20 resultados para the tree of life


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A statement presented at the oral defence of a Dr. Phil. dissertation on Saturday 26th October 2002, University of Helsinki


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Static process simulation has traditionally been used to model complex processes for various purposes. However, the use of static processsimulators for the preparation of holistic examinations aiming at improving profit-making capability requires a lot of work because the production of results requires the assessment of the applicability of detailed data which may be irrelevant to the objective. The relevant data for the total assessment gets buried byirrelevant data. Furthermore, the models do not include an examination of the maintenance or risk management, and economic examination is often an extra property added to them which can be performed with a spreadsheet program. A process model applicable to holistic economic examinations has been developed in this work. The model is based on the life cycle profit philosophy developed by Hagberg and Henriksson in 1996. The construction of the model has utilized life cycle assessment and life cycle costing methodologies with a view to developing, above all, a model which would be applicable to the economic examinations of complete wholes and which would require the need for information focusing on aspects essential to the objectives. Life cycle assessment and costing differ from each other in terms of the modeling principles, but the features of bothmethodologies can be used in the development of economic process modeling. Methods applicable to the modeling of complex processes can be examined from the viewpoint of life cycle methodologies, because they involve the collection and management of large corpuses of information and the production of information for the needs of decision-makers as well. The results of the study shows that on the basis of the principles of life cycle modeling, a process model can be created which may be used to produce holistic efficiency examinations on the profit-making capability of the production line, with fewer resources thanwith traditional methods. The calculations of the model are based to the maximum extent on the information system of the factory, which means that the accuracyof the results can be improved by developing information systems so that they can provide the best information for this kind of examinations.


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Tutkielman aiheena on kansainvälisen oikeuden kysymys elämän alkamisesta ja elämän alkamisen ajankohdasta. Tutkielma lähestyy aihetta Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien lasten oikeuksien sopimuksen kolmannen lisäpöytäkirjan valossa. Astuessaan voimaan lisäpöytäkirja tulee mahdollistamaan yksilövalitusten käsittelyn erillisessä ihmisoikeuskomiteassa. Koska lasten oikeuksien sopimus jättää määrittelemättä elämän alkamisen ajankohdan, tutkielman perushypoteesina on, miten tuleva komitea ratkaisisi lasten oikeuksien sopimukseen jääneen jännitteen. Tämän hypoteesin ohella tutkielmaa suuntaa olettamus elämän alun määrittymisestä pitkälti oikeusperiaatteisiin rinnastuvien autonomian ja ihmisarvon käsitteiden kautta. Tutkielma lähestyy aihettaan sekä oikeuskäytännön että -kirjallisuuden valossa, sitoutumatta sen tarkemmin mihinkään yksittäiseen oikeustieteelliseen tutkimusmetodiin. Oikeuskäytännön kohdalla tarkastelu perustuu pääosin länsimaisten ylimpien oikeuksien antamille tuomioille kysymyksissä, jotka liittyvät elämän alkamisen tematiikkaan. Tämän ohella, rajatummin, käsitellään pohjoismaista elämän alun sääntelyä. Oikeuskäytännön sekä säädösten tarkastelun keskiössä on ennen kaikkea oikeudellinen argumentaatio sekä esiintuodun argumentaation jännitteisyys. Oikeuskäytännön pohjalta muotoutuu moniääninen ja usein kontekstisidonnainen kuva elämän alusta. Tämän oikeudellisen moniäänisyyden analyysi muodostaa tutkielman keskeisen sisällön. Autonomian ja ihmisarvon käsitteiden merkitystä oikeuskäytännön ja säädösten arvioinnille perustellaan tutkimuksessa yhtäältä niiden merkityksellä tuomioistuinten argumentaatiossa toisaalta periaatteiden saamalla tuella oikeustieteellisessä kirjallisuudessa. Tutkielma suhtautuu kriittisesti autonomian ja ihmisarvon käsitteisiin. Kriittisen luennan tarkoituksena on paljastaa oikeudellisen argumentaation sumeus ja sumeuden oikeudelliselle tulkinnalle aiheuttama epävarmuus. Tulkinnan epävarmuuden seurauksena myös vastaus elämän alulle näyttäytyy tutkielmassa ristiriitaisena ja osin perustelemattomana. Tutkielman keskeinen tulos on ennen kaikkea oikeuden jännitteiden tunnistamisessa sen lähestyessä elämän alun määrittelyä. Tutkielman tulosten pohjalta on mahdollista pyrkiä löytämään muotoutumassa olevan kansainvälisen oikeuden vastaus elämän alulle. Tuon vastauksen vakaus, perusteltavuus ja pysyvyys riippuvat siitä, miten onnistuneesti oikeudellinen argumentaatio kykenee yhdistämään yksilön autonomisen oikeuden päättää elämästään kollektiivin intressiin ylläpitää elämää.


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Tutkielmassani tarkastellaan 1700-luvun englantilaisten käytösoppaiden antamia ohejeita ihanteellisesta kohteliaasta puheesta ja keskustelusta. Kohtelias käytöskulttuuri oli kehittynyt 1700-luvun kuluessa kaikenkattavaksi kulttuuriseksi ideologiaksi, jonka tärkein ilmaisumuoto oli keskustelu. Tutkielmassani pyrin selvittämään valitsemani neljän 1700-luvun englantilaisten käytösoppaan antamia ohjeita ihanteellisesta keskustelusta ja puheesta. Kaksi opasta on suunnattu miehille ja kaksi vastaavasti naisille. Tarkastelen naisille ja miehille suunnattujen 1700-luvun englantilaisten käytösoppaiden antamia ohjeita ihanteellisesta keskustelusta ja puheesta. Tärkeäksi näkökulmani kannalta muodostuu ajan kohtelias käytöskoodisto ja sen suhde puheeseen. Pohdin työssäni kohteliaisuuden suhdetta puheeseen ajan käytöskirjallisuuden kautta. Millaista kohtelias puhe niiden mukaan oli ja millaisia ideologisia sisältöjä sekä tavoitteita se sisälsi. Tuon esiin myös kohteliaisuuden suhdetta 1700-luvun englantilaisen yläluokan elämään ja sen vaikutukseen yhteiskunnassa. Pohdin erityisesti sitä millaiseksi käytösoppaat kuvasivat miesten ja naisten ihanteellista puhetta sekä keskustelua. Millaisina puhujina oppaat näkivät miehen ja naisen? Erosiko miesten ja naisten puhe jotenkin toisistaan? Käytösoppaiden tapaan nähdä sukupuolet vaikuttaa vahvasti 1700-luvun Englannissa vallinneet käsitykset sukupuolten rooleista ja sukupuolten eroista. Toisaalta kohtelias käytöskulttuuri antaa ihanteelliselle keskustelulle ja puheelle oman kehyksensä. 1700-luvun englantilaiset käytösoppaat korostavat kohteliaan puheen roolia ihmiselämän ja sosiaalisten suhteiden kannalta. Se oli tärkein keino, jolla eliitti pystyi omaa asemaansa perustelevat ja jonka avulla yhteisöön kuuluminen arvioidaan. Kohtelias puhe vaati harjoittajiltaan paljon ja se vaatikin harjaantumista. Käytösoppaat näkevät miehen ja naisen hyvin erilaisina keskustelijoina. Molemmat pyrkivät puheellaan miellyttämään muita ja olemaan osa kohteliasta yhteisöä, mutta miesten ja naisten saamat puhujanroolit ovat hyvin erilaisia. Ihanteellinen maskuliininen puhe henkilöityy kohteliaaseen herrasmieheen, joka kohtelee puheellaan kanssaihmisiä hyväntahtoisesti ja yhdenvertaisesti. Käytösoppaat rajaavat kohteliaan herrasmiehen ideaalin ulkopuolelle naismaisia ja moraalittomia käytösmalleja maskuliinisuuden sekä kohteliaisuuden suojelemiseksi. Naisille puolestaan käytösoppaat antavat rajoitetun roolin kohteliaassa yhteisössä, jonka toiminnot ohjautuvat tämän oman maineen, mutta myös miehisen kunnian ja tarpeiden kautta. Toisaalta naisten puhe on kohteliaan keskustelun kannalta myös tärkeää ja se saa erityisen roolin avioliitossa.


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The overall goal of this study was to identify means by which the quality of life (QoL) of patients with schizophrenia could be improved in acute psychiatric wards. First, subjective QoL of patients (n=35) was explored. Second, two different QoL instruments (EuroQoL-5D, EQ-5D; Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire Short Form, Q-LES-Q SF) were examined. Third, patients’ (n=35) and nurses’ (n=29) perceptions of nursing interventions to support patients’ QoL were examined. Fourth, the effect of three different patient education methods on patients’ QoL (n=311) was compared. The data were collected during the period 2005-2007. Patients named health, family, leisure activities, work or study, and social relationships most frequently as their important QoL areas. It emerged that patients’ QoL was impaired. Examination of two QoL instruments showed that the EQ-5D has moderate and the Q-LES-Q SF good internal consistency. Moreover, both instruments proved to be reasonably valid and feasible for use with patients with schizophrenia. Altogether six nursing interventions which nurses use to support patients’ QoL, and which should be further developed were identified from nurses’ descriptions: interventions related to care planning, empowering interventions, social interventions, activating interventions, security interventions, and interventions to support physical health. Evaluation of different patient education methods showed that patients’ QoL improved significantly during follow-up. No significant differences between groups were found. In light of the findings it is recommended to assess QoL of patients with schizophrenia as a basis for care planning and care evaluation in clinical settings. Valid and feasible instruments should be used in this assessment. Moreover, it is recommend that nursing interventions should be further developed to better improve patients’ QoL.


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Meeting the needs of both present and future generations forms the foundation of sustainable development. Concern about food demand is increasing alongside the continuously growing population. In the pursuit of food security preventing food waste is one solution avoiding the negative environmental impacts that result from producing food unnecessarily. Packages offer one answer to preventing food waste, as they 1) preserve and protect food, 2) introduce the user to the correct way to handle and use the food and package and 3) allow the user to consume the food in its entirety. This thesis aims to enhance the sustainability of food packages by giving special emphasis to preventing food waste. The focus of this thesis is to assist the packaging designer in being able to take into account the requirements for the sustainability of food packages and to be able to integrate these requirements into the product development process. In addition, life cycle methods that can be used as a tool in the packaging design process or in assessing the sustainability of finished food-packaging combinations are evaluated. The methods of life cycle costing (LCC) and life cycle working environment (LCWE) are briefly discussed. The method of life cycle assessment (LCA) is examined more thoroughly through the lens of the literature review of food-package LCA case studies published in the 21st century in three relevant journals. Based on this review and on experiences learned from conducting LCAs, recommendations are given as to how the LCA practitioner should conduct a food packaging study to make most of the results. Two case studies are presented in this thesis. The first case study relates the results of a life cycle assessment conducted for three food items (cold cut (ham), sliced dark bread (rye) and Soygurt drink) and the alternative packaging options of each. Results of this study show that the packaging constitutes only 1–12 % of the total environmental impacts of the food-packaging combination. The greatest effect is derived from the food itself and the wasted food. Even just a small percentage of wasted food causes more environmental impacts than does the packaging. The second case study presents the results of LCC and LCWE analysis done for fruit and vegetable transport packages. In this thesis, the specific results of the study itself are not the focus, but rather the study methods and scope are analysed based on how these complement the sustainability assessment of food packages. This thesis presents reasons why prevention of food waste should be more thoroughly taken into account in food packaging design. In addition, the task of the packaging designer is facilitated by the requirements of sustainable food packaging, by the methods and step-by-step guidance on how to integrate sustainability issues into the design process, and by the recommendations on how to assess the sustainability of food packages. The intention of this thesis is to express the issues that are important in the field of the food packaging industry. Having recognised and implemented these issues, businesses can better manage the risks that could follow from neglecting these sustainability aspects.


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Cesarean section (CS) is the most common major surgery performed on women worldwide. CS can save the life of the mother or the fetus, but is associated with the typical complications of any major surgery: hemorrhage, infection, venous thromboembolism and complications of anesthesia, sometimes leading to maternal death. Recently there have been several reports from well resourced countries on increased severe maternal morbidity and even mortality. Increased rates of CS, obesity and older mothers may explain this rise. The aim of this thesis is to study the rates and risk factors of short term maternal complications associated with CS. Also, we compared maternal morbidity by mode of delivery and over time. The complication rates were assessed in a prospective study involving 2496 CS performed in the 12 largest delivery units in Finland in 2005. The rates of severe complications were studied by mode of delivery in a register-based study comparing national cohorts in 1997 and 2002. The impact of several risk factors on severe maternal morbidity by mode of delivery was studied in a register-based study of all singleton deliveries in 2007-2011. In the prospective study, 27% of the women who underwent CS had one or more intraoperative or postoperative complications during their hospital stay, and 10% had a severe complication. In the register-based study the incidence of life-threatening maternal complications was 7.6 in 1000 deliveries. The incidence was lowest for vaginal delivery (VD), followed by instrumental VD and elective CS, and highest in emergency CS. An attempt of VD, including the risks associated with emergency CS, seems to be the safest mode of delivery, even for most high-risk women.


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Gustaf (Gösta) Sundman (1854-1914) tuli tunnetuksi korkeatasoisten luonnontieteellisten kuvateosten kuvittajana. Finlands fiskar –teos ilmestyi kahtenatoista vihkona 1883-1893, upeat, metallihohtoiset kalojen kuvat irrallisina tauluina. Kalateokset tekstit ovat eläintieteen professori O. M. Reuterin ja eläintieteellisen museon amanuenssin A. J. Melan laatimia.


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The aim of this thesis was to study the health, the hospitalisations, and the use of communal health care services in very preterm children during the first five years of life. In addition, the effect of very preterm birth and prematurity-related morbidities on the costs of hospitalisations, other health care services and the cost per quality adjusted life years (QALY) were studied. This population-based study included all very preterm children (gestational age (GA) <32 weeks or birth weight<1501g, N=2 064) and full-term controls (GA 37+0−41+6, N=200 609) born in Finland during 2000-2003. The data sources included national register data, costing data from the participating hospitals and parental questionnaires. This study showed that most very preterm infants born in Finland survived without prematurity-related morbidities diagnosed during the first years of life. They required relatively little hospital care after the initial discharge, which accounted for the vast majority of the total four-year hospitalisation costs. However, a minority of children born very preterm later developing morbidities had a long initial length of stay and more re-admissions and outpatient visits during the five-year follow-up period. In particular, the number and costs of non-emergency outpatient visits were considerable in individuals with prematurity-related morbidities. The need and costs of hospitalisations decreased clearly with each follow-up year, even in individuals with morbidities. The health-care related costs during the fifth year of life in children born very preterm without prematurity-related morbidities were close to the costs in infants born healthy at term. The cost per QALY of 19,245 € was at an acceptable level already by four years of age in the very preterm population as a whole. Prematurity-related later morbidities and decreasing GA increased the costs per QALY. As the initial hospital stay accounted for a great majority of the total four-year costs, and the costs of hospitalisation decreased with each follow-up year, the cost per QALY is likely to decrease with age. In conclusion, the majority of costs arising after the initial hospitalisation were associated with morbidities related to prematurity. Therefore offering high-quality neonatal care to prevent later morbidities in very preterm survivors has a long-term impact on the cost per QALY. In addition, this study indicates that when estimating the costs of prematurity after the first year of life, one should calculate not only the hospitalisation costs, but also other costs for social welfare services, primary care, and therapies, as these exceed the hospitalisation costs in very preterm infants during the fifth year of life.