329 resultados para Concrete, Reinforced.
The need to upgrade understrength bridges in the United States has been well documented in the literature. The concept of strengthening steel stringer bridges in Iowa has been developed through several Iowa DOT projects. The objective of the project described in this report was to investigate the use of one such strengthening system on a three-span continuous steel stringer bridge in the field. In addition, a design methodology was developed to assist bridge engineers with designing a strengthening system to obtain the desired stress reductions. The bridge selected for strengthening was in Cerro Gordo County near Mason City, Iowa on County Road B65. The strengthening system was designed to remove overstresses that occurred when the bridge was subjected to Iowa legal loads. A two part strengthening system was used: post-tensioning the positive moment regions of all the stringers and superimposed trusses in the negative moment regions of the two exterior stringers at the two piers. The strengthening system was installed in the summers of 1992 and 1993. In the summer of 1993, the bridge was load tested before and after the strengthening system was activated. The load test results indicate that the strengthening system was effective in reducing the overstress in both the negative and positive regions of the stringers. The design methodology that was developed includes a procedure for determining the magnitude of post-tensioning and truss forces required to strengthen a given bridge. This method utilizes moment and force fractions to determine the distribution of strengthening axial forces and moments throughout the bridge. Finite element analysis and experimental results were used in the formulation and calibration of the methodology. A spreadsheet was developed to facilitate the calculation of these required strengthening forces.
A study was made of the detrimental effects of trace amounts of calcium sulfate (occurring naturally in halite deposits used for deicing) on portland cement concrete pavements. It was found that sulfate introduced as gypsum with sodium chloride in deicing brines can have detrimental effects on portland cement mortar. Concentrations of sulfate as low as 0.5% of the solute rendered the brine destructive. Conditions of brine application were critical to specimen durability. The mechanisms of deterioration were found to be due to pore filling resulting from compound formation and deposition. A field evaluation of deteriorating joints suggests that the sulfate phenomena demonstrated in the laboratory also operates in the field. A preliminary evaluation was made of remedies: limits on sulfates, fly ash admixtures, treatment of existing pavement, and salt treatments. This report gives details of the research objectives, experimental design, field testing, and possible solutions. Recommendations for further study are presented.
Research is described that was aimed at developing a test method which can be reasonably and rapidly performed in the laboratory and in the field to predict, with a high degree of certainty, the behavior of concrete subjected to the action of alternate freezing and thawing. The conductometric evaluation of concrete durability was explored with 3 different test methods: conductometric evaluation of the resistance of concrete to rapid freezing and thawing; conductomtric evaluation of the resistance of concrete to natural freezing and thawing, and conductometric evaluation of the pore size distribution of concrete and its correlation to concrete durability. The study showed that conductance could be used as a viable method for determining the durability of portland cement concrete. This would also allow the continuous monitoring of concrete durability without the removal twice per week from the freeze/thaw chamber. Recommendations for the continued development of these test methods are also included.
Highway Research Project HR-392 was undertaken to evaluate cold in-place asphalt recycled (CIR) projects in the State of Iowa. The research involved assessment of performance levels, investigation of factors that most influence pavement performance and economy, and development of guidelines for CIR project selection. The performance was evaluated in two ways: Pavement Condition Indices (PCI, U.S. Corps of Engineers) were calculated and overall ratings were given on ride and appearance. A regression analysis was extrapolated to predict the future service life of CIR roads. The results were that CIR roads within the State of Iowa, with less than 2000 annual average daily traffic (AADT), have an average predicted service life of fifteen to twenty-six years. Subgrade stability problems can prevent a CIR project from being successfully constructed. A series of Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) tests were conducted on a CIR project that experienced varying levels of subgrade failure during construction. Based on this case study, and supporting data, it was determined that the DCP test can be used to evaluate subgrades that have insufficient stability for recycling. Overall, CIR roads in Iowa are performing well. It appears that the development of transverse cracking has been retarded and little rutting has occurred. Contracting agencies must pay special attention to the subgrade conditions during project selection. Because of its performance, CIR is a recommended method to be considered for rehabilitating aged low volume (<2000 AADT) asphalt concrete roads in Iowa.
This demonstration project consisted of three adjacent highway resurfacing projects using asphalt cement concrete removed from an Interstate highway which had become severely rutted. The salvaged asphaltic concrete was later crushed and hauled to a plant site where it was combined with virgin materials to resurface the three projects. Only two of the projects were used for performance evaluation as the third project was in an interchange area including ramps and was otherwise too short. It was concluded that recycling was cost effective and a high quality surface can be constructed using recycled asphalt cement concrete.
The objective of this research was to determine of the use of High Range Water Reducers (HRWR) (resulting in a lower water content ratio) with a D-cracking susceptible crushed limestone coarse aggregate would yield significant improvement in the durability.
The Iowa Department of Transportation is responsible for maintaining approximately 3800 bridges throughout the State. Of these bridges approximately 3200 have concrete decks. The remaining bridges have been constructed or repaired with a Portland Cement (P. C.) concrete overlay. Surveys of the overlays have indicated a growing incidence of delaminations and surface distress. The need to replace or repair the overlay may be dictated by the amount of delamination in the deck. Additionally, the concrete bridges are periodically inspected and scheduled for the appropriate rehabilitation. Part of this analysis is an assessment of the amount of delamination present in the deck. The ability to accurately and economically identify delamination in overlays and bridge decks is necessary to cost-effectively evaluate and schedule bridge rehabilitation. There are two conventional methods currently being used to detect delaminations. One is ref erred to as a chain drag method. The other a electro-mechanical sounding method (delamtect). In the chain drag method, the concrete surface is struck using a heavy chain. The inspector then listens to the sound produced as the surface is struck. The delaminated areas produce a dull sound as compared to nondelaminated areas. This procedure has proved to be very time consuming, especially when a number of small areas of delamination are present. With the · electro-mechanical method, the judgement of the inspector has been eliminated. A· device with three basic components, a tapping device, a sonic receiver, and a system of signal interpretation has been developed. This· device is wheeled along the deck and the instrument receives and interprets the acoustic signals generated by the instrument which in turn are reflected through the concrete. A recently developed method of detecting delaminations is infrared thermography. This method of detection is based on the difference in surface temperature which exists between delaminated and nondelaminated concrete under certain atmospheric conditions. The temperature difference can reach 5°C on a very sunny day where dry pavement exists. If clouds are present, or the pavement is wet, then the temperature difference between the delaminated and nondelaminated concrete will not be as great and therefore more difficult to detect. Infrared thermography was used to detect delaminations in 17 concrete bridge decks, 2 P. C. concrete overlays, and 1 section of continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) in Iowa. Thermography was selected to assess the accuracy, dependability, and potential of the infrared thermographic technique.
The current study investigated the effect of fly ash class, source and amount on the compressive strength and freeze-thaw durability of fly ash concrete. Concrete aggregates of varying quality were also included as test variables. The current results and those obtained from previous laboratory and field work indicate that compressive strength can·be affected by fly ash class, source and amount while aggregate quality is shown to have no effect on strength. Freeze-thaw durability of fly ash concrete is strongly affected by aggregate quality and to a lesser degree by fly ash class, amount and source.
This study was designed to provide background information on asphaltic concrete mixtures peculiar to northwest Iowa. This background is necessary to provide the basis for future specifications. There were several projects let in 1967 involving l", 3/4" and 3/8" mixes of Type "B'' asphaltic concrete which specified in part, II Not less than 40% of the material passing the No. 200 sieve shall be pulverized limestone or mineral filler, but in no case shall the per cent of pulverized limestone or mineral filler passing the No. 200 sieve be less than 2%. No credit will be allowed for limestone in gravel - II Northwest Iowa has no suitable limestone or mineral filler locally available. As a result, this material has to be imported, raising the cost of the mix approximately twenty-five cents per ton. The purpose of this study, therefore, was designed to compare some original job mix samples with alternate mixes from the same local material, but without the addition of pulverized limestone or mineral filler. Since the filler from the crushed gravel does not have the same crushing characteristics or sieve analysis as the pulverized limestone or mineral filler, they could not be compared on an equal percentage basis. Therefore, the alternate mixes were made to conform to the following proposed specification, "No less than 40% of the material passing No. 200 sieve shall be pulverized limestone or mineral filler or a 100% crushed gravel, but in no case shall the per cent of pulverized limestone or mineral filler or a 100% crushed gravel passing the No. 200 sieve be less than 2%."
The primary objectives of this research project were: 1. Determine and recommend solutions for problems relating to shipping, storing and batching of fly ash. 2. Establish a procedure for batching, mixing and placing uniform concrete with specified air content and consistency. 3. Demonstrate that concrete of comparable quality can be produced.
The joint between two lanes of asphalt pavement is often the first area of a roadway which shows signs of deterioration and requires maintenance. As the final lift of hot asphalt is being placed in a construction project, it is being forced p against the adjoining lane of cold asphalt, forming the longitudinal joint. The mating of the two lanes, to form a high quality seal, is often not fully successful and later results in premature stripping or raveling as water enters the unsealed joint. The application of a hot poured rubberized asphaltic joint sealant along the joint face in the final stage of construction should help to form a watertight joint seal. A new product, especially formulated for the longitudinal joint in asphalt pavements was proposed to improve joint sealing. The following describes the experimental application of the new product, Crafco, PN 34524.
The effect of coarse aggregate gradation and cement content on strength of concrete was studied. Concrete made of Iowa Department of Transportation Standard Mix C-3 and Aggregate Gradation No. 3 were selected as reference. C-3 proportions were used for mixes #1 and #2. C-3 mix with 10% reduction of the cement content was used for mix #3. C-3 mix with 20% reduction of the cement content was used for mix #4. On the other hand, mix #1 used coarse aggregate of Gradation No. 3, while mixes #2, #3, and #4 used coarse aggregate mix of 65% concrete stone and 35% 3/8 in. chips. It was found that strengths of portland cement concrete decrease with decreasing cement factor. On the other hand, 35% of chip replacement for coarse aggregate increases strengths of concrete. By replacing 35% of coarse aggregate with chips, one could reduce cement factor 10% and achieve equivalent strengths.
Quality management concrete allows the contractor to develop the mix design for the portland cement concrete. This research was initiated to gain knowledge about contractor mix designs. An experiment was done to determine the variation in cylinders, beams, and cores that could be used to test the strength of the contractor's mix. In addition, the contractor's cylinder strengths and gradations were analyzed for statistical stability and process capability. This research supports the following conclusions: (1) The mold type used to cast the concrete cylinders had an effect on the compressive strength of the concrete. The 4.5-in. by 9-in. (11.43-cm by 22.86-cm) cylinders had lower strength at a 95% confidence interval than the 4-in. by 8-in. (10.16-cm by 20.32-cm) and 6-in. by 12-in. (15.24-cm by 30.48-cm) cylinders. (2) The low vibration consolidation effort had the lowest strength of the three consolidation efforts. In particular, an interaction occurred between the low vibration effort and the 4.5-in. by 9-in. (11.43-cm by 22.86-cm) mold. This interaction produced very low compressive strengths when compared with the other consolidation efforts. (3) A correlation of 0.64 R-squared was found between the 28 day cylinder and 28 day compressive strengths. (4) The compressive strength results of the process control testing were not in statistical control. The aggregate gradations were mostly in statistical control. The gradation process was capable of meeting specification requirements. However, many of the sieves were off target. (5) The fineness modulus of the aggregate gradations did not correlate well with the strength of the concrete. However, this is not surprising considering that the gradation tests and the strength tests did not represent the same material. In addition, the concrete still has many other variables that will affect its strength that were not controlled.
Many reports have been written concerning investigations of concrete sealants. The primary concern of most investigators is the protection of bridge decks from de-icing chemicals which cause surface scaling and, when allowed to permeate to reinforcing steel, result in deep spalling and general concrete deterioration. The problem of protecting abutments and pier tops from salt solutions entails a significantly different approach than the problem of protecting bridge decks. The epoxy resins become eligible as a protective material since one need not be concerned with slipperiness or its abrasive characteristics. Protection with linseed oil at regular intervals would prove bothersome because of the inaccessibility of pier tops after the deck is placed. The primary purpose of this investigation was to evaluate various commercial products in terms of their ability to prevent concrete scaling of bridge abutments and pier tops which are subject to salt water deterioration.
This report is a supplement to one issued in late summer 1986 which covered construction on U.S. 71, in Buena Vista County Iowa. The work involved rehabilitation of an older 20 feet wide pavement by placing a four inch thick bonded concrete overlay monolithically with two feet of widening on each side. The work was performed on one lane at a time while construction traffic and limited public traffic used the adjacent traffic lane. When work on the first lane was complete traffic was moved onto it and rehabilitation was completed on the second lane. This report covers the condition of the rehabilitated roadway in May 1987 after the first winter. The condition is described by visual observations, core conditions, and various test results including core compressive strength, direct shear tests on cores for bond strength, profilometer results and delamtect test results.