111 resultados para specifications


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Some of the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) continuous, steel, welded plate girder bridges have developed web cracking in the negative moment regions at the diaphragm connection plates. The cracks are due to out-of-plane bending of the web near the top flange of the girder. The out-of-plane bending occurs in the "web-gap", which is the portion of the girder web between (1) the top of the fillet welds attaching the diaphragm connection plate to the web and (2) the fillet welds attaching the flange to the web. A literature search indicated that four retrofit techniques have been suggested by other researchers to prevent or control this type of cracking. To eliminate the problem in new bridges, AASHTO specifications require a positive attachment between the connection plate and the top (tension) flange. Applying this requirement to existing bridges is expensive and difficult. The Iowa DOT has relied primarily on the hole-drilling technique to prevent crack extension once cracking has occurred; however, the literature indicates that hole-drilling alone may not be entirely effective in preventing crack extension. The objective of this research was to investigate experimentally a method proposed by the Iowa DOT to prevent cracking at the diaphragm/plate girder connection in steel bridges with X-type or K-type diaphragms. The method consists of loosening the bolts at some connections between the diaphragm diagonals and the connection plates. The investigation included selecting and testing five bridges: three with X-type diaphragms and two with K-type diaphragms. During 1996 and 1997, these bridges were instrumented using strain gages and displacement transducers to obtain the response at various locations before and after implementing the method. Bridges were subjected to loaded test trucks traveling in different lanes with speeds varying from crawl speed to 65 mph (104 km/h) to determine the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results of the study show that the effect of out-of-plane loading was confined to widths of approximately 4 in. (100 mm) on either side of the connection plates. Further, they demonstrate that the stresses in gaps with drilled holes were higher than those in gaps without cracks, implying that the drilling hole technique is not sufficient to prevent crack extension. The behavior of the web gaps in X-type diaphragm bridges was greatly enhanced by the proposed method as the stress range and out-of-plane distortion were reduced by at least 42% at the exterior girders. For bridges with K-type diaphragms, a similar trend was obtained. However, the stress range increased in one of the web gaps after implementing the proposed method. Other design aspects (wind, stability of compression flange, and lateral distribution of loads) must be considered when deciding whether to adopt the proposed method. Considering the results of this investigation, the proposed method can be implemented for X-type diaphragm bridges. Further research is recommended for K-type diaphragm bridges.


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Extensive programmed laboratory tests involving some 400 asphalt emulsion slurry seals (AESS) were conducted. Thirteen aggregates including nine Iowa sources, a quartzite, a synthetic aggregate (Haydite), a limestone stone from Nebraska, and a Chat aggregate from Kansas were tested in combination with four emulsions and two mineral fillers, resulting in a total of 40 material combinations. A number of meetings were held with the Iowa DOT engineers and 12 state highway departments that have had successful slurry seal experiences and records, and several slurry seal contractors and material and equipment suppliers were contacted. Asphalt emulsion slurry seal development, uses, characteristics, tests, and design methods were thoroughly reviewed in conjunction with Iowa's experiences through these meetings and discussions and through a literature search (covering some 140 articles and 12 state highway department specifications). It was found that, while asphalt emulsion slurry seals (when properly designed and constructed) can economically improve the quality and extend the life of existing pavement surface, experiences with them had been mixed due to the many material, slurry, and construction variables that affect their design, construction, and performance. The report discusses those variables identified during the course of the project and makes recommendations concerning design procedures, design criteria, specifications and the means of evaluating them.


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This study was designed to provide background information on asphaltic concrete mixtures peculiar to northwest Iowa. This background is necessary to provide the basis for future specifications. There were several projects let in 1967 involving l", 3/4" and 3/8" mixes of Type "B'' asphaltic concrete which specified in part, II Not less than 40% of the material passing the No. 200 sieve shall be pulverized limestone or mineral filler, but in no case shall the per cent of pulverized limestone or mineral filler passing the No. 200 sieve be less than 2%. No credit will be allowed for limestone in gravel - II Northwest Iowa has no suitable limestone or mineral filler locally available. As a result, this material has to be imported, raising the cost of the mix approximately twenty-five cents per ton. The purpose of this study, therefore, was designed to compare some original job mix samples with alternate mixes from the same local material, but without the addition of pulverized limestone or mineral filler. Since the filler from the crushed gravel does not have the same crushing characteristics or sieve analysis as the pulverized limestone or mineral filler, they could not be compared on an equal percentage basis. Therefore, the alternate mixes were made to conform to the following proposed specification, "No less than 40% of the material passing No. 200 sieve shall be pulverized limestone or mineral filler or a 100% crushed gravel, but in no case shall the per cent of pulverized limestone or mineral filler or a 100% crushed gravel passing the No. 200 sieve be less than 2%."


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Tungsten carbide used in snowplow blades was studied from three manufacturers. The carbides were measured for common industry properties including specific gravity and hardness. In addition, an abrasion resistance was performed. There was no significant difference found in abrasion resistance between the Kenametal and the Valk carbides. The Bucyrus carbides showed improved abrasion resistance, but were outside industry specifications for specific gravity.


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Since 1978 the concept of longitudinal edge drains along Iowa primary and Interstate highways has been accepted as a cost-effective way of prolonging pavement life. Edge-drain installations have increased over the years, reaching a total of nearly 3,000 mi by 1989. With so many miles of edge drain installed, the development of a system for inspection and evaluation of the drains became essential. Equipment was purchased to evaluate 4-in.-diameter and geocomposite edge drains. Initial evaluations at various sites supported the need for a postconstruction inspection program to ensure that edge-drain installations were in accord with plans and specifications. Information disclosed by video inspections in edge drains and in culverts was compiled on videotape to be used as an informative tool for personnel in the design, construction, and maintenance departments. Video evaluations have influenced changes in maintenance, design, and construction inspection for highway drainage systems in Iowa.


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Over the years, the Iowa Department of Transportation has established an outstanding network of connector highways across the state of Iowa. Construction and paving of these primary roadways has essentially been completed. Unfortunately, many of these primary highway pavements are reaching their design life and are in need of rehabilitation. The emphasis, therefore, has shifted from the construction of new highways to the maintenance and rehabilitation of existing highways. The Iowa DOT in recent years has become more concerned with preventing the ingress of surface water into the pavement structure. Crack sealing is receiving greater emphasis. Specifications have been modified to require improved low modulus crack and joint sealing materials.


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Fast Track concrete has proven to be successful in obtaining high early strengths. This benefit does not come without cost. Special Type III cement and insulating blankets to accelerate the cure add to its expense when compared to conventional paving. This research was intended to determine the benefit derived from the use of insulating blankets to accelerate strength gain in three concrete mixes using Type I cement. The goal was to determine mixes and curing procedures that would result in a range of opening times. This determination would allow the most economical design for a particular project by tailoring it to a specific time restraint. Three mixes of various cement content were tested in the field. Flexural beams were cast for each mix and tested at various ages. Two test sections were placed for each mix, one section being cured with the addition of insulating blankets and the other being cured with only conventional curing compound. Iowa Department of Transportation specifications require 500 psi flexural strength before a pavement can be opened to traffic. Concrete with Fast Track proportions (nominal 7 1/2 bag), Type I cement, and insulating blankets reached that strength in approximately 36 hr, a standard mix (nominal 6 1/2 bag) using the blankets in approximately 48 hr, and the Fast Track proportions with Type I cement without blankets in about 60 hr. The results showed a significant improvement in early strength gain with the use of insulating blankets.


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A water reducing and retarding type admixture in concrete is commonly used on continuous bridge deck pours in Iowa. The concrete placed in the negative moment areas must remain plastic until all the dead load deflection due to the new deck's weight occurs. If the concrete does not remain plastic until the total deflection has occurred, structural cracks will develop in these areas. Retarding type admixtures will delay the setting time of concrete and prevent structural cracks if added in the proper amounts. In Section 2412.02 of the Standard Specifications, 1972, Iowa State Highway Commission, it states, "The admixture shall be used in amounts recommended by the manufacturer for conditions which prevail on the project and as approved by the engineer." The conditions which prevail on the project depend on temperature, humidity, wind conditions, etc. Each of these factors will affect the setting rate of the plastic concrete. The purpose of this project is to provide data that will be useful to field personnel concerning the retardation of concrete setting times, and how the of sets will vary with different addition rates and curing temperatures holding all other atmospheric variables constant.


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In today's era of advanced methods, it is interesting that a centuries-old Roman road-building concept can be the most attractive alternative available. The need for a less expensive road base construction method is very apparent, especially to the county engineer faced with maintaining quality lower traffic volume farm-to-market roads. The revival of the Macadam stone base is one possible solution. Des Moines County believed a Macadam road had excellent possibilities for their particular needs. They proposed a research project designed to eliminate some of the unknown factors of Macadam stone base construction. It is the intent of this research project to develop standardized design procedures and serve as an aid for others in constructing a Macadam base roadway. The Iowa Department of Transportation has published special provisions for the construction of Macadam stone bases that were adopted as the guideline specifications for the research project.


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Iowa DOT research in 1986, demonstrated that carbide tooth milling can produce an acceptable surface texture. Based upon that research, specifications were developed for "Pavement Surface Repair (Milling)". This specification was applied to reprofile a nine-mile section of badly faulted portland cement concrete (pcc) pavement on route 163 just east of Des Moines. The Profile Index (measured with a 25-foot California Profilograph) was improved from an average of 55.2 inches per mile prior to milling to 10.6 inches per mile after milling. The bid price was $0.75 per square yard for pcc containing limestone coarse aggregate and $1.21 for pcc containing gravel coarse aggregate. Carbide tooth milling should be considered as an acceptable alternate method of reprofiling even though there is some spalling of joints.


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The Standard Specifications for this project included requirements for placing two 500 foot test sections of Type B asphaltic concrete with 1-1/2 per cent asbestos fibres (mix size 3/8 inch, lift thickness 3/4 inch) as part of the regular construction of the surface course. These requirements were designed to provide asbestos modified mixtures for laboratory analysis and road performance evaluation. This report provides the preliminary results and analysis of test data obtained from tests on the mixtures placed on the roadway. Previous research by G. S. Zuelke (1) and J. H. Kestzman et al (2) indicated that asphaltic concrete mixtures modified with asbestos fibres improved stability, decreased permeability, and allowed the use of higher bitumen contents. This study indicated that the addition of asbestos fibres would permit the use of higher bitumen contents, theoretically improving durability, without adverse results. An indication was also obtained to the effect that asbestos mixtures were more difficult to compact in the field.


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In November of 1966, an investigation of the rigid Class I asphalt treated base specification, requiring 70 per cent crushed limestone, was initiated. It was felt that it might be possible to modify the need for crushed particles, in the construction of basis on heavy duty roads, at a savings, by using more local materials, without sacrificing strength and/or durability. This is a short study on typical sources of pit run gravel, with various percentages of limestone. It is conducted with an eye open to the possibility that our specifications may be modified. The possibility that further investigation may be desirable is not ignored.


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Phase II research included the following: (1) develop and evaluate alternative soil design and embankment construction specifications based on soil type, moisture, density, stability, and compaction process; (2) assess various quality control and acceptance procedures with a variety of in-situ test methods including the Dual-mass Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP); and (3) develop and design rapid field soil identification methods. At the start of the research, soils were divided into cohesive and cohesionless soil types, with each category being addressed separately. Cohesionless soils were designated as having less than 36% fines content (material passing the No. 200 sieve) and cohesive soils as having greater than 36% fines content. Subsequently, soil categories were refined based not only on fines content but soil plasticity as well. Research activities included observations of fill placement, in-place moisture and density testing, and dual-mass DCP index testing on several highway embankment projects throughout Iowa. Experiments involving rubber-tired and vibratory compaction, lift thickness changes, and disk aeration were carried out for the full range of Iowa soils. By testing for soil stability the DCP was found to be a valuable field tool for quality control, whereby shortcomings from density testing (density gradients) were avoided. Furthermore, critical DCP index values were established based on soil type and compaction moisture content.


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Most states, including Iowa, have a significant number of substandard bridges. This number will increase significantly unless some type of preventative maintenance is employed. Both the Iowa Department of Transportation and Iowa counties have successfully employed numerous maintenance, repair and rehabilitation (MR&R) strategies for correcting various types of deficiencies. However, successfully employed MR&R procedures are often not systematically documented or defined for those involved in bridge maintenance. This study addressed the need for a standard bridge MR&R manual for Iowa with emphasis for secondary road applications. As part of the study, bridge MR&R activities that are relevant to the state of Iowa have been systematically categorized into a manual, in a standardized format. Where pertinent, design guidelines have been presented. Material presented in this manual is divided into two major categories: 1) Repair and Rehabilitation of Bridge Superstructure Components, and 2) Repair and Rehabilitation of Bridge Substructure Components. There are multiple subcategories within both major categories that provide detailed information. Some of the detailed information includes step-by-step procedures for accomplishing MR&R activities, material specifications and detailed drawings where available. The source of information contained in the manual is public domain technical literature and information provided by Iowa County Engineers. A questionnaire was sent to all 99 counties in Iowa to solicit information and the research team personally solicited input from many Iowa counties as a follow-up to the questionnaire.


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In recent years, it has become apparent that the design and maintenance of pavement drainage extends the service life of pavements. Most pavement structures now incorporate subsurface layers. Part of the function of these subsurface layers is to drain away excess water, which can be extremely deleterious to the life of the pavement. To assure the effectiveness of such drainage layers after they have been spread and compacted, simple, rapid, in-situ permeability and stability testing and end-result specification are needed. This report includes conclusions and recommendations related to four main study objectives: (1) Determine the optimal range for in-place stability and in-place permeability based on Iowa aggregate sources; (2) Evaluate the feasibility of an air permeameter for determining the permeability of open and well-graded drainage layers in situ; (3) Develop reliable end-result quality control/quality assurance specifications for stability and permeability; and (4) Refine aggregate placement and construction methods to optimize uniformity.