33 resultados para Draft Convention

em Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Ireland


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IPH conducted a rapid HIA appraisal in response to the consultation on DSD Draft Regeneration Framework. The Department for Social Development (DSD) has developed a Draft Regeneration Framework for the North West Quarter Part 2 area of Belfast City Centre, to be known as the Northside Urban Village. The Framework, which outlines the vision for the redevelopment of an inner city area of Belfast was released for public consultation in April 2008. In responding to this consultation, the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) conducted a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in order to assess how the proposed Framework might impact on the health of those living in or close to the area as well as the wider Belfast population. The key recommendations which resulted from this process have been presented to the Department. This paper presents an overview of the HIA conducted.


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The remit of the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is to promote cooperation for public health between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in the areas of research and information, capacity building and policy advice. Our approach is to support Departments of Health and their agencies in both jurisdictions, and maximise the benefits of all-island cooperation to achieve practical benefits for people in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.IPH has a keen interest in the interactions between transport and health. IPH has produced two papers in the recent past on this topic, the most recent being Active travel – healthy lives published in January 2011 which built on the 2005 publication Health impacts of transport. The IPH welcomes the draft transport strategy in terms of addressing each of the key messages outlined in the Active travel – healthy lives paper.IPH is interested in this area not only in terms of increasing ‘active travel’ for healthier lives, but also in terms of the environmental and social impacts of inequitable access to forms of private and public transport.


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The Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Mr Phil Hogan has launched a draft Framework for Sustainable Development for Ireland for public consultation. The objectives of the draft Framework are to identify and prioritise policy areas and mechanisms where a sustainable development approach will add value and enable continuous improvement of quality of life for current and future generations and set out clear measures, responsibilities and timelines in an implementation plan.


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On 17 November 2011, the First Minister and deputy First Minister published the draft Programme for Government 2011-2015 for consultation. IPH recognise that health is influenced by a wide range of social determinants, including economic, biological, environmental and cultural factors such as housing, the environment, income, employment and access to education and health services . Improvements to health can be achieved through a well-designed PfG which addresses the economy, creates safer communities and delivers efficient public services.  IPH welcome this opportunity to submit our views to the Northern Ireland Executive on the Draft Programme for Government 2011-15. Key points from the IPH response include: • Northern Ireland has a poor population health status in key areas when compared to other regions in the United Kingdom and in the Republic of Ireland. IPH support and particularly welcome allocation of an increased proportion of the Northern Ireland budget to public health. • IPH endorses the perspective in the PfG that good population health makes a central contribution to economic and social development.   However we would welcome greater acknowledgement of the links between social deprivation and health outcomes.  • IPH welcomes the adoption of a social determinants of health approach to improving population health and tackling health inequalities which is in line with current health policy and recent policy developments across the United Kingdom and internationally (See report of the Commission on the Social Determinants of Health (CSDH))


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The Amendment to Policy HS 3 of PPS 12 furthers the Minister’s commitment to meeting the distinctive accommodation needs of travellers. The existing policy HS 3 contained in PPS 12 provides for grouped housing, serviced sites, and transit sites for travellers within, adjoining or in close proximity to settlements. However, outside settlements there is only limited provision for grouped housing and transit sites – not serviced sites. This amendment provides policy for serviced sites for travellers outside settlements.


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The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety recently consulted on a draft Policy Framework for supporting people in Northern Ireland living with long term (or chronic) conditions


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This is  the IPH response to the Department of Health, Social Services & Public Safety's Draft Framework for Mental Health and Wellbeing


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The Regional Planning Guidelines (RPG) for the Greater Dublin Area 2010-2022 (draft) is a policy document which aims to direct the future growth of the Greater Dublin Area over the medium to long term and works to implement the strategic planning framework set out in the National Spatial Strategy (NSS) published in 2002.  A series of recommendations have been made to Local Authorities clearly linked to and supporting the national investment in transport, particularly public transport, under Transport 21.  The draft was prepared and agreed for public consultation. The IPH response  to the consultation reports on how the RPG may impact on health and makes recommendations to maximise opportunities for health gain and minimise health loss.


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Tackling inequalities in social, cognitive and personal development in the early years is recognised as a priority action to reduce health inequalities. IPH welcomed the development of a strategic approach to the early years in Northern Ireland and drew evidence from the recent Health Impacts of Education – a review (IPH, 2008) in response to the Department of Education (NI) Early Years (0-6) Strategy


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IPH recognise that housing and regeneration initiatives are key determinants of health and have responded to the Department for Social Development (DSD), Draft Regeneration and Housing Bill.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) aims to improve health on the island of Ireland by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health.  IPH promotes cooperation between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in public health research, training and policy advice. Its key focus is on efforts to improve health equity. The work of IPH (www.publichealth.ie) includes health impact assessment, building and sharing evidence for public health development, developing Ireland and Northern Ireland’s population health observatory (INISPHO www.inispho.org ), and providing public health policy advice in areas such as health inequalities, obesity, fuel poverty and food poverty.   Health is influenced by a wide range of social determinants, including economic, environmental, social and biological factors. IPH has a key interest and significant experience in raising awareness and developing work to influence these wider social and environmental determinants in ways which improve health. Sustainable development and public health are inextricably linked, in ways which are described in section 3.  Sustainable development is essentially at the heart of healthy communities and individuals as well as a healthy environment and sustainable economic development   - all factors at the heart of public health.


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The draft Framework set out the proposed priorities for Northern Ireland's energy future over the next ten years or so and illustrates the key energy goals in term of competitiveness, security of energy supply, sustainablilty and infrastructure investment. It also proposes new and ambitious renewable electricity and renewable heat targets by 2020, which reflect the need for effected action against climate change and the need to address other policy goals in terms of security and sustainability of supply and costs.


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IPH welcomes the Planning Policy Statement 18 Renewable Energy (PPS18) and the opportunity to comment on the publication.  IPH applies a holistic model of health which emphasises a wide range of social determinants, including economic, environmental, social and biological factors. IPH considers that the health impacts of renewable energy should be considered as part of PPS18. We wish to make the following general observations in relation to the Proposed Plan:  IPH welcomes the sustainable approach by the Department of the Environment to encourage and facilitate the provision of renewal energy in Northern Ireland. PPS18 can support the move to reduce pollutants entering the environment. However there is a need to consider wider public health concerns in the adoption of PPS18. Encouraging renewable energy (while balancing this with environmental and conservation concerns) will benefit health locally, and on a global scale. Climate change has been identified as one of the most important public health challenges of the 21st Century and therefore any policy which seeks to address this major issue is welcomed.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Draft Guidance on Health in Strategic Environmental Assessment.  Our organisation aims to improve health on the island of Ireland by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute applies a holistic model of health which emphasises a wide range of health determinants, including economic, environmental, social and biological factors. Our work is based on the premise that improving health and reducing health inequalities can only be achieved through addressing these broad determinants of health.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland works to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health in Ireland, North and South. The Institute applies a holistic model of health which emphasises a wide range of determinants, including economic, educational, environmental, social and biological factors, as well as public services. The Institute’s work is based on the premise that improving health and reducing health inequalities in a sustainable way can only be achieved through addressing these broader determinants of health. We believe that the strategic direction of public spending in Northern Ireland has enormous potential to impact on people’s health, well being and prosperity.  We welcome the opportunity to comment on the draft priorities and the associated budget for 2006-2008 as set out in the consultation document.