18 resultados para Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Italian.


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Despite the increasing number of research on translating for children, no study has so far taken into consideration the translations of children’s literature from Finnish into Italian. This dissertation sets out to fill this gap with a comparative study of Finnish picturebooks and their translations into Italian. Besides being the first research in the field analysing the shifts between these two systems, the study thoroughly investigates the characteristics of the translation process of picturebooks. The works chosen as case study are the Finnish picturebooks by Mauri Kunnas and their Italian translations from the period 1979-2009 because they are characterized by a high number of linguistic and cultural complexities which challenge translators’ skills and knowledge. The dissertation establishes whether and how culture-specific elements (anthroponyms, toponyms, food and allusions) and the word-image interaction have a significant impact on the quality and the nature of the target works, and also whether these aspects are still consistent after the translation and the adaptation process to the target system. Since picturebooks are multimodal texts whose message is produced by both the verbal and the visual, it has been necessary to use a multimodal comparative analysis. Such a descriptive comparative study has allowed me to describe the textual and cultural manipulations undergone by Kunnas’s picturebooks translated into Italian. Indeed, it has helped to identify what kind of shifts occur when cultural specific elements are transferred from the source system to the target one, to determine the most frequent translation strategies used to ensure a higher degree of readability, and to establish whether particular translation choices have contributed to modify the word-image interaction. The results of the multimodal comparative analysis have shown that Italian translators have been deeply influenced by the preponderance of the illustrations and for this reason they have often verbalised the visual and added information not originally contained in the source written text. Moreover, the findings of the analysis together with the interviews to the Italian translator and publishing house have also demonstrated that the latter aimed at producing works “good for the child” – and at the same time “good for the adult” – and at minimizing Finnish cultural specificity, even to the detriment of the aesthetic nature of the original picturebooks.


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This caring science study explores ‘Will’ as an ontological concept. The aim is to deepen the understanding of the essence of Will, and to highlight the manifestations of Will and how Will becomes evident in clinical caring. Will is ontological and universal. Will is connected with the essence of the human being, and manifests in the human being as will. The approach is inspired by Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics. The study’s horizon of understanding consists of Eriksson’s caritative theory and the caring science-tradition. The study’s research questions are as follows: What is the essence of Will? What are its manifestations? How does Will become evident in clinical caring? The hermeneutic interpretative movement is initiated by the material, which consists of the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer’s texts, letters from experts and dictionaries. Meaning-bearing substance fragments in the material are intertwined with the original horizon of understanding through hermeneutical reading, hermeneutical interpretation and concept analysis in an oscillating interpretive movement. An abstraction occurs when the new substance is illuminated by the caring science ontology. The oscillating interpretive movement results in a reinterpreted horizon of understanding, which in turn provides the findings of the study. The reinterpreted horizon of understanding is presented in the form of a theoretical model and abductive theses. The essence of Will is represented in the theoretical model as the lifeaffirming and the loving force. Life and love are Will’s origin and destination. Will’s manifestations (its diversity) hold conditions and chance occurrences that obstruct Will. Hence the will of the human being does not necessarily appear in a way that is in tune with ontological Will. Will represents the lifeblood of ethos, and in this lifeblood love flows. Will acts by virtue of itself, and gives ethos its force. Will manifests in a way that ethos can affirm. When Will is affected by caring its force is active in the service of life and love. Being a caregiver entails acting as a world-eye, which means recognizing Will in diversity. For caregivers, being a world-eye means observing fragments of Will as it manifests in its original form in the real reality, and acting as the mirror of life. The human being who is able to perceive the fundamental values of life and to live according to these has understood the laws of life and entered upon the human calling. The human being then lives according to the fundamental order and has found a home in life.


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Tämän sivuaineen tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten suomalaiset ja italialaiset englannin kielen opiskelijat tunnistavat englanninkielisten idiomien merkityksiä. Erityisesti opiskelijoiden oman äidinkielen vaikutusta idiomien ymmärtämiseen tutkitaan, kuin myös idiomien eri ominaisuuksien vaikutusta. Lisäksi tutkitaan, miten opiskelijat itse ajattelevat osaavansa käyttää idiomeja, ja pitävätkö he idiomien oppimista tärkeänä. Tutkielmaan osallistui 35 suomalaista englannin kielen yliopisto-opiskelijaa ja 34 italialaista englannin kielen yliopisto-opiskelijaa. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin monivalintakyselyn avulla. Idiomit valittiin Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idioms (2001) -sanakirjasta. Kysely sisälsi 36 idiomia, jotka valittiin kolmesta eri frekvenssiluokasta. Jokaisesta frekvenssiluokasta valittiin neljä idiomia, joille oli vastine sekä suomen että italian kielessä, neljä idiomia, joille oli vastine vain suomen kielessä ja neljä idiomia, joille oli vastine vain italian kielessä. Kullekin idiomille oli annettu neljä merkitysvaihtoehtoa, ja näistä yksi tai kaksi oli sanakirjojen mukaisia oikeita vastauksia. Tutkimuksen tulokset näyttävät osoittavan, että sekä suomalaisilla että italialaisilla oli vaikeuksia idiomien merkitysten tunnistamisessa. Kuitenkin myös suomalaisten ja italiaisten välillä oli tilastollisesti merkittävä ero. Suomalaiset osasivat idiomit huomattavasti paremmin kuin italialaiset. Koehenkilöt ymmärsivät merkittävästi helpommin idiomit joille oli vastine heidän omassa äidinkielessään kuin idiomit joille ei ollut vastinetta. Lisäksi vastaajat näyttivät hyötyvän myös idiomien kuvainnollisen ja kirjaimellisen merkityksen läheisyydestä eli läpinäkyvyydestä. Idiomien frekvenssi sen sijaan ei näyttänyt vaikuttavan niiden ymmärtämiseen. Suomalaisten ja italialaisten englannin opiskelijoiden mukaan idiomien opiskelu on hyödyllistä ja tarpeellista. Tulokset osoittavat, että idiomien ymmärtäminen on haastavaa jopa edistyneille oppijoille. Omalla äidinkielellä näyttää olevan suuri vaikutus idiomien ymmärtämiseen, ja nimenomaan samankaltaisuudesta on hyötyä. Äidinkielen merkitykseen vieraiden kielten oppimisessa ja sanaston oppimisessa täytyisi kiinnittää enemmän huomiota, ja idiomeja sekä muuta kuvainnollista kieltä täytyisi opettaa myös edistyneemmille oppijoille.


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The aim of this research was to structure a conceptual model of hope and hopelessness based on dictionary definitions, and to verify this model on the basis of the experiences of the severely depressive and non-depressive elderly. This research has produced a substantive theory of hope and hopelessness which is based on the experiences of the depressive and non-depressive elderly, and on the concept analysis of hope and hopelessness based on English dictionary definitions. The patients who participated in the research were 65 years old and older men and women (n=22) who had been admitted to a psychiatric hospital because of major depression, and another group: the non-depressive elderly (n=21), who were recruited from the pensioners’ clubs. The data were collected in interviews using the Clinical Assessment Tool, developed by Farran, Salloway and Clark (1990) and Farran, Wilken and Popovich (1992), and it produced 553 pages of written text, which were analysed using the ATLAS/ti programme. ATLAS/ti is a tool for analysing qualitative data and is based on Grounded Theory. The medical and nursing records of the depressive elderly completed source triangulation. The concept analysis of hope and hopelessness was made on the basis of the definitions of English dictionaries (n=103), using semantic analysis and the ATLAS/ti programme. The most important hope-promoting factors were human relations, health and managing in everyday living. Autonomy, self-determination and feeling of security were highly appreciated among the elderly. Hopelessness, on the other hand, was most often associated with the same factors: human relations, health and everyday living. Especially, losses of significant others were experienced as strongly hope-diminishing. Old age had brought freedom from duties concerning others, but now, when you finally had an opportunity to enjoy yourself, you could not accomplish anything; you were clasped in the arms of total inability, depression had come. The most obvious difference in the life course of the depressive and nondepressive elderly was the abundance of traumatic experiences in the childhood and youth of the depressive elderly. The continuous circulation of fearful thoughts was almost touchable, and suicidality was described in connection with these thoughts. You were afraid to be awake and also to go to sleep. Managing day by day was the goal. The research produced the Basic Social Process (BSP) of hope: achieving - maintaining - losing, which expresses a continuous balancing between Being without and Being with. The importance of the object of hope was combined with the amount of hope and disappointment. The process of approaching defined the realisation of hope and the process of withdrawal that of losing. Joy and security versus grief and insecurity defined the Being with and Being without. Two core categories were found. The first one “If only I could�? reflects lack of energy, lack of knowledge, lack of courage and lack of ability. The other one “There is always a loophole�? reflects deliberate tracing of possibilities and the belief in finding solutions, and managing.


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Selostus: Italian raiheinä aluskasvina vähentää typen huuhtoutumista ohranviljelyssä


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Tutkielman tavoitteena oli tarkastella markkinoillemenostrategian valitsemista Ranskan, Italian ja Espanjan Informaatio- ja kommunikaatioteknologioiden markkinoille (pääpainon ollessa Ranskassa). Tutkielman empiiristä osaa varten tehtiin sarja haastatteluja. Niistä saatuja tuloksia verrattiin kirjallisuudesta saatuihin tietoihin. Kirjallisuuden ja haastattelujen avulla pyrittiin tuomaan esille uutta tietoa joka voisi auttaa suomalaisyrityksiä heidän suunnitellessa markkinoillemenoa. Suomalaisten ICT-alan yritysten suurimmat ongelmat kohdemarkkinoille markkinoillemenoprosessissa johtuvat kulttuurieroista ja byrokratiasta. Markkinoillemenomuodon valinnassa haluttiinkin haastatteluissa painottaa paikallisten työntekijöiden ja kumppaneiden käyttöä. Lisäksi kaivattiin suomalaisyritysten välistä parempaa yhteistyötä.


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Taltioitu radioidusta esityksestä 28.2.1954.


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Soitinnus : Piano.


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In the present dissertation, multilingual thesauri were approached as cultural products and the focus was twofold: On the empirical level the focus was placed on the translatability of certain British-English social science indexing terms into the Finnish language and culture at a concept, a term and an indexing term level. On the theoretical level the focus was placed on the aim of translation and on the concept of equivalence. In accordance with modern communicative and dynamic translation theories the interest was on the human dimension. The study is qualitative. In this study, equivalence was understood in a similar way to how dynamic, functional equivalence is commonly understood in translation studies. Translating was seen as a decision-making process, where a translator often has different kinds of possibilities to choose in order to fulfil the function of the translation. Accordingly, and as a starting point for the construction of the empirical part, the function of the source text was considered to be the same or similar to the function of the target text, that is, a functional thesaurus both in source and target context. Further, the study approached the challenges of multilingual thesaurus construction from the perspectives of semantics and pragmatics. In semantic analysis the focus was on what the words conventionally mean and in pragmatics on the ‘invisible’ meaning - or how we recognise what is meant even when it is not actually said (or written). Languages and ideas expressed by languages are created mainly in accordance with expressional needs of the surrounding culture and thesauri were considered to reflect several subcultures and consequently the discourses which represent them. The research material consisted of different kinds of potential discourses: dictionaries, database records, and thesauri, Finnish versus British social science researches, Finnish versus British indexers, simulated indexing tasks with five articles and Finnish versus British thesaurus constructors. In practice, the professional background of the two last mentioned groups was rather similar. It became even more clear that all the material types had their own characteristics, although naturally not entirely separate from each other. It is further noteworthy that the different types and origins of research material were not used to represent true comparison pairs, and that the aim of triangulation of methods and material was to gain a holistic view. The general research questions were: 1. Can differences be found between Finnish and British discourses regarding family roles as thesaurus terms, and if so, what kinds of differences and which are the implications for multilingual thesaurus construction? 2. What is the pragmatic indexing term equivalence? The first question studied how the same topic (family roles) was represented in different contexts and by different users, and further focused on how the possible differences were handled in multilingual thesaurus construction. The second question was based on findings of the previous one, and answered to the final question as to what kinds of factors should be considered when defining translation equivalence in multilingual thesaurus construction. The study used multiple cases and several data collection and analysis methods aiming at theoretical replication and complementarity. The empirical material and analysis consisted of focused interviews (with Finnish and British social scientists, thesaurus constructors and indexers), simulated indexing tasks with Finnish and British indexers, semantic component analysis of dictionary definitions and translations, coword analysis and datasets retrieved in databases, and discourse analysis of thesauri. As a terminological starting point a topic and case family roles was selected. The results were clear: 1) It was possible to identify different discourses. There also existed subdiscourses. For example within the group of social scientists the orientation to qualitative versus quantitative research had an impact on the way they reacted to the studied words and discourses, and indexers placed more emphasis on the information seekers whereas thesaurus constructors approached the construction problems from a more material based solution. The differences between the different specialist groups i.e. the social scientists, the indexers and the thesaurus constructors were often greater than between the different geo-cultural groups i.e. Finnish versus British. The differences occurred as a result of different translation aims, diverging expectations for multilingual thesauri and variety of practices. For multilingual thesaurus construction this means severe challenges. The clearly ambiguous concept of multilingual thesaurus as well as different construction and translation strategies should be considered more precisely in order to shed light on focus and equivalence types, which are clearly not self-evident. The research also revealed the close connection between the aims of multilingual thesauri and the pragmatic indexing term equivalence. 2) The pragmatic indexing term equivalence is very much context-depended. Although thesaurus term equivalence is defined and standardised in the field of library and information science (LIS), it is not understood in one established way and the current LIS tools are inadequate to provide enough analytical tools for both constructing and studying different kinds of multilingual thesauri as well as their indexing term equivalence. The tools provided in translation science were more practical and theoretical, and especially the division of different meanings of a word provided a useful tool in analysing the pragmatic equivalence, which often differs from the ideal model represented in thesaurus construction literature. The study thus showed that the variety of different discourses should be acknowledged, there is a need for operationalisation of new types of multilingual thesauri, and the factors influencing pragmatic indexing term equivalence should be discussed more precisely than is traditionally done.


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The Department of French Studies of the University of Turku (Finland) organized an International Bilingual Conference on Crosscultural and Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Academic Discourse from 2022 May 2005. The event hosted specialists on Academic Discourse from Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, and the USA. This book is the first volume in our series of publications on Academic Discourse (AD hereafter). The following pages are composed of selected papers from the conference and focus on different aspects and analytical frameworks of Academic Discourse. One of the motivations behind organizing the conference was to examine and expand research on AD in different languages. Another one was to question to what extent academic genres are culturebound and language specific or primarily field or domain specific. The research carried out on AD has been mainly concerned with the use of English in different academic settings for a long time now – mainly written contexts – and at the expense of other languages. Alternatively the academic genre conventions of English and English speaking world have served as a basis for comparison with other languages and cultures. We consider this first volume to be a strong contribution to the spreading out of researches based on other languages than English in AD, namely Finnish, French, Italian, Norwegian and Romanian in this book. All the following articles have a strong link with the French language: either French is constitutive of the AD corpora under examination or the article was written in French. The structure of the book suggests and provides evidence that the concept of AD is understood and tackled to varying degrees by different scholars. Our first volume opens up the discussion on what AD is and backs dissemination, overlapping and expansion of current research questions and methodologies. The book is divided into three parts and contains four articles in English and six articles in French. The papers in part one and part two cover what we call the prototypical genre of written AD, i.e. the research article. Part one follows up on issues linked to the 13 Research Article (RA hereafter). Kjersti Fløttum asks wether a typical RA exists and concentrates on authors’ voices in RA (self and other dimensions), whereas Didriksen and Gjesdal’s article focuses on individual variation of the author’s voice in RA. The last article in this section is by Nadine Rentel and deals with evaluation in the writing of RA. Part two concentrates on the teaching and learning of AD within foreign language learning, another more or less canonical genre of AD. Two aspects of writing are covered in the first two articles: foreign students’ representations on rhetorical traditions (Hidden) and a contrastive assessment of written exercices in French and Finnish in Higher Education (Suzanne). The last contribution in this section on AD moves away from traditional written forms and looks at how argumentation is constructed in students’ oral presentations (Dervin and Fauveau). The last part of the book continues the extension by featuring four articles written in French exploring institutional and scientific discourses. Institutional discourses under scrutiny include the European Bologna Process (Galatanu) and Romanian reform texts (Moilanen). As for scientific discourses, the next paper in this section deconstructs an ideological discourse on the didactics of French as a foreign language (Pescheux). Finally, the last paper in part three reflects on varied forms of AD at university (Defays). We hope that this book will add some fuel to continue discussing diverse forms of and approches to AD – in different languages and voices! No need to say that with the current upsurge in academic mobility, reflecting on crosscultural and crosslinguistic AD has just but started.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014