142 resultados para Managing Knowledge


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Då aktivister i den sydafrikanska organisationen Treatment Action Campaign - TAC- demonstrerar för tillgång till bromsmediciner för den fattiga delen av världen, iklädda T-skjortor med texten "HIV-POSITIV", är de offer samtidigt som de är globala aktörer för en rättvisare värld. Denna typ av aktivism, och särskilt mobiliseringen av kvinnor som lever med hiv och kämpar för tillgång till bromsmediciner, utmanar aktuell, hälso- och hiv-forskning. Vidare kastar hiv-aktivismen ljus på globaliseringens effekter på sjukdom och hälsa. TAC är en hälsorörelse som fokuserar på hiv på såväl ett personligt, nationellt som globalt plan. Genom sitt breda perspektiv förskjuter TAC frågan om hiv från att handla om individuell sjukdom till att beröra ett brett spektrum av politiska frågor. Studien "Long Live! HIV-aktivism, knowledge and power", som grundar sig på ett rikt etnografisk material insamlat i Sydafrika under åren 200-2006, visar hur hiv-aktivisterna utmanar dikotomier mellan socialt och medicinskt, mellan behandling och prevention samt mellan aktör och offer. I TAC:s arbete dekonstrueras också de ofta skarpa konstrasterna mellan expert- och lekmannakunskap, eftersom organisationen belyser hur läkare, patienter och aktivister kan samarbeta för en fungerande hälsovård. Studien granskar hur TAC-aktivister, som lever med hiv, agerar som globala aktörer i sitt arbete för förändring. Studien visar vidare hur TAC-aktivister utmanar hur hiv-prevention och -behandling sätts i motsatsförhållande till varandra och hävdar att man inte kan ha det ena utan det andra. Man kan säga att aktivisternas kritik av hälsopolitik synliggör hur teorier om hälsa och sjukdom, måste ta i beaktande det komplexa förhållandet mellan kön, ras, klass och globala maktstrukturer.


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The intellectual property (IP) environment in China is still very immature. There are several problems in legal, political, economic, social-cultural, competitive and labor environment which have hindered IP legal enforcement. Under such circumstances, IP misappropriation is a major concern especially for foreign small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) doing business in China. These circumstances require foreign companies, no matter whether they are multinational corporations (MNCs) or SMEs and have own manufacturing in China or not, to take strong IP actions. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to discuss how IP can be protected in China in the case of outsourcing and in the case of own manufacturing. The comparison will consider the process of outsourcing and own manufacturing consisting two stages: preparation stage and operation stage. In order to clarify the conceptual arguments, two illustrative case studies were studied. The case data bases on two semi-structured interviews of the managing directors, field notes and archival data. The findings propose that attention in IP protection should be given to following issues: integrating IP strategy into the company’s business strategy, protecting the most critical knowledge, regarding IP steps as a whole in the protection mechanism and making IP strategy as proactive as possible. The major difference between outsourcing and own manufacturing in IP protection is in the operation stage. Besides, the findings also provide managerial advice on IP protection, e.g. foreign managers should be prepared for IP risks in China, they should establish an own IP protection mechanism which matches the company’s situation and they should consider IP protection as an on-going process.


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Globalization, pervasiveness of technology and ICT, and the buildup of information societies and policies have lead to a growing abundance of knowledge and highly educated labour supply that is distributed widely. These changes have shifted the foundation of competitiveness to valuable knowledge resources which are now distributed widely across the globe, across actors in the value chain and across educated individuals in multiple organizations. Against this backdrop, the paradigm of open innovation (OI) has emerged as a new response to managing the increased amount of boundary-spanning knowledge flows in and out of the innovation process. The outbound mode of open innovation, that is to say the external exploitation of knowledge assets outside of the firm’s own products and services, has been the less-researched aspect of the concept and so far typically seen as concerning the outlicensing of unused technological assets to generate additional revenue. Given that open innovation is essentially a framework for the holistic structuring and management of crossboundary knowledge flows to improve a firm’s innovative performance, a close integration to corporate strategy seems imperative in order to fully benefit from it. Integrating open innovation to strategy leads to elevating its role from a fringe activity to a central innovation management issue that needs to be systematically managed. Building a structure that allows effective management necessitates linking open innovation activities to each phase of the innovation process. Previously, the connection between outbound OI and the earlier stages of innovation has not been studied. The thesis finds that connecting outbound OI to the entire innovation process of the firm, including the fuzzy front end of innovation, is critical for attaining strategic objectives and to the successful implementation and management of the activity. The practical purpose for the research is to enable companies to fully utilize their potential for outbound open innovation and to be able to implement and manage it from a strategic standpoint.


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Academic research on services and innovations on services has significantly grown during recent years. So far research concerning management of knowledge intensive work on service development activities is very limited. The objective of this study was to examine knowledge integration practices that support service innovation development and to the best of knowledge such studies have not been previously published in academic literature. In the theoretical part of the study a review of state‐of‐the‐art literature was conducted, research gap was indicated and a framework for analysis was built. In the empirical part an explorative comparative multi‐case study was carried out in KIBS sector. Four companies were selected and four service development projects were inspected. The service development activities and knowledge integration practices were identified. The cases were carefully compared and results formed. The empirical results indicated that service innovation development is partly linear and partly incremental flow of activities where knowledge integration practices have important role supporting the planning and execution of tasks. Knowledge integration practices supporting planning and workshops are close interaction, interpretation, project planning and sequencing of work tasks. The identified knowledge integration practices supporting building service solution were careful role and competence management, routines and common knowledge. The main implication is that to manage knowledge intensive service innovation development a firm should carefully develop and choose relevant knowledge integration practices to support the service development activities.


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Öljyvuodot ovat vakava riski vilkkaasti liikennöidyn Itämeren herkälle luonnolle. On tärkeää suunnitella öljyntorjunta- ja puhdistustoimet huolellisesti, jotta vuodon tapahduttua pystytään torjumaan öljy mahdollisimman tehokkaasti aiheuttamatta turhaa lisävahinkoa meren ja rannikon luonnolle. Suomessa on kaksi öljyntorjuntaopasta, joissa käydään tarkasti läpi eri rantamateriaaleille ja öljytyypeille soveltuvia puhdistusmenetelmiä. Tämä julkaisu toimii näiden oppaiden yhteydessä lisätietona ja valottaa erityisen herkillä luontokohteilla huomioitavia seikkoja. Julkaisussa tarkastellaan rannikon öljylle herkkiä, uhanalaisia luontotyyppejä ja annetaan tarkentavia suosituksia puhdistusmenetelmien valintaan biologisesta näkökulmasta. Lisäksi käydään yleisellä tasolla läpi herkkien lajien elinympäristön puhdistuksessa huomioitavia seikkoja. Julkaisu perustuu OILRISK – Applications of ecological knowledge in managing oil spill risk -hankkeessa kerättyyn tietoon. Hankkeessa arvioidaan mahdollisen öljyonnettomuuden riskiä Suomenlahden ja Saaristomeren luontoarvoille ja selvitetään mahdollisuuksia vähentää ympäristölle aiheutuvaa haittaa avomeri- ja rantatorjunnalla. Tiedot tässä julkaisussa käsiteltävistä luontotyypeistä ja lajeista sekä niiden esiintymisestä Etelä-Suomen rannikko- ja merialueilla on kerätty hankkeen tuottamaan tietokantaan. Kerättyjen tietojen perusteella kehitetään karttatyökalu öljyntorjunnan suunnittelun ja operatiivisen päätöksenteon tueksi, ja tiedot liitetään myös ympäristöhallinnon Boris2-järjestelmään. OILRISK-hanketta rahoittavat Euroopan unionin Central Baltic Interreg IV A-rahoitusohjelma, Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskus, Porvoon kaupunki, Itä-Uudenmaan pelastuslaitos, Kotkan kaupunki, Päijät-Hämeen liitto, Tarton yliopisto sekä Saaristomeren suojelurahasto.