768 resultados para Anttila, Elina
The objective of the thesis was to define the quality potential of DIP and hardwood CTMP based raw material furnish for a printing paper production and to define the end product's pulp-based boundary conditions especially when thinking of Chinese markets. Although the Chinese paper industry expands rapidly, the production of some paper grades is still exiguous. Especially the softwood resources are limited in Asia, thus the purpose of the thesis was to find out the possibilities to produce printing paper in China from local raw materials. Bleached CTMP can be produced, for example, from fast-growing hardwood species like eucalyptus and poplar. Therefore in this thesis it was examined if good quality printing paper is possible to produce by using deinked pulp and hardwood CTMP based furnish. In the first section of experimental part, various deinked pulps and chemithermomechanical pulps were compared. The deinked pulps were from China, Central Europe and Finland. Central European was made for magazine papers, and the Chinese as well as the Finnish pulps were made for newsprints. Two of the BCTMPs were from China and those both were made from poplar, whereas one BCTMP was made from eucalyptus in a pilot plant. There were significant differences especially between BCTMPs and their paper properties. In the second section of experimental part, the deinked pulp and eucalyptus BCTMP were blended to produce handsheets. The results show that producing the highest quality printing paper would be difficult from these raw materials. Deinked pulp affected especially the strength and optical properties as well as calender blackening. The BCTMP was found to have effects mostly on the smoothness, strength and optical properties as well as calender blackening.
Diplomityössä perehdyttiin toimitusketjun hallinnan ja johtamisen apuvälineenä käytettävään SCOR-malliin (Supply Chain Operations Refence-model). SCOR on standardimalli, josta jokaisen tulee poimia oman toiminnan kehittämisen ja tehostamisen kannalta tärkeät asiat. SCOR on hyvä instrumentti kasvun hallinnassa.Työn teoriaosa käsittelee logistiikkaa, toimitusketjun hallintaa, ostotoimintaa ja SCOR-mallia. Soveltavassa osassa käsitellään SCOR-mallin avulla sisäilma alalla toimivan yrityksen prosesseja. Työssä keskityttiin tarkastelemaan yrityksen ostotoiminta ja valmistusprosesseja SCOR-mallin avulla.SCOR-mallin käyttö oston ja tuotannon analysoinnissa toi esiin useita toiminnan kehitysajatuksia. Näitä olivat uusien menetelmien käyttöönotto varaston ja tuotannon hallittavuuden parantamiseksi, osto-organisaation selkiyttäminen ja toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän kehittäminen.
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan teoksen: Luovutetut : Suomen ihmisluovutukset Gestapolle / Elina Sana pohjalta jatkosodan aikaisia luovutuksia koskevaa tutkimusta