228 resultados para SNA research design
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
Sign vandalism has traditionally been a vexing problem for Iowa counties. The extent of the cost and incidence of these acts have never been fully ascertained, but a 1990 survey indicated that they cost Iowa counties more than 1.5 million dollars annually. In 1990, the Iowa Legislature recognized the seriousness of the problem and strengthened the existing sign vandalism law by increasing the penalty for illegal possession of a traffic control device from a simple to a serious misdemeanor. However, the courts must be willing to prosecute vandals to the magnitude provided in the Iowa Code. An educational campaign begun in 1987 involving over 200 Iowa school districts to educate students on the seriousness of the problem evidently did not have the effect of dramatically reducing the overall cost of sign vandalism in Iowa. This study sought to define the scope of the problem and possibly offer some effective countermeasures to combat sign vandalism and theft in Iowa.
The resilient modulus (MR) input parameters in the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) program have a significant effect on the projected pavement performance. The MEPDG program uses three different levels of inputs depending on the desired level of accuracy. The primary objective of this research was to develop a laboratory testing program utilizing the Iowa DOT servo-hydraulic machine system for evaluating typical Iowa unbound materials and to establish a database of input values for MEPDG analysis. This was achieved by carrying out a detailed laboratory testing program designed in accordance with the AASHTO T307 resilient modulus test protocol using common Iowa unbound materials. The program included laboratory tests to characterize basic physical properties of the unbound materials, specimen preparation and repeated load triaxial tests to determine the resilient modulus. The MEPDG resilient modulus input parameter library for Iowa typical unbound pavement materials was established from the repeated load triaxial MR test results. This library includes the non-linear, stress-dependent resilient modulus model coefficients values for level 1 analysis, the unbound material properties values correlated to resilient modulus for level 2 analysis, and the typical resilient modulus values for level 3 analysis. The resilient modulus input parameters library can be utilized when designing low volume roads in the absence of any basic soil testing. Based on the results of this study, the use of level 2 analysis for MEPDG resilient modulus input is recommended since the repeated load triaxial test for level 1 analysis is complicated, time consuming, expensive, and requires sophisticated equipment and skilled operators.
In the United States many bridge structures have been designed without consideration for their unique construction problems. Many problems could have been avoided if construction knowledge and experience was utilized in the design process. A systematic process is needed to create and capture construction knowledge for use in the design process. This study was conducted to develop a system to capture construction considerations from field people and incorporate it into a knowledge-base for use by the bridge designers. This report presents the results of this study. As a part of this study a microcomputer-based constructability system has been developed. The system is a user-friendly microcomputer database which codifies construction knowledge, provides easy access to specifications, and provides simple design computation checks for the designer. A structure for the final database was developed and used in the prototype system. A process for collecting, developing and maintaining the database is presented and explained. The study involved a constructability survey, interviews with designers and constructors, and visits to construction sites to collect constuctability concepts. The report describes the development of the constructability system and addresses the future needs for the Iowa Department of Transportation to make the system operational. A user's manual for the system is included along with the report.
Stream degradation is the action of deepening the stream bed and widening the banks due to the increasing velocity of water flow. Degradation is pervasive in channeled streams found within the deep to moderately deep loess regions of the central United States. Of all the streams, however, the most severe and widespread entrenchment occurs in western Iowa streams that are tributaries to the Missouri River. In September 1995 the Iowa Department of Transportation awarded a grant to Golden Hills Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. The purpose of the grant, HR-385 "Stream Stabilization in Western Iowa: Structure Evaluation and Design Manual", was to provide an assessment of the effectiveness and costs of various stabilization structures in controlling erosion on channeled streams. A review of literature, a survey of professionals, field observations and an analysis of the data recorded on fifty-two selected structures led to the conclusions presented in the project's publication, Design Manual, Streambed Degradation and Streambank Widening in Western Iowa. Technical standards and specifications for the design and construction of stream channel stabilization structures are included in the manual. Additional information on non-structural measures, monitoring and evaluation of structures, various permit requirements and further resources are also included. Findings of the research project and use and applications of the Design Manual were presented at two workshops in the Loess Hills region. Participants in these workshops included county engineers, private contractors, state and federal agency personnel, elected officials and others. The Design Manual continues to be available through Golden Hills Resource Conservation and Development.
Since integral abutment bridges decrease the initial and maintenance costs of bridges, they provide an attractive alternative for bridge designers. The objective of this project is to develop rational and experimentally verified design recommendations for these bridges. Field testing consisted of instrumenting two bridges in Iowa to monitor air and bridge temperatures, bridge displacements, and pile strains. Core samples were also collected to determine coefficients of thermal expansion for the two bridges. Design values for the coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete are recommended, as well as revised temperature ranges for the deck and girders of steel and concrete bridges. A girder extension model is developed to predict the longitudinal bridge displacements caused by changing bridge temperatures. Abutment rotations and passive soil pressures behind the abutment were neglected. The model is subdivided into segments that have uniform temperatures, coefficients of expansion, and moduli of elasticity. Weak axis pile strains were predicted using a fixed-head model. The pile is idealized as an equivalent cantilever with a length determined by the surrounding soil conditions and pile properties. Both the girder extension model and the fixed-head model are conservative for design purposes. A longitudinal frame model is developed to account for abutment rotations. The frame model better predicts both the longitudinal displacement and weak axis pile strains than do the simpler models. A lateral frame model is presented to predict the lateral motion of skewed bridges and the associated strong axis pile strains. Full passive soil pressure is assumed on the abutment face. Two alternatives for the pile design are presented. Alternative One is the more conservative and includes thermally induced stresses. Alternative Two neglects thermally induced stresses but allows for the partial formation of plastic hinges (inelastic redistribution of forces). Ductility criteria are presented for this alternative. Both alternatives are illustrated in a design example.
In June 2001, the Iowa Department of Transportation announced the imminent closure and disposal of selected highway maintenance facilities as part of cost-cutting measures mandated by the Iowa legislature, an action that was to be completed by July 31, 2001. The DOT recognized that some of these facilities might be "historical sites," which in the Iowa Code are defined as any district, site, building or structure listed on the National Register of Historic Places or identified as eligible for listing in the National Register by the State Historic Preservation Office. Section 303 of the Code requires state agencies to "enter into an agreement with the Department of Cultural Affairs [in which the SHPO is located] to ensure the proper management, maintenance and development of historical sites." The DOT saw this disposal action as an opportunity to compile information about its highway maintenance facilities that could be employed in development of a management program for historic highway maintenance facilities in the future. Subsequently, the DOT authorized a similar study of highway weigh stations.
Questionnaires were sent to transportation agencies in all 50 states in the U.S., to Puerto Rico, and all provinces in Canada asking about their experiences with uplift problems of - corrugated metal pipe (CMP). Responses were received from 52 agencies who reported 9 failures within the last 5 years. Some agencies also provided design standards for tiedowns to resist uplift. There was a wide variety in restraining forces used; for example for a pipe 6 feet in diameter, the resisting force ranged from 10 kips to 66 kips. These responses verified the earlier conclusion based on responses from Iowa county engineers that a potential uplift danger exists.when end restraint is not provided for CMP and that existing designs have an unclear theoretical or experimental basis. In an effort to develop more rational design standards, the longitudinal stiffness of three CMP ranging from 4 to 8 feet in diameter were measured in the laboratory. Because only three tests were conducted, a theoretical model to evaluate the stiffness of pipes of a variety of gages and corrugation geometries was also developed. The experimental results indicated a "stiffness" EI in the range of 9.11 x 10^5 k-in^2 to 34.43 x 10^5 k-in^2 for the three pipes with the larger diameter pipes having greater stiffness. The theoretical model developed conservatively estimates these stiffnesses.
This investigation is the final phase of a three part study whose overall objectives were to determine if a restraining force is required to prevent inlet uplift failures in corrugated metal pipe (CMP) installations, and to develop a procedure for calculating the required force when restraint is required. In the initial phase of the study (HR-306), the extent of the uplift problem in Iowa was determined and the forces acting on a CMP were quantified. In the second phase of the study (HR- 332), laboratory and field tests were conducted. Laboratory tests measured the longitudinal stiffness ofCMP and a full scale field test on a 3.05 m (10 ft) diameter CMP with 0.612 m (2 ft) of cover determined the soil-structure interaction in response to uplift forces. Reported herein are the tasks that were completed in the final phase of the study. In this phase, a buried 2.44 m (8 ft) CMP was tested with and without end-restraint and with various configurations of soil at the inlet end of the pipe. A total of four different soil configurations were tested; in all tests the soil cover was constant at 0.61 m (2 ft). Data from these tests were used to verify the finite element analysis model (FEA) that was developed in this phase of the research. Both experiments and analyses indicate that the primary soil contribution to uplift resistance occurs in the foreslope and that depth of soil cover does not affect the required tiedown force. Using the FEA, design charts were developed with which engineers can determine for a given situation if restraint force is required to prevent an uplift failure. If an engineer determines restraint is needed, the design charts provide the magnitude of the required force. The design charts are applicable to six gages of CMP for four flow conditions and two types of soil.
With the recent introduction of blended cements, many ready mix producers are using them as their sole source of cement. Iowa DOT specifications currently do not allow blended cements in patching due to their assumed slower strength gain. Patching specifications require opening at 5 hours on 2-lane or 10 hours on 4-lane pavement. This research will investigate early strength of concrete cast with ordinary Type I/II Portland cements and Type I(SM) blended Portland cements.
The performance of a pavement depends on the quality of its subgrade and subbase layers; these foundational layers play a key role in mitigating the effects of climate and the stresses generated by traffic. Therefore, building a stable subgrade and a properly drained subbase is vital for constructing an effective and long lasting pavement system. This manual has been developed to help Iowa highway engineers improve the design, construction, and testing of a pavement system’s subgrade and subbase layers, thereby extending pavement life. The manual synthesizes current and previous research conducted in Iowa and other states into a practical geotechnical design guide [proposed as Chapter 6 of the Statewide Urban Design and Specifications (SUDAS) Design Manual] and construction specifications (proposed as Section 2010 of the SUDAS Standard Specifications) for subgrades and subbases. Topics covered include the important characteristics of Iowa soils, the key parameters and field properties of optimum foundations, embankment construction, geotechnical treatments, drainage systems, and field testing tools, among others.
The strategic plan for bridge engineering issued by AASHTO in 2005 identified extending the service life and optimizing structural systems of bridges in the United States as two grand challenges in bridge engineering, with the objective of producing safer bridges that have a minimum service life of 75 years and reduced maintenance cost. Material deterioration was identified as one of the primary challenges to achieving the objective of extended life. In substructural applications (e.g., deep foundations), construction materials such as timber, steel, and concrete are subjected to deterioration due to environmental impacts. Using innovative and new materials for foundation applications makes the AASHTO objective of 75 years service life achievable. Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) with compressive strength of 180 MPa (26,000 psi) and excellent durability has been used in superstructure applications but not in geotechnical and foundation applications. This study explores the use of precast, prestressed UHPC piles in future foundations of bridges and other structures. An H-shaped UHPC section, which is 10-in. (250-mm) deep with weight similar to that of an HP10×57 steel pile, was designed to improve constructability and reduce cost. In this project, instrumented UHPC piles were cast and laboratory and field tests were conducted. Laboratory tests were used to verify the moment-curvature response of UHPC pile section. In the field, two UHPC piles have been successfully driven in glacial till clay soil and load tested under vertical and lateral loads. This report provides a complete set of results for the field investigation conducted on UHPC H-shaped piles. Test results, durability, drivability, and other material advantages over normal concrete and steel indicate that UHPC piles are a viable alternative to achieve the goals of AASHTO strategic plan.
Information concerning standard design practices and details for the Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) was provided to the research team. This was reviewed in detail so that the researchers would be familiar with the terminology and standard construction details. A comprehensive literature review was completed to gather information concerning constructability concepts applicable to bridges. It was determined that most of the literature deals with constructability as a general topic with only a limited amount of literature with specific concepts for bridge design and construction. Literature was also examined concerning the development of appropriate microcomputer databases. These activities represent completion of Task 1 as identified in the study.
Joint Publications from Iowa Engineering Experiment Station - Bulletin No. 188 and Iowa Highway Research Board - Bulletin No. 17. In the design of highway bridges, the 'static live load is multiplied by a factor to compensate for the dynamic effect of moving vehicles. This factor, commonly referred to as an impact factor, is intended to provide for the dynamic response of the bridge to moving loads and suddenly applied forces. Many investigators have published research which contradicts the current impact formula 1,4,17. Some investigators feel that the problem of impact deals not only with the increase in over-all static live load but that it is an integral part of a dynamic load distribution problem. The current expanded highway program with the large number of bridge structures required emphasizes the need for investigating some of the dynamic behavior problems which have been generally ignored by highway engineers. These problems generally result from the inability of a designer to predict the dynamic response of a bridge structure. Many different investigations have been made of particular portions of the overall dynamic problem. The results of these varied investigations are inevitably followed by a number of unanswered questions. Ironically, many of the unanswered questions are those which are of immediate concern in the design of highway bridges, and this emphasizes the need for additional research on the problem of impact.
The purpose of this manual is to provide guidelines for low water stream crossings (LWSC). Rigid criteria for determining the applicability of a LWSC to a given site are not established nor is a 'cookbook" procedure for designing a LWSC presented. Because conditions vary from county to county and from site to site within the county, judgment must be applied to the suggestions contained in this manual. A LWSC is a stream crossing that will be flooded periodically and closed to traffic. Carstens (1981) has defined a LWSC as "a ford, vented ford (one having some number of culvert pipes), low water bridge, or other structure that is designed so that its hydraulic capacity will be insufficient one or more times during a year of normal rainfall." In this manual, LWSC are subdivided into these same three main types: unvented fords, vented fords and low water bridges. Within the channel banks, an unvented ford can have its road profile coincident with the stream bed or can have its profile raised some height above the stream bed.
The routine use of integral abutments to tie bridge superstructures to foundation piling began in this country about 30 years ago. Kansas, Missouri, Ohio, North Dakota, and Tennessee were some of the early users. This method of construction has steadily grown more popular. Today more than half of the state highway agencies have developed design criteria for bridges without expansion joint devices.