232 resultados para Miettinen, Tarmo


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The service sector in the global world is constantly growing: in Europe, they account currently approximately for 70 per cent of the total economy. Yet service internationalization is rather a new phenomenon: services have been traditionally seen as local entities, which also explains why research on service internationalization has properly begun only few decades ago. Even though the Single European Market allows free service movement between Member States, services do not move as actively as desired: approximately only one fifth of services are involved in cross-border trade. Therefore, the main purpose of this thesis is to analyze the barriers to service-sector SME internationalization in the EU business environment. To address the research purpose, the internationalization of service-sector SMEs in the EU area is first described and thereafter, the barriers to service-sector SME internationalization in the European context are mapped and analyzed from intra- and extra-firm perspectives. In order to understand the topic area and the phenomenon, a short glance is first taken into Europe as a business environment for service industries: the market characteristics and benefits of the common free trade area for service industries are described. Also earlier literature on service internationalization and barriers to international service trade are discussed. Due to low previous research activity on barriers specifically to international service trade, the discussion is improved by presenting general findings of barriers to SME internationalization. This research is conducted with qualitative methods: there is only a limited amount of previous research and qualitative methods provide a way of gathering in-depth information and reaching understanding from respondents’ perspectives. The evidence presented in the study was collected through six semi-structured interviews with six different small or medium sized international service firm representatives that all had the first-hand knowledge regarding their company’s process of delivering services from home market to other European countries. The results of the study provide a detailed description and analysis of intra- and extra-firm barriers to service-sector SME internationalization in the context of EU and indicate that in general, internal firm-specific barriers have a greater impact in determining firm’s possibilities to be engaged in cross-border service trade – external barriers played a smaller role. What might explain these results is that first of all, the study has full focus on service firms of smaller size and internal barriers tend to be particularly effective to SMEs as their resources, skills and capabilities are often limited, which limits internationalization possibilities. Second, the results may indicate that EU’s internal market and the free trade concept function quite well from service firms’ perspective, and the low service movement rate may be rather caused by firm’s own competences and resource-related difficulties than directly by flaws in the market. The results complete earlier literature and provide new and more detailed knowledge of barriers to cross-border service trade in the context of Europe. They also indicate that service internationalization should be observed separately from internationalization of traditional manufacturing firms due to unique service-specific characteristics. The findings of this study are particularly beneficial for small or medium sized service firm managers as it provides knowledge of delivering services across borders in Europe and of barriers that relate to that process.


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Health Innovation Village at GE is one of the new communities targeted for startup and growth-oriented companies. It has been established at the premises of a multinational conglomerate that will promote networking and growth of startup companies. The concept combines features from traditional business incubators, accelerators, and coworking spaces. This research compares Health Innovation Village to these concepts regarding its goals, target clients, source of income, organization, facilities, management, and success factors. In addition, a new incubator classification model is introduced. On the other hand, Health Innovation Village is examined from its tenants’ perspective and improvements are suggested. The work was implemented as a qualitative case study by interviewing GE staff with connections to Health Innovation Village as well as startup entrepreneurs and employees’ working there. The most evident features of Health Innovation Village correspond to those of business incubators although it is atypical as a non-profit corporate business incubator. Strong network orientation and connections to venture capitalists are common characteristics of these new types of accelerators. The design of the premises conforms to the principles of coworking spaces, but the services provided to the startup companies are considerably more versatile than the services offered by coworking spaces. The advantages of Health Innovation Village are that there are first-class premises and exceptionally good networking possibilities that other types of incubators or accelerators are not able to offer. A conglomerate can also provide multifaceted special knowledge for young firms. In addition, both GE and the startups gained considerable publicity through their cooperation, indeed a characteristic that benefits both parties. Most of the expectations of the entrepreneurs were exceeded. However, communication and the scope of cooperation remain challenges. Micro companies spend their time developing and marketing their products and acquiring financing. Therefore, communication should be as clear as possible and accessible everywhere. The startups would prefer to cooperate significantly more, but few have the time available to assume the responsibility of leadership. The entrepreneurs also expected to have more possibilities for cooperation with GE. Wider collaboration might be accomplished by curation in the same way as it is used in the well-functioning coworking spaces where curators take care of practicalities and promote cooperation. Communication issues could be alleviated if the community had its own Intranet pages where all information could be concentrated. In particular, a common calendar and a room reservation system could be useful. In addition, it could be beneficial to have a section of the Intranet open for both the GE staff and the startups so that those willing to share their knowledge and those having project offers could use it for advertising.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää esiintyykö Suomen osakemarkkinoilla alhaisen volatiliteetin anomaliaa. Tutkielman tavoitteeseen vastataan työn empiirisessä osassa analysoimalla Suomen osakemarkkinoilla listattujen osakkeiden tuottoaikasarjoja. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan myös finanssikriisin vaikutusta anomalian ilmenemiseen. Tutkimus sijoittuu aikavälille tammikuusta 2001 tammikuuhun 2015. Tutkielmassa muodostetaan portfolioita osakkeiden historiallisen volatiliteetin mukaan. Näiden portfolioiden menestymistä suhteessa markkinoihin arvioidaan absoluuttisten tuottojen, Sharpen luvun sekä Jensenin alfan avulla. Markkinaindekseinä käytetään OMXH CAP -indeksiä sekä tutkimusaineiston pohjalta muodostettua markkinaportfoliota. Kaikkein parhaimman absoluuttisen tuoton on saanut vuodesta 2001 vuoteen 2015 sijoittamalla keskiverron volatiliteetin osakkeisiin. Parhaan riskikorjatun tuoton on kuitenkin saavuttanut sijoittamalla alhaisen volatiliteetin osakkeisiin. Tutkielmassa löydetään todisteita alhaisen volatiliteetin anomalian esiintymisestä Suomen osakemarkkinoilla koko tutkimusaineisto huomioon ottaen. Tutkielman ehkä mielenkiintoisin löydös on kuitenkin huomio alhaisen volatiliteetin anomalian häviämisestä Suomen osakemarkkinoilta finanssikriisin jälkeen. Ennen finanssikriisiä esiintynyt erittäin vahva alhaisen volatiliteetin osakkeiden ylisuoriutuminen hävisi täysin finanssikriisin jälkeen. Toisin sanoen riskin ja tuoton suhde on kääntynyt päälaelleen finanssikriisin jälkeen, eikä alhaisen volatiliteetin anomaliaa voida enää sanoa esiintyvän.


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Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tarkastella ja analysoida kahta elokuvan La Haine (suom. Viha) tekstitystä. Ensimmäinen on La Hainen DVD-versio 2005-2006, jonka on suomentanut Irmeli Debarle. Toinen on elokuvan Yleltä tullut televisioversio vuodelta 2010, jonka on suomentanut Marjo Hiidensalo. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten kaksi eri suomentajaa ovat tekstittäneet elokuvassa puhuttua Pariisin lähiöslangia. Analysoin käytettyjä käännösstrategioita, taktiikoita ja keinoja, joilla suomentajat ovat luoneet slangin illuusion. Esitän vaihtoehtoisen käännösehdotuksen silloin, kun elokuvan sävy tai tyyli eivät mielestäni heijastu tekstityksissä. Tutkielmassa on myös sosiologinen näkökulma; Koska elokuvan keskeisiin teemoihin kuuluvat sekä lähiönuorten elämäntavat että syrjäytyminen, tarkastelen siis syrjäytymisen välittymistä koko audiovisuaalisessa viestissä, eli elokuvassa esiintyvän puhekielen lisäksi analysoin puheenaiheita ja pääprotagonistien elämäntapaa. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä on AV-kääntämisen näkökulma ja tutkimusmenetelmänä diskurssianalyysi. Analyysi osoitti, että tutkimuksessa tarkastellut kaksi eri suomeksi teksitettyä elokuvaversiota poikkesivat käännösstrategioiltaan toisistaan. Yleisesti ottaen televisioversion käännöstaktisina keinoina olivat tiivistäminen, poisjättö, parafraasi, ellipsien käyttö ja syntaksin yksinkertaistaminen. Slangin illuusio saatin luotua ajoittaisella slangilla, kirosanoilla ja solvauksilla. DVD-versiossa käännettiin paljon enemmän kielellistä ainesta ja käännökset olivat tutkitussa materiaalissa ajoittain sanasanaisia käännöksiä; lisäksi verlanisoidut sanat oli joskus tulkittu virheellisesti. DVD-versiossa tekstitykset oli kuitenkin ajoitettu paremmin: Katsojan on helppo seurata elokuvaa, sillä tekstitys kulkee elokuvan audiovisuaalisen puolen kanssa synkronoidusti.