155 resultados para Disabled veterans
Highlights: *Over the last year, Iowa Workforce Development and the Waterloo Commission on Human Rights met with several community sources.....pg. 2 * Larry Gearheart took advantage of the Trade Adjustment Act assistance after being laid off. ...pg. 2 lIowa Workforce Development ended a week of Food Bank activities with a BBQ from on Friday, June 19th, on the east lawn of IWD ...pg. 2 * After many months of working toward the goal of getting reduced bus fares for Veterans, one key first step has been established...pg. 3
Highlights: * U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis visited Iowa at the end of July....pg. 2 * The Shoes for Veterans campaign began following a visit to a homeless shelter in the Quad Cities....pg. 2 * Are You Prepared? An emergency – be it a flood, tornado, winter storm or power outage – can occur quickly and without warning...pg. 3 * The Southwest Iowa Employers’ Council & Iowa Workforce Development in conjunction with the Iowa Committee for ESGR will present two valuable training sessions for businesses.....pg. 3
Highlights: * Over 150 participants attended a valuable career development seminar on January 26th titled “Rise Above the Crowd - Getting Hired in Today’s Economy.”..........................pg. 2 * Joanne McKeog sent a letter in December thanking the New Iowan Center for the services they provide..........................pg. 2 * Scott Shaw, an ex-offender, went to the Newton Workforce Center and tested for the Career Readiness Certificate..........................pg. 2 * Iowa’s Unemployment Insurance Tax program is getting a new online filing system, called My Iowa UI..........................pg. 3 * The Davenport Veteran’s Outreach Program Representative presented a $500 donation check to help the Humility of Mary Shelter in helping veterans..........................pg. 3
Iowa law requires each assessor in the state to value tax exempt property within his or her jurisdiction, and report such values to the Director of Revenue each year. The following report lists the 2009 actual valuations of tax exempt property for the following types of property: religious institutions, literary societies and educational institutions, low rent housing, associations of war veterans, charitable and benevolent societies, libraries and art galleries, dwelling unit property, homes for soldiers, and racetracks. Also presented in this report are comparative 2008 exempt property values.
Iowa law requires each assessor in the state to value tax exempt property within his or her jurisdiction, and report such values to the Director of Revenue each year. The following report lists the 2009 actual valuations of tax exempt property for the following types of property: religious institutions, literary societies and educational institutions, low rent housing, associations of war veterans, charitable and benevolent societies, libraries and art galleries, dwelling unit property, homes for soldiers, and racetracks. Also presented in this report are comparative 2008 exempt property values.
Iowa law requires each assessor in the state to value tax exempt property within his or her jurisdiction, and report such values to the Director of Revenue each year. The following report lists the 2009 actual valuations of tax exempt property for the following types of property: religious institutions, literary societies and educational institutions, low rent housing, associations of war veterans, charitable and benevolent societies, libraries and art galleries, dwelling unit property, homes for soldiers, and racetracks. Also presented in this report are comparative 2008 exempt property values.
Highlights: * New Iowan Center 10th Anniversary Open House........................................pg. 2 * New ICAP Workforce Services Center Held Open House.............................pg. 2 * Cedar Rapids IowaWORKS Hosts Career Fair...............................................pg. 3 * New Hours for Washington IowaWORKS office.............................pg. 3 * Regional Update.................................pg. 4 * Regional Veteran’s Day Events & Photos ...............................................pg. 5
The role of rural demand-responsive transit is changing, and with that change is coming an increasing need for technology. As long as rural transit was limited to a type of social service transportation for a specific set of clients who primarily traveled in groups to common meal sites, work centers for the disabled, or clinics in larger communities, a preset calendar augmented by notes on a yellow legal pad was sufficient to develop schedules. Any individual trips were arranged at least 24 to 48 hours ahead of time and were carefully scheduled the night before in half-hour or twenty-minute windows by a dispatcher who knew every lane in the service area. Since it took hours to build the schedule, any last-minute changes could wreak havoc with the plans and raise the stress level in the dispatch office. Nevertheless, given these parameters, a manual scheduling system worked for a small demand-responsive operation.
Report and Recommendations of the Iowa Vertical Infrastructure Advisory Committee, December 15, 2006
This report summaries the work of the committee over the last year and its vision for the future. The committee is followed with interest the work of the Department of Corrections and the Department of Veterans Affairs in evaluating the needs of their facilities and recommends similar evaluations of facilities around the state by other agencies. The committee members are ready to offer advice on the needs of the state's again infrastructure and steps that could be taken to evaluate vacant and underutilized buildings and reduce operational and maintenance costs.
Report and Recommendations of the Iowa Vertical Infrastructure Advisory Committee, December 15, 2009
This report summaries the work of the committee over the last year and its vision for the future. The committee is followed with interest the work of the Department of Corrections and the Department of Veterans Affairs in evaluating the needs of their facilities and recommends similar evaluations of facilities around the state by other agencies. The committee members are ready to offer advice on the needs of the state's again infrastructure and steps that could be taken to evaluate vacant and underutilized buildings and reduce operational and maintenance costs.
Report and Recommendations of the Iowa Vertical Infrastructure Advisory Committee, December 13, 2011
This report summaries the work of the committee over the last year and its vision for the future. The committee is followed with interest the work of the Department of Corrections and the Department of Veterans Affairs in evaluating the needs of their facilities and recommends similar evaluations of facilities around the state by other agencies. The committee members are ready to offer advice on the needs of the state's again infrastructure and steps that could be taken to evaluate vacant and underutilized buildings and reduce operational and maintenance costs.
Report and Recommendations of the Iowa Vertical Infrastructure Advisory Committee, December 15, 2010
This report summaries the work of the committee over the last year and its vision for the future. The committee is followed with interest the work of the Department of Corrections and the Department of Veterans Affairs in evaluating the needs of their facilities and recommends similar evaluations of facilities around the state by other agencies. The committee members are ready to offer advice on the needs of the state's again infrastructure and steps that could be taken to evaluate vacant and underutilized buildings and reduce operational and maintenance costs.
Major maintenance; health, safety, loss of use; and Americans with Disabilities Act deficiencies at the Capitol Complex and statewide for twelve agencies and divisions participating in the Vertical Infrastructure Program in collaboration with the Governor's Vertical Infrastructure Advisory Committee, including the Department of Administrative Services; the Department of Commerce, Alcoholic Beverages Division; the Department of Corrections; the Department of Cultural Affairs; the Department of Education, including Iowa Public Television and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services; the Department of Human Services; Iowa Law Enforcement Academy; the Department of Public Safety; Terrace Hill; Iowa Veterans Home and Iowa Workforce Development. The advisory committee meets on a monthly basis to review the progress of the work and to make recommendations on procedures and priorities.
Iowa faces a growing crisis in providing an adequate number of direct care workers for its again population. Direct care workers caring for the aging and disabled population are among those in our work force with the lowest wages and lack of access to health insurance. A survey of direct care workers conducted by the Iowa Caregivers Association in June of 2066 indicated that benefits ranked second only to wages in the reasons for job-hoping. A study of the direct care workforce in Vermont healthy insurance, ranked second only to wages, as important to attracting and keeping direct care workers.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of adults reporting a disability is expected to increase, along with the need for appropriate medical and public health services. People with disabilities (PWD) face many barriers to good heath, including having overall poorer health, less access toadequate health care, limited access to health insurance, skipping mediacl care because of cost, and engaging in risky health behaviors including smoking and physical inactivity. The goals of the Iowa public health needs assessment were to assess the burden of disability in Iowa counties including health risk factors such as chronic conditions, determine access to preventive health care, and determine the effect of socioeconomic conditions. The state level assessment was based on th 2009-2012 American Community Survey (ACS) and publiccally available Behavioral Risk FactorSurveillance System (BRFSS) 2011 survey. The 2001-2010 combined BRFSS data was used for county level assessment. The needs assessment led us to conclude that adult Iowans with idsabilities face several challenges compared to non-disabled adults. They are more likely to suffer from debilitating chronic conditions and social disparities. Counties with the higher levels of poverty were more likely to have PWD with higher levels of disability related disparities.