11 resultados para She who remembers survives

em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States


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A guide for women who are preparing to enter the workforce. Produced by the Iowa Commission on the Status of Women.


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Description and process of monitoring students with visual disabilities.


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This brochure provides general information about relocation assistance provided by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) for those individuals who may be required to move as a result of a highway project. It is not intended to be a legal document that comprehensively explains every right or obligation you have as established by Chapter 316, Code of Iowa; Federal Public Laws 91-646 and 100-17; and 49 CFR. Your relocation adviser will provide the assistance you need to successfully relocate to a suitable replacement property. Your first contact with your relocation adviser will usually occur during the early stages of the appraisal process, and he or she will continue to work with you until you have moved and become established at a new location. Do not hesitate to ask questions so you are sure you understand the process, your rights and the benefits available to you. Please let your DOT relocation adviser know your needs and preferences. If your relocation adviser is unable to help you with a specific problem or concern, he or she may know of another person or an organization that can help you. DO NOT MOVE UNTIL YOU HAVE CONTACTED YOUR DOT RELOCATION ADVISER. Only then will you be sure you are not jeopardizing your potential rights and benefits under this program. No person who lawfully occupies real property will be required by DOT to move without being notified in writing at least 90 days in advance.


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This brochure provides general information about relocation assistance provided by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) for those individuals who may be required to move as a result of a highway project. It is not intended to be a legal document that comprehensively explains every right or obligation you have as established by Chapter 316, Code of Iowa; Federal Public Laws 91-646 and 100-17; and 49 CFR. Your relocation advisor will provide the assistance you need to successfully relocate to a suitable replacement property. Your first contact with your relocation advisor will usually occur during the early stages of the appraisal process, and he or she will continue to work with you until you have moved and become established at a new location. Do not hesitate to ask questions so you are sure you understand the process, your rights and the benefits available to you. Please let your DOT relocation advisor know your needs and preferences. If your relocation advisor is unable to help you with a specific problem or concern, he or she may know of another person or an organization that can help you.


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This guide is intended to serve as the fi rst step in your journey toward understanding your child’s hearing loss and the resources available for your child and your family. Research provides clear evidence that if a child with hearing loss is to succeed in both language and educational development, the involvement of parents is crucial. This guide will equip you with the basic knowledge and resources you need to navigate Iowa’s service system. Here you will find: • information about the professionals who will work with your child • information about family support • your child’s education and communication options • your rights and responsibilities as the parent of child who is deaf or hard of hearing • links to other important resources • a glossary of new words you may encounter


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This guide is intended to serve as the fi rst step in your journey toward understanding your child’s hearing loss and the resources available for your child and your family. Research provides clear evidence that if a child with hearing loss is to succeed in both language and educational development, the involvement of parents is crucial. This guide will equip you with the basic knowledge and resources you need to navigate Iowa’s service system. Here you will find: • information about the professionals who will work with your child • information about family support • your child’s education and communication options • your rights and responsibilities as the parent of child who is deaf or hard of hearing • links to other important resources • a glossary of new words you may encounter Esta guía tiene por objeto ayudarle a dar el primer paso para comprender la pérdida auditiva de su hijo/a y los recursos disponibles para él/ella y su familia. Las investigaciones demuestran claramente que la participación de los padres es fundamental para que los niños con pérdida auditiva tengan éxito tanto en su desarrollo lingüístico como educacional. Esta guía le entregará los conocimientos y recursos básicos que necesitará para navegar por el sistema de servicios de Iowa. En esta guía encontrará: • información sobre los profesionales que trabajarán con su hijo/a • información sobre apoyo familiar • opciones de educación y comunicación de su hijo/a • sus derechos y responsabilidades como padre o madre de un niño con sordera o con difi cultades auditivas • vínculos a otros recursos importantes • un glosario de nuevas palabras que necesita conocer


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In June 2011, Lettie Prell released a report entitled Iowa Recidivism Report: Prison Return Rates (FY2007 Releases Tracked for 3 Years), in which she finds that those prison inmates who are paroled are less likely to return to prison due to a new conviction than are inmates who leave prison due to expiration ofsentence.


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The Iowa Department of Education completed two studies in 2011-2012. The studies addressed several areas of need: (a) identifying students likely on the Autism Spectrum, (b) examining where large numbers of students on the Autism Spectrum are attending school, (c) evaluating the services being provided to students and the location of those services, (d) determining the extent to which services are evidence-based, (e) determining if services are sufficient to effect change needed to reach performance levels needed to access life opportunity, (f) understanding the kinds of problems being addressed through the Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for the students identified, (g) examining the severity of behavior problems in the sample, and (h) examining academic proficiency and growth for students likely to be on the Autism Spectrum.


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