238 resultados para product modelling


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Netnography has been studying in various aspects (e.g. definitions of netnography, application of netngoraphy, conducting procedure…) within different industrial contexts. Besides, there are many studies and researches about new product development in various perspectives, such as new product development models, management of new product development project, or interaction between customers and new product design, and so on. However, the connection and the interaction between netnography and new product development have not been studied recently. This opens opportunities for the writer to study and explore unrevealed issues regarding to applying netnography in new product development. In term of the relation between netnography and new product development, there are numerous of matters need to be explored; for instance, the process of applying netnography in order to benefit to new product development, the involvement degree of netnography in new product development process, or eliminating useless information from netnography so that only crucial data is utilized, and so on. In this thesis, writer focuses on exploring how netnography is applied in new product development process, and what benefits netnography can contribute to the succeed of the project. The aims of this study are to understand how netnography is conducted for new product development purpose, and to analyse the contributions of netnography in the new product development process. To do so, a case-study strategy will be conducted with triple case studies. The case studies are chosen bases on many different criteria in order to select the most relevant cases. Eventually, the writer selected three case studies, which are Sunless tanning product project (HYVE), Listerine (NetBase), and Nivea co-creation and netnography in black and white deodorant. The case study strategy applied in this thesis includes four steps e.g. case selection, data collection, case study analysis, and generating the research outcomes from the analysis. This study of the contributions of netnography in the new product development process may be useful for the readers in many ways. It offers the fundamental knowledge of netnography market research method and basic understanding of new product development process. Additionally, it emphasizes the differences between netnography and other market research methods in order to explain the reasons why many companies and market research agents recently utilized netnography in their market research projects. Furthermore, it highlights the contributions of netnography in the new product development process in order to indicate the importance of netnography in developing new product. Thus, the potential readers of the study can be students, marketers, researchers, product developers, or business managers.


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Hydrogen stratification and atmosphere mixing is a very important phenomenon in nuclear reactor containments when severe accidents are studied and simulated. Hydrogen generation, distribution and accumulation in certain parts of containment may pose a great risk to pressure increase induced by hydrogen combustion, and thus, challenge the integrity of NPP containment. The accurate prediction of hydrogen distribution is important with respect to the safety design of a NPP. Modelling methods typically used for containment analyses include both lumped parameter and field codes. The lumped parameter method is universally used in the containment codes, because its versatility, flexibility and simplicity. The lumped parameter method allows fast, full-scale simulations, where different containment geometries with relevant engineering safety features can be modelled. Lumped parameter gas stratification and mixing modelling methods are presented and discussed in this master’s thesis. Experimental research is widely used in containment analyses. The HM-2 experiment related to hydrogen stratification and mixing conducted at the THAI facility in Germany is calculated with the APROS lump parameter containment package and the APROS 6-equation thermal hydraulic model. The main purpose was to study, whether the convection term included in the momentum conservation equation of the 6-equation modelling gives some remarkable advantages compared to the simplified lumped parameter approach. Finally, a simple containment test case (high steam release to a narrow steam generator room inside a large dry containment) was calculated with both APROS models. In this case, the aim was to determine the extreme containment conditions, where the effect of convection term was supposed to be possibly high. Calculation results showed that both the APROS containment and the 6-equation model could model the hydrogen stratification in the THAI test well, if the vertical nodalisation was dense enough. However, in more complicated cases, the numerical diffusion may distort the results. Calculation of light gas stratification could be probably improved by applying the second order discretisation scheme for the modelling of gas flows. If the gas flows are relatively high, the convection term of the momentum equation is necessary to model the pressure differences between the adjacent nodes reasonably.


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Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli selvittää tämän päivän mittakuviin liittyviä asiakastarpeita Metso Automaation Virtauksensäätöratkaisut -liiketoimintalinjassa. Mittakuvat ovat tärkeä osa asiakkaalle tuotteen yhteydessä toimitettavaa dokumenttipakettia, joihin on kohdistettu yhä enemmän vaatimuksia viime vuosien aikana. Tutkimuksen keskeisenä tavoitteena oli ymmärtää 3D-mittakuvien merkitys Metson liiketoiminnassa, tunnistaa tämän päivän mittakuviin liittyvät asiakastarpeet, sekä luoda tunnistettujen asiakastarpeiden pohjalta kehittämissuunnitelma mittakuvatoiminnalle. Työssä toteutettiin teoreettinen kirjallisuusselvitys 3D-mallintamisesta sekä empiirinen tutkimusosuus asiakastarpeiden tunnistamisesta. Venttiiliyhdistelmä -mittakuviin liittyvät asiakastarpeet kerättiin haastatteluiden sekä verkkokyselyn avulla. Työssä haastateltiin Metson asiantuntijoita, Metson asiakkaita sekä CAD-järjestelmien toimittajia. Työn keskeisimpänä tuloksena esitettiin mittakuvatoiminnan kehittämissuunnitelma, jonka perustana oli mittakuviin liittyvä asiakastarvekartoitus, arvio Metson mittakuvatyökaluista sekä tulokset 3D-mittakuvien data- ja järjestelmävaatimuksista. Kehittämissuunnitelmassa kuvattiin, miten mittakuvatoimintaa tulee kehittää kokonaisvaltaisesti lähitulevaisuudessa. Tulokset antavat hyvän perustan laadukkaamman ja asiakaslähtöisemmän toiminnan kehittämiselle.


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This study will concentrate on Product Data Management (PDM) systems, and sheet metal design features and classification. In this thesis, PDM is seen as an individual system which handles all product-related data and information. The meaning of relevant data is to take the manufacturing process further with fewer errors. The features of sheet metals are giving more information and value to the designed models. The possibility of implementing PDM and sheet metal features recognition are the core of this study. Their integration should make the design process faster and manufacturing-friendly products easier to design. The triangulation method is the basis for this research. The sections of this triangle are: scientific literature review, interview using the Delphi method and the author’s experience and observations. The main key findings of this study are: (1) the area of focus in triangle (the triangle of three different point of views: business, information exchange and technical) depends on the person’s background and their role in the company, (2) the classification in the PDM system (and also in the CAD system) should be done using the materials, tools and machines that are in use in the company and (3) the design process has to be more effective because of the increase of industrial production, sheet metal blank production and the designer’s time spent on actual design and (4) because Design For Manufacture (DFM) integration can be done with CAD-programs, DFM integration with the PDM system should also be possible.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Työn tilaajana toimi Visedo Oy. Työn tavoitteina oli tutkia Visedo Oy:n ohjelmistokehityksen nykytila, tunnistaa seuraavat parannuskohteet ja antaa ohjeita havaittujen parannuskohteiden korjaamiseksi. Visedo Oy:n tehonmuokkain ohjelmistokehityksen nykytilaa käsiteltiin neljän valitun osa-alueen näkökulmasta: ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurityyli, komponenttipohjainen ohjelmistokehitys, ohjelmistotuotelinjojen kehitysmenetelmät ja ohjelmistovariaatioiden hallinta. Valituilla osa-alueilla havaittujen parannuskohteiden perusteella annettiin korjausehdotuksia: ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurin rakenteeseen, komponenttien jakautumiselle, komponenttien koostamiselle ja komponenttien versioinnille. Lisäksi ehdotettiin uudenlaista ohjelmistotuotelinja rakennetta, joka yhdistää kerros- ja komponenttipohjaiset arkkitehtuurityylit mahdollistaen ominaisuuksiltaan eroavien tehonmuokkain ohjelmistojen hallinnan.


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The master´s thesis had three aims; to develop a service portfolio, to support the management of services through the developed portfolio, and evaluate effects of service differentiation strategy on the future selection of services. The product oriented case company in service paradox is Hilti (Suomi) Oy, which is entering systematic service management era, supported by the late strategic change. Low return on service business investments is referred as service paradox. The project was carried out as a case study, where the primary information source was twenty-one conducted interviews. The theory part focuses on marketing logics, service strategies, and categorization of services. The empirical part contributes in solving the aim related research questions. As a result of the case study a service portfolio was created, next further steps in service management were suggested, and the effect on selection of services by service differentiation strategy was evaluated. The main goal of creating service portfolio contributes to systematic management of services, which required revising at the case company.


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In the doctoral dissertation, low-voltage direct current (LVDC) distribution system stability, supply security and power quality are evaluated by computational modelling and measurements on an LVDC research platform. Computational models for the LVDC network analysis are developed. Time-domain simulation models are implemented in the time-domain simulation environment PSCAD/EMTDC. The PSCAD/EMTDC models of the LVDC network are applied to the transient behaviour and power quality studies. The LVDC network power loss model is developed in a MATLAB environment and is capable of fast estimation of the network and component power losses. The model integrates analytical equations that describe the power loss mechanism of the network components with power flow calculations. For an LVDC network research platform, a monitoring and control software solution is developed. The solution is used to deliver measurement data for verification of the developed models and analysis of the modelling results. In the work, the power loss mechanism of the LVDC network components and its main dependencies are described. Energy loss distribution of the LVDC network components is presented. Power quality measurements and current spectra are provided and harmonic pollution on the DC network is analysed. The transient behaviour of the network is verified through time-domain simulations. DC capacitor guidelines for an LVDC power distribution network are introduced. The power loss analysis results show that one of the main optimisation targets for an LVDC power distribution network should be reduction of the no-load losses and efficiency improvement of converters at partial loads. Low-frequency spectra of the network voltages and currents are shown, and harmonic propagation is analysed. Power quality in the LVDC network point of common coupling (PCC) is discussed. Power quality standard requirements are shown to be met by the LVDC network. The network behaviour during transients is analysed by time-domain simulations. The network is shown to be transient stable during large-scale disturbances. Measurement results on the LVDC research platform proving this are presented in the work.


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The purpose of this work is to obtain a better understanding of behaviour of possible ultrasound appliance on fluid media mixing. The research is done in the regard to Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. The process of ultrasound appliance on liquids is modelled in COMSOL Multiphysics software. The influence of ultrasound using is introduced as waveform equation. Turbulence modelling is fulfilled by the k-ε model in Newtonian fluid. The modeling of ultrasound assisted mixing in non-Newtonian fluids is based on the power law. To verify modelling results two practical methods are used: Particle Image Velocimetry and measurements of mixing time. Particle Image Velocimetry allows capturing of velocity flow field continuously and presents detailed depiction of liquid dynamics. The second way of verification is the comparison of mixing time of homogeneity. Experimentally achievement of mixing time is done by conductivity measurements. In modelling part mixing time is achieved by special module of COMSOL Multiphysics – the transport of diluted species. Both practical and modelling parts show similar radial mechanism of fluid flow under ultrasound appliance – from the horn tip fluid moves to the bottom and along the walls goes back. Velocity profiles are similar in modelling and experimental part in the case of Newtonian fluid. In the case of non-Newtonian fluid velocity profiles do not agree. The development track of ultrasound-assisted mixing modelling is presented in the thesis.


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Diplomityö käsittelee hisseissä erikoistapauksessa käytettävän kulmakorin suunnittelua ja tuotteistamista. Työ suoritetaan KONE Oyj:lle. Diplomityössä luotiin kulmakorille modulaarinen tuotearkkitehtuuri ja määritettiin korin toimitusprosessi. Työn tavoitteena oli saavuttaa 48,12% asiakkaiden mahdollisista vaatimuksista ja vähentää suunnitteluun kuluvaa aikaa aikaisemmasta 24 tunnista neljään tuntiin. Työn tavoite saavutettiin kokeneen tapauskohtaisten kulmakorien suunnittelijan kommenttien perusteella. 48,12% asiakasvaatimuksista sisällytettiin tuotemalliin konfigurointimahdollisuuksina. Työn alussa on esitelty tuotesuunnittelua, laadun hallintaa, parametrista mallinnusta, massakustomointia ja tuotetiedon hallintaa. Sen jälkeen on käsitelty kulmakorin tuotteistamisen kannalta kaikki tärkeimmät muuttujat. Tämän jälkeen kulmakorin tuotemalli suunnitellaan ja mallinnetaan systemaattisesti ylhäältä-alas –mallinnustapaa käyttäen ja luodaan osille ja kokoonpanoille valmistuskuvat. Päätyökaluna työssä käytettiin Pro/ENGINEER-ohjelmistoa. Tällä mallinnettiin parametrinen tuotemalli ja rakenteiden lujuustarkastelussa käytettiin ohjelmistoa Ansys. Työn tavoite saavutettiin analysoimalla massakustomoinnin perusteiden olennaisimmat osat ja seuraamalla analyyttistä ja systemaattista tuotekehitysprosessia. Laatua painottaen tuotearkkitehtuuri validoitiin suorittamalla rajoitettu tuotanto, joka sisälsi kolme tuotemallilla konfiguroitua kulmakoria. Yksi koreista testikasattiin Hyvinkään tehtaalla.


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This study was done for ABB Ltd. Motors and Generators business unit in Helsinki. In this study, global data movement in large businesses is examined from a product data management (PDM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) point-of-view. The purpose of this study was to understand and map out how a large global business handles its data in a multiple site structure and how it can be applied in practice. This was done by doing an empirical interview study on five different global businesses with design locations in multiple countries. Their master data management (MDM) solutions were inspected and analyzed to understand which solution would best benefit a large global architecture with many design locations. One working solution is a transactional hub which negates the effects of multisite transfers and reduces lead times. Also, the requirements and limitations of the current MDM architecture were analyzed and possible reform ideas given.  


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Innovative gas cooled reactors, such as the pebble bed reactor (PBR) and the gas cooled fast reactor (GFR) offer higher efficiency and new application areas for nuclear energy. Numerical methods were applied and developed to analyse the specific features of these reactor types with fully three dimensional calculation models. In the first part of this thesis, discrete element method (DEM) was used for a physically realistic modelling of the packing of fuel pebbles in PBR geometries and methods were developed for utilising the DEM results in subsequent reactor physics and thermal-hydraulics calculations. In the second part, the flow and heat transfer for a single gas cooled fuel rod of a GFR were investigated with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods. An in-house DEM implementation was validated and used for packing simulations, in which the effect of several parameters on the resulting average packing density was investigated. The restitution coefficient was found out to have the most significant effect. The results can be utilised in further work to obtain a pebble bed with a specific packing density. The packing structures of selected pebble beds were also analysed in detail and local variations in the packing density were observed, which should be taken into account especially in the reactor core thermal-hydraulic analyses. Two open source DEM codes were used to produce stochastic pebble bed configurations to add realism and improve the accuracy of criticality calculations performed with the Monte Carlo reactor physics code Serpent. Russian ASTRA criticality experiments were calculated. Pebble beds corresponding to the experimental specifications within measurement uncertainties were produced in DEM simulations and successfully exported into the subsequent reactor physics analysis. With the developed approach, two typical issues in Monte Carlo reactor physics calculations of pebble bed geometries were avoided. A novel method was developed and implemented as a MATLAB code to calculate porosities in the cells of a CFD calculation mesh constructed over a pebble bed obtained from DEM simulations. The code was further developed to distribute power and temperature data accurately between discrete based reactor physics and continuum based thermal-hydraulics models to enable coupled reactor core calculations. The developed method was also found useful for analysing sphere packings in general. CFD calculations were performed to investigate the pressure losses and heat transfer in three dimensional air cooled smooth and rib roughened rod geometries, housed inside a hexagonal flow channel representing a sub-channel of a single fuel rod of a GFR. The CFD geometry represented the test section of the L-STAR experimental facility at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the calculation results were compared to the corresponding experimental results. Knowledge was gained of the adequacy of various turbulence models and of the modelling requirements and issues related to the specific application. The obtained pressure loss results were in a relatively good agreement with the experimental data. Heat transfer in the smooth rod geometry was somewhat under predicted, which can partly be explained by unaccounted heat losses and uncertainties. In the rib roughened geometry heat transfer was severely under predicted by the used realisable k − epsilon turbulence model. An additional calculation with a v2 − f turbulence model showed significant improvement in the heat transfer results, which is most likely due to the better performance of the model in separated flow problems. Further investigations are suggested before using CFD to make conclusions of the heat transfer performance of rib roughened GFR fuel rod geometries. It is suggested that the viewpoints of numerical modelling are included in the planning of experiments to ease the challenging model construction and simulations and to avoid introducing additional sources of uncertainties. To facilitate the use of advanced calculation approaches, multi-physical aspects in experiments should also be considered and documented in a reasonable detail.


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Effective control and limiting of carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions in energy production are major challenges of science today. Current research activities include the development of new low-cost carbon capture technologies, and among the proposed concepts, chemical combustion (CLC) and chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU) have attracted significant attention allowing intrinsic separation of pure CO₂ from a hydrocarbon fuel combustion process with a comparatively small energy penalty. Both CLC and CLOU utilize the well-established fluidized bed technology, but several technical challenges need to be overcome in order to commercialize the processes. Therefore, development of proper modelling and simulation tools is essential for the design, optimization, and scale-up of chemical looping-based combustion systems. The main objective of this work was to analyze the technological feasibility of CLC and CLOU processes at different scales using a computational modelling approach. A onedimensional fluidized bed model frame was constructed and applied for simulations of CLC and CLOU systems consisting of interconnected fluidized bed reactors. The model is based on the conservation of mass and energy, and semi-empirical correlations are used to describe the hydrodynamics, chemical reactions, and transfer of heat in the reactors. Another objective was to evaluate the viability of chemical looping-based energy production, and a flow sheet model representing a CLC-integrated steam power plant was developed. The 1D model frame was succesfully validated based on the operation of a 150 kWth laboratory-sized CLC unit fed by methane. By following certain scale-up criteria, a conceptual design for a CLC reactor system at a pre-commercial scale of 100 MWth was created, after which the validated model was used to predict the performance of the system. As a result, further understanding of the parameters affecting the operation of a large-scale CLC process was acquired, which will be useful for the practical design work in the future. The integration of the reactor system and steam turbine cycle for power production was studied resulting in a suggested plant layout including a CLC boiler system, a simple heat recovery setup, and an integrated steam cycle with a three pressure level steam turbine. Possible operational regions of a CLOU reactor system fed by bituminous coal were determined via mass, energy, and exergy balance analysis. Finally, the 1D fluidized bed model was modified suitable for CLOU, and the performance of a hypothetical 500 MWth CLOU fuel reactor was evaluated by extensive case simulations.