63 resultados para Older consumers
This is a publication of The National Council on Ageing and Older People The Conference took place on October 3, 2005 . It attracted almost 250 delegates from across the statutory, voluntary and private sectors, and from every county. The Conference provided the opportunity for delegates to focus on the issue of social inclusion of older people at local level and the challenges it presents. It also gave us the opportunity to examine the issue in the context of work done at the international and national levels as well as work done at local level. Read the Report (PDF, 317kb)
National Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People The Health Information and Quality Authority (the Authority) is the statutory agency with responsibility for developing standards for health and social care services, with the exception of mental health services, and then ensuring that the standards are being met. It is the function of the Authority to set the standards for residential care settings for older people including nursing homes, inspect that they are being met and register providers that meet them. This will be undertaken by the Social Services Inspectorate within the Authority. Click here to download PDF 458kb
2006 Healthy Ageing Conference Proceedings: Nutrition and Older People in Residential and Community Care Settings The conference attracted over 230 delegates from the statutory, voluntary and private sectors, and provided the opportunity for delegates to focus on issues facing particular vulnerable groups of older people. Click here to download PDF 928kb
The Quality of Life of Older People with a Disability in Ireland For many years the National Council on Ageing and Older People (NCAOP) has advocated the importance of meaningful consultation with older people in order to inform public policy and facilitate the development of services to meet their needs. This research study was commissioned to present a picture of quality of life in older age for people with a disability in Ireland and was grounded in consultation with them. It is the first such study to be undertaken here. Click here to download PDF 1.9mb
The Role and Future Development of Supportive Housing for Older People in Ireland The standard and suitability of older peopleâ?Ts accommodation is vital to their health and quality of life and a key factor in their capacity to take care of themselves or to be cared for should they become dependent. The NCAOP, therefore, welcomes an increased national policy focus on older peopleâ?Ts housing circumstances, as demonstrated in the current partnership agreement, Towards 2016: Ten-Year Framework Social Partnership Agreement 2006-2015 (Government of Ireland, 2006), and the National Action Plan for Social Inclusion 2007-2016 (Government of Ireland, 2007). Click here to download PDF 3mb
The National Council on Ageing and Older People (NCAOP) and the Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF) are pleased to present this report, End-of-Life Care for Older People in Acute and Long-Stay Care Settings in Ireland. The report details the results of research that focuses, for the first time in Ireland, on the quality oflife and quality of care at the end-of-life for older people in various care settings including acute hospitals, public extended care units, private nursing homes, voluntary nursing homes and welfare homes. The report provides a new model for care at the end-of-life which goes beyond specialist palliative care provision to embrace a compassionate approach that supports older people who are living with, or dying from, progressive, chronic and life-threatening conditions, and attends to all their needs: physical, psychological,social and spiritual. Download document here
The purpose of this report on seminar proceedings is to provide a focused andaccurate summary of the deliberations of the seminar.The main aim of the seminar was to provide a forum in which to consider the determinants of quality of life of older people at the end-of-life and to identify priority measures and policies to ensure the highest standards of end-of-life care for older people in acute and long-stay settings in Ireland. Download document here
National Council on Ageing and Older People – Annual Report 2008 2008 was a year of change for the National Council on Ageing and Older People. In January the Government announced the establishment of the Office for Older People at the Department of Health and Children and that the Office would have a key role in progressing the Governmentâ?Ts agenda for older people. The decision provided that Council staff would be transferred to the Office and that the Council would be replaced by an Advisory Council. Although a sad day for the Council itself, we regard this as a significant step forward in bringing older peopleâ?Ts issues right to the centre of Government policy-making. Click here to download PDF 333kb
Older People’s Experiences of Housing Exclusion Click here to download PDF 625kb
Temperature control is critical to ensuring food safety for all consumers, currently there is much advice and guidance to consumers on this matter.
Can coeliac consumers enjoy risk-free dining? This project was designed to assess awareness of coeliac condition and to highlight the importance of providing gluten-free food. The survey was conducted in two parts: first, our samplers purchased gluten-free meals from restaurants, and then they completed a questionnaire. This asked questions relating to their purchasing experience and the level of knowledge displayed by restaurant staff. Their whole meal was then dispatched to the laboratory for analysis of the gluten content. Our samplers found that they were able to identify and purchase a gluten-free meal from the restaurants that they visited. While some were supplied with meals that actually contained gluten, the level of gluten in those meals varied considerably. Our samplers ordered 260 meals. Sixteen per cent of these contained gluten, and six and a half per cent were deemed unsatisfactory (containing more than 200mg/kg of gluten). Some of these samples could produce acute illness in coeliac customers. It is likely that the samples with low levels of gluten had been cross-contaminated, while those containing higher levels are more likely to contain some form of gluten in the ingredients. Food service staff rely on advice and input from the chef or manager to recommend and serve a glutenfree meal. Confident staff and well-signposted menu choices do not guarantee risk-free dining for coeliac customers. The survey result supports our view that robust training is required to improve the knowledge of chefs, managers and staff, and help them to manage this hazard. To enable coeliacs to eat out safely and enjoyably, we make the following recommendations
This work has highlighted a number of areas of prescribing concern, for example, the long term use of both benzodiazepines and hypnotics, in older residents residing in long term care facilities. Each of these individual areas should be further investigated to determine the underlying reason(s) for the prescribing concerns in these areas and strategic methods of addressing and preventing further issues should be developed on a national level.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
This report provides, for the first time, a snapshot of the meals-on-wheels service in Ireland and gives a unique insight into client and provider perceptions of the service. The research findings underline the dual importance of the service for clients, who noted that it is a vital source of both nutritious meals and social contact and connectivity to the wider community. From a supply side perspective, the research findings point to the wide organisational diversity that exists within the service and the critical role that volunteers play, as well as highlighting difficulties that many services currently experience.
In 1999 the National Council on Ageing and Older People commissioned a postal survey of all long-term residential care facilities in the country to determie: - whether facilities had quality initiatives in operation - providers' views and aspirations for future provision of long-term care - providers' views on the introduction of a national quality monitoring policy This report is the outcome of the programme of work conducted by the Council on the quality of long-term residential care provision for older people in Ireland. The aim of the report is to provide a framework for developing quality in long-term residential care settings with a focus on the well-being, dignity and autonomy of older residents.
Carotid sinus hypersensitivity is the most commonly reported cause of falls and syncope in older persons. Recent guidelines recommend 5 to 10 seconds of carotid sinus massage in supine and upright positions with beat-to-beat monitoring. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of carotid sinus hypersensitivity in (1) an unselected community sample of older people and (2) a subsample with no history of syncope, dizziness, or falls using recently standardized diagnostic criteria.