33 resultados para Bakhtin, M. M., (Mikhail Mikhailovich) - 1895-1975
em Iowa Publications Online (IPO) - State Library, State of Iowa (Iowa), United States
Annual report for the Iowa Civil Rights Commission
Creates with the Executive Offices of the State the Governor's Economic Advisory Council.
study of channel catfish in the Mississippi River to determine differences in year class abundance and causative factors
This document is the State Map of Iowa, both front and back of the year in the title. All maps were are in pdf format and can be used as a historical reference.
According to prevailing ecological theory one would expect the most stable vegetation on sites which are least disturbed (Odum 1971). According to theory one would also expect the most diversity of species on undisturbed sites (Odum 1971). This stable and diverse community would be produced over a period of many years through a process of plant succession where annual herbs are replaced by perennial herbs and finally woody plants would come to dominate and perpetuate the community. Another ecological theory holds that the complexity (structure and species diversity) of a plant community is dependent upon the amount of disturbance to which it is subjected (Woodwell, 1970). According to this theory the normal succession of a plant community through its various stages may be arrested at some point depending upon the nature and severity of the disturbance. In applying these theories to roadside vegetation it becomes apparent that mass herbicide spraying and extensive mowing of roadsides has produced a relatively simple and unstable vegetation. It follows that if disturbances were reduced not only would the roadside plant community increase in stability but maintenance costs and energy usage would be reduced. In this study we have investigated several aspects of reduced disturbances on roadside vegetation. Research has centered on the effectiveness of spot spraying techniques on noxious weed control, establishment of native grass cover where ditch cleaning and other disturbance has left the bare soil exposed and the response of roadside vegetation when released from annual mass spraying.
Benjamin F. Shambaugh edited and compiled documents and publications for this book on the history of Iowa. This volume 1 includes documentary material from the Louisiana Purchase, the Territories of the Northwest, Wisconsin and Iowa; the Convention of 1857;the Iowa Constitution of 1846 and the Ratification of Constitutional Amendments.
In June of 1974 Governor Robert Ray approved Senate File 1325, an Act passed by the Sixty-fifth General Assembly which directed the State Historical Society of Iowa to utilize the sum of $2,500 "For the planning and study of a memorial to Ansel Briggs, the first governor of Iowa." This is the final report on all of the information that was compiled during the intense research done on the Governor. This report includes information on his ancestry and personal life, photos, governorship, correspondence, documents, monuments and much more.
A pocket sized brochure containing brief information on Iowa's history, industry, agriculture, tourism, quality of life, transportation, exports for the world market, people, education and basic facts.
This is the Report of the Code Commissioners to the Twenty-fifth General Assembly of the State of Iowa
Skid resistance is a major concern of the safety engineer since wet pavement conditions are present for approximately 18% of the total accidents in Iowa according to studies by the Traffic and Safety Department. Many of these accidents may be influenced by the low skid resistant quality of the pavement. The size, shape, type, and arrangement of the concrete's particles interrelate with each other in a complex manner to give us frictional resistance. The purpose of this investigation was to determine which method of texturing provides the best skid resistance properties on portland cement concrete pavement.
The compressive strength of concrete is an important factor in the design of concrete structures and pavements. To assure the quality of the concrete placed at the project, concrete compressive cylinders are made at the jobsite. These cylinders undergo a destructive test to determine their compressive strength. However, the determination of concrete compressive strength of the concrete actually in the structure or pavement is frequently desirable. For this reason, a nondestructive test of the concrete is required. A nondestructive test of concrete compressive strength should be economical, easily performed by field personnel, and capable of producing accurate, reproducible results. The nondestructive test should be capable of detecting the extent of poor concrete in a pavement or structure due to improper handling, placement, or variations in mixing or materials.
A water reducing and retarding type admixture in concrete is commonly used on continuous bridge deck pours in Iowa. The concrete placed in the negative moment areas must remain plastic until all the dead load deflection due to the new deck's weight occurs. If the concrete does not remain plastic until the total deflection has occurred, structural cracks will develop in these areas. Retarding type admixtures will delay the setting time of concrete and prevent structural cracks if added in the proper amounts. In Section 2412.02 of the Standard Specifications, 1972, Iowa State Highway Commission, it states, "The admixture shall be used in amounts recommended by the manufacturer for conditions which prevail on the project and as approved by the engineer." The conditions which prevail on the project depend on temperature, humidity, wind conditions, etc. Each of these factors will affect the setting rate of the plastic concrete. The purpose of this project is to provide data that will be useful to field personnel concerning the retardation of concrete setting times, and how the of sets will vary with different addition rates and curing temperatures holding all other atmospheric variables constant.
This handbook deals with the duties and responsibilities of a mayor of a city, a member of a county board of supervisor or a sheriff of a county from the standpoint of their relationship with a county/municipal civil defense and emergency planing administration.
Earthen fills and back slopes resulting from highway building and other construction projects pose problems with respect to erosion stabilization and establishing vegetation cover. Sediments from such slopes create stream pollution while the erosion itself results in maintenance problems. Furthermore, adverse conditions aggravated by erosion prevent satisfactory establishing of vegetative cover. A dense vegetative cover is very effective in controlling erosion but even with optimum weather and soil conditions there is a delay of about 10 weeks between seeding and the establishment of a vegetative cover. Under actual field conditions, 3 months to a year may elapse between completion of construction and establishment of a vegetative cover. A research project was initiated early in 1974 to determine the effectiveness of a rock mulch of crushed limestone aggregates in controlling soil losses on highway construction back slopes in Iowa and to find the influence of such treatments on stand establishment of grasses and legumes.
It is difficult to maintain reflectorized lane markings on high-traffic, multi-lane highways. This is particularly true of sections in urban areas where there are frequent lane changes, such as on the Des Moines Freeway, I-235. In spite of the fact that the lane markings are painted on an average of three times a year, they are frequently absent during a considerable portion of the winter period. In the summer of 1973, the office of Highway Maintenance suggested a research project using a new thermoplastic paint developed by the Prismo Universal Corporation. Because of difficulties in scheduling the work, a definite proposal was not submitted until 1974. Upon the recommendation of the Iowa Highway Research Board, the project was approved by the Iowa State Highway Commission on August 7, 1974.