stage. Further, the active du/dt method will benefit from the development of semiconductor power switch modules, as new technologies and materials emerge, because the method requires additional switching in the output stage of the inverter and generation of narrow voltage pulses. Since additional switching is required in the output stage, additional losses are generated in the inverter as a result of the application of the method. Considerations on the application of the active du/dt filtering method in electric drives are presented together with experimental data in order to verify the potential of the method.


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The application of information technology (IT) in customer relationship management (CRM) is growing rapidly as many companies implement CRM systems to support their numerous customer facing activities. However, failure rates of CRM projects remain notably high as they deliver scant solutions and poor user acceptance. As a consequence, it is justified to study previously researched CRM success factors and apply them to CRM system implementation. The aim of this master’s thesis was to get acquainted with relevant academic theories, frameworks and practices concerning CRM and agile development, and use them to generate a modified CRM project strategy to support the successful execution of the case company’s, Process Vision Oy, CRM implementation project. The empirical CRM system implementation project was conducted simultaneously with writing this thesis. Its theoretical findings could be transferred into practice through active participation in the CRM system development and deployment work. The project’s main goal was to produce and take into use a functioning CRM system. The goal was met, since at the time of printing this thesis the first system release was successfully published to its users at Process Vision’s marketing and sales departments. The key success elements in the CRM project were cyclic, iterative system development, customer oriented approach, user inclusion and flexible project management. Implying agile development practices ensured being able to quickly respond to changes arising during the progress of the CRM project. Throughout modelling of the core sales process formed a strong basis, on which the CRM system’s operational and analytical functionalities were built. End users were included in the initial specification of system requirements and they provided feedback on the system’s usage. To conclude, the chosen theoretical CRM roadmaps and agile development practices proved as beneficial in the successful planning and execution of the agile CRM system implementation project at Process Vision.


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The purpose of this thesis is to investigate projects funded in European 7th framework Information and Communication Technology- work programme. The research has been limited to issue ”Pervasive and trusted network and service infrastructure” and the aim is to find out which are the most important topics into which research will concentrate in the future. The thesis will provide important information for the Department of Information Technology in Lappeenranta University of Technology. First in this thesis will be investigated what are the requirements for the projects which were funded in “Pervasive and trusted network and service infrastructure” – programme 2007. Second the projects funded according to “Pervasive and trusted network and service infrastructure”-programme will be listed in to tables and the most important keywords will be gathered. Finally according to the keyword appearances the vision of the most important future topics will be defined. According to keyword-analysis the wireless networks are in important role in the future and core networks will be implemented with fiber technology to ensure fast data transfer. Software development favors Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and open source solutions. The interoperability and ensuring the privacy are in key role in the future. 3D in all forms and content delivery are important topics as well. When all the projects were compared, the most important issue was discovered to be SOA which leads the way to cloud computing.


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Print quality and the printability of paper are very important attributes when modern printing applications are considered. In prints containing images, high print quality is a basic requirement. Tone unevenness and non uniform glossiness of printed products are the most disturbing factors influencing overall print quality. These defects are caused by non ideal interactions of paper, ink and printing devices in high speed printing processes. Since print quality is a perceptive characteristic, the measurement of unevenness according to human vision is a significant problem. In this thesis, the mottling phenomenon is studied. Mottling is a printing defect characterized by a spotty, non uniform appearance in solid printed areas. Print mottle is usually the result of uneven ink lay down or non uniform ink absorption across the paper surface, especially visible in mid tone imagery or areas of uniform color, such as solids and continuous tone screen builds. By using existing knowledge on visual perception and known methods to quantify print tone variation, a new method for print unevenness evaluation is introduced. The method is compared to previous results in the field and is supported by psychometric experiments. Pilot studies are made to estimate the effect of optical paper characteristics prior to printing, on the unevenness of the printed area after printing. Instrumental methods for print unevenness evaluation have been compared and the results of the comparison indicate that the proposed method produces better results in terms of visual evaluation correspondence. The method has been successfully implemented as ail industrial application and is proved to be a reliable substitute to visual expertise.