45 resultados para Priority


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This poster is part of an extension of the cleanyourhands campaign, aimed at preventing the spread of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) in community healthcare settings including primary care and dental services, residential and nursing homes (including independent sector homes), hospices and independent clinics/hospitals. It is designed to heighten awareness among staff in clinical/treatment areas of their power to help protect patients from avoidable infections by cleaning their hands. Due to licensing restrictions, this poster is not available for download. Limited numbers are available from local HSC Trusts (Belfast HSCT and South Eastern HSCT on 028 9056 5862; Southern HSCT on 028 3741 2887; Northern HSCT on 028 2563 5575; Western HSCT on 028 7186 5127).


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This report presents the findings of an evaluation of how the 12 pathfinder local authorities in the LGA/DH sponsored Shared Priority Project began engaging with new requirements to promote healthier communities and narrow health inequalities. The purpose of the report is to capture the learning from the pathfinder authorities' experience of this initial planning phase and share it more widely now that all local authorities have to focus on the shared priorities.


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Prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) is an important part of our strategy to improve patient safety.The Northern Ireland HSC Safety Forum established and facilitated a regional collaborative which developed a single VTE Risk Assessment Tool for N.Ireland.


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This paper provides an update on the All-Ireland Policy Paper on Fuel Poverty and Health published by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) in December 2007.Economic downturn and fluctuating fuel prices mean that for many people the challenge of fuel poverty is becoming even more immediate. Alleviating financial strain and protecting the health and social well-being of fuel-poor householders must remain a priority across government. A substantial body of research links fuel poverty to physical and mental ill-health. Older people in particular are at an increased risk of suffering from heart disease, stroke and respiratory conditions in the winter months. Research published in Northern Ireland this year has also highlighted the impact of fuel poverty on children’s health and well-being.  


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Preventing obesity is a key priority for the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) in Northern Ireland. In support of this, the DHSSPS has led the development of a cross-Departmental, crosssectoral Obesity Prevention Framework for Northern Ireland 2011-2021, entitled A Fitter Future For All, which seeks to reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity throughout  Northern Ireland. The Framework focuses action on three main pillars: food & nutrition; physical activity; and data and research, and within the context of three life course stages: Early Years; Children and Young People; and Adults. This approach is consistent with the responses being undertaken by a number of countries, following the Foresight Report.


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Tackling inequalities in social, cognitive and personal development in the early years is recognised as a priority action to reduce health inequalities. IPH welcomed the development of a strategic approach to the early years in Northern Ireland and drew evidence from the recent Health Impacts of Education – a review (IPH, 2008) in response to the Department of Education (NI) Early Years (0-6) Strategy


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) aims to improve health on the island of Ireland, by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. We promote cooperation between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in public health research, training, information and policy. IPH welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Draft Programme for Government 2008-2011. We support and welcome the vision of the Programme for Government (PfG) to promote a prosperous, fair and inclusive society and welcome the Executive’s vision of a better future for all. We think a better future for all should include a commitment to protect health and create opportunities for everyone to achieve the best possible level of health and well being. We believe that improving public health and reducing inequalities in health should be an overarching priority for the Northern Ireland Executive.


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The Department of Health and Children Statement of Strategy will map out in broad terms the Department’s key areas of strategic action in the coming three years and act as the backdrop against which the Business Plans of each division of the Department will be prepared. The Institute’s recent submission on the Department’s Strategy Statement proposes that tackling inequalities in health form a key area of strategic action across all divisions within the Department in the coming three years. The Institute called for the Department to make additional commitments to tackle health inequalities at their root causes, in addition to developing services to meet the needs of poor and vulnerable members of society. The submission states that the full implementation of the National Health Information Strategy is now a matter of urgency and also strongly recommends that the Department makes the achievement of the recommendations of the recent A Strategy for Cancer Control in Ireland a priority in the coming years within its enhanced policy evaluation and analysis role. A stronger leadership role to advance the vision set out in the Primary Care Strategy is encouraged. The submission also recommends the development of a new set of high-level long-term targets relating to the reduction of inequalities to provide an overarching policy context against which related policies and the HSE operations could be structured.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) was requested by the Department of Health (RoI) to undertake a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of a proposed tax on sugar sweetened drinks (SSDs) in 2012. The public health priority for this proposal was to consider the potential of such a tax to address the problem of overweight and obesity in Ireland. The HIA was overseen by the Special Action Group on Obesity (SAGO) and guided by a steering group. The HIA process involved a population profile, a stakeholder consultation event and a literature review. This information, paralleled by a modelling exercise undertaken by Dr. Mike Rayner and his team in the University of Oxford was presented to the steering group to inform their conclusions.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) was requested by the Department of Health to undertake a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of a proposed tax on sugar sweetened drinks (SSDs) in 2012. The public health priority for this proposal was to consider the potential of such a tax to address the problem of overweight and obesity in Ireland. The HIA was overseen by the Special Action Group on Obesity (SAGO) and guided by a steering group. The HIA process involved a population profile, a stakeholder consultation event and a literature review. This information, paralleled by a modelling exercise undertaken by Dr. Mike Rayner and his team in the University of Oxford was presented to the steering group to inform their conclusions.  This is the Technical Report.


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Investing for Health aims to improve the health of our people and reduce inequalities in health. It sets out a broad range of areas where new and concerted action could make a significant difference to health and wellbeing. Three priority groups are identified; the very young, children and young people, and older people. In line with best practice elsewhere a settings approach is proposed, and homes, schools, workplaces and communities are identified as priority settings. As part of an integrated lifestyle and lifeskills programme the priority topics identified include; smoking, physical activity, eating for health, harm related to alcohol and drug misuse, mental health, sexual health and accidents. åÊ


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The development of a children’s hospice is not seen as a priority by the respondents in this study, some of whom raised concerns regarding accessibility and cost. There is a degree of ambiguity however, regarding the role of ‘hospice’ in paediatric palliative care with some respondents associating it only with end-of-life care. There is a substantial need for ongoing education, training and development of healthcare professionals caring for children with life-limiting conditions. Palliative care services currently provided to children in Ireland with life-limiting conditions are seen to be inequitable, differing significantly according to diagnosis (malignant versus nonmalignant) and according to geographic location. This poses challenges, particularly for parents of children with non-malignant diseases. Both families and professionals often deem the physical environment for adolescents in hospitals unsuitable. The difficulties encountered in the transition from children’s services to adult services have been identified as an issue for adolescents. The provision of bereavement support varies between services. Professionals have identified the need for a broader range of bereavement services.


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This is the second annual report of the Monitoring Committee established by the Minister for Health and Children to oversee progress in the implementation of the recommendations contained in the Report of the Commission on Nursing A Blueprint for the Future. It outlines the further progress made during 2001 in achieving targets set out in the Priority Action Plan for 2000 and 2001 agreed between the Department of Health and Children and the Nursing Alliance.   Download report here


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Food & Nutrition Guidelines for Primary Schools The Government has identified school children as one group to be given priority during the planning and delivery of programmes and initiatives for good health throughout life. In the Governmentâ?Ts National Health Promotion Strategy 2000/2005, the two major objectives for children are: Click here to download PDF 458kb


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Implementation of Recommendations of the Commission on Nursing – Third Annual Progress Report of the Monitoring Committee This is the third annual report of the Monitoring Committee established by the Minister for Health and Children to oversee progress in the implementation of the recommendations contained in the Report of the Commission on Nursing A Blueprint for the Future. It outlines the further progress made during 2002 in achieving targets set out in the Priority Action Plan for 2002 and 2003 agreed between the Department of Health and Children and the Nursing Alliance. Click here to download PDF 50kb