243 resultados para Asphalt Permeability
This demonstration project consisted of three adjacent highway resurfacing projects using asphalt cement concrete removed from an Interstate highway which had become severely rutted.
The objective of the research project was to seek acceptable solutions to the air pollution problem created in the asphalt recycling process using modified conventional equipment.
Current monitoring techniques for determination of compaction of earthwork and asphalt generally involve destructive testing of the materials following placement. Advances in sensor technologies show significant promise for obtaining necessary information through nondestructive and remote techniques. To develop a better understanding of suitable and potential technologies, this study was undertaken to conduct a synthesis review of nondestructive testing technologies and perform preliminary evaluations of selected technologies to better understand their application to testing of geomaterials (soil fill, aggregate base, asphalt, etc.). This research resulted in a synthesis of potential technologies for compaction monitoring with a strong emphasis on moisture sensing. Techniques were reviewed and selectively evaluated for their potential to improve field quality control operations. Activities included an extensive review of commercially available moisture sensors, literature review, and evaluation of selected technologies. The technologies investigated in this study were dielectric, nuclear, near infrared spectroscopy, seismic, electromagnetic induction, and thermal. The primary disadvantage of all the methods is the small sample volume measured. In addition, all the methods possessed some sensitivity to non-moisture factors that affected the accuracy of the results. As the measurement volume increases, local variances are averaged out providing better accuracy. Most dielectric methods with the exception of ground penetrating radar have a very small measurement volume and are highly sensitive to variations in density, porosity, etc.
The State of Iowa currently has approximately 69,000 miles of unpaved secondary roads. Due to the low traffic count on these unpaved o nts as ng e two dust ed d roads, paving with asphalt or Portland cement concrete is not economical. Therefore to reduce dust production, the use of dust suppressants has been utilized for decades. This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of several widely used dust suppressants through quantitative field testing on two of Iowa’s most widely used secondary road surface treatments: crushed limestone rock and alluvial sand/gravel. These commercially available dust suppressants included: lignin sulfonate, calcium chloride, and soybean oil soapstock. These suppressants were applied to 1000 ft test sections on four unpaved roads in Story County, Iowa. Tduplicate field conditions, the suppressants were applied as a surface spray once in early June and again in late August or early September. The four unpaved roads included two with crushed limestone rock and two with alluvial sand/gravel surface treatmewell as high and low traffic counts. The effectiveness of the dust suppressants was evaluated by comparing the dust produced on treated and untreated test sections. Dust collection was scheduled for 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks after each application, for a total testiperiod of 16 weeks. Results of a cost analysis between annual dust suppressant application and biennial aggregate replacement indicated that the cost of the dust suppressant, its transportation, and application were relatively high when compared to that of thaggregate types. Therefore, the biennial aggregate replacement is considered more economical than annual dust suppressant application, although the application of annual dust suppressant reduced the cost of road maintenance by 75 %. Results of thecollection indicated that the lignin sulfonate suppressant outperformed calcium chloride and soybean oil soapstock on all four unpavroads, the effect of the suppressants on the alluvial sand/gravel surface treatment was less than that on the crushed limestone rock, the residual effects of all the products seem reasonably well after blading, and the combination of alluvial sand/gravel surface treatment anhigh traffic count caused dust reduction to decrease dramatically.
Investigation into Improved Pavement Curing Materials and Techniques: Part 2 - Phase III, March 2003
Appropriate curing is important for concrete to obtain the designed properties. This research was conducted to evaluate the curing effects of different curing materials and methods on pavement properties. At present the sprayed curing compound is a common used method for pavement and other concrete structure construction. Three curing compounds were selected for testing. Two different application rates were employed for the white-pigmented liquid curing compounds. The concrete properties of temperature, moisture content, conductivity, and permeability were examined at several test locations. It was found, in this project, that the concrete properties varied with the depth. Of the tests conducted (maturity, sorptivity, permeability, and conductivity), conductivity appears to be the best method to evaluate the curing effects in the field and bears potential for field application. The results indicated that currently approved curing materials in Iowa, when spread uniformly in a single or double application, provide adequate curing protection and meet the goals of the Iowa Department of Transportation. Experimental curing methods can be compared to this method through the use of conductivity testing to determine their application in the field.
Pozzolans and slag extend the market for concrete products by improving specific properties of the products, which allows the products to be constructed with materials or placed in environments that would have precluded the use of portland cement alone. In properly formulated concrete mixes, pozzolans and slag have been shown to enhance long-term strength, decrease permeability, increase durability, reduce thermal cracking of mass concrete, minimize or eliminate cracking related to alkali-silica reaction (ASR), and minimize or eliminate cracking related to sulfate attack. The purpose of this research project was to conduct a scoping study that could be used to evaluate the need for additional research in the area of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) that are used in concrete for highway applications. Special emphasis was given to the concept of using two or more SCMs in a single concrete mixture. The scope of the study was limited to a literature survey and panel discussions concerning issues relevant to the project. No laboratory work was conducted for this project. A problem statement with research plan was created that could be used to guide a pooled fund project.
In recent years, thin whitetopping has evolved as a viable rehabilitation technique for deteriorated asphalt cement concrete (ACC) pavements. Numerous projects have been constructed and tested; these projects allow researchers to identify the important elements contributing to the projects’ successes. These elements include surface preparation, overlay thickness, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, joint spacing, and joint sealing. Although the main factors affecting thin whitetopping performance have been identified by previous research, questions still existed as to the optimum design incorporating these variables. The objective of this research is to investigate the interaction between these variables over time. Laboratory testing and field-testing were planned in order to accomplish the research objective. Laboratory testing involved shear testing of the bond between the portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay and the ACC surface. Field-testing involved falling weight deflectometer deflection responses, measurement of joint faulting and joint opening, and visual distress surveys on the 9.6-mile project. The project was located on Iowa Highway 13 extending north from the city of Manchester, Iowa, to Iowa Highway 3 in Delaware County. Variables investigated included ACC surface preparation, PCC thickness, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, and joint spacing. This report documents the planning, equipment selection, construction, field changes, and construction concerns of the project built in 2002. The data from this research could be combined with historical data to develop a design specification for the construction of thin, unbonded overlays.
· Evaluate conventional methods of slab removal and asphalt surface preparation for subsequent overlays of portland cement concrete (PCC) in the “remove and replace” areas. · Evaluate existing asphaltic concrete surface under the “remove and patch” areas of rehabilitation areas and evaluate joint formation in the areas of patching. · Evaluate polypropylene fiber enhanced concrete at the three-inch depth to determine the cost/benefit of its inclusion. · Evaluate the performance of the rehabilitated ultra-thin whitetopping sections and the extended performance of the existing ultra-thin sections with and without patching. · Validate existing ultra-thin whitetopping design procedures of the Portland Cement Association (PCA) and American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) for application in Iowa.
In this day of the mature highway systems, a new set of problems is facing the highway engineer. The existing infrastructure has aged to or past the design life of the original pavement design. In many cases, increased commercial traffic is creating the need for additional load carrying capacity, causing state highway engineers to consider new alternatives for rehabilitation of existing surfaces. Alternative surface materials, thicknesses, and methods of installation must be identified to meet the needs of individual pavements and budgets. With overlays being one of the most frequently used rehabilitation alternatives, it is important to learn more about the limitations and potential performance of thin bonded portland cement overlays and subsequent rehabilitation. The Iowa ultra-thin project demonstrated the application of thin portland cement concrete overlays as a rehabilitation technique. It combined the variables of base preparation, overlay thickness, slab size, and fiber enhancement into a series of test sections over a 7.2-mile length. This report identifies the performance of the overlays in terms of deflection reduction, reduced cracking, and improved bonding between the portland cement concrete (PCC) and asphalt cement concrete (ACC) base layers. The original research project was designed to evaluate the variables over a 5-year period of time. A second project provided the opportunity to test overlay rehabilitation techniques and continue measurement of the original overlay performance for 5 additional years. All performance indicators identified exceptional performance over the 10-year evaluation period for each of the variable combinations considered. The report summarizes the research methods, results, and identifies future research ideas to aid the pavement overlay designer in the successful implementation of ultra-thin portland cement concrete overlays as an lternative pavement rehabilitation technique.
Deterioration in portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements can occur due to distresses caused by a combination of traffic loads and weather conditions. Hot mix asphalt (HMA) overlay is the most commonly used rehabilitation technique for such deteriorated PCC pavements. However, the performance of these HMA overlaid pavements is hindered due to the occurrence of reflective cracking, resulting in significant reduction of pavement serviceability. Various fractured slab techniques, including rubblization, crack and seat, and break and seat are used to minimize reflective cracking by reducing the slab action. However, the design of structural overlay thickness for cracked and seated and rubblized pavements is difficult as the resulting structure is neither a “true” rigid pavement nor a “true” flexible pavement. Existing design methodologies use the empirical procedures based on the AASHO Road Test conducted in 1961. But, the AASHO Road Test did not employ any fractured slab technique, and there are numerous limitations associated with extrapolating its results to HMA overlay thickness design for fractured PCC pavements. The main objective of this project is to develop a mechanistic-empirical (ME) design approach for the HMA overlay thickness design for fractured PCC pavements. In this design procedure, failure criteria such as the tensile strain at the bottom of HMA layer and the vertical compressive strain on the surface of subgrade are used to consider HMA fatigue and subgrade rutting, respectively. The developed ME design system is also implemented in a Visual Basic computer program. A partial validation of the design method with reference to an instrumented trial project (IA-141, Polk County) in Iowa is provided in this report. Tensile strain values at the bottom of the HMA layer collected from the FWD testing at this project site are in agreement with the results obtained from the developed computer program.
In recent years, thin whitetopping has evolved as a viable rehabilitation technique for deteriorated asphalt cement concrete (ACC) pavements. Numerous projects have been constructed and tested, allowing researchers to identify the important elements contributing to the projects’ successes. These elements include surface preparation, overlay thickness, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, joint spacing, and joint sealing. Although the main factors affecting thin whitetopping performance have been identified by previous research, questions still existed as to the optimum design incorporating these variables. The objective of this research is to investigate the interaction between these variables over time. Laboratory testing and field testing were conducted to achieve the research objectives. Laboratory testing involved shear testing of the bond between the portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay and the ACC surface. Field testing involved falling weight deflectometer deflection responses, measurement of joint faulting and joint opening, and visual distress surveys on the 9.6-mile project. The project was located on Iowa Highway 13 extending north from the city of Manchester, Iowa, to Iowa Highway 3 in Delaware County. Variables investigated include ACC surface preparation, PCC thickness, slab size, synthetic fiber reinforcement usage, and joint spacing. This report documents the planning, construction, and performance of each variable in the time period from summer 2002 through spring 2006. The project has performed well with only minor distress identification since its construction.
Density is an important component of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) pavement quality and long-term performance. Insufficient density of an in-place HMA pavement is the most frequently cited construction-related performance problem. This study evaluated the use of electromagnetic gauges to nondestructively determine densities. Field and laboratory measurements were taken with two electromagnetic gauges—a PaveTracker and a Pavement Quality Indicator (PQI). Test data were collected in the field during and after paving operations and also in a laboratory on field mixes compacted in the lab. This study revealed that several mix- and project-specific factors affect electromagnetic gauge readings. Consequently, the implementation of these gauges will likely need to be done utilizing a test strip on a project- and mix-specific basis to appropriately identify an adjustment factor for the specific electromagnetic gauge being used for quality control and quality assurance (QC/QA) testing. The substantial reduction in testing time that results from employing electromagnetic gauges rather than coring makes it possible for more readings to be used in the QC/QA process with real-time information without increasing the testing costs.
The Iowa Method for bridge deck overlays has been very successful in Iowa since its adoption in the 1970s. This method involves removal of deteriorated portions of a bridge deck followed by placement of a layer of den (Type O) Portland Cement Concrete (PCC). The challenge encountered with this type of bridge deck overlay is that the PCC must be mixed on-site, brought to the placement area and placed with specialized equipment. This adds considerably to the cost and limits contractor selection. A previous study (TR-427) showed that a dense PCC with high-range water reducers could successfully be used for bridge deck overlays using conventional equipment and methods. This current study evaluated the use of high performance PCC in place of a dense PCC for work on county bridges. High performance PCC uses fly ash and slag to replace some of the cement in the mix. This results in a workable PCC mix that cures to form a very low permeability overlay.
This document summarizes the discussion and findings of a workshop on intelligent compaction for soils and hot-mix asphalt held in West Des Moines, Iowa, on April 2–4, 2008. The objective of the meeting was to provide a collaborative exchange of ideas for developing research initiatives that accelerate implementation of intelligent compaction (IC) technologies for soil, aggregates, and hot mix asphalt. Technical presentations, working breakout sessions, a panel discussion, and a group implementation strategy session comprised the workshop activities. About 100 attendees representing state departments of transportation, Federal Highway Administration, contractors, equipment manufacturers, and researchers participated in the workshop.
As our nation’s highway system continues to age, asphalt maintenance and rehabilitation techniques have become increasingly important. The deterioration of pavement over time is inevitable. Preventive maintenance is a strategy to extend the serviceable life of a pavement by applying cost-effective treatments that slow the deterioration of pavement and extend its usable life. Thin maintenance surfaces (TMSs) are preventive maintenance techniques that can effectively prolong the life of pavement when applied at an opportune time. Common TMSs include bituminous fog seal, bituminous seal coat, slurry seal, cold in-place recycling (CIR), and micro-surfacing. This research project investigated ways to improve Iowa Statewide Urban Design and Specifications (SUDAS) and Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) documents regarding asphalt roadway maintenance and rehabilitation. Researchers led an effort to review and help ensure that the documents supporting proper selection, design, and construction for asphalt maintenance and rehabilitation techniques reflect the latest research findings on these processes: seal coating, slurry sealing, micro-surfacing, and fog sealing. Full results of this investigation are included in this report and its appendices. This report also presents a summary of the recommendations based on the study results.