37 resultados para Steam Permeability
Longitudinal joint quality control/assurance is essential to the successful performance of asphalt pavements and it has received considerable amount of attention in recent years. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the level of compaction at the longitudinal joint and determine the effect of segregation on the longitudinal joint performance. Five paving projects with the use of traditional butt joint, infrared joint heater, edge restraint by milling and modified butt joint with the hot pinch longitudinal joint construction techniques were selected in this study. For each project, field density and permeability tests were made and cores from the pavement were obtained for in-lab permeability, air void and indirect tensile strength. Asphalt content and gradations were also obtained to determine the joint segregation. In general, this study finds that the minimum required joint density should be around 90.0% of the theoretical maximum density based on the AASHTO T166 method. The restrained-edge by milling and butt joint with the infrared heat treatment construction methods both create the joint density higher than this 90.0% limit. Traditional butt joint exhibits lower density and higher permeability than the criterion. In addition, all of the projects appear to have segregation at the longitudinal joint except for the edge-restraint by milling method.
With the use of supplementary cementing materials (SCMs) in concrete mixtures, salt scaling tests such as ASTM C672 have been found to be overly aggressive and do correlate well with field scaling performance. The reasons for this are thought to be because at high replacement levels, SCM mixtures can take longer to set and to develop their properties: neither of these factors is taken into account in the standard laboratory finishing and curing procedures. As a result, these variables were studied as well as a modified scaling test, based on the Quebec BNQ scaling test that had shown promise in other research. The experimental research focused on the evaluation of three scaling resistance tests, including the ASTM C672 test with normal curing as well as an accelerated curing regime used by VDOT for ASTM C1202 rapid chloride permeability tests and now included as an option in ASTM C1202. As well, several variations on the proposed draft ASTM WK9367 deicer scaling resistance test, based on the Quebec Ministry of Transportation BNQ test method, were evaluated for concretes containing varying amounts of slag cement. A total of 16 concrete mixtures were studied using both high alkali cement and low alkali cement, Grade 100 slag and Grade 120 slag with 0, 20, 35 and 50 percent slag replacement by mass of total cementing materials. Vinsol resin was used as the primary air entrainer and Micro Air® was used in two replicate mixes for comparison. Based on the results of this study, a draft alternative test method to ASTM C762 is proposed.
The major objective of this research project was to investigate how Iowa fly ashes influenced the chemical durability of portland cement based materials. Chemical durability has become an area of uncertainty because of the winter application of deicer salts (rock salts) that contain a significant amount of sulfate impurities. The sulfate durability testing program consisted of monitoring portland cement-fly ash paste, mortar and concrete test specimens that had been subjected to aqueous solutions containing various concentrations of salts (both sulfate and chloride). The paste and mortar specimens were monitored for length as a function of time. The concrete test specimens were monitored for length, relative dynamic modulus and mass as a function of time. The alkali-aggregate reactivity testing program consisted of monitoring the expansion of ASTM C311 mortar bar specimens that contained three different aggregates (Pyrex glass, Oreapolis and standard Ottawa sand). The results of the sulfate durability study indicated that the paste and concrete test specimens tended to exhibit surface spalling but only very slow expansive tendencies. This suggested that the permeability of the test specimens was controlling the rate of deterioration. Concrete specimens are still being monitored because the majority of the test specimens have expanded less than 0.05%; hence, this makes it difficult to estimate the service life of the concrete test specimens or to quantify the performance of the different fly ashes that were used in the study. The results of the mortar bar studies indicated that the chemical composition of the various fly ashes did have an influence on their sulfate resistance. Typically, Clinton and Louisa fly ashes performed the best, followed by the Ottumwa, Neal 4 and then Council Bluffs fly ashes. Council Bluffs fly ash was the only fly ash that consistently reduced the sulfate resistance of the many different mortar specimens that were investigated during this study. None of the trends that were observed in the mortar bar studies have yet become evident in the concrete phase of this project. The results of the alkali-aggregate study indicated that the Oreapolis aggregate is not very sensitive to alkali attack. Two of the fly ashes, Council Bluffs and Ottumwa, tended to increase the expansion of mortar bar specimens that contained the Oreapolis aggregate. However, it was not clear if the additional expansion was due to the alkali content of the fly ash, the periclase content of the fly ash or the cristobalite content of the fly ash, since all three of these factors have been found to influence the test results.
The concrete admixture Ipanex (Registered trademark) manufactured by IPA Systems Inc. was submitted to the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) New Products Committee on April 15, 1998. The New Products Committee requested that the Iowa DOT Materials Laboratory evaluate the durability, corrosion inhibiting and concrete permeability reduction effects of this admixture. This report is intended to present the results of testing in Iowa DOT materials laboratories, review a Pennsylvania State University report, as well as review the IPA Systems Inc. marketing literature. The objective is to provide the New Products Committee with a recommendation concerning approval of this product based on the information gathered. The portland cement concrete admixture Ipanex (Registered trademark) did not show any significant benefit in terms of improvement in areas of permeability, chloride resistance and strength in the testing performed at the Iowa DOT. The literature and reports reviewed did not provide enough credible evidence to refute this conclusion. Additionally, the benefits ascribed to this product can be more economically achieved using other currently available products such as slag and silica fume. The recommendation is that this product not be approved for use on State projects in Iowa.
The road paving cost continues to increase and the backlog of projects waiting for funding is growing. Finding a more cost-effective way to use the available money to pave roads will result in more miles of road being paved with the same amount of money. This project is in Cass County on G35 between US 71 and Norway-Center. It consists of a thin layer of asphalt over a base designed to achieve stability while having some permeability. This project was paved in 1996. An asphalt cement concrete pavement was chosen for the project based on cost, convenience, and historic portland cement concrete problems in Cass County. The new pavement gives quicker access time to farms and residences.
The Standard Specifications for this project included requirements for placing two 500 foot test sections of Type B asphaltic concrete with 1-1/2 per cent asbestos fibres (mix size 3/8 inch, lift thickness 3/4 inch) as part of the regular construction of the surface course. These requirements were designed to provide asbestos modified mixtures for laboratory analysis and road performance evaluation. This report provides the preliminary results and analysis of test data obtained from tests on the mixtures placed on the roadway. Previous research by G. S. Zuelke (1) and J. H. Kestzman et al (2) indicated that asphaltic concrete mixtures modified with asbestos fibres improved stability, decreased permeability, and allowed the use of higher bitumen contents. This study indicated that the addition of asbestos fibres would permit the use of higher bitumen contents, theoretically improving durability, without adverse results. An indication was also obtained to the effect that asbestos mixtures were more difficult to compact in the field.
In recent years, it has become apparent that the design and maintenance of pavement drainage extends the service life of pavements. Most pavement structures now incorporate subsurface layers. Part of the function of these subsurface layers is to drain away excess water, which can be extremely deleterious to the life of the pavement. To assure the effectiveness of such drainage layers after they have been spread and compacted, simple, rapid, in-situ permeability and stability testing and end-result specification are needed. This report includes conclusions and recommendations related to four main study objectives: (1) Determine the optimal range for in-place stability and in-place permeability based on Iowa aggregate sources; (2) Evaluate the feasibility of an air permeameter for determining the permeability of open and well-graded drainage layers in situ; (3) Develop reliable end-result quality control/quality assurance specifications for stability and permeability; and (4) Refine aggregate placement and construction methods to optimize uniformity.
When a material fails under a number of repeated loads, each smaller than the ultimate static strength, a fatigue failure is said to have taken place. Many studies have been made to characterize the fatigue behavior of various engineering materials. The results of some of these studies have proved invaluable in the evaluation and prediction of the fatigue strength of structural materials. Considerable time and effort has gone into the evaluation of the fatigue behavior of metals. These early studies were motivated by practical considerations: The first fatigue tests were performed on materials that had been observed to fail after repeated loading of a magnitude less than that required for failure under the application of a single load. Mine-hoist chains, railway axles, and steam engine parts were among the first structural components to be recognized as exhibiting fatigue behavior. Since concrete is usually subjected to static loading rather than cyclic loading, need for knowledge of the fatigue behavior of concrete has lagged behind that of metals. One notable exception to this, however, is in the area of highway and airfield pavement design. Due to the fact that the fatigue behavior of concrete must be understood in the design of pavements and reinforced concrete bridges, highway engineers have provided the motivation for concrete fatigue studies since the 1920's.
When a material fails under a number of repeated loads, each smaller than the ultimate static strength, a fatigue failure is said to have taken place. Many studies have been made to characterize the fatigue behavior of various engineering materials. The results of some of these studies have proved invaluable in the evaluation and prediction of the fatigue strength of structural materials. Considerable time and effort have gone into the evaluation of the fatigue behavior of metals. These early studies were motivated by practical considerations: the first fatigue tests were performed on materials that had been observed to fail after repeated loading of a magnitude less than that required for failure under the application of a single load. Mine-hoist chains (1829), railway axles (1852), and steam engine parts were among the first structural components to be recognized as exhibiting fatigue behavior. Since concrete is usually subjected to static loading rather than cyclic loading, need for knowledge of the fatigue behavior of concrete has lagged behind that of metals. One notable exception to this, however, is in the area of highway and airfield pavement design. Due to the fact that the fatigue behavior of concrete must be understood in the design of pavements and reinforced concrete bridges, highway engineers have provided the motivation for concrete fatigue studies since the 1920s.
Quality granular materials suitable for building all-weather roads are not uniformly distributed throughout the state of Iowa. For this reason the Iowa Highway Research Board has sponsored a number of research programs for the purpose of developing new and effective methods for making use of whatever materials are locally available. This need is ever more pressing today due to the decreasing availability of road funds and quality materials, and the increasing costs of energy and all types of binder materials. In the 1950s, Professor L. H. Csanyi of Iowa State University had demonstrated both in the laboratory and in the field, in Iowa and in a number of foreign countries, the effectiveness of preparing low cost mixes by stabilizing ungraded local aggregates such as gravel, sand and loess with asphalt cements using the foamed asphalt process. In this process controlled foam was produced by introducing saturated steam at about 40 psi into heated asphalt cement at about 25 psi through a specially designed and properly adjusted nozzle. The reduced viscosity and the increased volume and surface energy in the foamed asphalt allowed intimate coating and mixing of cold, wet aggregates or soils. Through the use of asphalt cements in a foamed state, materials normally considered unsuitable could be used in the preparation of mixes for stabilized bases and surfaces for low traffic road construction. By attaching the desired number of foam nozzles, the foamed asphalt can be used in conjunction with any type of mixing plant, either stationary or mobile, batch or continuous, central plant or in-place soil stabilization.
The road paving cost continues to increase and the backlog of projects waiting for funding is growing. Finding a more cost-effective way to use the available money to pave roads will result in more miles of road being paved with the same amount of money. This project is in Cass County on G35 between US 71 and Norway-Center. It consists of a thin layer of asphalt over a base designed to achieve stability while having some permeability. This project was paved in 1996. An asphalt cement concrete pavement was chosen for the project based on cost, convenience, and historic portland cement concrete problems in Cass County. The new pavement gives quicker access time to farms and residences.
The Iowa DOT has been using blended cements in ternary mixes since 1999. Use of these supplementary cementitious materials gives concrete with higher strengths and much lower permeability. Use of these materials has been incorporated for use in High Performance Concrete (HPC) decks to achieve lower permeability and thus long term performance. Since we have been using these materials in paving, it would be informative to determine what concrete pavement properties are enhanced as related to high performance concrete. The air void system was excellent at a spacing factor of 0.0047 in (0.120 mm). AVA spacing factor results are much higher than the hardened air void analysis. Although only 3 samples were tested between the image analysis air content and the RapidAir457, there is pretty good agreement between those test methods. Air void analysis indicates that excessive vibration was not required to place the concrete. Vibration was well within the specification limits with an average of 6683 vpm’s with a standard deviation of 461. Overall ride of the project was very good. The average smoothness for the project was 2.1 in/mile (33.8 mm/km). The International Roughness Index (IRI) was 81 in/mi (1.29 m/km). The compressive strength was 6260 psi (43.2 MPa) at 28 days and 6830 (47.1 MPa) at 56 days. The modulus of rupture by third point loading (MOR-TPL) tested at 28 days was 660 psi (4.55 MPa). The AASHTO T277 rapid chloride permeability results at 28 days using the Virginia cure method correlate fairly well with the 56 and 90 day results with standard curing. The Virginia cure method 28 day results were 2475 coulombs and the standard cure 56 and 90 day test results were 2180 and 2118, respectively.
The use of High Performance Concrete (HPC) in Iowa has consisted of achieving slightly higher compressive strengths with an emphasis on reduced permeability. Concrete with reduced permeability has increased durability by slowing moisture and chloride ingress. Achieving reduced permeability has typically been accomplished with combinations of slag and Class C fly ash, or the use of blended cements such as locally available Type IS(20), IS(25) and Type IP(25) in conjunction with Class C fly ash. Fly ash has been used in the majority of concrete placed in Iowa since 1984 and slag has been available in Iowa since 1995. During the economic downturn in 2008, one of the cement plants that produced a Type IS(25) cement was forced to shut down, which reduced the availability of blended cements, typically used on HPC deck overlays. Recently, a source of high reactivity metakaolin has been made available. Metakaolin is produced by heating a pure kaolinite clay to 650 to 700 °C in a rotary kiln (calcining). Metakaolin is a white pozzolan that is used to produce concrete with increased strengths, reduced permeability, reduced efflorescence, and resistance to alkali silica reactivity. The W.R. Grace MK-100 metakaolin will likely be available in dissolvable bags between 25 and 50 pounds. Thus, the mix designs were based on the anticipated bag size range for field use. This research evaluated metakaolin mixes with and without Class C fly ash. Results indicated a seven percent replacement with metakaolin produced concrete with increased strengths and low permeability. When used with Class C fly ash, permeability is reduced to very low rating. Metakaolin may be used to enhance hardened concrete properties for use in high performance concrete (HPC).
In 1990, early distress had shown up on US 20 in Hamilton/Webster counties, three years after paving. Since that time, over a dozen more projects, constructed between 1984 and 1994, have been found to exhibit similar early distress. Several changes to the concrete and Portland cement specifications occurred in 1994 and 1996. This study was undertaken to investigate in place concrete pavements before and after specification changes were implemented. The objective of this research is to evaluate the impact of Portland cement and concrete specification changes made in 1994 and 1996 on PCC durability. Cores were obtained in 1998 and 2003 from projects constructed in 1992, before specification changes, and 1997 after specification changes. The following is a brief summary of the conclusions: 1. The pavements in the study constructed under the new specifications are performing much better after 5 years of service than the pavements constructed under the old specifications. 2. According to ISU, micro-cracking is evident in all concrete that has been in service, due to thermal stresses and loading stresses. Also, the low vacuum SEM will desiccate the concrete enough to cause micro-cracking. The SEM should not be used as a tool to indicate micro-cracking. 3. Use of Type II cement (C3A <8%) and a 3.0% SO3 limit does not completely eliminate ettringite infilling in air voids, as indicated in the bottom of the 1997 cores. 4. In areas of high moisture (bottom of the core), infilling is present in most of the 1997 cores. 5. Low air content and high spacing factor in the top of 1992 cores apparently causes F/T cycling cracking and then increased moisture paths from cracking causes infilling. 6. Use of ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) and fly ash reduces ettringite infilling either by diluting the aluminate (C3A) or lowering permeability, which slows ingress of moisture. 7. The specification changes that made the biggest impact on pavement durability are the limits on vibration and increase in air content in September 1994. 8. Investigations of cores from pavements placed in 2002 and 2003 indicate improved air contents and spacing factors. In-place air content and spacing factors should be monitored to determine if appropriate air void parameters are being met.
As a result of forensic investigations of problems across Iowa, a research study was developed aimed at providing solutions to identified problems through better management and optimization of the available pavement geotechnical materials and through ground improvement, soil reinforcement, and other soil treatment techniques. The overall goal was worked out through simple laboratory experiments, such as particle size analysis, plasticity tests, compaction tests, permeability tests, and strength tests. A review of the problems suggested three areas of study: pavement cracking due to improper management of pavement geotechnical materials, permeability of mixed-subgrade soils, and settlement of soil above the pipe due to improper compaction of the backfill. This resulted in the following three areas of study: (1) The optimization and management of earthwork materials through general soil mixing of various select and unsuitable soils and a specific example of optimization of materials in earthwork construction by soil mixing; (2) An investigation of the saturated permeability of compacted glacial till in relation to validation and prediction with the Enhanced Integrated Climatic Model (EICM); and (3) A field investigation and numerical modeling of culvert settlement. For each area of study, a literature review was conducted, research data were collected and analyzed, and important findings and conclusions were drawn. It was found that optimum mixtures of select and unsuitable soils can be defined that allow the use of unsuitable materials in embankment and subgrade locations. An improved model of saturated hydraulic conductivity was proposed for use with glacial soils from Iowa. The use of proper trench backfill compaction or the use of flowable mortar will reduce the potential for developing a bump above culverts.