35 resultados para top-down approach
Improving oral healthcare in Scotland with special reference to sustainability and caries prevention
Brett Duane Improving oral healthcare in Scotland with special reference to sustainability and caries prevention University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Dentistry, Community Dentistry, Finnish Doctoral Program in Oral Sciences (FINDOS-Turku), Turku, Finland Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Sarja- Ser. D, Medica-Odontologica. Painosalama Oy, Turku, Finland, 2015. Dentistry must provide sustainable, evidence-based, and prevention-focused care. In Scotland oral health prevention is delivered through the Childsmile programme, with an increasing use of high concentration fluoride toothpaste (HCFT). Compared with other countries there is little knowledge of xylitol prevention. The UK government has set strict carbon emission limits with which all national health services (NHS) must comply. The purpose of these studies was firstly to describe the Scottish national oral health prevention programme Childsmile (CS), to determine if the additional maternal use of xylitol (CS+X) was more effective at affecting the early colonisation of mutans streptococci (MS) than this programme alone; secondly to analyse trends in the prescribing and management of HCFT by dentists; and thirdly to analyse data from a dental service in order to improve its sustainability. In all, 182 mother/child pairs were selected on the basis of high maternal MS levels. Motherswere randomly allocated to a CS or CS+X group, with both groups receiving Childsmile. Theintervention group consumed xylitol three times a day, from when the child was 3 months until 24 months. Children were examined at age two to assess MS levels. In order to understand patterns of HCFT prescribing, a retrospective secondary data analysis of routine prescribing data for the years 2006-2012 was performed. To understand the sustainability of dental services, carbon accounting combined a top-down approach and a process analysis approach, followed by the use of Pollard’s decision model (used in other healthcare areas) to analyse and support sustainable service reconfiguration. Of the CS children, 17% were colonised with MS, compared with 5% of the CS+X group. This difference was not statistically significant (P=0.1744). The cost of HCFT prescribing increased fourteen-fold over five years, with 4% of dentists prescribing 70% of the total product. Travel (45%), procurement (36%) and building energy (18%) all contributed to the 1800 tonnes of carbon emissions produced by the service, around 4% of total NHS emissions. Using the analytical model, clinic utilisation rates improved by 56% and patient travel halved significantly reducing carbon emissions. It can be concluded that the Childsmile programme was effective in reducing the risk for MS transmission. HCFT is increasing in Scotland and needs to be managed. Dentistry has similar carbon emissions proportionally as the overall NHS, and the use of an analytic tool can be useful in helping identify these emissions. Key words: Sustainability, carbon emissions, xylitol, mutans streptococci, fluoride toothpaste, caries prevention.
This dissertation examined skill development in music reading by focusing on the visual processing of music notation in different music-reading tasks. Each of the three experiments of this dissertation addressed one of the three types of music reading: (i) sight-reading, i.e. reading and performing completely unknown music, (ii) rehearsed reading, during which the performer is already familiar with the music being played, and (iii) silent reading with no performance requirements. The use of the eye-tracking methodology allowed the recording of the readers’ eye movements from the time of music reading with extreme precision. Due to the lack of coherence in the smallish amount of prior studies on eye movements in music reading, the dissertation also had a heavy methodological emphasis. The present dissertation thus aimed to promote two major issues: (1) it investigated the eye-movement indicators of skill and skill development in sight-reading, rehearsed reading and silent reading, and (2) developed and tested suitable methods that can be used by future studies on the topic. Experiment I focused on the eye-movement behaviour of adults during their first steps of learning to read music notation. The longitudinal experiment spanned a nine-month long music-training period, during which 49 participants (university students taking part in a compulsory music course) sight-read and performed a series of simple melodies in three measurement sessions. Participants with no musical background were entitled as “novices”, whereas “amateurs” had had musical training prior to the experiment. The main issue of interest was the changes in the novices’ eye movements and performances across the measurements while the amateurs offered a point of reference for the assessment of the novices’ development. The experiment showed that the novices tended to sight-read in a more stepwise fashion than the amateurs, the latter group manifesting more back-and-forth eye movements. The novices’ skill development was reflected by the faster identification of note symbols involved in larger melodic intervals. Across the measurements, the novices also began to show sensitivity to the melodies’ metrical structure, which the amateurs demonstrated from the very beginning. The stimulus melodies consisted of quarter notes, making the effects of meter and larger melodic intervals distinguishable from effects caused by, say, different rhythmic patterns. Experiment II explored the eye movements of 40 experienced musicians (music education students and music performance students) during temporally controlled rehearsed reading. This cross-sectional experiment focused on the eye-movement effects of one-bar-long melodic alterations placed within a familiar melody. The synchronizing of the performance and eye-movement recordings enabled the investigation of the eye-hand span, i.e., the temporal gap between a performed note and the point of gaze. The eye-hand span was typically found to remain around one second. Music performance students demonstrated increased professing efficiency by their shorter average fixation durations as well as in the two examined eye-hand span measures: these participants used larger eye-hand spans more frequently and inspected more of the musical score during the performance of one metrical beat than students of music education. Although all participants produced performances almost indistinguishable in terms of their auditory characteristics, the altered bars indeed affected the reading of the score: the general effects of expertise in terms of the two eye- hand span measures, demonstrated by the music performance students, disappeared in the face of the melodic alterations. Experiment III was a longitudinal experiment designed to examine the differences between adult novice and amateur musicians’ silent reading of music notation, as well as the changes the 49 participants manifested during a nine-month long music course. From a methodological perspective, an opening to research on eye movements in music reading was the inclusion of a verbal protocol in the research design: after viewing the musical image, the readers were asked to describe what they had seen. A two-way categorization for verbal descriptions was developed in order to assess the quality of extracted musical information. More extensive musical background was related to shorter average fixation duration, more linear scanning of the musical image, and more sophisticated verbal descriptions of the music in question. No apparent effects of skill development were observed for the novice music readers alone, but all participants improved their verbal descriptions towards the last measurement. Apart from the background-related differences between groups of participants, combining verbal and eye-movement data in a cluster analysis identified three styles of silent reading. The finding demonstrated individual differences in how the freely defined silent-reading task was approached. This dissertation is among the first presentations of a series of experiments systematically addressing the visual processing of music notation in various types of music-reading tasks and focusing especially on the eye-movement indicators of developing music-reading skill. Overall, the experiments demonstrate that the music-reading processes are affected not only by “top-down” factors, such as musical background, but also by the “bottom-up” effects of specific features of music notation, such as pitch heights, metrical division, rhythmic patterns and unexpected melodic events. From a methodological perspective, the experiments emphasize the importance of systematic stimulus design, temporal control during performance tasks, and the development of complementary methods, for easing the interpretation of the eye-movement data. To conclude, this dissertation suggests that advances in comprehending the cognitive aspects of music reading, the nature of expertise in this musical task, and the development of educational tools can be attained through the systematic application of the eye-tracking methodology also in this specific domain.
Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Sarbanes-Oxley -lain Auditing Standard 5:n (AS 5) vaikutusta suomalaisten yhtiöiden tilintarkastukseen. Teoriaosuudessa käsitellään corporate governancea ja tilintarkastusta sen osana, COSO ERM -viitekehystä ja kontrolleja sekä Sarbanes Oxley -lakia. Tutkielman painopisteenä ovat AS 5:n sisältökokonaisuudet: mm. ylhäältä alas- ja riskiperusteinen lähestymistapa sekä turhien tarkastusprosessien poistaminen. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin vuosina 2007–2009 erilaisista ammattilehdistä ja blogeista sekä haastattelemalla kolmea suurten tilintarkastusyhteisöjen tilintarkastajaa. AS 5 näyttää korostaneen riskiperusteisuutta tilintarkastuksessa sekä tehostaneen tilintarkastusprosessia mm. sallimalla aiempien vuosien tarkastustietojen entistä laajemmin käytön. Näyttää myös siltä, että AS 5 on alentanut tilintarkastuspalkkioita.
This study addresses the question of teacher educators’ conceptions of mathematics teacher education (MTE) in teacher colleges in Tanzania, and their thoughts on how to further develop it. The tension between exponents of content as opposed to pedagogy has continued to cause challenging conceptual differences, which also influences what teacher educators conceive as desirable in the development of this domain. This tension is connected to the dissatisfaction of parents and teachers with the failure of school mathematics. From this point of view, the overall aim was to identify and describe teacher educators’ various conceptions of MTE. Inspired by the debate among teacher educators about what the balance should be between subject matter and pedagogical knowledge, it was important to look at the theoretical faces of MTE. The theoretical background involved the review of what is visible in MTE, what is yet to be known and the challenges within the practice. This task revealed meanings, perspectives in MTE, professional development and assessment. To do this, two questions were asked, to which no clear solutions satisfactorily existed. The questions to guide the investigation were, firstly, what are teacher educators’ conceptions of MTE, and secondly, what are teacher educators’ thoughts on the development of MTE? The two questions led to the choice of phenomenography as the methodological approach. Against the guiding questions, 27 mathematics teacher educators were interviewed in relation to the first question, while 32 responded to an open-ended questionnaire regarding question two. The interview statements as well as the questionnaire responses were coded and analysed (classified). The process of classification generated patterns of qualitatively different ways of seeing MTE. The results indicate that MTE is conceived as a process of learning through investigation, fostering inspiration, an approach to learning with an emphasis on problem solving, and a focus on pedagogical knowledge and skills in the process of teaching and learning. In addition, the teaching and learning of mathematics is seen as subject didactics with a focus on subject matter and as an organized integration of subject matter, pedagogical knowledge and some school practice; and also as academic content knowledge in which assessment is inherent. The respondents also saw the need to build learner-educator relationships. Finally, they emphasized taking advantage of teacher educators’ neighbourhood learning groups, networking and collaboration as sustainable knowledge and skills sharing strategies in professional development. Regarding desirable development, teacher educators’ thoughts emphasised enhancing pedagogical knowledge and subject matter, and to be determined by them as opposed to conventional top-down seminars and workshops. This study has revealed various conceptions and thoughts about MTE based on teacher educators´ diverse history of professional development in mathematics. It has been reasonably substantiated that some teacher educators teach school mathematics in the name of MTE, hardly distinguishing between the role and purpose of the two in developing a mathematics teacher. What teacher educators conceive as MTE and what they do regarding the education of teachers of mathematics revealed variations in terms of seeing the phenomenon of interest. Within limits, desirable thoughts shed light on solutions to phobias, and in the same way low self-esteem and stigmatization call for the building of teacher educator-student teacher relationships.
Taking a realist view that law is one form of politics, this dissertation studies the roles of citizens and organizations in mobilizing the law to request government agencies to disclose environmental information in China, and during this process, how the socio-legal field interacts with the political-legal sphere, and what changes have been brought about during their interactions. This work takes a socio-legal approach and applies methodologies of social science and legal analysis. It aims to understand the paradox of why and how citizens and entities have been invoking the law to access environmental information despite the fact that various obstacles exist and the effectiveness of the new mechanism of environmental information disclosure still remains low. The study is largely based on the 28 cases and eight surveys of environmental information disclosure requests collected by the author. The cases and surveys analysed in this dissertation all occurred between May 2008, when the OGI Regulations and the OEI Measures came into effect, and August 2012 when the case collection was completed. The findings of this study have shown that by invoking the rules of law made by the authorities to demand government agencies disclosing environmental information, the public, including citizens, organizations, law firms, and the media, have strategically created a repercussive pressure upon the authorities to act according to the law. While it is a top-down process that has established the mechanism of open government information in China, it is indeed the bottom-up activism of the public that makes it work. Citizens and organizations’ use of legal tactics to push government agencies to disclose environmental information have formed not only an end of accessing the information but more a means of making government agencies accountable to their legal obligations. Law has thus played a pivotal role in enabling citizen participation in the political process. Against the current situation in China that political campaigns, or politicization, from general election to collective actions, especially contentious actions, are still restrained or even repressed by the government, legal mobilization, or judicialization, that citizens and organizations use legal tactics to demand their rights and push government agencies to enforce the law, become de facto an alternative of political participation. During this process, legal actions have helped to strengthen the civil society, make government agencies act according to law, push back the political boundaries, and induce changes in the relationship between the state and the public. In the field of environmental information disclosure, citizens and organizations have formed a bottom-up social activism, though limited in scope, using the language of law, creating progressive social, legal and political changes. This study emphasizes that it is partial and incomplete to understand China’s transition only from the top-down policy-making and government administration; it is also important to observe it from the bottom-up perspective that in a realistic view law can be part of politics and legal mobilization, even when utterly apolitical, can help to achieve political aims as well. This study of legal mobilization in the field of environmental information disclosure also helps us to better understand the function of law: law is not only a tool for the authorities to regulate and control, but inevitably also a weapon for the public to demand government agencies to work towards their obligations stipulated by the laws issued by themselves.
Diplomityö käsittelee hisseissä erikoistapauksessa käytettävän kulmakorin suunnittelua ja tuotteistamista. Työ suoritetaan KONE Oyj:lle. Diplomityössä luotiin kulmakorille modulaarinen tuotearkkitehtuuri ja määritettiin korin toimitusprosessi. Työn tavoitteena oli saavuttaa 48,12% asiakkaiden mahdollisista vaatimuksista ja vähentää suunnitteluun kuluvaa aikaa aikaisemmasta 24 tunnista neljään tuntiin. Työn tavoite saavutettiin kokeneen tapauskohtaisten kulmakorien suunnittelijan kommenttien perusteella. 48,12% asiakasvaatimuksista sisällytettiin tuotemalliin konfigurointimahdollisuuksina. Työn alussa on esitelty tuotesuunnittelua, laadun hallintaa, parametrista mallinnusta, massakustomointia ja tuotetiedon hallintaa. Sen jälkeen on käsitelty kulmakorin tuotteistamisen kannalta kaikki tärkeimmät muuttujat. Tämän jälkeen kulmakorin tuotemalli suunnitellaan ja mallinnetaan systemaattisesti ylhäältä-alas –mallinnustapaa käyttäen ja luodaan osille ja kokoonpanoille valmistuskuvat. Päätyökaluna työssä käytettiin Pro/ENGINEER-ohjelmistoa. Tällä mallinnettiin parametrinen tuotemalli ja rakenteiden lujuustarkastelussa käytettiin ohjelmistoa Ansys. Työn tavoite saavutettiin analysoimalla massakustomoinnin perusteiden olennaisimmat osat ja seuraamalla analyyttistä ja systemaattista tuotekehitysprosessia. Laatua painottaen tuotearkkitehtuuri validoitiin suorittamalla rajoitettu tuotanto, joka sisälsi kolme tuotemallilla konfiguroitua kulmakoria. Yksi koreista testikasattiin Hyvinkään tehtaalla.
Resilience is the property of a system to remain trustworthy despite changes. Changes of a different nature, whether due to failures of system components or varying operational conditions, significantly increase the complexity of system development. Therefore, advanced development technologies are required to build robust and flexible system architectures capable of adapting to such changes. Moreover, powerful quantitative techniques are needed to assess the impact of these changes on various system characteristics. Architectural flexibility is achieved by embedding into the system design the mechanisms for identifying changes and reacting on them. Hence a resilient system should have both advanced monitoring and error detection capabilities to recognise changes as well as sophisticated reconfiguration mechanisms to adapt to them. The aim of such reconfiguration is to ensure that the system stays operational, i.e., remains capable of achieving its goals. Design, verification and assessment of the system reconfiguration mechanisms is a challenging and error prone engineering task. In this thesis, we propose and validate a formal framework for development and assessment of resilient systems. Such a framework provides us with the means to specify and verify complex component interactions, model their cooperative behaviour in achieving system goals, and analyse the chosen reconfiguration strategies. Due to the variety of properties to be analysed, such a framework should have an integrated nature. To ensure the system functional correctness, it should rely on formal modelling and verification, while, to assess the impact of changes on such properties as performance and reliability, it should be combined with quantitative analysis. To ensure scalability of the proposed framework, we choose Event-B as the basis for reasoning about functional correctness. Event-B is a statebased formal approach that promotes the correct-by-construction development paradigm and formal verification by theorem proving. Event-B has a mature industrial-strength tool support { the Rodin platform. Proof-based verification as well as the reliance on abstraction and decomposition adopted in Event-B provides the designers with a powerful support for the development of complex systems. Moreover, the top-down system development by refinement allows the developers to explicitly express and verify critical system-level properties. Besides ensuring functional correctness, to achieve resilience we also need to analyse a number of non-functional characteristics, such as reliability and performance. Therefore, in this thesis we also demonstrate how formal development in Event-B can be combined with quantitative analysis. Namely, we experiment with integration of such techniques as probabilistic model checking in PRISM and discrete-event simulation in SimPy with formal development in Event-B. Such an integration allows us to assess how changes and di erent recon guration strategies a ect the overall system resilience. The approach proposed in this thesis is validated by a number of case studies from such areas as robotics, space, healthcare and cloud domain.
This study discusses the pronounced importance of corporate entrepreneurial behavior, CEB, facilitation and enablement as a key dimension in the rapidly changing business environment within companies. The research target is a large finance company in Finland, where regulations, compliance and processes restrict and refine extensively business approach. The purpose of this study is to foster the understanding of corporate entrepreneurial behavior and requirements and identify the supporters and inhibitors of facilitation of it. Furthermore, this study examines who should be driving the implementation and offer concrete outcome for the company to get the facilitation started and berth it as part of the organizational culture and values. The theoretical background is constructed from literature related to concept of corporate entrepreneurial behavior, factors supporting and hindering the facilitation based on previous studies and innovation management. Furthermore theoretical framework of middle managers entrepreneurial behavior in facilitation process was researched. Additionally top down and bottom up approach of conversational space building within the organization in order to foster innovation and involving mindset and behavior was in the core literature. The empirical research conducted for the study consists three parts; innovation audit questionnaire, semi-structured interviews and secondary data from previously made research within the case company. Questionnaire and interviews were targeted to eight middle managers within the company, the head of branch regions in corporate segment. The secondary data was collected from over 300 employees in the case company by an external company. Research results were analyzed mainly by themes and source division in adaption with the theoretical framework. The study finds that facilitation of CEB should be a strategic choice and requires strong management support and examples. Behavior should be involved with organizational culture, values, structures and processes. The companies´ willingness to take risks and encourage employees at all levels to participate and be involved by taking ownership and responsibility is in the core. CEB is found to be a key dimension in increasing employee satisfaction and engagement, competitive advantages and economic growth of companies. There is increased interest towards CEB in the case company but there is lack in the mutual consensus of it. CEB is not in the strategy although the mindset and support from management is in place. There is no concrete enablement and space for innovation and CEB although the platform would be receptive. Further research is needed to build shared vision of CEB and how to make it a part of the organizational culture and values in addition to building the conversational space.
Työn tarkoituksena on tuottaa liikkeenjohdon konsulttiyritykselle uusi työmenetelmä, jonka avulla se voi vetää kehitysprojekteja joissa asiakasyritysten teollisia palveluprosesseja parannetaan. Prosessiparannusten tulisi tuottaa selvää hyötyä asiakkaille sekä palveluntarjoajan henkilöstölle ja johdolle pian sen jälkeen kun ajanmukaistetut prosessit on menestyksellisesti otettu käyttöön. Menetelmän luonti käynnistyy kirjallisuuskatsauksella, jossa käsitellään aiheita kuten palvelut, teolliset palvelut ja liiketoimintaprosessien uudelleensuunnittelu. Menetelmän luonnin vaatimukset määritellään. Asiakasprojekti, jossa menetelmää koekäytetään, esitellään. Menetelmä esitellään. Se on ylhäältä alaspäin muodostettu kehitysprosessin vetäjän opas. Päätavoitteet asetettiin ensin. Niitä tukevat alitavoitteetasetettiin seuraavaksi. Työohjeet luotiin siten, että tavoitteiden saavuttaminen mahdollistuisi. Samalla kehitettiin menetelmää tukevia työkaluja. Alustavat työohjeet ja työkalut jalostuivat menetelmän koekäytön aikana nykyiseen muotoonsa.Menetelmän laatua arvioidaan koekäytön jälkeen asetettujen tavoitteiden ja saavutettujen tulosten eroja vertaamalla. Valmistumisen jälkeen toteutettavat menetelmän jatkokehitystoimenpiteet esitellään.
Työssä tarkastellaan yleisiä menetelmiä säätöpiirien suorituskyvyn analysointiin ja sovelletaan niitä jatkuvatoimisen sellukeittimen säätöihin. Esitellyt menetelmät tarjoavat keinoja myös huonon säätötuloksen syyn selvittämiseen ja vinkkejä paremman suorituskyvyn saavuttamiseksi. Analyysissä edettiin top-down periaatteen mukaisesti lähtien liikkeelle keittimen tärkeimmästä säädöstä eli kappaluvun säädöstä. Sitten etsittiin tähän vaikuttavia tekijöitä mitatuista suureista. Seuraavaksi arvioitiin tärkeimmäksi katsotun tekijän (hakepinnankorkeus) säädön suorituskyky, jossa havaittiin parannettavaa. Lopuksi hakepinnankorkeuden säädön viritystämuutettiin ja tehtiin identifiointikoe säätörakenteen uudelleen järjestelyä varten.
Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, millainen suunnittelu- ja toimeenpanojärjestelmä tukee Junttanin liiketoimintatavoitteiden saavuttamista ja valita tarjolla olevista vaihtoehdoistasopivin kokonaisuus. Työn teoriaosassa selvitetään toiminnanohjausjärjestelmien toiminnallisuuksien jako suunnittelu- ja toimeenpanojärjestelmiin ja miten suunnittelu- ja toimeenpa-nojärjestelmien käyttötarkoitus ja käyttöönotto poikkeavat toisistaan. Teoriaosas-sa käsitellään myös päätöksentekoon liittyviä asioita sillä tämän työn lopputulok-sena Junttanille valittiin PDM- ja ERP-järjestelmä. Työssä toteutettiin aluksi liiketoimintatavoitteiden selvitys. Liiketoimintatavoitteet ohjasivat, millaisen suunnittelu- ja toimeenpanojärjestelmän Junttan tarvitsi. Ny-kytilan kartoituksen yhteydessä kerättiin kehitysideoita uutta järjestelmäkokonai-suutta varten. Liiketoimintatavoitteiden ja kehitysideoiden pohjalta laadittiin tavoi-tetila, jonka pohjalta määritettiin vaatimukset PDM- ja ERP-järjestelmille. Yrityksen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän valinta on iso päätös. Sen vuoksi päätök-sentekoon panostettiin niin, että ennakkoasenteet ja henkilökohtaiset mieltymyk-set eivät ohjanneet valintaa. Toiminnallinen määrittely jätettiin tehtäväksi järjestelmien käyttöönoton yhteydes-sä. Junttanilla päätettiin hyödyntää uusien toimintatapojen määrittämisessä toi-mittajien alakohtaista osaamista ja järjestelmiin kuvattuja ja järjestelmissä tuettuja prosesseja.
Työn tavoitteena oli suorittaa tekninen sekä toiminnallinen toteutettavuustarkastelu asiakasdataan kohdistuvien muutosten suhteen erään suuren metsäteollisuusyrityksen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmäprojektissa. Ensin selvitettiin toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käsite, toteutettavuustarkastelun rooli IT -projektissa sekä toteutettavuustarkastelun suorittamisen vaiheet. Teoriaosuus koottiin pääasiassa kirjallisuuden ja internetlähteiden avulla.Empiirisessä osuudessa toteutettiin ja dokumentoitiin toteutettavuustarkastelu vaihe vaiheelta. Kohdetta lähestyttiin ylhäältä -alas menetelmällä. Pääpaino oli asiakaskoodien, järjestelmiin tarvittavien muutosten sekä työnkulun muuttamisen toteutettavuuden tarkastelussa. Empiirisen osuuden informaation kerääminen suoritettiin asiantuntijoiden haastattelujen avulla. Kerättyä tietoa sovellettiin teoriaosuuden sekä projektidokumenttien menetelmien mukaisesti. Lopputulokseksi saatiin täysivaltainen toteutettavuustarkastelu, joka pitää sisällään kohteen taustaselvitykset, nykyisen ja tulevan tilanteen kuvaukset, poikkeavuusanalyysit sekä jatkotoimenpide-ehdotukset. Tutkimuksessa päädyttiin siihen, että projekti on toteutettavissa tutkitulta alueelta.