58 resultados para Marriage equality


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Äänitetty: 7.-8.5.1953, Los Angeles.


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Äänitetty: 7.-8.5.1953, Los Angeles.


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Äänitetty: 7.-8.5.1953, Los Angeles.


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Äänitetty: 7.-8.5.1953, Los Angeles.


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Äänitetty: 7.-8.5.1953, Los Angeles.


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Mergers are often used purposeful strategic tool. Previous research has mainly concentrated on actu-al M&A process and to elements leading to that decision. Purpose of this study is to approach de-merger of Cloetta Fazer and research what were the reasons that lead to demerger. Problem is ap-proached by first evaluating was the merger an success in the first place, as described in earlier stud-ies, media and academic research. From this information the motives for demerger are approached. Research material for study is collected from second hand sources. Research data-sample was di-vided into two categories: Timeline Sample & Additional Information Sample. Timeline sample was collected by systematically collecting news from Sanoma News database and Alma News database. This data was indexed and a timeline was constructed. From this timeline key dates, themes and elements were identified and further data gathering was concentrated based on those themes. Results of the study suggest that Merger was not as great success as it was described in earlier years. Explanations why merger ended up into demerger vary greatly. From material key factor, lack of, or error in, long term strategic planning was identified. This was due to death in family during strategy creation and mistakes made in pre-merger phase.


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Summary: From equality to entrepreneurial self - the crisis of the welfare state and changing policy rhetoric of higher education


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Summary: Instead of marriage


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English summary: Fixed-term employment and the prohibition of indirect discrimination under the Gender Equality Act (s.139-140)


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English summary: Quotas, democracy and gender equality (s.1279-1280)


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English summary: Multifaceted equality: international influences in Finnish equality law (s.1281-1282)


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Immigrant Pupils in Special Education Schools The study focused on the opinions of immigrant pupils in the 1st–9th grades of basic education in four special education schools of the City of Turku and in need of special support about the following: 1. Their difficulties in going to school in general education before the transfer to a special education school. 2. Their opinions about the transfer process to special education and the changes in their school practice after being transferred to a special education school. 3. Their experiences about their school and coping in special education school. The study strengthened the idea that immigrant pupils need positive special treatment, linguistic support, individual guidance, small teaching groups and operating models that promote well-being on their integration and education path. The central educational idea of inclusive education is based on deconstructing the power structures concerning gender, ethnicity and “race” and approval of differences in the pupils. Shifting the emphasis from the pupil to working on the learning environment has resulted in special education no longer being primarily separate special education tied to a certain place, but directing the teaching more towards individuality. The central dimension of intercultural competence of a teacher working in a multicultural class seems to be the attitudes and approaches to a different pupil; the teacher must be interculturally sensitive when facing children and young people from a foreign culture. Education and teaching affect every sector of the pupil’s well-being. Learning and learning results have a connection with teaching, education and well-being. Every sector is important for the going to school and integration of an immigrant pupil in need of special support. The basis of the study is the equality of opportunities and the humanistic idea of the human being in the Finnish education policy. The immigrant pupils selected for the study represented the following language groups: Arabian, Albanian, Somali, Russian and Vietnamese. In the four special education schools, the number of immigrant pupils belonging to these language groups (2004) totalled 104. A total of 89 pupils i.e. 86% answered the questionnaire, which is sufficient considering the generalisation of the study. Although this is basically a quantitative study, the interviewing method was used in part of the study, because the questionnaires were in Finnish and consequently, it was difficult for some immigrant pupils to understand them. Understanding the questions was also affected by the fact that the age distribution in the study was very wide (7–18). According to the results of the study, the immigrants felt that the biggest drawbacks in general education were their inability to speak Finnish and lack of concentration. The actual process of being transferred to a special education class remained unclear for immigrant pupils, and they could do very little about the transfer themselves. The results show that immigrant pupils coped well in special education school; they felt that their learning ability and concentration improved in the small groups of the special education school. They considered the individual support given in the special education schools to be useful. The lower-grade immigrant pupils had a more positive attitude towards special education school than the upper-grade immigrant pupils. In all the special education schools the immigrant pupils experienced that they were in a good position in the class; girls felt this even a little more strongly than boys. The teacher-pupil-relationship was felt to be good. School bullying being so common was a negative feature experienced by immigrant pupils, who were often targets or bullies themselves. Immigrant pupils believed in their success at school and in the opportunities offered by special education schools. Generally they were of the opinion that pupils are not labelled by special school; however, upper-grade immigrant pupils were more hesitant than lower-grade immigrant pupils. This study aimed at bringing out the immigrant pupils’ own opinions. Teaching immigrant pupils in special education schools has not been very much studied in Finland, which made the topic new and even more challenging.


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Ulkoistaminen on strateginen työkalu, jonka avulla tehostetaan ja parannetaan toimintaa. Sen avulla pystytään keskittymään omaan ydintoimintaan. Ulkoistamiseen liittyy hyötyjen lisäksi myös riskejä, joita on ennakoitava ja mietittävä etukäteen ennen ulkoistamista. Ulkoistamispäätöstä on katsottava strategisesta näkökulmasta ja sitä, millainen suhde toimittajan kanssahalutaan luoda. Hyvän ulkoistamissuhteen muodostamiseen tarvitaan ensin selvittää syy ulkoistamiselle. Tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin kuinka solmitaan tuloksellinen suhde ulkoistavan yrityksen ja palveluntarjoajan välille teoreettisella tarkastelulla. Teoreettinen viitekehys rakentui ulkoistamisprosessin eri vaiheisiin liittyvien teorioiden tarkastelulla, joiden avulla haettiin vastausta tutkimusongelmaan ja tuomalla esiin asioita, joilla on suuri merkitys suhteen onnistumisen kannalta. Tutkimuksen mukaan ulkoistaminen on suunniteltava ja tehtävä huolellisesti. Ulkoistamisprosessin avulla pystytään projekti jakamaan viiteen vaiheeseen ja jokainen vaihe on tärkeä suhteen onnistumisen kannalta. Sopimuksen allekirjoittamisen jälkeen, on suhdetta johdettava ja hallittava koko ajan. Johtamistapavaatii uudistumista, sillä toimittajan kanssa muodostettu suhde eroaa sisäisen henkilökunnan johtamisesta. Onnistuakseen suhde vaatii sen syvyyden, laajuuden, toimintatapojen ja kommunikoinnin määrittämisen. Hyvä suhde perustuu luottamukseen, avoimuuteen, tasapuolisuuteen, kemiaan ja kommunikointiin osapuolten kesken


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Kassanhallintakirjallisuus on pitkälti normatiivista tai yksittäisiä kohteita ja niiden kassanhallinnanosa-alueita tarkastelevaa case-tutkimusta. Sen sijaan kassanhallintaa laajalla tutkimuskohdejoukolla strategia- ja järjestelmävalintojen näkökulmasta tarkastelevia tutkimuksia on tehty vain vähän. Tämä suomalaista kuntakenttää tarkastelevaeksploratiivinen tutkimus antaa kuvan rakenne-, strategia- ja järjestelmävalinnoista, joita kunnat ovat painottaneet kassanhallinnassaan vuosina 2000 - 2002. Tutkimuksen metodologisena viitekehyksenä käytetty kontingenssilähestymistapaan pohjautuva konfiguratiivinen systeemimalli mahdollisti suuren tutkimuskohdejoukonstrategia- ja järjestelmäkäytäntöjen erojen kvantitatiivisen analysoinnin. Ryhmittelyanalyysin avulla tutkimusdatasta muodostui neljä strategia- ja järjestelmäpainotuksiltaan toisistaan eroavaa kuntaryhmää, ja tutkimustulokset osoittivat kuntien kassanhallintakäytäntöjen olevan hyvin samankaltaisia yksityissektorin vastaaviin käytäntöihin verrattuna; myös julkissektorin kassanhallinnassa painotetaan kustannustehokkuutta. Kustannustehokkuusstrategian rinnalla vastaajakunnat painottivat sijoitus-, lainanhoito- ja riskienhallintastrategioita sekä em. strategioiden toteuttamista tukevia rakenne- ja järjestelmävalintoja. Myös pienempienkuntien havaittiin tukeutuneen samoihin strategia- ja järjestelmäpainotuksiin kuin isommat kunnat, vaikka esim. järjestelmien käytännön tietohallintaratkaisuissa saattaa esiintyä kuntakoosta johtuvia eroja. Lisäksi joustavuusstrategian painoarvo osana kuntien kassanhallintastrategioita oli suuri. Tämä on johdonmukaista, sillä kassapositioiden ennakoimattomat muutokset edellyttävät nopeaa päätöksentekoa. Kustannustehokkuusajattelulla, kassanhoitokokonaisuuden ymmärtämisellä ja uusien kassanhoitotekniikoiden sekä rahoitusinstrumenttien selektiivisellä käytöllä on mahdollista vaikuttaa kuntien rahoituksenhoidon nettokustannuksiin.