46 resultados para merger paradox


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Unsuccessful mergers are unfortunately the rule rather than the exception. Therefore it is necessary to gain an enhanced understanding of mergers and post-merger integrations (PMI) as well as learning more about how mergers and PMIs of information systems (IS) and people can be facilitated. Studies on PMI of IS are scarce and public sector mergers are even less studied. There is nothing however to indicate that public sector mergers are any more successful than those in the private sector. This thesis covers five studies carried out between 2008 and 2011 in two organizations in higher education that merged in January 2010. The most recent study was carried out two years after the new university was established. The longitudinal case-study focused on the administrators and their opinions of the IS, the work situation and the merger in general. These issues were investigated before, during and after the merger. Both surveys and interviews were used to collect data, to which were added documents that both describe and guide the merger process; in this way we aimed at a triangulation of findings. Administrators were chosen as the focus of the study since public organizations are highly dependent on this staff category, forming the backbone of the organization and whose performance is a key success factor for the organization. Reliable and effective IS are also critical for maintaining a functional and effective organization, and this makes administrators highly dependent on their organizations’ IS for the ability to carry out their duties as intended. The case-study has confirmed the administrators’ dependency on IS that work well. A merger is likely to lead to changes in the IS and the routines associated with the administrators’ work. Hence it was especially interesting to study how the administrators viewed the merger and its consequences for IS and the work situation. The overall research objective is to find key issues for successful mergers and PMIs. The first explorative study in 2008 showed that the administrators were confident of their skills and knowledge of IS and had no fear of having to learn new IS due to the merger. Most administrators had an academic background and were not anxious about whether IS training would be given or not. Before the merger the administrators were positive and enthusiastic towards the merger and also to the changes that they expected. The studies carried out before the merger showed that these administrators were very satisfied with the information provided about the merger. This information was disseminated through various channels and even negative information and postponed decisions were quickly distributed. The study conflicts with the theories that have found that resistance to change is inevitable in a merger. Shortly after the merger the (third) study showed disappointment with the fact that fewer changes than expected had been implemented even if the changes that actually were carried out sometimes led to a more problematic work situation. This was seen to be more prominent for routine changes than IS changes. Still the administrators showed a clear willingness to change and to share their knowledge with new colleagues. This knowledge sharing (also tacit) worked well in the merger and the PMI. The majority reported that the most common way to learn to use new ISs and to apply new routines was by asking help from colleagues. They also needed to take responsibility for their own training and development. Five months after the merger (the fourth study) the administrators had become worried about the changes in communication strategy that had been implemented in the new university. This was perceived as being more anonymous. Furthermore, it was harder to get to know what was happening and to contact the new decision makers. The administrators found that decisions, and the authority to make decisions, had been moved to a higher administrative level than they were accustomed to. A directive management style is recommended in mergers in order to achieve a quick transition without distracting from the core business. A merger process may be tiresome and require considerable effort from the participants. In addition, not everyone can make their voice heard during a merger and consensus is not possible in every question. It is important to find out what is best for the new organization instead of simply claiming that the tried and tested methods of doing things should be implemented. A major problem turned out to be the lack of management continuity during the merger process. Especially problematic was the situation in the IS-department with many substitute managers during the whole merger process (even after the merger was carried out). This meant that no one was in charge of IS-issues and the PMI of IS. Moreover, the top managers were appointed very late in the process; in some cases after the merger was carried out. This led to missed opportunities for building trust and management credibility was heavily affected. The administrators felt neglected and that their competences and knowledge no longer counted. This, together with a reduced and altered information flow, led to rumours and distrust. Before the merger the administrators were convinced that their achievements contributed value to their organizations and that they worked effectively. After the merger they were less sure of their value contribution and effectiveness even if these factors were not totally discounted. The fifth study in November 2011 found that the administrators were still satisfied with their IS as they had been throughout the whole study. Furthermore, they believed that the IS department had done a good job despite challenging circumstances. Both the former organizations lacked IS strategies, which badly affected the IS strategizing during the merger and the PMI. IS strategies deal with issues like system ownership; namely who should pay and who is responsible for maintenance and system development, for organizing system training for new IS, and for effectively run IS even during changing circumstances (e.g. more users). A proactive approach is recommended for IS strategizing to work. This is particularly true during a merger and PMI for handling issues about what ISs should be adopted and implemented in the new organization, issues of integration and reengineering of IS-related processes. In the new university an ITstrategy had still not been decided 26 months after the new university was established. The study shows the importance of the decisive management of IS in a merger requiring that IS issues are addressed in the merger process and that IS decisions are made early. Moreover, the new management needs to be appointed early in order to work actively with the IS-strategizing. It is also necessary to build trust and to plan and make decisions about integration of IS and people.


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Taking a realist view that law is one form of politics, this dissertation studies the roles of citizens and organizations in mobilizing the law to request government agencies to disclose environmental information in China, and during this process, how the socio-legal field interacts with the political-legal sphere, and what changes have been brought about during their interactions. This work takes a socio-legal approach and applies methodologies of social science and legal analysis. It aims to understand the paradox of why and how citizens and entities have been invoking the law to access environmental information despite the fact that various obstacles exist and the effectiveness of the new mechanism of environmental information disclosure still remains low. The study is largely based on the 28 cases and eight surveys of environmental information disclosure requests collected by the author. The cases and surveys analysed in this dissertation all occurred between May 2008, when the OGI Regulations and the OEI Measures came into effect, and August 2012 when the case collection was completed. The findings of this study have shown that by invoking the rules of law made by the authorities to demand government agencies disclosing environmental information, the public, including citizens, organizations, law firms, and the media, have strategically created a repercussive pressure upon the authorities to act according to the law. While it is a top-down process that has established the mechanism of open government information in China, it is indeed the bottom-up activism of the public that makes it work. Citizens and organizations’ use of legal tactics to push government agencies to disclose environmental information have formed not only an end of accessing the information but more a means of making government agencies accountable to their legal obligations. Law has thus played a pivotal role in enabling citizen participation in the political process. Against the current situation in China that political campaigns, or politicization, from general election to collective actions, especially contentious actions, are still restrained or even repressed by the government, legal mobilization, or judicialization, that citizens and organizations use legal tactics to demand their rights and push government agencies to enforce the law, become de facto an alternative of political participation. During this process, legal actions have helped to strengthen the civil society, make government agencies act according to law, push back the political boundaries, and induce changes in the relationship between the state and the public. In the field of environmental information disclosure, citizens and organizations have formed a bottom-up social activism, though limited in scope, using the language of law, creating progressive social, legal and political changes. This study emphasizes that it is partial and incomplete to understand China’s transition only from the top-down policy-making and government administration; it is also important to observe it from the bottom-up perspective that in a realistic view law can be part of politics and legal mobilization, even when utterly apolitical, can help to achieve political aims as well. This study of legal mobilization in the field of environmental information disclosure also helps us to better understand the function of law: law is not only a tool for the authorities to regulate and control, but inevitably also a weapon for the public to demand government agencies to work towards their obligations stipulated by the laws issued by themselves.


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The master´s thesis had three aims; to develop a service portfolio, to support the management of services through the developed portfolio, and evaluate effects of service differentiation strategy on the future selection of services. The product oriented case company in service paradox is Hilti (Suomi) Oy, which is entering systematic service management era, supported by the late strategic change. Low return on service business investments is referred as service paradox. The project was carried out as a case study, where the primary information source was twenty-one conducted interviews. The theory part focuses on marketing logics, service strategies, and categorization of services. The empirical part contributes in solving the aim related research questions. As a result of the case study a service portfolio was created, next further steps in service management were suggested, and the effect on selection of services by service differentiation strategy was evaluated. The main goal of creating service portfolio contributes to systematic management of services, which required revising at the case company.


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Med avstamp i ett satsbegrepp som inspirerats av Ludwig Wittgenstein, där sats och kontext betraktas som internt förbundna och där den verkliga användningen av en sats är central för dess mening, visar avhandlingen hur filosofers olika uppfattning om den filosofiska terminologins roll och möjligheter har följder för deras sätt att uppfatta och behandla filosofiska frågeställningar. Moores paradox fungerar som testfall. Denna kända filosofiska frågeställning har diskuterats sedan 1940-talet och kretsar kring hävdandet av satsen ”Jag tror att det regnar och det regnar inte”. Problemet är att det vore märkligt för en talare att hävda satsen om sig själv: det verkar finnas ett logiskt hinder för att hävda en sats även om den är välformad, kunde vara sann och inte på ett entydigt sätt innehåller en kontradiktion. Moores paradox behandlas genom att granska några lösningsförslag (framförda av bl.a. G.E. Moore, J. L. Austin, J. Searle) och de uppfattningar om språket som de förutsätter. Genom att kontrastera dessa med ett användarperspektiv där språkets användning i meningsfulla sammanhang förväntas spela en central roll i behandlingen av paradoxen visar författaren hur också den intellektuella kontext inom vilken en filosof betraktar paradoxen spelar en avgörande roll för vilka mått som krävs för att upplösa den. Istället för att föreslå en egen lösning presenteras en behandling av paradoxen genom en diskussion och utredning av de grundvillkor som leder till att den uppstår. Här intar satsbegreppet en central plats. Avhandlingen är författad inom traditionen efter den senare Wittgenstein (närmare bestämt den gren som ansluter sig till en s.k. terapeutisk filosofisyn) men går i dialog med filosofiskt arbete som ligger utanför traditionen. Författaren strävar både till att medla mellan, sammanföra och särskilja olika temata som behandlats på ett sätt inom traditionen och på andra sätt utanför den och använder sig här av metaforen att filosofera inifrån i kontrast till utanför språket. Avhandlingens huvudsakliga bidrag är till metafilosofin genom dess fokus på filosofins metod. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mooren paradoksi on tunnettu filosofinen ongelma, josta on keskusteltu 1940-luvulta alkaen. Paradoksin keskeisenä osana esiintyy väitelause ”Uskon, että ulkona sataa, mutta ulkona ei sada”. Ongelman lähtökohta on, että olisi merkillistä jos puhuja esittäisi lauseen itseään koskevana väitteenä: väite näyttää olevan loogisesti mahdoton esittää, vaikka se on hyvinmuodostettu, mahdollisesti tosi, eikä yksiselitteisellä tavalla sisällä kontradiktiota. Tässä väitöskirjassa Mooren paradoksi esiintyy esimerkkinä filosofisesta ongelmasta, jossa mm. lausekäsitteellä on keskeinen rooli ja jonka avulla voidaan muodostella ns. kielensisäinen filosofinen näkökulma. Mooren paradoksia käsitellään tarkastelemalla muutamia ratkaisuehdotuksia (mm. G.E. Mooren, J.L. Austinin, J. Searlen esittämät) ja niitä kielikäsityksiä joita nämä ratkaisuehdotukset edellyttävät. Asettamalla vastakkain ratkaisuehdotukset ja käyttäjänäkymä, jossa kielenkäyttö mielekkäissä konteksteissa asetetaan keskeiseen asemaan paradoksin käsittelyssä, kirjoittaja osoittaa miten myös paradoksin filosofisen tarkastelun intellektuaalinen konteksti on hyväksyttävien toimenpiteiden löytämisen kannalta ratkaisevaa. Uuden ratkaisun sijaan kirjoittaja ehdottaa paradoksin terapeuttista käsittelyä: keskustelua ja selontekoa niistä perusehdoista, jotka johtavat sen syntyyn. Tässä käsittelyssä lausekäsite on keskipisteenä – erityisesti Ludwig Wittgensteinin inspiroima lausekäsitys, jossa lauseen mielekkyyden kannalta sen todellinen käyttö mielekkäässä kontekstissa on ratkaiseva tekijä. Väitöskirja liittyy myöhäisiwittgensteinilaiseen perinteeseen, johon kuuluu ns. terapeuttinen filosofiankäsitys, mutta teos keskustelee myös tradition ulkopuolisten ajattelijoiden kanssa yrittäen yhdistää, sovitella ja myös eritellä teemoja, joita käsitellään yhdellä tavalla tradition sisällä ja toisella tavalla sen ulkopuolella. Väitöskirjan pääasiallinen panos sijoittuu metafilosofiaan, koska sen mielenkiinnon kohteena ovat erityisesti filosofian menetelmät.


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Partial ownership interests are a widespread phenomenon in modern corporate environment. Unless minority shareholding affords the target to exercise control over the target, they do currently not have to be notified to the European Commission under EU merger regime. However, economic research has long suggested that when linking competing or non-horizontally positioned undertakings particularly in industries with few competitors, minority shareholdings even far below the majority of shares or voting rights could lead to higher prices or lower output volumes to the detriment of consumers. The Commission has recognized this issue and proceeded to suggest an extension of the merger regime to catch also certain non-controlling minority acquisitions. Horizontal non-controlling minority shareholdings create a positive correlation between the sales revenues of the partial acquirer and target. Through the equity interest the acquirer will internalise a fraction, proportional to the financial rights attached to the shareholding, of the profit of the target. This will incentivise the acquirer to contribute to increasing the target’s business profits by increasing its own sales price (horizontal unilateral effects). When a minority stake is held in a vertically related or a conglomerate company, the minority acquirer could be allowed to hamper or eliminate the target’s rivals’ access either to inputs (input foreclosure) or customers (customer foreclosure), depending on which level of the supply chain the parties are (vertical unilateral effects). Under certain circumstances minority share acquisitions could also lessen competition because they facilitate collusion between companies active in the market (coordinated effects). Economic theory confirms that non-controlling minority shareholdings may under certain circumstances create anti-competitive effects that are unlikely to be remedies by pro-competitive effects. However, they are likely to be of less significant nature than anticompetitive effects created by full mergers. This derives fore mostly from the fact that a minority share acquirer carries all the costs associated with its unilateral action but will internalise only a fraction of the lost profits. This is likely to limit the acquirer’s incentive to raise price and the profitability of such behavior. Having in mind that the number of potentially problematic cases is expected to be next to negligible, the limited potential competitive effects of non-controlling minority share acquisitions cannot be seen to clearly merit extension of the scope of the EUMR. The system suggested by the Commission is particularly ill-fitted for such purpose given the clear lack of legal certainty and considerable administrative burden associated with it.


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The meaning of information technology (IT) and information systems have increased during the last few years. This is mainly because business is nowadays seen more and more as a service business and IT is one of the key elements to support those business services. Since the meaning of IT services has increased also the meaning of IT service support should be a factor paid more attention to. Especially after a merger and acquisition (M&A) it is more important than ever to consider service support. The purpose of this study is to discover the best practices for choosing a suitable service support model. The research question is How to choose a service support organization model for the ERP service desk function after a merger? A qualitative method is selected as a research method. This thesis includes two parts: a literature review and a case study. Theoretical part compiles an integrated model of previous research on the topic. It consists a collection of academic articles, publications and reports. The empirical part focuses on the issues in the case organization. That part tries to answer the question: what would be the most suitable service support model for the case organization? The empirical part is conducted by interviewing the employees of the case organization. This study finds that even though there are many ways of selecting a service support model it is difficult to define an unambiguous guidelines. However, there are few main objectives that should be taken into account regardless the case. Especially by using ITIL processes it is possible to implement a comprehensive service support and raise overall awareness of the existing service support models. The main functions that need to be taken into account are nature, industry and size of the organization. Also the business strategy, goals and resources need to be considered. These are the same factors that are noticed in the case study as well. The suggestions for the case organization are presented based on the interviews and the literature review.


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Tutkimuksen päätavoite oli tunnistaa tavallisimmat motiivit teleoperaattoreiden yrityskauppojen taustalla sekä motiiveissa mahdollisesti havaittavat muutokset tarkasteluajanjaksolla vuodesta 2000 kesään 2006 asti. Tutkimusmetodologia on case-tutkimus ja casetapauksina analysoitiin Soneran ja Telian fuusiota sekä Elisan toteuttamaa Saunalahden ostoa. Tutkimus perustui aikaisempaan kirjallisuuteen ja varsinkin empiriaosa toimialan yrityskauppoja kuvaaviin lehtiartikkeleihin ja yritysten itsensä yrityskaupan yhteydessä julkaisemaan materiaaliin. Tutkimuksessa ei löydetty uusia motiiveja. Kuitenkin havaittiin, että tarkasteluajanjaksolla tapahtuneet toimialan muutokset vaikuttivat teleoperaattoreiden yrityskauppojen motiiveihin. Vuosituhannen vaihteen imperiuminrakentamiskaupoissatavallisimpia olivat strategiset ja henkilökohtaiset motiivit. Toimialan taloudellisen tilanteen heikennyttyä seurasivat taloudellisten syiden painoarvoa lisänneet selviytymiskaupat. Nyt strategiset syyt ovat nousseet uudelleen taloudellisten syiden rinnalle, kun toimiala etsii uusia mahdollisuuksia lisätuottojen hankkimiseen hintakilpailun kiristämille markkinoilla.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää miten osaamista on hyödynnetty ja yhteistyötä kehitetty ammattioppilaitosten fuusiossa? Tutkielma toteutettiin laadullisenacase-tutkimuksena. Empiirinen osa koostuu seitsemästä haastattelusta ja muusta kirjallisesta aineistosta. Haastatellut henkilöt toimivat Espoon seudun koulutuskuntayhtymän johdossa ja rehtoreina. Osaamisen hyödyntäminen oppilaitosten välillä on vielä vähäistä. Yhteistyötä tehdään lähinnä projekteissa. Monialaisia yhteistyöryhmiä on vielä vähän. Oppilaitokset toimivat edelleen koulutusaloittain itsenäisinä yksikköinä. Näkemykset fuusion syistä ja tavoitteista poikkesivat virallisista fuusiotavoitteista. Yhdistymisen hyötyinä pidettiin ensisijaisesti taloudellisia etuja ja koulutusalan sisäisen kilpailun vähenemistä. Yhteistyöhalukkuudella näyttäisi olevan yhteys sekä osaamisen hyödyntämiseen että integroitumisasteeseen.


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Tutkimuksessa selvitetään yritys- ja pääomatuloverouudistuksen vaikutuksia konsernien sisäisiin yritysjärjestelyihin. Päätavoite oli selvittää, onko verouudistuksella todellista vaikutusta konsernirakenteiden muuttamisessa käytettyjen yritysjärjestelykeinojen valintaan. Alatavoitteista merkityksellisimmäksi muodostui verouudistuksen mukanaan tuomien epäkohtien etsiminen. Tytäryhtiöosakkeiden purkuvoiton muuttuminen verotuksessa verovapaaksi ja purkutappion vähennyskelvottomaksi, aiheuttaa houkutuksen pyrkiä yritysjärjestelyjen toteuttamiseen siten, että verotusta voidaan kiertää. Tutkimuksessa osoitettiin epäkohtia uudistuksessa, jotka mahdollistavat veronkiertämisen yritysjärjestelyissä. Tutkimustulos osoittaa verouudistuksella olleen vaikutusta yritysjärjestelykeinon valintaan, sillä uudistuksen jälkeen sekä purkamisen ja fuusion veroseuraamukset ovat emoyhtiön osalta toisiaan vastaavat. Merkitykselliseksi muodostuu uudistuksen jälkeen tytäryhtiön verotuksellinen asema. Se on jatkossa syytä selvittää ennen yritysjärjestelykeinon valintaa.


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Yrityskauppojen sekä fuusioiden määrä sekä niiden merkitys ovat kasvaneet jatkuvasti markkinoiden muuttuessa yhä globaalimmiksi. Tämän vuoksi yrityskauppoja sekä fuusioita toteutettaessa, kaupan eri osapuolten tulee paneutua entistä tarkemmin siihen, onko kauppaa järkevää toteuttaa, mitä hyötyjä siitä seuraa, kuinka itse kauppaprosessi toimii sekä mitkä yrityskaupan sekä fuusion muodotovat osoittautuneet aikaisemmin menestyksekkäimmiksi. Yrityskauppaprosessin alussa ostajan ja myyjän on tärkeätä valmistautua huolellisestikauppaprosessiin. Ostajan tulee suorittaa perinpohjainen myyjän yrityksen taustan tutkiminen eli due diligence. Samassa yhteydessä tulisi suorittaa myynnin kohteena olevan yrityksen arvonmääritys substanssiarvon, tuottoarvon sekä goodwillin mukaisesti, jotta nähdään missä tilassa yritys oikeasti on. Samalla tulee myöspohtia erilaisia toimenpiteitä, joita pitää suorittaa ennen yrityskaupan toteutumista, kuin myös suunnitella neuvottelujen kulkua ja toimenpiteitä, joita yrityskaupan jälkeen on tehtävä. Työssä tarkastellaan myös, millä tavoin yrityskauppaa voidaan rahoittaa sekä mitä veroseuraamuksia myyjä kokee yrityskaupan myötä eri yritysmuodoissa. Tämän lisäksi työssä käsitellään taloudellisten tekijöiden lisäksi myös henkilöstökysymyksiä, joista käy ilmi, kuinka henkilöstö tulisi ottaaosaksi yrityskauppaa tiedottamisen kautta. Työn lopuksi esitetään käytännön tuloksia siitä, miten yrityskauppojen onnistuminen vaihtelee eri yrityskauppamuotojen välillä, onko ostettavan yrityksen koolla vaikutusta yrityskaupan onnistumiseen sekä mitä vaikutuksia yrityskaupoilla ja fuusioilla on yrityksen innovointikykyyn.