328 resultados para Road construction contracts.


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Timber material repair and replacement cost for timber bridges is a considerable expense to highway agencies in Iowa, especially to county road departments. To address these needs, the objectives of this investigation was to study the field effectiveness of various treatment alternatives used on Iowa roadway projects and to determine if the current specifications and testing are adequate for providing proper wood preservation. To satisfy the research needs, the project scope involved a literature review, identification of metrics, questionnaire survey of Iowa counties, onsite inspections, and a review of current specifications and testing procedures. Based on the preservative information obtained, the following general conclusions were made: Copper naphthenate is recommended as the plant-applied preservative treatment for timber bridges. Best Management Practices should be followed to ensure quality treatment of timber materials. Bridge maintenance programs need to be developed and implemented. The Iowa Department of Transportation specifications for preservative treatment are the regulating specification for bridges constructed with state or federal funding in Iowa and are also recommended for all other bridges.


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In July 2006, construction began on an accelerated bridge project in Boone County, Iowa that was composed of precast substructure elements and an innovative, precast deck panel system. The superstructure system consisted of full-depth deck panels that were prestressed in the transverse direction, and after installation on the prestressed concrete girders, post-tensioned in the longitudinal direction. Prior to construction, laboratory tests were completed on the precast abutment and pier cap elements. The substructure testing was to determine the punching shear strength of the elements. Post-tensioning testing and verification of the precast deck system was performed in the field. The forces in the tendons provided by the contractor were verified and losses due to the post-tensioning operation were measured. The stress (strain) distribution in the deck panels due to the post-tensioning was also measured and analyzed. The entire construction process for this bridge system was documented. Representatives from the Boone County Engineers Office, the prime contractor, precast fabricator, and researchers from Iowa State University provided feedback and suggestions for improving the constructability of this design.


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The importance of rapid construction technologies has been recognized by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Iowa DOT Office of Bridges and Structures. Recognizing this a two-lane single-span precast box girder bridge was constructed in 2007 over a stream. The bridge’s precast elements included precast cap beams and precast box girders. Precast element fabrication and bridge construction were observed, two precast box girders were tested in the laboratory, and the completed bridge was field tested in 2007 and 2008.


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The importance of rapid construction technologies has been recognized by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Iowa DOT Office of Bridges and Structures. Black Hawk County (BHC) has developed a precast modified beam-in-slab bridge (PMBISB) system for use with accelerated construction. A typical PMBISB is comprised of five to six precast MBISB panels and is used on low volume roads, on short spans, and is installed and fabricated by county forces. Precast abutment caps and a precast abutment backwall were also developed by BHC for use with the PMBISB. The objective of the research was to gain knowledge of the global behavior of the bridge system in the field, to quantify the strength and behavior of the individual precast components, and to develop a more time efficient panel-to-panel field connection. Precast components tested in the laboratory include two precast abutment caps, three different types of deck panel connections, and a precast abutment backwall. The abutment caps and backwall were tested for behavior and strength. The three panel-to-panel connections were tested in the lab for strength and were evaluated based on cost and constructability. Two PMBISB were tested in the field to determine stresses, lateral distribution characteristics, and overall global behavior.


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The need to construct bridges that last longer, are less expensive, and take less time to build has increased. The importance of accelerated bridge construction (ABC) technologies has been realized by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Office of Bridges and Structures. This project is another in a series of ABC bridge projects undertaken by the Iowa DOT. Buena Vista County, Iowa, with the assistance of the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Bridge Engineering Center (BEC) at Iowa State University, constructed a two-lane single-span precast box girder bridge, using rapid construction techniques. The design involved the use of precast, pretensioned components for the bridge superstructure, substructure, and backwalls. This application and demonstration represents an important step in the development and advancement of these techniques in Iowa as well as nationwide. Prior funding for the design and construction of this bridge (including materials) was obtained through the FHWA Innovative Bridge Research and Deployment (IBRD) Program. The Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) provided additional funding to test and evaluate the bridge. This project directly addresses the IBRD goal of demonstrating (and documenting) the effectiveness of innovative materials and construction techniques for the construction of new bridge structures. Evaluation of performance was formulated through comparisons with design assumptions and recognized codes and standards including American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) specifications.


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The National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, Iowa Department of Transportation, and Federal Highway Administration set out to demonstrate and document the design and construction of portland cement concrete (PCC) overlays on two-lane roadways while maintaining two-way traffic. An 18.82 mile project was selected for 2011 construction in northeast Iowa on US 18 between Fredericksburg and West Union. This report documents planning, design, and construction of the project and lessons learned. The work included the addition of subdrains, full-depth patching, bridge approach replacement, and drainage structural repair and cleaning prior to overlay construction. The paving involved surface preparation by milling to grade and the placement of a 4.5 inch PCC overlay and 4 foot of widening to the existing pavement. In addition, the report makes recommendations on ways to improve the process for future concrete overlays.


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In addition to the Fair Housing Act of 1968, other legislation has expanded protection from discrimination for individuals with disabilities, including the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Notably, the Fair Housing Amendments Act (FHAA), signed into law by Ronald Reagan in 1988, expanded equal housing protection to individuals with disabilities. The legislative history behind the 1988 Amendments notes that one aim of the law was to address both purposeful discrimination as well as what is sometimes unintentional discrimination caused by the design and construction of inaccessible housing.


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Develop, in conjunction with the regional planning affiliations and metropolitan planning organizations and other stakeholder groups, a process to exchange STP federal funds for Primary Highway System funds for the purpose of reducing the number of small projects that have to meet onerous federal requirements. In order to implement this recommendation, legislative action is required to eliminate the restriction on using Primary Road Fund revenue on local jurisdiction roadways in exchange for a portion of their federal STP funding. This past session, Iowa DOT worked with legislators to introduce a bill in both the House and the Senate to eliminate this Code restriction. Bills were discussed at the subcommittee level in both the House and Senate but did not proceed because of the need to have further discussions with impacted parties. Prior to next session, discussions will occur amongst all impacted parties to reach consensus on how this recommendation could be implemented. With that consensus in place prior to next session, it is anticipated that the bills can be reintroduced next session.


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This report describes the highway construction program, actual expenditures of the program and contractual obligations of the program for FY 2012.


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Senate File 2314, 84th General Assembly, states the Iowa Department of Transportation shall submit quarterly reports regarding the implementation of efficiency measures identified in the “Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report,” January 2012. This report shall provide details of activities undertaken in the previous quarter relating to one-time and long-term program efficiencies and partnership efficiencies. Issues covered include savings realized from the implementation of particular efficiency measures; updates concerning measures that have not been implemented; efforts involving cities, counties, other jurisdictions, or stakeholder interest groups; any new efficiency measures identified or undertaken; and identification of any legislative action that may be required to achieve efficiencies.


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Program from the dedication of Boyson Road to Iowa 101 on Interstate I-380.


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Senate File 2314, 84th General Assembly, states the Iowa Department of Transportation shall submit quarterly reports regarding the implementation of efficiency measures identified in the "Road Use Tax Fund Efficiency Report," January 2012. This report shall provide details of activities undertaken in the previous quarter relating to one-time and long-term program efficiencies and partnership efficiencies. Issues covered include savings realized from the implementation of particular efficiency measures; updates concerning measures that have not been implemented; efforts involving cities, counties, other jurisdictions, or stakeholder interest groups; any new efficiency measures identified or undertaken; and identification of any legislative action that may be required to achieve efficiencies.


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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) estimates that 58 percent of roadway fatalities are lane departures, while 40 percent of fatalities are single-vehicle run-off-road (SVROR) crashes. Addressing lane-departure crashes is therefore a priority for national, state, and local roadway agencies. Horizontal curves are of particular interest because they have been correlated with increased crash occurrence. This toolbox was developed to assist agencies address crashes at rural curves. The main objective of this toolbox is to summarize the effectiveness of various known curve countermeasures. While education, enforcement, and policy countermeasures should also be considered, they were not included given the toolbox focuses on roadway-based countermeasures. Furthermore, the toolbox is geared toward rural two-lane curves. The research team identified countermeasures based on their own research, through a survey of the literature, and through discussions with other professionals. Coverage of curve countermeasures in this toolbox is not necessarily comprehensive. For each countermeasure covered, this toolbox includes the following information: description, application, effectiveness, advantages, and disadvantages.


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Excessive daytime sleepiness underpins a large number of the reported motor vehicle crashes. Fair and accurate field measures are needed to identify at-risk drivers who have been identified as potentially driving in a sleep deprived state on the basis of erratic driving behavior. The purpose of this research study was to evaluate a set of cognitive tests that can assist Motor Vehicle Enforcement Officers on duty in identifying drivers who may be engaged in sleep impaired driving. Currently no gold standard test exists to judge sleepiness in the field. Previous research has shown that Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) is sensitive to sleep deprivation. The first goal of the current study was to evaluate whether computerized tests of attention and memory, more brief than PVT, would be as sensitive to sleepiness effects. The second goal of the study was to evaluate whether objective and subjective indices of acute and cumulative sleepiness predicted cognitive performance. Findings showed that sleepiness effects were detected in three out of six tasks. Furthermore, PVT was the only task that showed a consistent slowing of both ‘best’, i.e. minimum, and ‘typical’ responses, median RT due to sleepiness. However, PVT failed to show significant associations with objective measures of sleep deprivation (number of hours awake). The findings indicate that sleepiness tests in the field have significant limitations. The findings clearly show that it will not be possible to set absolute performance thresholds to identify sleep-impaired drivers based on cognitive performance on any test. Cooperation with industry to adjust work and rest cycles, and incentives to comply with those regulations will be critical components of a broad policy to prevent sleepy truck drivers from getting on the road.


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The US Highway 6 Bridge over Keg Creek outside of Council Bluffs, Iowa is a demonstration bridge site chosen to put into practice newly-developed Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) concepts. One of these new concepts is the use of prefabricated high performance concrete (HPC) bridge elements that are connected, in place, utilizing advanced material closure-pours and quick-to-install connection details. The Keg Creek Bridge is the first bridge in the US to utilize moment-resisting ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) joints in negative moment regions over piers. Through laboratory and live load field testing, performance of these transverse joints as well as global bridge behavior is quantified and examined. The effectiveness of the structural performance of the bridge is evaluated to provide guidance for future designs of similar bridges throughout the US.