89 resultados para Final state Interaction


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This report outlines the strategic plan for Department of Transportation, goals and mission.


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On February 17, 2009, Governor Culver signed Executive Order No. 11 to create a Task Force on Dependent Adults with Mental Retardation. The executive order charges the Task Force with the responsibility of recommending steps to strengthen and improve state laws and regulations on the care and treatment of dependent adults with mental retardation. The Final Report includes recommendations that establish or improve systems of coordination between government entities. The report includes a series of proposals from the Department of Human Services (DHS) that redesign the adult abuse assessment process that are necessary for long-term reform. Included in them is a proposal to enhance a community’s capacity to provide a safety net of services, as well as formal and informal supports for vulnerable adults through partnerships among multiple local stakeholders.


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The Iowa Influenza Surveillance Network (IISN) tracks the overall activity, age groups impacted, outbreaks, type and strain, and severity of seasonal influenza. In the 2006-2007 season the network had more than 90 reporting sites that included physicians, clinics, hospitals, schools and long term care facilities (Appendix A). Other non-network reporters who contributed influenza data included medical clinics, hospitals, laboratories, local public health departments and neighboring state health departments. 010203040506070424548495051521234567891011121314MMWR weekNumber of cases2006-20072005-2006 The 2006-2007 influenza season in Iowa began earlier than any previously recorded data indicates, however, the season’s peak occurred much later in the season. In addition to early cases, this season was also unusual in that all three anticipated strains (AH1N1, AH3N2, and B) were reported by the first of December (Appendix B). The first laboratory-confirmed case in the 2005-2006 season was identified December 5, 2005; the first case for the 2006-2007 season was on November 2, 2006. The predominant strain for 2005-2006 was influenza AH3, but for 2006-2007 both influenza AH1 and B dominated influenza infections. However improvements in influenza specimen submission to the University Hygienic Laboratory may have also played a role in early detection and overall case detection. In summary, all influenza activity indicators show a peak between the MMWR weeks 5 and 9 (i.e. February 14- March 4). Children from five years to eight years of age were impacted more than other age groups. There were few influenza hospitalizations and fatalities in all age groups.


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The Committee was authorized to meet three days during the 2007 Legislative Interim and two days during the 2008 Legislative Interim. The Committee met on September 12, 2007; November 7, 2007; December 5, 2007; November 14, 2008; and January 7, 2009, at the State Capitol, Des Moines, Iowa. In 2008, the Committee retained consultants from the Institute for Public Policy at George Washington University to study property taxation and other forms of revenue generation used by local governments in Iowa and other states.


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The 2002 Iowa Youth Survey (IYS) State of Iowa report was designed to help state-level planners identify youth development-related needs, develop relevant programs, and assess the outcomes of those programs. These data can help us better understand our youth and their needs. They can help us assess the strengths and weaknesses of our schools, families and communities from the young person’s perspective. In addition, the data in this report help the state obtain funds for a wide variety of programs. At every step in the process – from needs identification, to program development and implementation, to program assessment – the 2002 IYS data will provide a valuable resource. The state report can also help Iowa’s schools, area education agencies and counties assess their relative strengths and weaknesses. The grades 6, 8, and 11, as well as male and female percentages reported in each of these reports can be compared with the respective state report percentages. The higher the proportion of students in each of these columns that completed a usable IYS questionnaire, the more likely the comparisons with the state report percentages will be unbiased. Such comparisons should be considered exploratory, but for the most part are likely to prove useful.


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The Legislative Council created the Energy Efficiency Plans and Programs Study Committee for the 2008 Legislative Interim pursuant to the passage of S.F. 2386 during the 2008 Legislative Session, which provided, in Section 8: The Legislative Council is requested to establish an interim study committee to examine the existence and effectiveness of energy efficiency plans and programs implemented by gas and electric public utilities, with an emphasis on results achieved by current plans and programs from the demand, or customer, perspective, and to make recommendations for additional requirements applicable to energy efficiency plans and programs that would improve such results. In conducting the study and developing recommendations, the Committee shall consider testimony from the Iowa Utilities Board, rate and nonrate-regulated gas and electric utilities, the Consumer Advocate, state agencies involved with energy efficiency program administration, environmental groups and associations, and consumers.


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The "State of Iowa Long-Term Economic Recovery Strategy" was prepared for the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. In July, 2008 Iowa received a $3 million grant from the Economic Development Administration to create an Economic Recovery Strategy for recovering from the devastating floods and tornadoes that impacted the state earlier that summer. This report outlines the final version of that strategy. It includes the methods, goals, objectives, measures and key projects that the state has undertaken and will continue into the future to ensure the state‘s complete recovery.


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Final Report of the Governor's Committee on Government Spending, 1996. The Governor reconvened the Fisher Commission to see what could be done to maintain the fiscal discipline that had been evident since the State spending reforms were put in place, 1992.


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A t the request of the Iowa State Highway Commission, the Engineering Research Institute observed the traffic operations at the Interstate 29 (1-29) and Interstate 80 (1-80) interchange in the southwest part of Council Bluffs. The general location of the site is shown in Figure 1. Before limiting the analysis to the diverging area the project staff drove the entire Council Bluffs freeway system and consulted with M r . Philip Hassenstab (Iowa State Highway Commission, District 4, Resident Maintenance Engineer at Council Bluffs). The final study scope was delineated as encompassing only the operational characteristics of the diverge area where 1-29 South and 1-80 East divide and the ramp to merge area where 1-80 West joins 1-29 North (both areas being contained within the aforementioned interchange). Supplementing the traffic operations scope, was an effort to delineate and document the applicability of video-tape techniques to traffic engineering studies and analyses. Documentation was primarily in the form of a demonstration video-tape.


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In the summer of 2008, the state of Iowa suffered from a series of severe storms that produced tornadoes and heavy rainfall, which resulted in widespread flooding. The Summer Storms1 lasted from late May through mid-August, with the most intense storms occurring over a month-long period from May 25 to June 25. The Summer Storms exacted a major human and economic toll on Iowa, resulting in 18 fatalities and 106 injuries, forcing the evacuation of approximately 38,000 Iowans, and impacting 21,000 housing units. Iowa’s public and private sectors suffered significant monetary damages. Eighty-six of the ninety-nine counties in the state were included in the Governor’s disaster declarations. Presidential disaster declarations made residents in 84 counties eligible for Public Assistance and 78 counties for Individual Assistance. The Rebuild Iowa Advisory Commission estimated $798.3 million in damages to publicly owned buildings and infrastructure, including damages of $53 million to public transportation and $342 million to public utilities. The 2008 Summer Storms presented unique coordination challenges for the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division (HSEMD) and the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC). These challenges arose from three interrelated factors: the large number of local jurisdictions and areas impacted, the prolonged period of time that response operations were conducted, and the increasing complexity of overall response operations. These events caused the SEOC to coordinate response, mitigation, recovery, and preparedness operations simultaneously. HSEMD and the SEOC implemented a variety of measures to enhance their ability to coordinate operations and assistance to localities. The SEOC expanded its organizational structure, implemented innovative techniques, and incorporated new partners into its activities. These steps enabled HSEMD and SEOC to coordinate operations more effectively, which undoubtedly helped save lives and property, while mitigating the effects of the 2008 Summer Storms.


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Previous research on pavement markings from a safety perspective tackled various issues such as pavement marking retroreflectivity variability, relationship between pavement marking retroreflectivity and driver visibility, or pavement marking improvements and safety. A recent research interest in this area has been to find a correlation between retroreflectivity and crashes, but a significant statistical relationship has not yet been found. This study investigates such a possible statistical relationship by analyzing five years of pavement marking retroreflectivity data collected by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) on all state primary roads and corresponding crash and traffic data. This study developed a spatial-temporal database using measured retroreflectivity data to account for the deterioration of pavement markings over time along with statewide crash data to attempt to quantify a relationship between crash occurrence probability and pavement marking retroreflectivity. First, logistic regression analyses were done for the whole data set to find a statistical relationship between crash occurrence probability and identified variables, which are road type, line type, retroreflectivity, and traffic (vehicle miles traveled). The analysis looked into subsets of the data set such as road type, retroreflectivity measurement source, high crash routes, retroreflectivity range, and line types. Retroreflectivity was found to have a significant effect in crash occurrence probability for four data subsets—interstate, white edge line, yellow edge line, and yellow center line data. For white edge line and yellow center line data, crash occurrence probability was found to increase by decreasing values of retroreflectivity.


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This report contains information on the Iowa American Revolution Bicentennial Commission. It includes the history, member information and their duties, activities performed, photos and a report from each Iowa county on what they accomplished for the celebration of the U.S. Bicentennial.


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This document produced by the Iowa Department of Administrative Services has been developed to provide a multitude of information about executive branch agencies/department on a single sheet of paper. The facts provides general information, contact information, workforce data, leave and benefits information and affirmative action data.


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This document produced by the Iowa Department of Administrative Services has been developed to provide a multitude of information about executive branch agencies/department on a single sheet of paper. The facts provides general information, contact information, workforce data, leave and benefits information and affirmative action data.


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This book contains information on the dedication ceremony of Iowa monuments on the southern battlefields from the civil war and their final transfer made to the care of the general government. It includes history of the battles, photos and maps.