39 resultados para Solid-contact electrodes
Potentiometric sensors are very attractive tools for chemical analysis because of their simplicity, low power consumption and low cost. They are extensively used in clinical diagnostics and in environmental monitoring. Modern applications of both fields require improvements in the conventional construction and in the performance of the potentiometric sensors, as the trends are towards portable, on-site diagnostics and autonomous sensing in remote locations. The aim of this PhD work was to improve some of the sensor properties that currently hamper the implementation of the potentiometric sensors in modern applications. The first part of the work was concentrated on the development of a solid-state reference electrode (RE) compatible with already existing solid-contact ion-selective electrodes (ISE), both of which are needed for all-solid-state potentiometric sensing systems. A poly(vinyl chloride) membrane doped with a moderately lipophilic salt, tetrabutylammonium-tetrabutylborate (TBA-TBB), was found to show a satisfactory stability of potential in sample solutions with different concentrations. Its response time was nevertheless slow, as it required several minutes to reach the equilibrium. The TBA-TBB membrane RE worked well together with solid-state ISEs in several different situations and on different substrates enabling a miniature design. Solid contacts (SC) that mediate the ion-to-electron transduction are crucial components of well-functioning potentiometric sensors. This transduction process converting the ionic conduction of an ion-selective membrane to the electronic conduction in the circuit was studied with the help of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The solid contacts studied were (i) the conducting polymer (CP) poly(3,4-ethylienedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) and (ii) a carbon cloth having a high surface area. The PEDOT films were doped with a large immobile anion poly(styrene sulfonate) (PSS-) or with a small mobile anion Cl-. As could be expected, the studied PEDOT solid-contact mediated the ion-toelectron transduction more efficiently than the bare glassy carbon substrate, onto which they were electropolymerized, while the impedance of the PEDOT films depended on the mobility of the doping ion and on the ions in the electrolyte. The carbon cloth was found to be an even more effective ion-to-electron transducer than the PEDOT films and it also proved to work as a combined electrical conductor and solid contact when covered with an ion-selective membrane or with a TBA-TBB-based reference membrane. The last part of the work was focused on improving the reproducibility and the potential stability of the SC-ISEs, a problem that culminates to the stability of the standard potential E°. It was proven that the E° of a SC-ISE with a conducting polymer as a solid contact could be adjusted by reducing or oxidizing the CP solid contact by applying current pulses or a potential to it, as the redox state of the CP solid-contact influences the overall potential of the ISE. The slope and thus the analytical performance of the SC-ISEs were retained despite the adjustment of the E°. The shortcircuiting of the SC-ISE with a conventional large-capacitance RE was found to be a feasible instrument-free method to control the E°. With this method, the driving force for the oxidation/reduction of the CP was the potential difference between the RE and the SC-ISE, and the position of the adjusted potential could be controlled by choosing a suitable concentration for the short-circuiting electrolyte. The piece-to-piece reproducibility of the adjusted potential was promising, and the day-today reproducibility for a specific sensor was excellent. The instrumentfree approach to control the E° is very attractive considering practical applications.
Att övervaka förekomsten av giftiga komponenter i naturliga vattendrag är nödvändigt för människans välmående. Eftersom halten av föroreningar i naturens ekosystem bör hållas möjligast låg, pågår en ständig jakt efter kemiska analysmetoder med allt lägre detektionsgränser. I dagens läge görs miljöanalyser med dyr och sofistikerad instrumentering som kräver mycket underhåll. Jonselektiva elektroder har flera goda egenskaper som t.ex. bärbarhet, låg energiförbrukning, och dessutom är de relativt kostnadseffektiva. Att använda jonselektiva elektroder vid miljöanalyser är möjligt om deras känslighetsområde kan utvidgas genom att sänka deras detektionsgränser. För att sänka detektionsgränsen för Pb(II)-selektiva elektroder undersöktes olika typer av jonselektiva membran som baserades på polyakrylat-kopolymerer, PVC och PbS/Ag2S. Fast-fas elektroder med membran av PbS/Ag2S är i allmänhet enklare och mer robusta än konventionella elektroder vid spårämnesanalys av joniska föroreningar. Fast-fas elektrodernas detektionsgräns sänktes i detta arbete med en nyutvecklad galvanostatisk polariseringsmetod och de kunde sedan framgångsrikt användas för kvantitativa bestämningar av bly(II)-halter i miljöprov som hade samlats in i den finska skärgården nära tidigare industriområden. Analysresultaten som erhölls med jonselektiva elektroder bekräftades med andra analytiska metoder. Att sänka detektionsgränsen m.hj.a. den nyutvecklade polariseringsmetoden möjliggör bestämning av låga och ultra-låga blyhalter som inte kunde nås med klassisk potentiometri. Den verkliga fördelen med att använda dessa blyselektiva elektroder är möjligheten att utföra mätningar i obehandlade miljöprov trots närvaron av fasta partiklar vilket inte är möjligt att göra med andra analysmetoder. Jag väntar mig att den nyutvecklade polariseringsmetoden kommer att sätta en trend i spårämnesanalys med jonselektiva elektroder.
The integration of electric motors and industrial appliances such as pumps, fans, and compressors is rapidly increasing. For instance, the integration of an electric motor and a centrifugal pump provides cost savings and improved performance characteristics. Material cost savings are achieved when an electric motor is integrated into the shaft of a centrifugal pump, and the motor utilizes the bearings of the pump. This arrangement leads to a smaller configuration that occupies less floor space. The performance characteristics of a pump drive can be improved by using the variable-speed technology. This enables the full speed control of the drive and the absence of a mechanical gearbox and couplers. When using rotational speeds higher than those that can be directly achieved by the network frequency the structure of the rotor has to be mechanically durable. In this thesis the performance characteristics of an axial-flux solid-rotor-core induction motor are determined. The motor studied is a one-rotor-one-stator axial-flux induction motor, and thus, there is only one air-gap between the rotor and the stator. The motor was designed for higher rotational speeds, and therefore a good mechanical strength of the solid-rotor-core rotor is required to withstand the mechanical stresses. The construction of the rotor and the high rotational speeds together produce a feature, which is not typical of traditional induction motors: the dominating loss component of the motor is the rotor eddy current loss. In the case of a typical industrial induction motor instead the dominating loss component is the stator copper loss. In this thesis, several methods to decrease the rotor eddy current losses in the case of axial-flux induction motors are presented. A prototype motor with 45 kW output power at 6000 min-1 was designed and constructed for ascertaining the results obtained from the numerical FEM calculations. In general, this thesis concentrates on the methods for improving the electromagnetic properties of an axial-flux solid-rotor-core induction motor and examines the methods for decreasing the harmonic eddy currents of the rotor. The target is to improve the efficiency of the motor and to reach the efficiency standard of the present-day industrial induction motors equipped with laminated rotors.
This study considered the current situation of solid and liquid biofuels markets and international biofuels trade in Finland and identified the challenges ofthe emerging international biofuels markets for Finland. The fact that industryconsumes more than half of the total primary energy, widely applied combined heat and power production (CHP) and a high share of biofuels in the total energy consumption are specific to the Finnish energy system. One third of the electricity is generated in CHP plants. As much as 27% of the total energy consumption ismet by using wood and peat, which makes Finland the leading country in the use of biofuels. Finland has made a commitment to maintain greenhouse gas emissions at the 1990 level at the highest during the period 2008-2012. The Finnish energypolicy aims to achieve the target, and a variety of measures are taken to promote the use of renewable energy sources and especially wood fuels. In this study, the wooden raw material streams of the forest industry were included the international biofuels trade in addition to biomass streams that are traded for energy production. In 2004, as much as 45% of the raw wood importedinto Finland ended up in energy production. The total international trading of biofuels was evaluated at 72 PJ, of which the majority, 58 PJ, was raw wood. About 22% of wood based energy in Finland originated from imported raw wood. Tall oil and wood pellets composed the largest export streams of biofuels. The annual turnover of international biofuels trade was estimated at about ¤ 90 million fordirect trade and at about ¤ 190 million for indirect trade. The forest industryas the biggest user of wood, and the producer and user of wood fuels has a central position in biomass and biofuels markets in Finland. Lately, the international aspects of Finnish biofuels markets have been emphasised as the import of rawwood and the export of wood pellets have increased. Expanding the use of biofuels in the road transportation sector would increase the international streams ofbiofuels in Finland. In coming years, the international trading of biomass for energy purposes can be expected to continue growing.
The solid-rotor induction motor provides a mechanically and thermally reliable solution for demanding environments where other rotor solutions are prohibited or questionable. Solid rotors, which are manufactured of single pieces of ferromagnetic material, are commonly used in motors in which the rotationspeeds exceed substantially the conventional speeds of laminated rotors with squirrel-cage. During the operation of a solid-rotor electrical machine, the rotor core forms a conductor for both the magnetic flux and the electrical current. This causes an increase in the rotor resistance and rotor leakage inductance, which essentially decreases the power factor and the efficiency of the machine. The electromagnetic problems related to the solid-rotor induction motor are mostly associated with the low performance of the rotor. Therefore, the main emphasis in this thesis is put on the solid steel rotor designs. The rotor designs studied in thisthesis are based on the fact that the rotor construction should be extremely robust and reliable to withstand the high mechanical stresses caused by the rotational velocity of the rotor. In addition, the demanding operation environment sets requirements for the applied materials because of the high temperatures and oxidizing acids, which may be present in the cooling fluid. Therefore, the solid rotors analyzed in this thesis are made of a single piece of ferromagnetic material without any additional parts, such as copper end-rings or a squirrel-cage. A pure solid rotor construction is rigid and able to keep its balance over a large speed range. It also may tolerate other environmental stresses such as corroding substances or abrasive particles. In this thesis, the main target is to improve the performance of an induction motor equipped with a solid steel rotor by traditional methods: by axial slitting of the rotor, by selecting a proper rotor core material and by coating the rotor with a high-resistive stainless ferromagnetic material. In the solid steel rotor calculation, the rotor end-effects have a significant effect on the rotor characteristics. Thus, the emphasis is also put on the comparison of different rotor endfactors. In addition, a corrective slip-dependent end-factor is proposed. The rotor designs covered in this thesis are the smooth solid rotor, the axially slitted solid rotor and the slitted rotor having a uniform ferromagnetic coating cylinder. The thesis aims at design rules for multi-megawatt machines. Typically, mega-watt-size solidrotor machines find their applications mainly in the field of electric-motor-gas-compression systems, in steam-turbine applications, and in various types of largepower pump applications, where high operational speeds are required. In this thesis, a 120 kW, 10 000 rpm solid-rotor induction motor is usedas a small-scale model for such megawatt-range solid-rotor machines. The performance of the 120 kW solid-rotor induction motors is determined by experimental measurements and finite element calculations.
Tässä diplomityössä pohditaan call centereiden asemaa tämän päivän palveluympäristössä ja myöskin call centereiden tulevaisuutta contact centereinä. Tämä työ tutkii kuinka asiakastarpeita ja uusia toiminnallisuuksia voidaan etsiä olemassaolevaan, mutta vielä keskeneräiseen call center tuotteeseen. Tutkimus on tehty lukemalla artikkeleita ja kirjoja tulevaisuuden contact centereistä, haastattelemalla asiakkaita ja järjestämällä ideointisessio yrityksen asiantuntijoille. Näin saadut tulokset priorisoitiin tätä tarkoitusta varten kehitellyllä matriisilla. Lopullisena tuloksena on lista toiminnallisuuksista tärkeysjärjestyksessä ja tuote roadmap kaikkein tärkeimmistä toiminnallisuuksista. Tämä roadmap antaa tuotekehitykselle ehdotuksen mitä tulisi implementoida nykyiseen tuotteeseen ja mitkä ovat prioriteetit. Tässä työssä pohdiskellaan myös tuotteen modulaarista rakennetta.
A method for the analysis of high-speed solid-rotor induction motors in presented. The analysis is based on a new combination of the three dimensional linear method and the transfer matrix method. Both saturation and finite length effects are taken into account. The active region of the solid rotor is divided into saturated and unsaturated parts. The time dependence is assumed to be sinusoidal and phasor quantities are used in the solution. The method is applied to the calculation of smooth solid rotors manufactured of different materials. Six rotor materials are tested: three construction steels, pure iron, a cobaltiron alloy and an aluminium alloy. The results obtained by the method agree fairly well with the measurement quantities.
Within the latest decade high-speed motor technology has been increasingly commonly applied within the range of medium and large power. More particularly, applications like such involved with gas movement and compression seem to be the most important area in which high-speed machines are used. In manufacturing the induction motor rotor core of one single piece of steel it is possible to achieve an extremely rigid rotor construction for the high-speed motor. In a mechanical sense, the solid rotor may be the best possible rotor construction. Unfortunately, the electromagnetic properties of a solid rotor are poorer than the properties of the traditional laminated rotor of an induction motor. This thesis analyses methods for improving the electromagnetic properties of a solid-rotor induction machine. The slip of the solid rotor is reduced notably if the solid rotor is axially slitted. The slitting patterns of the solid rotor are examined. It is shown how the slitting parameters affect the produced torque. Methods for decreasing the harmonic eddy currents on the surface of the rotor are also examined. The motivation for this is to improve the efficiency of the motor to reach the efficiency standard of a laminated rotor induction motor. To carry out these research tasks the finite element analysis is used. An analytical calculation of solid rotors based on the multi-layer transfer-matrix method is developed especially for the calculation of axially slitted solid rotors equipped with wellconducting end rings. The calculation results are verified by using the finite element analysis and laboratory measurements. The prototype motors of 250 – 300 kW and 140 Hz were tested to verify the results. Utilization factor data are given for several other prototypes the largest of which delivers 1000 kW at 12000 min-1.
Streptavidin, a tetrameric protein secreted by Streptomyces avidinii, binds tightly to a small growth factor biotin. One of the numerous applications of this high-affinity system comprises the streptavidin-coated surfaces of bioanalytical assays which serve as universal binders for straightforward immobilization of any biotinylated molecule. Proteins can be immobilized with a lower risk of denaturation using streptavidin-biotin technology in contrast to direct passive adsorption. The purpose of this study was to characterize the properties and effects of streptavidin-coated binding surfaces on the performance of solid-phase immunoassays and to investigate the contributions of surface modifications. Various characterization tools and methods established in the study enabled the convenient monitoring and binding capacity determination of streptavidin-coated surfaces. The schematic modeling of the monolayer surface and the quantification of adsorbed streptavidin disclosed the possibilities and the limits of passive adsorption. The defined yield of 250 ng/cm2 represented approximately 65 % coverage compared with a modelled complete monolayer, which is consistent with theoretical surface models. Modifications such as polymerization and chemical activation of streptavidin resulted in a close to 10-fold increase in the biotin-binding densities of the surface compared with the regular streptavidin coating. In addition, the stability of the surface against leaching was improved by chemical modification. The increased binding densities and capacities enabled wider high-end dynamic ranges in the solid-phase immunoassays, especially when using the fragments of the capture antibodies instead of intact antibodies for the binding of the antigen. The binding capacity of the streptavidin surface was not, by definition, predictive of the low-end performance of the immunoassays nor the assay sensitivity. Other features such as non-specific binding, variation and leaching turned out to be more relevant. The immunoassays that use a direct surface readout measurement of time-resolved fluorescence from a washed surface are dependent on the density of the labeled antibodies in a defined area on the surface. The binding surface was condensed into a spot by coating streptavidin in liquid droplets into special microtiter wells holding a small circular indentation at the bottom. The condensed binding area enabled a denser packing of the labeled antibodies on the surface. This resulted in a 5 - 6-fold increase in the signal-to-background ratios and an equivalent improvement in the detection limits of the solid-phase immunoassays. This work proved that the properties of the streptavidin-coated surfaces can be modified and that the defined properties of the streptavidin-based immunocapture surfaces contribute to the performance of heterogeneous immunoassays.
Several bioaffinity assays are based on the detection of an analyte which is bound on a solid substrate via biochemical interaction. These so called solid phase assays are based on the adhesion of the primary binding partner on a solid surface, which then binds the analyte to be detected. In this thesis work a novel solid phase based assay technology, known as spot technology, was developed. The spot technology is based on combination of high-capacity solid phases, concentrated in a spot format, utilising modified streptavidin molecules and recombinant antibody fragments. The reduction of the solid phase binding surface to a size of a spot enabled denser binding of the target molecules, providing improved signal intensities and signal-to-background ratio when applied in different solid phase immunoassays. Streptavidin-biotin interactions are commonly utilised in numerous different bioaffinity assays and the ultimate nature of streptavidin to bind biotin is among the strongest non-covalent interaction reported between two biomolecules. In this study native core streptavidin was chemically modified to provide polymerised streptavidin molecules with altered adsorption properties. These streptavidin conjugates, when coated onto polystyrene surface, provided enhanced biotin binding capacity and surface stability when compared to a reference coating constructed with native streptavidin. Furthermore, the combination of chemically modified streptavidin, sitespecifically biotinylated antibody fragments and the spot coating technology provided highly dense solid phase coating with improved binding properties. The performance of the spot assay technology was further demonstrated in different immunoassay configurations. Human thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and human cardiac troponin I (cTnI) were used as model analytes to show the applicability of the highly sensitive spot-based solid-phase immunoassay for detection of very low levels of analytes. It was demonstrated that the spot technology provided an assay concept with enhanced sensitivity and short turn-around times, characteristics that are highly suitable for point-of-care applications.
The amphiphilic nature of metal extractants causes the formation of micelles and other microscopic aggregates when in contact with water and an organic diluent. These phenomena and their effects on metal extraction were studied using carboxylic acid (Versatic 10) and organophosphorus acid (Cyanex 272) based extractants. Special emphasis was laid on the study of phase behaviour in a pre neutralisation stage when the extractant is transformed to a sodium or ammonium salt form. The pre neutralised extractants were used to extract nickel and to separate cobalt and nickel. Phase diagrams corresponding to the pre neutralisation stage in a metal extraction process were determined. The maximal solubilisation of the components in the system water(NH3)/extractant/isooctane takes place when the molar ratio between the ammonia salt form and the free form of the extractant is 0.5 for the carboxylic acid and 1 for the organophosphorus acid extractant. These values correspond to the complex stoichiometry of NH4A•HA and NIi4A, respectively. When such a solution is contacted with water a microemulsion is formed. If the aqueous phase contains also metal ions (e.g. Ni²+), complexation will take place on the microscopic interface of the micellar aggregates. Experimental evidence showing that the initial stage of nickel extraction with pre neutralised Versatic 10 is a fast pseudohomogeneous reaction was obtained. About 90% of the metal were extracted in the first 15 s after the initial contact. For nickel extraction with pre neutralised Versatic 10 it was found that the highest metal loading and the lowest residual ammonia and water contents in the organic phase are achieved when the feeds are balanced so that the stoichiometry is 2NH4+(org) = Nit2+(aq). In the case of Co/Ni separation using pre neutralised Cyanex 272 the highest separation is achieved when the Co/extractant molar ratio in the feeds is 1 : 4 and at the same time the optimal degree of neutralisation of the Cyanex 272 is about 50%. The adsorption of the extractants on solid surfaces may cause accumulation of solid fine particles at the interface between the aqueous and organic phases in metal extraction processes. Copper extraction processes are known to suffer of this problem. Experiments were carried out using model silica and mica particles. It was found that high copper loading, aromacity of the diluent, modification agents and the presence of aqueous phase decrease the adsorption of the hydroxyoxime on silica surfaces.
Cutin and suberin are structural and protective polymers of plant surfaces. The epidermal cells of the aerial parts of plants are covered with an extracellular cuticular layer, which consists of polyester cutin, highly resistant cutan, cuticular waxes and polysaccharides which link the layer to the epidermal cells. A similar protective layer is formed by a polyaromatic-polyaliphatic biopolymer suberin, which is present particularly in the cell walls of the phellem layer of periderm of the underground parts of plants (e.g. roots and tubers) and the bark of trees. In addition, suberization is also a major factor in wound healing and wound periderm formation regardless of the plants’ tissue. Knowledge of the composition and functions of cuticular and suberin polymers is important for understanding the physiological properties for the plants and for nutritional quality when these plants are consumed as foods. The aims of the practical work were to assess the chemical composition of cuticular polymers of several northern berries and seeds and suberin of two varieties of potatoes. Cutin and suberin were studied as isolated polymers and further after depolymerization as soluble monomers and solid residues. Chemical and enzymatic depolymerization techniques were compared and a new chemical depolymerization method was developed. Gas chromatographic analysis with mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS) was used to assess the monomer compositions. Polymer investigations were conducted with solid state carbon-13 cross polarization magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (13C CP-MAS NMR), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and microscopic analysis. Furthermore, the development of suberin over one year of post-harvest storage was investigated and the cuticular layers from berries grown in the North and South of Finland were compared. The results show that the amounts of isolated cuticular layers and cutin monomers, as well as monomeric compositions vary greatly between the berries. The monomer composition of seeds was found to differ from the corresponding berry peel monomers. The berry cutin monomers were composed mostly of long-chain aliphatic ω-hydroxy acids, with various mid-chain functionalities (double-bonds, epoxy, hydroxy and keto groups). Substituted α,ω-diacids predominated over ω-hydroxy acids in potato suberin monomers and slight differences were found between the varieties. The newly-developed closed tube chemical method was found to be suitable for cutin and suberin analysis and preferred over the solvent-consuming and laborious reflux method. Enzymatic hydrolysis with cutinase was less effective than chemical methanolysis and showed specificity towards α,ω-diacid bonds. According to 13C CP-MAS NMR and FTIR, the depolymerization residues contained significant amounts of aromatic structures, polysaccharides and possible cutan-type aliphatic moieties. Cultivation location seems to have effect on cuticular composition. The materials studied contained significant amounts of different types of biopolymers that could be utilized for several purposes with or without further processing. The importance of the so-called waste material from industrial processes of berries and potatoes as a source of either dietary fiber or specialty chemicals should be further investigated in detail. The evident impact of cuticular and suberin polymers, among other fiber components, on human health should be investigated in clinical trials. These by-product materials may be used as value-added fiber fractions in the food industry and as raw materials for specialty chemicals such as lubricants and emulsifiers, or as building blocks for novel polymers.